
Author:   A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson



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A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson


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Table of Contents

THE CZAR OF FEAR.......................................................................................................................................1

A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson ......................................................................................1

Chapter 1. GREEN BELL ........................................................................................................................1

Chapter II. VISITORS.............................................................................................................................7

Chapter III. THE COMEBACK............................................................................................................14

Chapter IV. THE MURDER WITNESSES ...........................................................................................20

Chapter V. PERIL'S PATH...................................................................................................................25

Chapter VI. FEAR'S DOMAIN.............................................................................................................32

Chapter VII. CLEMENTS SETS A TRAP ............................................................................................38

Chapter VIII. VOICE FROM THE EARTH.........................................................................................45

Chapter IX. PLANS ...............................................................................................................................50

Chapter X. THE MURDER SNARE .....................................................................................................57

Chapter XI. DESTROYED CLEWS.....................................................................................................64

Chapter XII. THE BODY IN THE VINES...........................................................................................71

Chapter XIII. PIPED COMMANDS.....................................................................................................80

Chapter XIV. THE SUSPICION PLANT.............................................................................................87

Chapter XV. THE GREEN TRAP .........................................................................................................96

Chapter XVI. THE MAN WHO VANISHED .....................................................................................102

Chapter XVII. THE TOUCH THAT YELLOWED ............................................................................106

Chapter XVIII. LULL ..........................................................................................................................113

Chapter XIX. DEATH UNDERGROUND.........................................................................................118




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A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson

Chapter 1. GREEN BELL 




Chapter V. PERIL'S PATH 




Chapter IX. PLANS 









Chapter XVIII. LULL 


Chapter 1. GREEN BELL

THE MIDGET radio squawked away noisily beside a cardboard sign  which read: "Our Special Today 

Roast Beef Plate Lunch, Twentyfive  Cents." 

The man on the lunchroom stool sat sidewise, so he could watch the  door. His eyes were staring; pale fright

rode his face. He wolfed his  sandwich as if it had no taste, and gulped at his fourth mug of  scalding coffee.

He was tall, lighthaired, twentyish. 

One of the two women beside him was also tall and lighthaired, and  in her twenties. She was some degrees

more than pretty  hers was a  striking beauty. A mudfreckled raincoat and a waterlogged felt hat  seemed to

enhance her charm. 

Her eyes were darkblue pools of fear. 

The other woman was a pleasantfaced grandmother type. Around sixty  was probably her age. She had a

stout, efficient look. Her cheeks were  ruddy as apples, and pleasant little wrinkles crowtracked from her




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Her jaw had a grim set, as if she expected trouble, and was steeled  to meet it. She was not eating, and she was

watching the door more  intently than the man. 

The young man and the girl were obviously brother and sister. The  elderly woman was no relative, but they

called her Aunt Nora. 

"You had better eat, Aunt Nora," said the girl. Her voice was  liquid, quiet, with a faint quaver that went with

the terror in her  eyes. "It is more than an hour's drive to New York. And we may be very  busy for several

hours, trying to find Doc Savage." 

"Eat!" Aunt Nora snorted. "How can I, Alice? The way you and Jim  are acting takes a body's appetite away.

Bless your Aunt Nora, honey!  You children are acting like two rabbits about to be caught!" 

The girl forced a faint smile, reached over impulsively, and  gripped the older woman's arm. 

"You're a brick, Aunt Nora," she said gratefully. "You are just as  scared as we are. But you have control

enough not to show it." 

"Humphk1" Sniffing, Aunt Nora grabbed her sandwich. Squaring both  elbows on the white counter, she

began to eat. 

Rain purred on the lunchroom roof. It crawled like pale jelly down  the windows. It fogged the street of the

little New Jersey town. The  gutters flowed water the color of lead. 

The little radio made steady noise. It was picking up canned music  from Prosper City, a manufacturing town

in the Allegheny Mountains.  Aunt Nora had tuned it to the Prosper City station when they first  entered the

lunch room. 

"Good little set," she said, nodding at the instrument. "Prosper  City is quite a ways off, and the set brings in

She stood up suddenly, splayed both hands tightly to her cheeks,  and screamed. 

The young man whipped off his stool and spun to face the radio. His  face was distorted; his eyes bulged. 

His sister also leaped erect, crying out shrilly. Her coffee cup,  knocked to the concrete floor, broke with a

hollow crackle. 

EVEN THE noise of the breaking cup was not enough to drown the  strange sound which had come abruptly

from the radio. 

It was a tolling, like the slow note of a big, listless bell. Mixed  with the reverberations was an unearthly dirge

of moaning and wailing.  The din might have been the frenzied crying of some harpy horde of the  ether,

shepherded by the moribund clangor of the hideous bell. 

The lunch room proprietor got off his stool behind the cash  register. He was startled, but more by the terrified

actions of his  three customers than by the hideous uproar from the radio. However, the  bewildered stare he

directed at the set showed he had never heard this  sound before. 

The fanfare in the radio ended as unexpectedly as it had arisen.  The lunchroom owner smiled, evidently

from relief at the thought that  he would not have to pay a repair bill. The three customers stood in a  sort of




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whitefaced, frozen immobility. 

Rain strings washed moistly on the roof and swept the street like  the semitransparent straws of a great


Aunt Nora was first to break the rigid silence. 

"Prosper City is around three hundred miles from here," she said  hoarsely. "It's not likely the Green Bell was

tolling for us  that  time!" 

"I suppose  not," blond Alice shuddered violently. "But that  sound was the Green Bell, and it always

means death!" 

Jim made his voice harsh to hide a quaver. "Let's get out of here!" 

They paid a puzzled, curious proprietor for their lunch, and also  for the broken cup. He watched them leave,

then shrugged, winked at his  cook, and tapped his forehead. He had decided his three late customers  had been

slightly touched with insanity. 

A somewhat ancient touring car stood at the curb, forlorn in the  rain. The side curtains were up, but the

windows were cracked, some  entirely gone, and the car interior was almost as damp as the drizzling  dusk. 

"Got plenty of gas, son?" Aunt Nora asked with gruff kindness. 

Jim roved his fearridden eyes alertly. "Sure. You remember we had  her filled at the last town. The gauge

isn't working, but the tank  should be nearly full." 

Starter gears gritted worn teeth. Sobbing, the motor pulled the old  car away in the streaming gloom, in the

direction of New York. 

A few seconds after the elderly machine had gone, a blot stirred  under the trees which lined the village street.

In the dripping murk,  it seemed to possess neither substance nor form. 

Down the street, a lighted window made pale luminance across the  walk. The moving black blotch entered

this glow. It suddenly became a  thing of grisly reality. 

There was, however, little of a human being about its appearance. 

It was tall, tubular, and black. It might have been a flexible  cylinder of black rubber standing on end, had an

observer chanced to  glimpse it in the fitful light. 

On the front of the thing, standing out lividly, was the likeness  of a bell. The design was done in a vile green. 

Close against the sepia form hung a tin pail of ten gallons  capacity. It was full to the brim with gasoline.

Gripped in the same  indistinguishable black tentacles which held the pail was a long rubber  siphon hose of

the type used to draw fuel from automobile tanks. 

The dusk and the rain sucked the eerie figure into a wet black maw. 

A moment later, a moist slosh denoted the bucket being emptied.  Smell of gasoline seeped along the street,

arising from the gutters  where the stuff was flowing away. 




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Silence now enwrapped the small town, broken only by the sound of  the rain and the occasional moan of a

car down the main street, which  was traversed by one of the main highways leading to New York. 

THE ANCIENT touring car was laboring along at perhaps forty miles  an hour. Jim drove, hunched far over

the wheel, wan face close to a  small arc the swiping windshield wiper kept clear of water. 

The two women huddled in the rear, raincoats drawn tight against  the spray which sheeted through the broken

side curtains. 

"I guess  that belling  couldn't have been meant for us," the  girl, Alice, said jerkily. 

"I wouldn't be too sure of that!" Jim called back sharply. Aunt  Nora leaned forward, jaw out, arms akimbo.

"Jim Cash, you know  something you haven't been telling us women!" she said, almost  screaming to get her

voice above the roar of car and rain. "I can see  it in your actions! You know more about the Green Bell than

you let on   what the thing is, or something! You can't fool me! You do know!" 

Jim Cash replied nothing. 

Aunt Nora snapped: "Answer me, boy!" 

"You're a good guesser, Aunt Nora," Jim managed a gray smile. 

"What is it?" Aunt Nora bounced forward anxiously. "What do you  know?" 

"I'm not going to tell you." 


"For the good and simple reason that it would mark you for death!  Alice, too! The Green Bell would kill you

so you couldn't tell what you  know!" 

"Rubbish!" Aunt Nora tried to sound as if she meant it. "They would  have no way of telling 

"Yes, they would, aunty. It looks like they know everything." 

Aunt Nora whitened. The tendons stood out on her plump hands. 

"Listen, sonny  is the Green Bell aware that you know what you  do?" 

Jim Cash squirmed, almost losing control of the car. 

"I don't know!" he cried shrilly, wildly. "Maybe he does! I'm not  sure! The suspense  expecting death any

instant, and in the same  breath wondering if I'm not safe enough  has been getting me! It's  driving me


Aunt Nora settled back on the wet cushions. "You're silly not to  tell us, Jimmy. But that's just like a man,

trying to keep women out of  trouble. It don't show good gumption, but  I respect you for it. Anyway  we'll

soon be talking to Doc Savage and you can get it off your chest." 

JIM CASH muttered doubtfully: "You seem to have a lot of faith in  this Doc Savage." 




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"I have!" Aunt Nora sounded vehement. 

"But you admit you don't even know him." 

Aunt Nora snorted like a race horse. "I don't have to know him!  I've heard of him! That's enough." 

"I've heard a little talk of him, too." Jim Cash admitted. "That's  the only reason I let you and Alice talk me

into going to him." 

"A little talk!" Aunt Nora sniffed. "If you would have kept your  ears open you would have heard more than a

little talk about him! Doc  Savage specializes in things like this. He makes a life work out of  going around

getting other people out of trouble and punishing lads who  need it." 

Jim Cash began skeptically: "I don't think any man can  " 

"Doc Savage can! Take the word of an old woman who knows enough to  discount half of what she hears.

Doc Savage is a man who was trained  from the cradle for the one purpose in life of righting wrongs. They  say

he's a physical marvel, probably the strongest man who ever lived.  And moreover he's studied until he knows

just about everything worth  knowing from electricity and astronomy to how to bake a decent batch of


"Maybe you've been putting too much stock in wild talk Aunt Nora?" 

"Didn't I tell you I only believe half of what I ever hear?" Aunt  Nora demanded. 

Jim Cash smiled. The elderly lady's optimism seemed to cheer him. 

"I hope Doc Savage is up to expectations," he said grimly. "Not  only for our sake but for those other poor

devils back at Prosper  City." 

"You said a mouthful!" Aunt Nora agreed. "If Doc Savage isn't able  to help us and Prosper City I hate to

think what'll happen!" 

The touring car rooted on through the rain and gloom for nearly a  mile. Then the engine gave a few

pneumatic coughs, died, coughed a few  more times and silenced completely. 

"You're out of gas!" Aunt Nora snapped. 

Jim Cash shook his head. "But I just got gas. It must be water on  the distributor 

"Out of gas!" repeated Aunt Nora firmly. "I know how these old  wrecks act!" 

Easing into the drizzle Jim Cash got a measuring stick from under  the seat walked to the rear and thrust it into

the tank. His gasp was  startled. 

"Empty! I don't understand how that could happen!" 

"Maybe that filling station was a gyp!" called blond pretty Alice  Cash. "They might not have put in any gas." 

"I guess that was it honey," Aunt Nora agreed. She opened a road  map, peered at it by the glare of a

flashlight. "There's a little  jumpingoff place down the road about two miles. You'd better walk to  it Jim." 




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Jim Cash hesitated. "I don't like to leave you two." 

Aunt Nora opened a capacious leather hand bag. She produced two  big, businesslike blue revolvers. She gave

one of them to Alice Cash,  and the blond young woman handled it in a way that showed she could use  it. 

"Anybody who monkeys with us won't find it healthy!" Aunt Nora said  dryly. "You go on, Jim. We'll be all


Relieved at sight of the weapons, Jim Cash slopped off through the  rain. He walked on the left side of the

pavement, where he could see  the lights of oncoming cars and evade them. 

A few machines passed him, going in both directions. He did not  attempt to flag them, knowing it would be

useless. Motorists who pick  up strange pedestrians late at night are few and far between. 

He descended a small bill. At the bottom, he crossed two bridges   one over a stream, the other spanning

the line of an electric railroad. 

He had barely crossed the second bridge when several flashlights  gushed brilliant white upon him. In the

back glow of the flashes, he  could discern the figures holding them. 

Each was a tall cylinder of black. And upon every figure was the  green likeness of a bell. 

THERE WAS something hideous in the way the raven figures stood  there, saying nothing, not moving. The

rain, streaking down their  forms, gave them a shiny look. 

Jim Cash stood as if blocked in ice. He had been pale before, now  he became positively white. 

"Green Bells!" he said thickly. "That radio  the tolling was  meant for us as a  " 

His own words seemed to snap the chill spell which held him. He  exploded in action. His right hand dived

into his raincoat pocket like  a frightened animal. He wrenched wildly at a pistol which he carried  there. 

Another eerie black form glided out of the murk behind  Cash. It  whipped convulsively upon him. Taken by

surprise, he was carried down. 

The flashlights now went out, as if directed by some occult signal.  The cavernous gloom which followed was

filled with swishings and  slappings, as the ebonycloaked, greenbelled figures charged. 

Cash's gun was dislodged, and went clankclanking across the  pavement. 

His raincoat tore. He tried to scream. The yell was throttled, and  ended in a sound which might have been two

rough rocks rubbing  together. 

The fight noises trailed off. Several moments of ominous quiet  followed. Then the entire group moved back

to the bridge spanning the  railroad. 

They turned off and came to a high fence. There was another short,  terrific fight while Cash was being put

over the fence. Then they  descended to the railway tracks. 

Once a light came on briefly. This disclosed the darksome figures  in a compact wad, with Cash helpless

among them. 




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The railroad was electrified. The current, instead of being carried  by an overhead line, was conducted by a

third rail which ran close  alongside the track. Use of such third rails was common in the vicinity  of New

York, where the presence of numerous switches and sidings made  overhead wiring too intricate. The charged

rail was protected by a  shedlike wooden shield. 

A light came on. A wad of black cloth between Cash's jaws kept him  from crying out. 

He was thrown headlong at the electrified rail. With a frenzied  contortion of his muscles, he managed to

avoid landing upon it. 

The somber figures pounced upon him, and again hurled him at the  rail. Again he saved himself. He was

fighting madly for his life. The  shed protector over the rail helped him. 

But one touch upon the strip of metal beneath, which bore a high  voltage, would mean instant death. 

The third time, Cash got an arm across the wooden shed and  preserved his life. He tore the gag from his jaws

with a desperate  grasp and emitted a piercing bleat for help! 

The Green Bells swarmed upon him, silent, murderous. This time,  they pitched him at the rail feet first. One

of his legs fell across  the highpowered conductor. 

There was a tiny hissing play of electric flame. Cash's body seemed  to bounce up and down. It convulsed,

tying itself in a tight knot  around the rail of death. 

It stayed there, rigid and still. A wispy plume of brownish smoke  curling upward might have been the spirit

departing from his body. 

The Green Bells eased away in the rainmoist night like dread,  voiceless ghouls from another existence. 


THE TRIPLEX was New York's newest, gaudiest, and most expensive  hotel. It catered to its guests with

every comfort and convenience. 

Guests arriving by taxi, for instance, did not find it necessary to  alight at the sidewalks and enter before the

stares of hoi polloi.  There was an inclosed private drive for the cabs. 

This drive was a semicircular tunnel done in bright metals and dark  stone, after the modernistic fashion. In it,

a taxi was disgorging a  passenger. 

The newcomer was a tall snake of a man. The serpentine aspect was  lent by the fact that his body was so

flexible as to seem boneless. His  hair was carefully curled, and had an enameled shine. His eyes were  ratty;

his mouth was a crack; his clothes were flashy enough to be in  bad taste. 

He paid the taxi with a bill peeled from a fat roll. Entering the  lobby, trailed by a bell boy bearing two bags,

he leaned elbows on the  desk. 

"I'm Mr. Cooley," he said shortly. "I wired you for a reservation  from Prosper City." 

The man was conducted to his room. The bell boy was hardly out of  hearing when he picked up the


Chapter II. VISITORS 7


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"Gimme Judborn Tugg's room," he requested. Then, when he had the  connection: "That you, Tugg? . . . This

is Slick. What room you got?  ... 0.K. I'll be right up." 

The man rode an elevator up six floors, made his sinuous way down a  corridor, and knocked at a door. The

panel opened, and he said  familiarly: "Howzza boy, Tugg!" 

Judborn Tugg looked somewhat as if he had found a wolf in front of  his door  a wolf with which he must,

of necessity, associate. 

"Come in," he said haughtily. 

Tugg was a small, prosperousappearing mountain. His dark  pinstripe suit, if a bit loud, was well tailored

over his ample  middle. His chins, big mouth and pale eyes rode on a cone of fat. A  gold watch chain bridged

his midriff, and formed a support for several  lodge emblems. 

"Slick" Cooley entered, closed the door, and said: "We don't have  to worry any more about Jim Cash." 

Judborn Tugg recoiled as if slapped. His head rotated on its  foundation of fat as he glanced about nervously. 

Slick quickly folded his arms, both hands inside his coat, where he  carried automatic pistols. "What's the

matter? Somebody here?" 

"Oh, my, no! It would be too bad if there was! You should be more  careful!" Tugg whipped out a silk

handkerchief, and blotted at his  forehead. "It is just that I cannot get used to the cold way you  fellows have of

handling things." 

"What you mean is the Green Bell's way of handling things." Slick  leered. 

"Yes, yes; of course." Judborn Tugg ground his handkerchief in  uneasy hands. "The Green Bell will be glad

to know young Cash is  satisfactorily disposed of." 

Slick took his hands away from his armpits, and straightened his  coat. "I didn't get any time alone with Cash,

so I couldn't question  him before he was tossed on that third rail." 

"Your orders were not to question him," Judborn Tugg said smugly. 

Slick sneered slightly. "You don't need to pretend to be so damned  holy with me, Tugg. We understand each

other. We'd both like to know  who the Green Bell is. Jim Cash knew. By questioning him, I might have

gotten the lowdown. But I didn't dare. There was too many guys around." 

"Ahem!" Judborn Tugg cleared his throat and glanced about  nervously. 

"One of these days, we're gonna find out who the Green Bell is!"  Slick said grimly. "When that happens, we'll

rub him out, see! And,  presto, we've got the gravy." 

Judborn Tugg shuddered violently. 

"Oh, goodness, Slick!" he wailed. "Suppose the Green Bell   suppose some one should overhear us! Let us

not talk about it!" 


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"0.K.," Slick leered. "What're me and you to do now?" 

JUOBORN TUGG put his handkerchief away, and fiddled with the  ornaments on his watch chain. "Have you

ever heard of a gentleman by  the name of Doc Savage?" 

"Kinda seems like I have." Slick smoothed his coat lapels. 

"New York is not my stompin' ground, and this Savage bird hangs out  here. I don't know much about him.

Kind of a trouble buster, ain't he?" 

"Exactly! I understand he is a very fierce and competent fighting  man, who has a group of five aids." 

"A muscle man with a gang, eh?" 

"In your vernacular, I believe that is how you express it. The  Green Bell had me investigate Doc Savage. I

did not learn a great deal  about him, except that he is a man who fights other people's battles." 

"Yeah? And what about this guy?" 

"The Green Bell has ordered me to hire Doc Savage. I am to obtain  the services of the man and his five aids

for our organization." 

Slick swore wildly. He stamped around the room, fists hard, mean  face twisted with rage. 

"I won't stand for it!" he gritted. "I was to have charge of the  rough stuff in this business! I was to be third in

command  takin'  orders only from the Green Bell and you! Now the Green Bell is fixin'  to ring this Doc

Savage in!" 

Judborn Tugg patted the air with both hands. 

"My dear Slick, you misunderstand," he soothed. "You are to retain  your position. Doc Savage is to work

under you! The Green Bell made  that very clear." 

"He did, eh?" Slick scowled, but seemed mollified. "Well, that's  different. But that Doc Savage has gotta

savvy that his orders come  from me!" 

"Of course. That will be made clear." 

Slick lighted an expensive cigarette. "Supposin' Doc Savage  considers himself a big shot, and don't want to

take my I orders." 

"Any man will take commands, if the pay is sufficient," Judborn  Tugg said, with the certainty of a man who

has money and knows its  power. 

But Slick was still uncertain. "What if Doc Savage ain't the kind  of a guy who hires out for our kind of


"There, again, my statement about payment applies. Every man has  his price. The Green Bell needs more

men, needs them badly. He does not  want ordinary gunmen. Therefore, I am to approach Doc Savage." 

"O.K. Where'll we find 'im?" 


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Judborn Tugg shrugged. "I do not know. We shall see if the  telephone information girl can tell us." 

He put in a call. The swiftness with which he was given Doc  Savage's address seemed to daze him. He

blinked his pale eyes and hung  up. 

"Doc Savage must be rather well known!" he muttered.  "The phone  operator had his whereabouts on the tip

of her tongue. Come, Slick. We  shall go see this man." 

The two quitted the hotel room. 

THE SKYSCRAPER before which Slick Cooley and Judborn Tugg  eventually alighted was one of the most

resplendent in the city. It  towered nearly a hundred stories. 

"What a joint!" Slick muttered in awe. Doc Savage ain't no cheap  skate if he hangs out here!" 

"These surroundings show Savage is good at his business," Judborn  Tugg replied stiffly. "That is the kind of

a man we want. You, Slick,  will wait in the lobby." 

"Why?" Slick demanded suspiciously. "How do I know but that you'll  pay this Savage more money than I'm


"Nothing of the sort, Slick. You will stay here in case Alice Cash  and Aunt Nora should put in an appearance.

They were coming here to  hire this Savage to do their fighting. They cannot pay Savage as much  as we can,

but it would be better if they did not see him." 

"Yeah," Slick agreed with bad grace. "I'll stick below, then." 

An express elevator which ran noiselessly and with great speed,  lifted Judborn Tugg to the eightysixth floor.

He strutted pompously  down a richly decorated corridor. 

Sighting a mirror, Tugg halted and carefully surveyed his  appearance. He wanted to overawe this Doc

Savage. That was the way to  handle these common thugs who hired themselves out for money. 

Tugg lighted a dollar cigar. He had another just like it which he  intended to offer Savage. The fine weeds

would be the final touch. Doc  Savage would be bowled over by the grandeur of Judborn Tugg. 

Tugg did not know it, but he was headed for one of the big shocks  of his career. 

He knocked on a door, puffed out his chest, and cocked his cigar in  the air. 

The door opened. 

Judborn Tugg's chest collapsed, his cigar fell to the floor, and  his eyes bulged out. 

A mighty giant of bronze stood in the door. The effect of this  metallic figure was amazing. Marvelously

symmetrical proportions  absorbed the true size of the man. Viewed from a distance, and away  from anything

to which his stature might have been compared, he would  not have seemed as big. 

The remarkably high forehead, the muscular and strong mouth, the  lean and corded cheeks, denoted a rare

power of character. His bronze  hair was a shade darker than his bronze skin, and it lay straight and  smooth as

a skullcap of metal. 


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The thing which really took the wind out of Judborn Tugg, though,  was the bronze man's eyes. They were

like pools of fine flake gold,  alive with tiny glistenings. They possessed a strange, hypnotic  quality. They

made Judborn Tugg want to pull his coat over his head, so  that the innermost secrets of his brain would not

be searched out. 

"Are  are  you Doc Savage?" stuttered Judborn Tugg. 

The bronze giant nodded. The simple gesture caused great cables of  muscle to writhe about his neck. 

Tugg felt an impulse to shiver at the sight. This bronze man must  possess incredible strength. 

In a quiet, powerful voice, Doc Savage invited Tugg inside. Then he  gave him a cigar, explaining quietly: "I

hope you'll excuse me, since I  never smoke." 

That cigar was the final shock to Judborn Tugg. It was a long, fine  custom weed in an individual vacuum

container. Tugg happened to know  that cigars such as this could not be obtained for less than ten  dollars each. 

Judborn Tugg was a pricked balloon. Instead of overawing Doc  Savage, he was himself practically stunned. 

SEVERAL MOMENTS were required before Judborn Tugg recovered  sufficient aplomb to get down to


"1 have heard you are an  er  a trouble buster," he said, in a  small voice, very unlike his usual

overbearing tone. 

"You might call it that," Doc Savage agreed politely. "More  properly, my five companions and myself have a

purpose in life. That  purpose is to go here and there, from one end of the world to the  other, looking for

excitement and adventure, striving to help those in  need of help, and punishing those who deserve it." 

Judborn Tugg did not know that it was a very rare occasion when Doc  Savage gave out even this much

information about himself. 

Tugg did not like the speech at all. He mulled it over, and reached  a conclusion  the wrong one. He

decided this was Doc Savage's way of  hinting that he and his men hired out their services. The man, of

course, could not come right out and say he was a professional thug. 

"My case is right in your line," Tugg said, managing a faint smirk.  "There are people who need help, and

some others who need punishing." 

Doc Savage nodded politely. "Suppose you tell me the situation." 

"It's this way," said Tugg, lighting the costly cigar. "I am one of  the leading business men in Prosper City. I

own Tugg Co., the largest  cottonmilling concern in the town." 

Tugg folded his hands and looked pious. "Some months ago, because  of terrible business conditions, we were

forced to cut the wages of our  employees. Much against our wishes, of course." 

"I thought business was picking up," Doc remarked. 

Tugg acquired the expression of a man who had been served a bad egg  unexpectedly. 


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"Business is terrible!" he said emphatically. "It's worse now, too,  because all of my employees went out on a

strike! And the workmen in  the other factories and mines went on strikes. It's awful! Conditions  are


Doc Savage asked gently: "Did the other concerns cut wages before  or after you did?" 

Judborn Tugg swallowed a few times. He was startled. With that one  question, Doc Savage had grabbed the

kernel of the whole situation in  Prosper City. 

The truth was that Tugg Co. had cut wages first, and the other  concerns had been forced to do the same in

order to meet the low prices  at which their competitor was offering goods for sale. Tugg Co. had  turned itself

into a sweatshop, paying their employees starvation  wages. 

When this had happened, there had been no necessity for it.  Business had indeed been picking up. The whole

thing was part of a plot  conceived by that mysterious, unknown being, the Green Bell. 

Other concerns in Prosper City had been forced to cut wages,  although not as much as Tugg Co. But the cuts

had been enough to give  agitators hired by Tugg Co. an argument with which to cause numerous  strikes. The

hired agitators had even been directed to urge the strike  at Tugg Co. who paid them. 

For months now, the agitators, under the direction of Slick Cooley,  had kept all business at a standstill. Any

factory which tried to open  up was bombed, burned, or its machinery ruined. Every workman who  sought to

take a job was threatened or beaten, or if that failed, the  Green Bell had a final and most horrible form of

death, which was in  itself an object lesson to other stubborn ones. 

The whole thing was part of the scheme of the unknown master mind,  the Green Bell. No one knew what was

behind it. Judborn Tugg, if he  knew, was not telling anybody. 

Tugg carefully avoided Doc Savage's weird eyes, and decided to  handle the bronze man warily. 

"We were all forced to cut wages about the same time," he lied  uneasily. "But the salary whacks were not at

the bottom of the trouble.  It is all the fault of the agitators." 

WHEN TUGG paused, Doc Savage said nothing. He had settled in a  comfortable chair. Several of these were

in the outer office. There was  also an expensive inlaid table and a massive safe. A costly rug was  underfoot. 

Adjoining, was a library containing one of the most complete  collections of scientific tomes in existence, and

another room which  held an experimental laboratory so advanced in its equipment that  scientists had come

from foreign countries, just to examine it. The  presence of these rooms was masked by a closed door,


"Conditions in Prosper City are pitiful," continued Judborn Tugg,  secretly wondering if he might not be

entirely mistaken about this  bronze man. "People are starving. There have been bombings, beatings,  killings.

It is all the fault of these agitators." 

Doc Savage maintained a disquieting silence. 

"Aunt Nora Boston is the leader of the agitators," Tugg said,  telling an enormous lie without blinking. 

Doc might have been a figure done in the bronze which he resembled,  for all the signs of interest he showed.

But that did not mean he was  missing anything. Doc rarely showed emotion. 


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Tugg sucked in a full breath and went on: "Aunt Nora Boston is  aided by Jim Cash, his sister Alice, and a

young man named Ole Slater,  who is hanging around Prosper City, pretending to be a play writer  gathering

local color for a manufacturingtown drama. Those four are  the ring leaders. They're the head of a gang they

call the Prosper City  Benevolent Society. That organization is back of all the trouble.  They're just lowdown

troublemakers. I'll bet they're paid by some  foreign country." 

This was so much more falsehood. 

Judborn Tugg had not intended for his talk to follow these lines.  But he was afraid to broach the truth. It was

those eyes of the bronze  man's. Tugg would have been glad to get up and walk out, but he feared  the wrath of

the Green Bell. 

"I want to hire you to  er  punish Aunt Nora Boston and her  gang," he said bluntly. "I'll pay you plenty!" 

"My services are not for sale," Doc Savage said quietly. "They  never are." 

Judborn Tugg's head seemed to sink in his fat cone of a neck. What  manner of man was this?" 

Doc went on: "Usually, individuals who are assisted by my  five men  and myself are generous enough to

contribute a gift to worthy causes  which I name." 

Tugg stifled a smile. So this was the dodge the bronze man used to  make it seem he was not a hired thug.

Tugg thought he saw the light.  This Doc Savage could be hired, all right! 

"Just how big a gift would you want?" he asked cannily. 

"In your case, and provided conditions are just as you have  outlined," Doc replied promptly, "the gift would

be a million dollars." 

Judborn Tugg narrowly escaped heart failure. 

DOWN IN the skyscraper lobby, Slick Cooley was also experiencing a  shock; but from a different cause. 

Slick had caught sight of Alice Cash and Aunt Nora Boston. The two  women were mudspattered,

bedraggled, and sodden from the rain. They  left wet tracks across the polished lobby tiling. Their faces were

pale, frightened, and they seemed overawed by the magnificence of the  giant building. 

They trudged for the elevators, Aunt Nora in the lead, strong jaw  thrust out. 

Slick gave his brain a mental whipping. He had best do something!  Should the two women get upstairs, they

might complicate things. Aunt  Nora would do that, at least. She was an old war horse when she got  mad. A

brilliant idea hit Slick. He dashed forward. Before the two  women saw him, he grabbed them savagely and


Aunt Nora's big purse sailed to the floor. 

Slick pounced upon the bag. He had his roll of bills concealed in  one hand. Furtively, he got the purse open.

He slipped the money  inside. In doing this, he saw the two revolvers. 

He now seized the women. A violent tussle ensued. 


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"Robbers!" Slick bellowed. "These two dames held me up!" 

Aunt Nora gave him a poke in the eye which made him bawl in real  agony. Pretty Alice Cash administered a

few blows of her own. 

A policeman dived in from the street. In a moment, he had stopped  the fight. 

Slick jabbed a hand at the two women. "These women held me up  tonight! I recognize 'em! Search 'em

officer! I'll bet they've got the  rods they used, and my coin!" 

The officer opened Aunt Nora's bag, found the guns and the money.  He counted the latter. 

"How much did you lose?" he asked. 

Slick gave him the exact amount of the roll. 

"This is it!" the patrolman said grimly. He collared the two women. 

Alice Cash shrieked angrily: "We did not rob him!" 

"Evidence says you did!" rumbled the officer. "Even if you didn't,  you're carryin' guns, and that's against the

law in New York." 

"You scut!" Aunt Nora flared at the smirking Slick. "You framed us!  You lowlifed, slipperyhaired sneak!

I'll wring your snaky neck!" 

She jumped for Slick, who backpedaled hastily. 

"None of that!" shouted the officer. "It's into the jug for you!" 

He propelled his prisoners for the door. 


AS THE women were leaving, the gorilla ambled upon the scene. 

This personage had, to give him his due, some manlike qualities.  His finger nails were manicured, even if

the job had been done with a  pocketknife. His little eyes glistened with keen intelligence in their  pits of

gristle. His face attained that rare quality of being so homely  that it was pleasant to look upon. 

His clothing was expensive, although it did look like it had been  slept in. He would weigh every ounce of two

hundred and sixty pounds,  and his hairy arms were some inches longer than his bandy legs. 

He ambled up and stopped in front of Slick. 

"I saw you slip the money in that purse," he said in a voice so  mild that it might have been been a child's. 

Then he hit Slick. Hit him on the nose! 

Slick's curly hair was varnished straight back on his head. The  blow was so hard that it made the hair stand




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out suddenly in front, as  if blown by a wind from behind. 

Describing a parabola, Slick lit on his shoulders and skidded a  score of feet. His nose had been spread over

most of his weasel face. 

Aunt Nora began to bounce up and down in ribald delight, and to  shout: "Glory be! Just what I wanted to

hand him!" 

Entrancing Alice Cash bestowed a grateful smile on the fellow who  looked like a furry gorilla. 

The cop shouted: "You say this squirt planted that roll of bills?" 

"He sure did," said the hairy man. 

Growling, the officer rushed for Slick. 

Slick shoved up dizzily from the floor. He sprinted for the door.  Glancing around, he saw the policeman was

sure to overhaul him. He  spaded his hands inside his coat, and brought out two revolvers. Each  was fitted

with a compact silencer. 

The guns began to chung out deadly reports. The bullets missed the  fasttraveling patrolman. But he veered

for shelter, tugging at his own  weapon. 

Slick hurtled through the door. A taxi chanced to be cruising past.  With a wild spring, the fleeing gunman got

into  it. He jammed the hot  silencer of a revolver against the shivering driver's neck. 

The cab jumped down the street as if dynamite had exploded behind  it. 

The officer raced out, but did not shoot because of the traffic. He  sped back into the skyscraper and put in a

call to headquarters,  advising them to spread a radio alarm for the taxi. 

"The guy as good as got away!" he advised the huge, furry man and  the two women, when he rejoined them.

"Now  you two ladies! We've  still got to settle about them guns you were carryin'!" 

"The ladies tell me they were on their way to see Doc Savage," the  hairy fellow advised in his babylike voice. 

The cop blinked. Then he grinned from ear to ear. 

"That makes it different," he chuckled. Then he walked away, acting  as if he had never seen the two women. 

Alice Cash looked prettily incredulous at the magic which mention  of Doc Savage's name had accomplished. 

Aunt Nora gulped several times, then smiled. "Bless you, you homely  monkey! How'd you get us out of that?

I know they're very strict about  people packin' guns here in New York." 

The human gorilla laughed. "The fact that you were goin' to Doc  Savage made it all right." 

"Doc Savage must have a big reputation in this town," Aunt Nora  said wonderingly. "You ain't him, are


"Who, me? Hell  I mean, oh, my  no! I'm just one of Doc  Savage's five helpers." 




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"What's your name?" 

"Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Blodgett Mayfair." 

Aunt Nora snorted. "I'll bet you're not called that much!" 

"Not enough for me to know who's bein' wanted when I hear it!" the  hairy fellow grinned. "Call me Monk." 

"Monk" might have added that he was a chemist whose name was  mentioned with reverence in scientific

circles of both America and  Europe. But he was not addicted to blowing his own horn. 

THE SPEEDY elevator lifted them to the eightysixth floor. When  they were near the door of Doc Savage's

office, the murmur of a voice  within was distinguishable. 

Aunt Nora gave a start of angry surprise. "I'd know that voice  anywhere!" she gasped. "It's Judborn Tugg!" 

Monk's little eyes showed interest. "Who's he?" 

"A fat, conceited jaybird! He's no friend of ours! Slick Cooley   the fellow you pasted downstairs 

follows Judborn Tugg around like a  Man Friday. They're tarred with the same brush  both crooked!" 

Monk considered this, then waved the women back. He opened the  office door, and stood in the aperture. His

big, hirsute hands moved  nervously, as if he were embarrassed. 

"Oh, excuse me! I didn't know you had company." He started to back  out. 

No one, other than Doc, had noticed that the apparently aimless  movements of Monk's hands had spelled out

a message in the  deafanddumb sign language. 

"Come out here without alarming your visitor," Monk had signaled. 

DOC AROSE, saying to Judborn Tugg: "If you will excuse me  I wish  to speak with this man!" He strode

rapidly to the door. 

For all of his great weight and swiftness of stride, he made no  appreciable sound. There was an uncanny

silence about his movements, a  natural lightness which indicated enormously developed leg muscles. 

Fat Judborn Tugg, instead of suspecting anything, was rather glad  to have Doc step outside for a moment.

Tugg had not yet recovered from  the shock of having Doc suggest that his services would call for a

milliondollar donation. He welcomed the chance to regain his balance. 

Doc closed the corridor door. Shortly later, be was in the presence  of the two women. 

Aunt Nora let her mouth hang open in unashamed astonishment at  sight of the giant bronze man. Then she

cocked her arms akimbo and  smiled, wrinkles corrugating every inch of her motherly face. 

"Glory be!" she chuckled. "You're the answer to this old girl's  prayers!" 

Mice Cash did not exactly let her jaw drop, but her lips parted  slightly, and her blue eyes became round with

amazement. Her next act  was to glance down disgustedly at her muddy, disheveled raiment. 




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Doc Savage usually affected pretty young women like that  set  them wondering about their appearance.

Feminine eyes were inclined to  be quick to note that Doc was unusually handsome, a fact which escaped  men

after they saw his amazing muscular development. 

Monk performed the introductions. 

"What has Judborn Tugg been tellin' you?" Aunt Nora questioned  anxiously. 

"A great deal," Doc replied quietly. "He is one of the most profuse  liars I have ever encountered." 

This would have pained Judborn Tugg exceedingly, had he overheard  it. It was his belief that he could tell a

falsehood as smoothiy as the  truth. He would have been shocked to know that Doc Savage, by close  attention

to his voice tones, had spotted almost every lie. 

Aunt Nora clenched her worktoughened hands, and gave Doc a look of  genuine appeal. 

"I need your help!" she said earnestly. "But I haven't got a cent  with which to pay you!" 

DOC'S STRANGE golden eyes studied Aunt Nora and attractive Alice  Cash. His bronze features remained as

expressionless as metal. 

Without speaking, he turned. He entered his office. 

"I do not think I am interested in your proposition," he told  Judborn Tugg. 

Tugg picked the costly cigar from his pursy mouth, as if it had  suddenly turned bitter. 

"I can pay you plenty," he pointed out. "I might even pay you that  million, provided you can do the work that

I want done." 


Judborn Tugg purpled. To him, it was inconceivable that any man  would dismiss a million so abruptly. He

would probably have keeled over  had be known that Doc intended to help Aunt Nora Botson, who had

admitted she could not pay him a copper cent. 

"If you change your mind, you'll find me at the Hotel Triplex!"  Tugg said in a loud, angry tone. 

"There will be no change of mind," Doc said, reaching out and  grasping Tugg by the coat collar. 

Before Tugg knew what had happened, he was hoisted off the floor.  His coat tore in two or three places, but


Helpless as a worm on a stick, Tugg was carried into the corridor  and deposited urgently in an elevator. 

"If you want to retain your health, you had better not let me see  you again!" Doc advised him in the tone of a

physician prescribing for  a patient with dangerous symptoms. 

The elevator carried Tugg from view. 




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Monk, an innocent expression on his homely face, ambled up and  asked: "Didn't I hear that bird say he was

staying at the Hotel  Triplex?" 

Doc nodded; then invited Aunt Nora and Alice Cash into his office. 

Grinning, Monk ambled to a public telephone in the corridor. He got  the number of the Hotel Triplex from

the phone book, then called the  hostelry. He asked the hotel operator for the night manager. 

"You have a guest named Judborn Tugg," Monk informed the hotel man.  "Doc Savage just threw this fellow

out of his office." 

"In that case, we'll throw him out of the Hotel Triplex, too," Monk  was advised. 

Hanging up, Monk fished an envelope out of his pocket and addressed  it to the Unemployment Relief Fund. 

From another pocket, he produced Slick Cooley's fat roll of bills.  Monk had managed to harvest this in the

excitement downstairs. He  sealed the money in the envelope, applied stamps, then put it in a mail  box. The

envelope was so bulky that he had to insert it in the lid  marked for packages. 

Whistling cheerfully, Monk tramped for Doc's office. 

WHEN JUDBORN Tugg reached the Hotel Triplex, he found his bags  waiting for him on the sidewalk. The

night manager in person was  watching over the valises. 

"I am sorry," the manager said coldly. "We do not want you here." 

Judborn Tugg, after nearly choking, yelled and cursed and waved his  arms. He threatened to sue the Triplex

for a million dollars. 

"Get away from here, or I'll have you arrested for disturbing the  peace!" snapped the manager. Then he

walked inside. 

A moment later, a dark limousine rolled up to the curb. The rear  was heavily curtained. 

The driver leaned from behind the wheel and advised:  "Get in!" 

It was Slick Cooley, partially disguised by a raincoat and a  lowpulled hat. 

Judborn Tugg placed his bags in the front, then got in the back. At  this point, his hair almost stood on end. 

The rear seat held a figure incased from head to foot in a black  sack of a garment. On the front of the raven

gown was painted a big  green bell. 

The unholy apparition in black held two silenced revolvers in  darkgloved hands. 

"Do not mind the guns," said a hollow, inhuman voice from the  murksome form. "I am the Green Bell, and

the weapons are merely to  remind you not to snatch at my hood in an effort to learn my identity." 

The limousine now rolled out into traffic. 




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"I was walkin' down the street when he called to me from the back  of this car," Slick advised. "There wasn't

any driver  " 

"I simply parked the car ahead of you, before donning my hood,"  interposed the sepulchral tones of the Green

Bell. "Incidentally, this  machine is stolen. But I do not think the owner will miss it for some  hours. Tugg 

what happened to you?" 

Judborn Tugg started. He had been cudgeling his brain in an effort  to identify the Green Bell's voice. But

there was nothing the least  familiar about the disguised tones. 

Rapidly, Judborn Tugg explained the unhappy outcome of his visit to  Doc Savage. 

"You have served me very inefficiently!" Anger had come into the  booming voice of the Green Bell. "This

Doc Savage is not at all the  type of man you thought him to be!" 

Tugg, still smarting from his reception at the hotel, said angrily:  "This is my first mistake!" 

The Green Bell gazed levelly at him. The eye holes in the jet hood  were backed by goggles which had

deepgreen lenses. The effect was that  of a big, greenorbed cat. 

"I do not care for your angry tone!" said the dark being. "You are  fully aware, Tugg, that I can get along

without those who do not  cooperate fully with me. You are no exception! You are of service to me  only as an

agent, a figurehead through which I can work. You pretend to  be Prosper City's leading citizen, and I choose

to let you. Your  milling concern, Tugg Co., was ready to fail when I came upon the  scene, thanks to your bad

management. You have retained control of the  company only because I have furnished you money with

which to pay the  interest on your loans. You are but a cog in my great plan." 

Judborn Tugg collapsed like an automobile tire which had picked up  a nail. 

"I did not mean to offend you," he mumbled. "I was excited because  of the treatment Doc Savage gave me." 

"I am going to take care of Doc Savage!" the Green Bell said  ominously. 

Tugg shivered. "The man is dangerous  especially if he has the  brains to match his unbelievable physical


"We do not want Savage against us," replied the Green Bell. "I have  already put a plan in operation which

will keep Savage so busy that he  will have no time to stick a finger in our pie." 

"I'd like to see him dead!" said Judborn Tugg savagely. 

"You may get your wish!" tolled the Green Bell. "My little scheme  will undoubtedly result in Doc Savage

dying in the electric chair!" 

Ordering Slick down a dark street, the Green Bell eased out of the  car, and was swallowed by the drizzling

darkness. A bit farther on,  Judborn Tugg and Slick Cooley abandoned the stolen limousine. 

Walking away from the car, they could see in the distance what  appeared to be a tower of gray freckles in the

wet gloom. This was the  skyscraper which housed Doc Savage's aerie. 




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IN HIS eightysixthfloor headquarters, Doc was listening to Aunt  Nora Boston and Alice Cash tell their

story. The homely Monk lingered  in the background, furtively admiring Alice Cash's loveliness. 

"My brother!" Alice said, whitefaced. "He has vanished! We ran out  of gas in New Jersey, and Jim walked

ahead to find a filling station.  That was the last we saw of him!" 

"We thought we heard Jim scream," Aunt Nora amended grimly. "But we  couldn't find him." 

Alice put her fingers over her pale lips and said between them:  "And just before that, we heard the Green Bell

from the radio!" 

Aunt Nora grimaced. "The sound of the Green Bell over  the radio  nearly always means some innocent person

is to die!" 

Alice shuddered, wailed: "Poor Jimmy! I have a feeling something  terrible happened to him!" 

Doc Savage could do remarkable things with his powerful voice. He  now made it calm and soothing, a tone

calculated to quiet the excited  women. 

"Your story is a bit disconnected," he told them. "Suppose you  start at the first." 

Aunt Nora clenched her hand and stared steadily at them as she  talked. 

"The trouble in Prosper City started many months ago, when Tugg Co.  cut wages. That caused the first of a

series of strikes" 

"Judborn Tugg told me about that," Doc interposed. "All business in  Prosper City is at a standstill. A gang of

men, pretending to be  agitators, bomb or burn every, factory and mine which attempts to start  operations, and

terrorize all men who want to go back to work. Tugg  said you were the chief of the agitators." 

"The liar!" Aunt Nora flared, "All I have done is organize my  Benevolent Society to help some of the poor

souls who are out of work." 

"Aunt Nora has kept lots of people from starving!" Alice Cash put  in. "She has spent all of her money, and all

she can borrow, in feeding  those unfortunates." 

"You shut up!" Aunt Nora directed gruffly. 

"I will not!" Alice snapped, "I think 'Mr. Savage should know the  truth! You're an angel!" 

Aunt Nora blushed and stared at her big, muddy shoes. "I ain't no  angel  not with them feet." 

"What about these agitators back of the trouble?" Doc asked. 

"They're hired thugs, of course!" Aunt Nora declared. "But just who  they are, nobody knows. When they

appear they're always in robes that  look like black sacks, with green bells painted on the front." 

"Their leader is not known?" 




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"No!" Aunt Nora made a fierce mouth. "Alice and her brother and Ole  Slater have been helping me try to find

out who the Green Bell is." 

"Who is Ole Slater?" Doc Savage wanted to know. 

"A nice young lad who thinks he can write plays. He's stricken with  the charms of Alice, here. He's gathering

material for a play, and he  stays at my rooming house. I forgot to tell you that I run a boarding  house." 

Doc asked: "And you think Judborn Tugg and Slick Cooley are in the  Green Bell's gang?" 

"I ain't got no proof!" asserted Aunt Nora. "But they could be! One  of them might be the Green Bell,


MONK ENTERED the conference, asking gently: "Hasn't the police  chief of Prosper City done anything

about all this?" 

"That old numbskull!" Aunt Nora sniffed. "His name is Clem  Clements, and he thinks Judborn Tugg is the

greatest man alive and the  soul of honor. I don't think Chief Clements is crooked. He's just plain  downright


"How come Tugg exerts such a sway?" Monk wanted to know. 

"Judborn Tugg tries to make himself out as the leading business man  of Prosper City!" snorted Aunt Nora.

"He's fooled a lot of nitwits,  including Chief Clements. Tugg has been spreading the story that I am  behind

the Green Bell. He has made Chief Clements and plenty of others  believe it. I've thought several times they

were going to throw me in  jail!" 

"They haven't quite dared do that!" Alice Cash explained. "The poor  people Aunt Nora has been helping

would tear down the jail if she was  in it. I don't think they've dared harm Aunt Nora for the same reason." 

Aunt Nora laughed grimly. "I've told everybody that if anything  happens to me, it'll be Judborn Tugg's doing!

If the Green Bells should  murder me, or drive me insane, my friends would lynch Tugg. That's why  I haven't

been harmed." 

"What's this about insanity?" Doc interrupted. 

Alice Cash shivered. "It's something that happens to workmen who  are persistent about going back to their

jobs. No one knows how it is  done. The men simply  go crazy. It's happened to more than a dozen of


For a few moments Doc and Monk mulled over what they had been  hearing. It was an amazing story, the

more so because the motive behind  the affair was unclear. 

"Why hasn't martial law been declared?" Monk demanded. 

"Chief Clements claims be has the situation in hand!" Alice Cash  replied. "The distressing situation in

Prosper City has come about  gradually. To an outsider, it merely looks like strike trouble." 

Aunt Nora had maintained a short, tense silence. Now she exploded. 




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"Jim Cash as much as admitted he had found out who the Green Bell  is!" she announced. "And that very

thing makes me think he has been  killed!" 

Alice Cash gave a soft, griefstricken moan, and buried her face in  her hands. 

Monk got up as if to comfort her. 

There was a loud interruption from the corridor outside. Blows  chugged. Men grunted and gasped. 

Doc gilded over and whipped the door open. 

Two men stood in the hall, hands lifted, facing a third man who  held a flat automatic. 

The hands which one of the men held up were so huge it seemed a  wonder they did not overbalance him.

Each was composed of considerably  more than a quart of bone and gristle. He had a somber, puritanical  face. 

This man of enormous fists was Colonel John Renwick, known more  often as "Renny." Among other things,

he was a worldrenowned engineer,  a millionaire, and loved to knock panels out of doors with his big  fists. 

The other fellow with upraised arms was slender, with a somewhat  unhealthy complexion. He had pale hair

and eyes. Alongside his  bigfisted, rustyskinned companion, he seemed a weakling. 

He was "Long Tom." The electrical profession knew him as Major  Thomas J. Roberts, a wizard with the


Renny and Long Tom were two more of Doc Savage's five aids. 

The man with the gun was a chap Doc had never seen before. He was  tall, athletic, and not unhandsome. 

The fellow backed to an elevator, sprang inside, and the cage sank. 

RENNY AND Long Tom looked sheepishly at Doc. 

"We came upon that bird listenin' outside the door!" Renny said, in  a roaring voice, suggestive of an angry

lion in a cave. "We tried to  grab him, but he flashed his hardware on us!" 

Doc was gliding down the corridor as these words came. He reached  the endmost elevator. His

sinewwrapped hand tapped a secret button.  Sliding doors whistled back. 

This lift was a private one, which Doc maintained for his own use.  It was fitted with special machinery,

which operated at terrific speed.  The ordinary express elevators were fast, but compared to this one,  they

were slow. 

The floor dropped some inches below Doc's feet, so swiftly did the  descent start. For fully sixty stories, he

hardly touched the floor.  Then came the slow, tremendous shock of the stop. Doc's five aids, all  strong men,

were usually forced to their knees when this happened. 

So powerful were the bronze man's thews that he withstood the shock  without apparent effort. 

He flashed out into the lobby of the towering building. The cage  bearing the young man with the gun had not

yet arrived. 




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But it came within a few moments. The young man got out, backing so  as to menace the elevator operator

with his weapon. 

Doc grasped the fellow's arms. Bronze fingers all but sank from  view as they tightened. 

An agonized wail was forced through the man's teeth. He dropped his  gun. The excruciating pressure on his

arm muscles caused his fingers to  distend like talons. 

He tried to kick backward. But pain had rendered him as limp as a  big rag. His head drooped; his eyes glazed.

He was on the verge of  fainting from the torture. 

Doc tucked the slack figure under an arm, entered the speed  elevator, and rode back to the eightysixth floor. 

Aunt Nora, Alice Cash, and the others were waiting in the corridor. 

Doc's prisoner was hardly able to stand. His knees buckled. Doc  grasped him by an arm, not too tightly, and

held him erect. 

Aunt Nora stared at the captive, popeyed. 

Amazement also engulfed Alice Cash's attractive features as she  gazed at the young man. 

"Know him?" Doc asked quietly. 

"He is Ole Slater!" Alice exclaimed. "My  er  the boy who likes  me!" 

HALF CARRIED into the office, and deposited in a deep chair, Ole  Slater found his tongue. 

"I got worried and followed you to New York," he told Alice and  Aunt Nora. 

"You should not have been sneaking around that door," Aunt Nora  informed him severely. 

"Don't I know it!" Ole Slater touched his arms gingerly, then eyed  Doc Savage's metallic hands as if

wondering how they could have  inflicted such torment. "I stopped outside the door a minute to listen.  I was

just being cautious. Then these men jumped me. I guess I lost my  head  I thought they were Green Bells!" 

Aunt Nora smiled at Doc. "This young man is our friend. I'm sure he  didn't mean any harm." 

"Of course he didn't!" Alice Cash added her defense. 

"I'm terribly sorry about this," Ole Slater said meekly. "I was,  well  worried about Aunt Nora and Jim and


Grief returned to Alice Cash's refined features. "Jim has vanished,  Ole." 

Ole Slater now received the story of what had happened on the New  Jersey road, beginning with the awesome

belling sound which had come  unexpectedly from the radio. 

Aunt Nora Boston added a few more details about conditions in  Prosper City. Although Doc questioned her

closely, he learned little  that had not been brought out already. 




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Alice Cash, it developed, was private secretary to Coffison  McAlter, a man who owned the Little Grand

Cotton Mills. The Little  Grand was the main competitor of Tugg Co., in Prosper City, but was now  closed

down, like all the rest of the industries. 

The master mind, the Green Bell, for some reason as yet unclear,  was keeping all Prosper City business at a

standstill by use of a reign  of terror. That was what it amounted to. 

They had been talking the situation over for about half an hour  when two men dashed excitedly into the


One gesticulated with a slender black cane, and barked: "Doc!  You're in a frightful jam!" 

THE CANE which the man waved looked innocent, but it was in reality  a sword cane with a blade of fine

Damascus steel. The gentleman who  carried it was slender, with sharp features and a high forehead. His

clothing was of the latest style and finest cloth. 

He was Brigadier General Theodore Marley Brooks"Ham" to Doc's  group, of which he was a member. He

was by way of being the most astute  lawyer Harvard ever turned out. He was also such a snappy dresser that

tailors sometimes followed him down the street, just to observe clothes  being worn as they should be worn. 

"You've been accused of a murder, Doc!" exclaimed the second of the  newcomers. 

This man was tall, and so thin he seemed nothing more than a  structure of skincoated bones. He wore

glasses, the left lens of which  was much thicker than the right. The left lens was a powerful  magnifying glass.

The bony man had lost the use of his left eye in the  War, and since he needed a magnifier in his profession of

archaeology  and geology, he carried it in the left side of his spectacles, for  convenience. 

He was "Johnny"  William Harper Littlejohn, onetime head of the  natural science research department of

a famous university, and  possessor of an almost universal reputation for proficiency in his  line. 

The addition of these two completed Doc Savage's group of five  unusual aids. Each was a man with few

equals at his trade. They were  men who loved excitement and adventure. They found that aplenty with  Doc

Savage. The strange bronze man seemed to walk always on paths of  peril. 

Undoubtedly the most amazing fact about this remarkable company of  trouble busters was the ability of Doc,

himself, to excel any one of  his helpers at his own profession. Doc's fund of knowledge about  electricity was

greater than that of Long Tom, the wizard of the juice;  the same supremacy applied to the others in their

fields of chem,istry,  geology, law, and engineering. 

"What's this about me being a murderer?" Doc asked sharply. 

"The New Jersey police have a warrant for you!" declared Ham, still  flourishing his sword cane. "They have

four witnesses who say they saw  you throw a man against the third rail of an interurban line and  electrocute


"And they're bringing the witnesses over here to identify you!"  Johnny added. Excitedly, he jerked off his

spectacles which had the  magnifier on the left side. "They'll be here any time, now!" 

Ham nodded vehemently. "They will! A police officer in New Jersey,  knowing I usually take care of the law

angles in our troubles, called  me and tipped me off about the thing." 




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"Who am I supposed to have murdered?" Doc queried dryly. 

Ham tapped his sword cane thoughtfully. "A fellow I never heard of.  His name was Jim Cash!" 

Alice Cash sank soundlessly into a chair and buried her face in her  arms. Her shoulders began to convulse. 

Monk, who had prowled over to the window, and stood looking down,  called abruptly: "Look at this!" 

Doc flashed to his side. 

Far below, a car was sweeping in to the curb. Men got out. In the  darkness and rain, it was impossible to

identify them. They numbered  nine. 

Faint light spilled from the front of the skyscraper, revealing,  painted on top of the car for easy identification

from airplanes, the  lettered symbols of New Jersey State Police. 

"The New Jersey officers with their witnesses!" Monk muttered. 


DOC BACKED from the window. Without apparent haste, but none the  less with deceptive speed, he crossed

to the massive table and touched  several inlaid segments. These depressed under his fingers, but  immediately

sprang back into place, so as to conceal the fact that the  table top was one great cluster of push buttons. 

"Monk, you and Ham stay here and stall these fellows!" Doc  directed. 

Monk surveyed the sartorially perfect Ham and made an awful  grimace. "0.K. I'll try to put up with this

shyster I" 

At that, Ham glared and hefted his sword cane suggestively. His  expression said that nothing would give him

more pleasure than to stick  the blade into Monk's anthropoid frame. 

"Some of these days, I'm gonna take that hairy hide of yours home  for a rug!" he promised. 

This exchange, accompanied by fierce looks, was nothing unusual.  Ham and Monk were always riding each

other. Their goodnatured quarrel  dated back to the Great War to an incident which had given Ham his

nickname. To have some fun, Ham had taught Monk some highly insulting  French words, telling him they

were the proper adjectives with which to  curry the favor of a French general. Monk had used them  and

landed  in the guardhouse. 

Shortly after his release from the military calaboose, the dapper  Brigadier General Theodore Marley Brooks

had been hailed upon a charge  of stealing hams. Somebody had planted the evidence. The nickname of  Ham

had stuck from that day. 

What irked Ham especially, was the fact that he had never been able  to prove it was Monk who had framed


Monk only leered nastily at Ham, and asked Doc: "Where are you  goin'?" 

"If you do not know, you can tell the truth when those fellows ask  you where we are," Doc informed him


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Every one but Monk and Ham now left the office. They entered the  highspeed elevator. A breathtaking

drop followed. Doc sent the cage  to the basement level. 

The New Jersey officers and their four witnesses had undoubtedly  been passed somewhere en route. 

Doc led his party along a white passage. They entered a private  garage which the bronze man maintained in

the basement. This held  several cars, all excellent machines, but none in the least flashy. 

Doc stepped to a large limousine, He produced two objects from a  door pocket. One of these resembled a

greatly overgrown wrist watch.  The other was a flat box with numerous dials and switches, and a  harness by

which it could be carried under a coat, out of view. 

The two objects were joined by a flexible conduit. 

Doc flicked switches. On the glass dial of the oversize wristwatch  contrivance appeared a picture of the

office upstairs. 

Aunt Nora looked at this picture, noting the presence of the big,  furry Monk and the dapper Ham. Her eyes

threatened to jump out of her  head when she saw the two go to the door and admit a string of men. 

"Land sakes!" she gasped. "A television machine! I didn't know they  made 'em that small!" 

"The only ones of that size are in Doc's possession," Long Tom  advised her, with the natural pride of an

electrical expert discussing  a remarkable accomplishment in his profession. "Doc made them. The  transmitter

is concealed in the wall of the room upstairs." 

"But I didn't see it turned on!" 

"Doc did that when he pressed the inlaid table top." 

There was a radio set in the limousine. Doc spun the dials. The  words which came from the loudspeaker

showed the set was tuned to a  transmitter relaying sounds picked up by secret microphones in the  office room


Between the televisor and the radio, Doc and the others were able  to follow what went on above almost as

perfectly as if they had been  present. 

FOUR OF the men who had just arrived wore uniforms of New Jersey  State Troopers. A New York detective

was also with them. If an arrest  was to be made, he would have to make it, jailing the prisoners until  they

were extradited to New Jersey. 

Any waterfront dive might have been combed to get the other four.  They were attired in suits, neckties, and

bats which looked brandnew.  This was productive of a suspicion that they had been dressed up for  the


"Where is Doc Savage?" demanded one of the troopers. 

Monk's homely face was very innocent. "Search me, officer." 


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"This is a regretful mission for us," said another of the  policemen. "Knowing Doc Savage to be a man of fine

character  " 

"He ain't so damn fine!" sneered one of the four somewhat sinister  witnesses. "We saw 'im murder a man!" 

Ham beetled his brows and bent a hard stare on the quartet. This  was Ham's element. As a lawyer, he had

handled many lying witnesses. 

"You saw the murder?" he challenged. 

"Yeah!" they chorused sullenly. 

"And you are sure it was Doc Savage?" Ham's tone of voice called  them frauds as plainly as words could


"Yeah! We've seen the bronze guy's picture in the newspapers! It  was 

Ham leveled his sword cane dramatically at the four. "The Green  Bell showed you Doc Savage's picture, and

gave you money to swear that  he murdered Jim Cash! Isn't that right?" 

This blunt accusation failed to have the desired effect. The  spokesman of the quartet winked elaborately at

one of the troopers. 

"This guy must be nuts!" he said. "We don't know anything about any  Green Bell. We saw Doc Savage push

that poor feller onto that third  rail. Like honest citizens should do, we told the police!" 

"That's right!" snarled another of the four. "We don't have to  stand here and listen to this little snort of a

mouthpiece razz us,  either!" 

"Shut up!" growled one of the officers. Then, to Ham:  "Can you  tell us where we can find Doc Savage?" 

"I do not know where he is," Ham said. This was the truth to a  letter. 

Ham now stepped into the library. He came back, bearing a large  group picture. He held the print up before

the four men who claimed  they had seen the murder. 

"Let's see you pick out Doc," he invited. 

Doc Savage was not in the picture at all. Ham hoped to trick the  men into a false identification. 

It failed to work. 

"What d'you think we are!" jeered one of the men. "Savage ain't  there!" 

Ham wondered if he looked as worried as he felt. These charlatans,  be was now sure, had been shown a

picture from which they could  identify Doc. 

This meant that Doc was certain to face a murder charge. The police  of both New York and New Jersey held

the bronze man in great esteem.  But that would not keep Doc out of jail  not with four witnesses  saying he

had committed a murder. 


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There was no such thing as bail on a murder charge. "Can you tell  us whether or not Doc Savage will give

himself up?" asked one of the  officers. 

"Naw  he won't!" Monk rumbled. "Not to get himself throwed in  jail on a fake charge!" 

The officers became somewhat grim at this. "Then we'll have to  spread a general alarm for him." 

"Don't pay any attention to what this hairy dope says!" Ham  interpolated, glaring at Monk. "He hasn't got

good sense, so he don't  know what Doc will do. I am sure Doc will take every measure to help  the police." 

The troopers showed plainly that they were distressed about the  whole thing. 

"This is  a case of murder, you know," the New York detective  said reluctantly. "I am afraid we shall have

to issue an immediate  pickup order for Doc." 

The officers and the quartet of mountebank witnesses now took their  departure. 

"You had better watch those four closely!" Ham warned the police. 

"Don't worry," replied the trooper. "We're going to pop 'em in the  can an' keep 'em there!" 

DOC SAVAGE gave the officers an interval in which to get out of the  building. Then he went to a telephone

in the garage and called the  office upstairs. 

"The thing looks pretty bad!" he advised Ham. "If I surrender  myself now, I'll have to go to jail. I couldn't get

bail on a charge  that serious." 

"That's right," Ham groaned. 

"The thing to do is to get out of town. So we're leaving for  Prosper City at once." 

"Great!" Ham brightened. "We'll go and clean up on this Green Bell  right in his own belfry!" 

"You are not going!" Doc advised. 

Ham squawked in disappointment. "But listen, Doc  " 

"Some one must stay in New York and fight this murder charge," Doc  pointed out. "You're elected." 

Ham was groaning loudly when Doc hung up. The thought that be might  miss out on some excitement was a

big blow to Ham. He was the logical  one to remain behind, however, because of his profession. 

It was Doc's custom to assign his men tasks for which their  particular profession fitted them. This was an

emergency calling for a  lawyer, which happened to be Ham's specialty. It was his hard luck if  he was forced

to remain behind and miss anything. 

Monk soon entered the basement garage. His homely grin was so wide  that it threatened to jam his little ears

together on the back of his  head. He was well aware of Ham's disappointment  and tickled in  proportion. 

"We shall leave for Prosper City in half an hour," Doc stated. "Can  you make it?" 


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The query was directed at Aunt Nora, Alice Cash, and Ole Slater. As  for his own men, Doc knew they would

have no trouble getting away in  that interval. 

"Our bags are in our old car in a parking lot near here," Aunt Nora  told him. "When we get our grips, we'll be

ready to hike." 

"It will not take me long to get my Gladstone from the railway  station check room, where I left it!" Ole Slater


As guards to accompany Aunt Nora and Alice Cash, Doc dispatched  Renny and Monk  much to Monk's

pleasure. A pretty girl always took  Monk's eye. 

Ole Slater declared he would need no protection. "I doubt if they  know I am in New York, anyway." 

It was noticeable that Ole favored Monk with a faint scowl when the  homely fellow offered the attractive

young lady a gallant arm. 

Each of Doc's men assembled equipment which they might need. This  was their usual procedure. 

Monk, for instance, had a marvelously compact little chemical  laboratory which he took. Long Tom had an

assortment of parts from  which he could assemble an almost unbelievable number of electrical  devices.

Bigfisted Renny had a few engineering instruments. 

Johnny, the archaeologist and geologist, carried most of his  equipment in his head in the form of knowledge.

So he burdened himself  with machine guns, ammunition, and grenades, as well as a set of  bulletproof vests. 

The machine guns which Johnny packed were remarkable weapons. They  resembled slightly oversized

automatics, with big curled magazines. Doc  had perfected them. They fired shots so swiftly that they sounded

like  gigantic bull fiddles when they went into operation. 

These weapons were carried more for the terror they caused foes,  than for lethal use. Doc and his aides never

took human life if they  could help it. 

However, Doc's enemies had a way of perishing in traps which they  themselves had set for the bronze man. 

THE GROUP gathered in the skyscraper basement and entered the large  limousine. A special lift carried the

car to street level. Few persons,  other than the building attendants, knew of the presence of the garage. 

Ham, tapping his sword cane disconsolately against a polished toe,  saw them off from the curb. He figured he

was in for a dull time. 

As a usual thing, when there was danger, Doc rode either in an open  car or outside, clinging to the running

board. He did this as a matter  of safety. The manner in which his strange golden eyes could detect a  lurking

enemy was uncanny. 

Doc broke his rule this time, and ensconced himself in the rear  seat. To ride outside, where he could be seen,

would mean difficulties  with the police. 

With Renny at the wheel, the car rolled toward the Hudson River. 


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Except for an occasional lonely drop, the rain had ceased. The  streets glistened wetly. Out on the wide

Hudson, two tugboats were  hooting deep bass whistles, each stubbornly contesting for the right of  way. 

Warehouses loomedflat, monster hulks. 

Renny drove directly toward one of these. The headlights brought  out a name on the front of the structure. 


If one had taken the trouble to investigate, he would have learned  the Hidalgo Trading Co. owned nothing but

this one warehouse. Also, Doc  Savage was the whole concern. 

At Doc's quiet warning, no one got out of the limousine. By now,  they had all noted that the windows were

bulletproof glass, more than  an inch thick, and the body of the machine itself was armorplate  steel. 

Renny depressed a switch on the instrument board. This produced no  visible phenomena. But big doors in the

front of the warehouse opened  silently. 

Actually, Renny had turned on a lantern which projected  ultraviolet rays invisible to the human eye. These

had operated a  special photoelectric cell concealed in the front of the great barn of  a building. This cell had

set the door mechanism in action. 

As the car glided forward, the lights illuminated the warehouse  interior. Aunt Nora, Alice Cash, and Ole

Slater emitted three gasps of  surprise which blended as one. 

The place held several planes. These ranged from a vast,  trimotored craft which was streamlined to an ultra

degree, to various  small gyros and autogyros. Every ship was an amphibian  capable of  descending on

land or water. 

The automobile heaved gently over the threshold, and rolled several  yards into the vast warehouse hangar.

Every one alighted and began  unloading the duffel. 

"Hey!" Monk ripped. "Lookit what's comin'!" 

Seven ominous figures materialized soundlessly from the darkness  outside. There was barely room for them

to come abreast through the  large door. They resembled a charge of crows. 

Each was mantled from crown to toe in a black sack of a garment.  The bells, painted on the fronts of the

gowns, had a green hue which  seemed particularly vile. 

Three figures held automatics; the others gripped submachine guns.  Extra ammunition drums for the

rapidfirers were suspended around their  necks by thin strings which could be broken with a jerk. 

THE SEVEN sinister figures ran a few feet within the warehouse. 

"Give it to 'em!" snarled one. 

Automatics and machine guns opened up in a hideous roar! Empty  cartridges chased each other from the

breeches of the automatics, and  poured in brassy streams from the ejectors of the rapidfirers. Powder  noise

cascaded through the capacious warehouse in a deafening salvo. 


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Alice Cash shrieked, and shoved Aunt Nora into the shelter of the  sedan. Quick thinking, that! Ole Slater

followed them with a leap. 

Doc Savage and his four friends merely stood there emptyhanded, and  watched the exhibition of murderous


Something mysterious was happening to the bullets. A few feet from  Doc and his men, the slugs seemed to

stop in midair and splatter like  raindrops. Some halted and hung in space, strangely distorted. 

None of the bullets were reaching Doc's group. 

The truth dawned on the gang of Green Bells. They ceased shooting  as abruptly as they had started. They

goggled at the bullets which  seemed suspended in the air. 

Their leader tried to yell a command. Amazement had gripped him so  strongly that he made several

unintelligible choking noises before he  could get words out. 

"Beat it!" he gulped. "This joint is hoodooed, or somethin'!" 

As one man, the seven veered around and pitched for the outer  darkness. What had just occurred was

startling. But what happened now  was far worse  at least to the Green Bells. 

They seemed to smash headlong into an invisible wall. Bruised,  noses spouting crimson, they bounced back.

Two piled down on the floor,  stunned. 

The survivors now realized what had happened. Walls of glass   thick, transparent, and bulletproof  had

arisen in front and behind. 

The one in front must have been up when they entered; the rear  panel had arisen after their feet had operated

a hidden trip in the  floor. 

Howling in terror, they flung themselves against the transparent  barricade. They shot at it. The bullets only

splattered, or stuck. They  could see tiny cracks radiating like cobwebs from points where the  bullets made

contact. This fact had escaped their notice before. 

They skittered their hands along the cold, vertical expanse,  seeking an escape. 

Doc Savage glanced at his companions, and said quietly: "Hold your  breath  at least a minute, if you can." 

Drawing several small glass globes from his clothing, Doc advanced.  The bulbs were thinwalled, and held a


Before the almost invisible barrier, Doc sprang high into the air  and flung a fistful of the glass balls over the

top. The tiny squashing  noises as they broke was lost in the frightened wailing of the trapped  Green Bells. 

Doc waited. He was holding his breath; his friends were doing  likewise. The two women and Ole Slater had

followed suit, without  knowing what it was all about. 

The Green Bells began to act like men who had gone to sleep on  their feet. They collapsed in quick

succession. Some fell heavily;  others reclined with more care, as if tired. The two who had dazed  themselves

by butting the glass wall, ceased their nervous twitchings. 


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Perhaps a minute elapsed. 

Then Doc gave a signal, and his companions began to breathe. 


"LAND SAKES!" Aunt Nora sputtered. "What happened? I don't mean the  glass walls! What put 'em to sleep

like that?" 

The homely Monk took it on himself to explain, probably for the  benefit of pretty Alice Cash. 

"There was an anesthetic gas in the glass balls. It spreads  quickly, and produces instant unconsciousness if

breathed. After mixing  with the air for something less than a minute, the stuff becomes  ineffective." 

Working rapidly, Doc Savage operated small levers at one side of  the warehouse. The glass walls sank


"Put the Green Bells in the big plane," he directed. "The police  will be drawn by those shots, and we want to

get out of here before  they arrive. 

This order was carried out with swift efficiency. 

Aunt Nora bounced about, highly excited by the lightning speed of  recent events. 

"This disguised hangar  these planes  that office of yours!"  She waved her arms. "These things have cost

a lot of money! You must be  rich as sin!" 

The bronze man only gave her one of his rare smiles. 

The somewhat fantastic truth about Doc's wealth was destined to  remain a mystery to Aunt Nora, just as it

was an enigma to the rest of  the world. 

Doc possessed a fabulous hoard of gold. The trove lay in a lost  valley in the remote mountain fastness of a

Central American republic.  Descendants of the ancient Mayan race lived in this valley and mined  the


When Doc was in need of funds, he had merely to broadcast, at a  certain hour, a few words in the Mayan

language. This was picked up by  a sensitive radio receiver in the lost valley. A few days later, a  burro train

laden with gold would appear m the capital of the Central  American republic. 

The cargo was always deposited to Doc's credit in a bank. It was a  slim trip when one of these burro trains

did not bring out a treasure  of four or five million dollars. 

The warehouse floor sloped downward. The outer end, a concrete  apron, was under water. The big plane was

quickly rolled down and set  afloat. Electric motors pulled great doors back on oiled tracks. 

Doc took the controls. The motors started. They were equipped with  efficient silencers, and made only shrill


A few minutes later, the giant plane was streaking over the surface  of the Hudson; it cocked its nose up in a


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steep climb. 

Looking backward, using binoculars, Doc's men could see red lights  crawling about in the vicinity of the

warehouse. These were police cars  putting in a tardy arrival. 

Prosper City lay to the westward, but Doc flew north. He soon  turned the controls over to Renny. All of the

bronze man's aids were  expert airmen. 

MOVING TO the seven sleeping prisoners, Doc stripped off the  greenbelled black gowns. 

Aunt Nora eyed the faces which were disclosed, and snapped: "I've  seen those rats loafing around Prosper


Alice Cash nodded, then relapsed into a whitefaced silence. She  was grieving over her brother's murder, and

saying very little. 

Ole Slater scowled, causing his features to lose some of their  handsomeness. "I've seen them around town,


Doc now used a hypodermic needle and administered a stimulant to  one of the captives. This soon revived the


The man quailed from the bronze giant and began to whimper in  terror. "It was all a mistake!" 

Doc grasped the craven's face between muscular palms and began to  stare steadily into the wavering eyes. 

The onlookers soon understood what be was doing. Using hypnotism!  But the victim was too frightened to

realize what was occurring, or to  combat the effects of the weird golden eyes. 

The fellow finally became still, staring at Doc like a bird at a  big serpent. 

"Who is the Green Bell?" Doc demanded in a compelling tone. 

"I  dunno," the man mumbled tonelessly. "None of us knows." 

Under normal conditions, Doc would not have believed a word the man  told him. But now he knew he was

hearing the truth. 

"Who told you to spring that trap at the warehouse?" he persisted. 

"The Green Bell telephoned us," was the droned answer. "He just  said for us to follow you and kill you and

your men when we got a  chance. We were not to harm the two women and Ole Slater." 

"Glory be!" exploded Aunt Nora. "Why didn't he want Alice and Ole  and me done away with?" 

Doc relayed this query to his source of information. 

"It was on account of the effect their death would have on their  friends in Prosper City," mumbled the Green

Bell hireling. "They'd  lynch Judborn Tugg. Tugg is important in the big scheme, whatever it  is!" 

Doc queried: "Do Judborn Tugg and Slick Cooley belong to the Green  Bell's gang?" 


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"I dunno  I guess so. I don't know much. I'm a new man." 

Doc tried one more question. "Did the Green Bell send you to New  York, in the first place, to murder me?" 

"I don't think so. He just sent us so we'd be handy in case  something went wrong. His first idea was to get you

on his pay roll. He  thought you were a common muscle man." 

"Did you and this gang here murder June Cash?" 

"No. Some more of the Green Bell's men done that." This summed up  the information Doc was able to secure

from the man. He awakened the  other six, and put questions to them, but learned little more. Nothing,  in fact,

that was valuable. 

RENNY VEERED the giant plane inland, toward the mountainous, thinly  populated upstate portion of New


The huge speedcowled motors were almost wide open. The ship was  making a speed considerably in excess

of two hundred and fifty miles an  hour. It was one of the fastest craft for its size to be found. 

Doc went to the radio transmitter and sent a brief message. 

Later in the night, when they landed in a clearing in the northern  wilderness, three ghostly ambulances were

waiting. These had been  summoned by Doc's radio message. 

Whiteclad men, their faces lost in the shadows beneath their cap  brims, loaded the seven prisoners into the

ambulances. Few words were  exchanged. 

The ambulances departed. Doc took his plane off. The whole incident  had been grim and spectral. 

Aunt Nora was bewildered. "What'll happen to those seven men?" 

"They will be taken care of," Doc said, and did not clarify the  thing further. 

Doc did not advertise what happened to wrongdoers whom he captured.  The bronze man maintained a strange

institution in this mountain  wilderness. There, the seven men would undergo brain operations which  would

cause them to completely forget their pasts. 

Next, they would be taught upright citizenship and a trade. They  would be turned loose  honest men,

unaware of their past criminal  careers. 

No crook, once treated in this manner, had ever returned to evil  ways. 

Doc's institution would have caused a worldwide sensation, had its  existence become public. 

A hissing meteor, the plane hurtled through the night, bearing the  remarkable bronze man, his four unusual

aids, and the three  unfortunates whom he intended to help. 

PROSPER CITY  crisscrossed strings of street lamps far below   appeared some time before dawn. 

"The airport is north of town!" Alice Cash advised. 


Chapter VI. FEAR'S DOMAIN 34


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The drome was unlighted. It was situated in the middle of an area  of ripening grain which looked yellow in

the moonlight  there was a  moon shining on Prosper City. The flying field was turfed with grass,  which

was very dark as seen from the air. 

Three rusty hangars were hunched at the edge of the tarmac. A  junked plane stood behind one shed. Faded

pennants of fabric clung to  its naked skeleton. 

As far as could be seen, there was no one about. 

Doc cranked the landing wheels down out of the wells, into which  they had disappeared for greater

streamlining. He planted the big ship  on the ground as lightly as if it had been a glider. They coasted to a  stop

perhaps two hundred feet from one of the hangars. 

The sliding door of this hangar scooted back and let out a flood of  men. They wore police uniforms. 

An incredibly tall, rawboned man led the policemen. He had an  enormous mustache, and a small red face.

The combination was remindful  of a cherry with a large brown caterpillar on it. 

"The police chief  Clem Clements!" Aunt Nora snapped. "I'll bet  some one has told him we're criminals,

and Clem has believed 'em! Clem  is sure pinheaded!" 

Chief  Clements  was  flourishing  an  officiallooking document. 

Doc Savage needed no close inspection to tell him what this paper  was  a warrant for his arrest, perhaps, or

a wire from New York,  requesting the bronze man's apprehension. 

A deduction that Doc would head for Prosper City would call for no  great thinking on the mysterious Green

Bell's  part. But the master  mind had moved quickly to give more trouble to Doc and his friends. 

Doc did a bit of fast thinking, and decided the simplest thing he  could do was to avoid Chief Clements for the


Turning in the pilot's seat, Doc glanced backward. There had been  no rain in Prosper City recently. The prop

stream was pulling dust from  the grass roots, and squirting it back in a funnel. There was much more  dust

around the hangars. 

Doc locked one wheel brake, and slapped the throttles open. This  pivoted the plane. A dusty hurricane

slapped the faces of Chief  Clements and his men. 

They were blinded. They yelled angrily, and fired warning shots in  the air. 

Doc dropped out of the ship. He seemed to flatten and vanish in the  scrubby grass. He left the vicinity like a

startled ghost. 

CHIEF CLEMENTS dashed up to the plane, rubbing his eyes and blowing  dust out of his big mustache. 

"You done that on purpose!" he declared irately. He had a metallic,  whanging voice. 

Renny put his sober face out of a window. The twanging voice of  Chief Clements reminded him of a taut

barbed wire being plucked. 


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"We didn't think of the dust!" he said meekly. This was not a  prevarication  Doc had thought of the dust. 

"We're lookin' for a murderer named Doc Savage!" snapped Chief  Clements. 

Renny heaved a relieved sigh. The policmen had been blinded by the  dust so effectively that Doc's departure

had escaped their notice. 

"Who put you up to this, Clem Clements?" Aunt Nora shouted  wrathfully. 

Chief Clements glared at Aunt Nora as if the motherly old lady had  horns. 

"None of your business!" he retorted, somewhat childishly. Aunt  Nora jumped out of the plane. "Was it

Judborn Tugg?" 

Chief Clements pulled the ends of his mustache down in a scowl,  giving the impression that the caterpillar on

the cherry had bowed its  back. 

"Now don't you start running down Judborn Tugg!" he twanged. "He's  an upright man, and the best citizen

this town's got! What if he did  wire me from New York that you was mixed up with a murderer named Doc

Savage, and might show up here? He was doin' the decent thing!" 

"Tugg never did a decent thing in his whole evil life!" Aunt Nora  said scathingly. 

Chief Clements thrust his little red head forward. "I think you're  behind this trouble, Aunt Nora Boston! I've

just been waitin' to get  some proof, so I could throw you in jail!" 

Aunt Nora cocked her arms akimbo. "That sounds like some of Judborn  Tugg's advice!" 

"If I find Doc Savage in that plane, you're gonna be locked up on a  charge of helpin' a murderer escape!"

Chief Clements yelled. 

"If you find Doc Savage in the ship, I'll go to jail willingly!"  Aunt Nora snapped. 

Chief Clements and his men now searched the giant trimotor. Their  faces registered a great deal of

disappointment when they found no  bronze man. 

"We'll hang around the airport!" the Prosper City police chief  whanged. "Savage may show up in another

plane. I've got a guard around  your house, too, Aunt Nora! And you're gonna be shadowed, every move  you

make. If Doc Savage tries to get in touch with you, we'll nab 'im!" 

Aunt Nora sniffed loudly. But her wrinkled face showed concern. 

"I suppose it's all right to call a car to take us into town?" she  snapped. 

"I'll send you in my car!" offered Chief Clements, figuring this  would make it simpler for his men to keep

track of Aunt Nora and her  companions. 

"I wouldn't ride in it!" Aunt Nora informed him. "I'll telephone  for a hack!" 

THE CAB which Aunt Nora summoned arrived something over half an  hour later. 


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The driver was a shabby individual, who slouched low behind the  wheel. He had a purple nose, bulging

cheeks, and he seemed half asleep.  He did not offer to open the door for his fares. 

The luggage was piled in front with the chauffeur. The two women  and Ole Slater got in the rear. Johnny and

Long Tom turned down the  drop seats. Monk and Renny, the giants of the group, rode clinging to  the running


The taxi had not rolled far when it passed a pitiful little camp  beside the road. There was a ragged tent and a

litter of house  furnishings which had been virtually ruined by the weather. It was a  scene of utter poverty,

even when seen in the mellow glow of the  moonlight. 

"There's a sample," Aunt Nora muttered. "A year ago, that family  was happy and buying their own home. The

husband was one who wouldn't  go out on strike. Driver  stop the car! I want these people to hear


The machine halted; the motor silenced. A sound which came steadily  from the ragged tent could now be

heard. It was a low, frightful  gibbering. It kept up without end. 

"That's the poor husband," Aunt Nora said brokenly. "He is insane!  The Green Bell made him that way in

some horrible fashion! As I told  you, there's more than a dozen others like him. They're all men who  wanted

to stay at work, and keep the mills and mines operating. The  Green Bell is trying to break every factory in

this town." 

Every one was silent as the car got under way again. To Doc's four  men, this incident had been an appalling

sample of what they were up  against. It brought home to them the sinister power of this mysterious  master,

the Green Bell. 

They soon saw other evidence of the terrible conditions in Prosper  City. In more than one alley, there were

furtive, slinking figures.  These individuals were looking for scraps of food. 

"The poor souls are starving!" Aunt Nora explained. 

"It's ghastly!" Ole Slater groaned. "If I should put conditions  such as these in the play I am writing, people in

other cities would  say it couldn't happen! And no one knows what's behind it all!" 

Johnny, the gaunt geologist, took off his spectacles with the  magnifying left lens. "Isn't there a community

chest, or some kind of a  charity fund?" 

"All of those were exhausted long ago," Alice Cash told him  quietly. "Nine out of every ten men in Prosper

City are out of work.  That seems inconceivable. But it is true!" 

The car rolled on. It turned several corners, behaving somewhat  uncertainly, as if the driver did not know

where he was going. 

"You're not going toward my house!" Aunt Nora rapped. 

The driver shrugged.  "Which way is it?" 

"You don't know?" Aunt Nora asked incredulously. 

"No!" said the driver with the purple nose and fat cheeks. 


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"Humph! It looks like you have never been in Prosper City before!" 

"I haven't!" 

Aunt Nora suddenly stood up and thrust her face close to that of  the driver. She stared. 

"Glory be!" she ejaculated. "You're Doc Savage!" 


THE DISCOVERY that the chauffeur was Doc Savage surprised Monk and  Renny so greatly that they almost

fell off the running board. Ole  Slater jumped as if he had been slapped. Alice Cash made silent  whistling lips

of wonder. 

Long Tom and Johnny both chuckled. This was not the first time the  bronze man had donned a remarkable

disguise. He was a master of  makeup, just as he was a master of innumerable other things. 

"I was hanging around, and heard you phone for the cab," Doc  enlightened Aunt Nora. "It was a simple

matter to stop the machine and  bribe the driver to let me take his place." 

"Where's the driver?" Aunt Nora wanted to know. 

"He is going to sneak past the guards, and be waiting in your house  to take the car away. That will get me

into your house without the  knowledge of the watching policemen." 

Aunt Nora settled back with a sigh which almost attained happiness.  "If you ask this old girl, I'm betting

Prosper City is soon going to  see the end of its streak of hard luck." 

The rooming house operated by Aunt Nora Boston was a large,  rambling white structure of two stories and a

set of garret bedrooms.  Much neatly trimmed shrubbery surrounded it. Doc and his men thought  the

oldfashioned place rather attractive. 

Doc's ruse for gaining admission to the house was carried to a  successful completion. The real driver drove

the taxi away, leaving Doc  behind. 

Chief Clements's cops, stationed just outside Aunt Nora's grounds,  did not smell a mouse. 

Aunt Nora's house stood on the outskirts of Prosper City, at the  foot of a range of high, wooded hills, which

the local citizens called  mountains. 

Coal mines were located in the mountains, Doc soon learned. Long  galleries from these mines underlaid

much of Prosper City itself. 

Alice Cash grasped an opportunity to impart the informa tion that  Aunt Nora had secured a small fortune

from the sale of this coal. The  kindly old lady had expended all of her funds in providing for the  needy,


The sun flushed up redly. With dawn, a fresh shift of policemen  went on duty. There were four of the officers

observing the house. 




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Doc was careful to keep out of sight. 

The bronze man took his first steps aimed at improving conditions  in Prosper City. From a pocket, he

produced a sheaf of bank notes. 

Aunt Nora rubbed her eyes when she saw the size of the bills. Some  were hundreds, but most were of

thousanddollar denomination. 

Doc passed the small fortune to Aunt Nora, along with instructions. 

Aunt Nora paid a visit to the Prosper City merchants who had been  most generous in contributing to charity.

Each received a tremendous  order for food and clothing, with cash on the line. 

The delight with which the merchants greeted this business was  moving. One old groceryman, who had been

carrying his whole  neighborhood on credit because he could not bear to see former  customers in want, sat

down and cried. 

Before noon, arrangements were completed for the delivery of more  than a score of truck loads of food and

clothing to Aunt Nora's  capacious yard. "By night," was the time insisted upon. 

There were a few skinflint merchants who had given credit to none  of the impoverished, and who had not

contributed to charity. These  fellows did not get a penny of Doc's business. 

A circus was stranded in town. Aunt Nora leased the big top and the  menagerie tent, and ordered them

erected in her yard to shelter the  supplies. 

Working under Doc's directions, Ole Slater rented several open  cars. These rolled through the streets. Slater,

Alice Cash and Doc's  four men stood in the back seats with megaphones, broadcasting the fact  that there

would be a food distribution and a meeting at Aunt Nora's  place that night. 

"Tell them," Doc directed, "that at this gathering a plan will be  presented which will put every man in Prosper

City back to work within  the next two weeks." 

To say this information created a sensation in Prosper City was  putting it mildly. Few believed the thing

could be done. But every man,  his family, and his dog would attend the meeting to see what it was all  about. 

THE MYSTERIOUS master mind, the Green Bell, was not dormant.  Hardfaced men  the agitators who

had been prominent in the trouble  from the first  mounted soap boxes at street corners, and began to  label

Aunt Nora as a sinister woman, and Doc Savage a murderer and  worse. 

The elderly lady, they said, was in league with "The Interests."  Just who The Interests were, they neglected to

mention explicitly, but  included mill and mine owners in a general way. Aunt Nora was going to  try to

persuade men to go back to work at starvation wages, they  declared. Why go to work and starve anyway,

while the pockets of the  rich were lined? 

This argument would have been good, had it had any foundation in  truth. These fellows did not give a hoot

about the welfare of the  workmen, although they claimed they did. 

They were on the pay roll of the Green Bell. Their purpose was to  keep the factories and mines closed. Why?

Only the Green Bell knew. 




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The hired agitators held themselves up as protectors of the  workers. They voiced threats against all who

attended Aunt Nora's  meeting. 

"We ain't gonna go to work until we get decent wages!" one orator  proclaimed. "You're fools if you listen to

the softsoaping words of  that lying old lady!" 

At this point, one of Aunt Nora's admirers knocked the spieler off  his soap box. A dozen policemen were

required to break up the fight  which followed. 

This was not the only incident of its kind. The day was marked by a  dribble of bruised and battered agitators

into the hospitals. 

Chief of Police Clements appeared at Aunt Nora's house. His big  mustache was abristle with rage. 

"I forbid this meeting tonight!" he yelled. "You're just fixing to  start more trouble! Even now, there's fightin'

all over town!" 

"Judborn Tugg must be back home!" Aunt Nora jeered. 

Chief Clements became purple. It was a fact that Judborn Tugg and  Slick Cooley had alighted from the noon


"What's that got to do with it?" he gritted. 

"Didn't Tugg tell you to stop my meeting?" Aunt Nora countered. 

This was the truth, and Chief Clements was not ashamed to admit it.  Chief Clements was an honest soul, if a

dumb one, and pompous Judborn  Tugg was an idol in his eyes. 

"Mr. Tugg is the best citizen this town has!" he declared with the  firmness of an ignorant man with one firmly

fixed idea. "It is true  that he thinks your powwow will only cause trouble. I think so, too!  And I'm going to

break it up!" 

"You're going to get your head broke if you try it!" retorted Aunt  Nora. 

This was hardly the argument to use on a bullheaded man such as  Chief Clements. It only made his

determination the firmer. 

Pretty Alice Cash came forward with the argument which really  swayed the boss of the Prosper City police. 

"We are going to distribute food to the starving tonight," she  said gently. "Surely, you are not going to be

coldblooded enough to  stop that?" 

Chief Clements squirmed uncomfortably. He might be thickheaded and  a worshiper of Judborn Tugg, but he

was also a kindly man. If any  hungry person was to be fed, he would be the last one to stand in the  way. 

The upshot was that he agreed to let the meeting be held. 

"But I'm gonna have plenty of cops here," he warned. 




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DOC SAVAGE had eavesdropped from the concealment of another room.  He complimented attractive Alice

Cash when she joined him. 

"You were clever enough to avoid what might have been a nasty bit  of trouble!" he told her. 

Alice gave Doc a ravishing smile of thanks. She was, it could be  seen plainly, experiencing a great attraction

for the giant bronze man.  Signs already indicated that, once grief over her brother's death was  dulled by the

passing of a little time, she was going to fall for Doc  in a big way. 

Ole Slater could see this. He failed to conceal a worried look. He  was obviously enraptured with the

entrancing Alice. 

He might have been relieved to know that Doc Savage made it a  policy to steer far wide of feminine

entanglements. His perilous,  active career made that necessary. Should he encumber himself with a  wife, she

would not only be always in danger of becoming a widow, but  enemies would strike at Doc through her. He

could let no woman lead a  life like that. 

Late in the afternoon, Ham telephoned from New York. He reported  that he was investigating the past lives

of the four men who had sworn  falsely that they had seen Doc murder Jim Cash. 

"I may be able to get something on them that will make them tell  the truth," he said hopefully. "But, frankly,

I'm not doing so hot." 

Since Doc was forced to keep under cover, his four aids in Prosper  City handled preparations for the night's


Bigfisted Renny, who had superintended construction of skyscrapers  and bridges as an engineer, directed

raising of the circus tents. Long  Tom, the electrical wizard, installed a public address system, so that  every

word spoken from a rostrum at one end of the big top could be  heard. He also erected powerful flood lights. 

Gorillalike Monk, who had learned to command men as a lieutenant  colonel in the army, organized a score of

Aunt Nora's friends into a  corps to handle the distribution of food and clothing. 

Two banks remained open in Prosper City. The gaunt Johnny visited  one of them, after ascertaining Judborn

Tugg was a director in the  other. The one Johnny entered was the smaller one. 

When Johnny departed, he left a stunned set of bank officials  behind. They held a check deposited in Doc

Savage's name. The amount of  this check crowded the space providing for writing in the figures. The  bankers

telephoned New York before they would believe the draft was  good. 

A rumor of this enormous deposit got out. The Prosper City News  telephoned New York newspapers, asking

who this Doc Savage was. They  were informed that he was a bronze man of mystery, who possessed an

unknown source of fabulous wealth, and who devoted his life to fighting  other people's battles. They also

learned that Doc now stood accused of  murdering Jim Cash. 

The News carried both stories on its front page that evening. The  paper also printed an editorial, beginning: 

"Who is Doc Savage  Midas or murderer? Is be a being whose might  and wealth is to save Prosper City?

Or is he a charlatan and a killer  with a sinister purpose?" 




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Indications were that almost every one in Prosper City was going to  attend Aunt Nora Boston's meeting in

hopes of learning the answer. 

LONG BEFORE sundown, men, women, and children began trickling into  Aunt Nora's great yard. The first

comers were ragged, pitiful figures  with pinched faces. Hunger had drawn them. 

Some of the Green Bell's hired agitators appeared and started  voicing threats. Monk's corps of trained helpers

lit into these fellows  with clubs. A pitched battle ensued. 

An agitator drew a pistol and tried to kill Monk. The first shot  missed. 

Renny lunged in and flung a fist that was as big and hard as half a  concrete block. 

The gun wielder dropped, his jaw broken like so much gravel. 

Chief Clements appeared magically, leading a squad of at least  thirty officers. The latter had long billies,

teargas bombs, and gas  masks. 

"I knew there was gonna be trouble here!" Chief Clements howled.  "Every blasted one of you are under


Monk waved at the agitators. "You mean those clucks are pulled,  don't you?" 

"I don't mean them! They're within their rights in makin' speeches!  This is a free country! I mean YOU!" 

Ole Slater was in none too good a temper, probably because he had  been worrying all day over the

unmistakable signs charming Alice Cash  gave of falling for Doc Savage. Rage got the better of Slater. 

He drew back and pasted the handiest cop. 

Two policemen sprang upon Slater and belabored him with their  clubs. 

"Everybody's under arrest!" Chief Clements repeated shrilly. "Then  we're gonna search the house! We got a

tip that Doc Savage is in  there!" 

Monk rammed his homely face forward. "You what?" 

"Judborn Tugg said one of his friends saw a bronze man hidin' in  the house!" growled the police leader. 

Doc Savage was stationed near an open window in the house, where he  could listen. His strange golden eyes

betrayed no emotion at Chief  Clements's words. 

The report that Doc was concealed in Aunt Nora's home was a  puzzling angle, however. Indirectly, it had

emanated from the  mysterious Green Bell, of course. But how had he known Doc was there?  Or had he only

made a wild guess? 

Doc glided to a rear window. Darkness had now fallen, but the  grounds were brilliantly lighted by Long

Tom's flood lamps. 

Police were stationed in a cordon around the house. They stood  close together. It was doubtful if a mosquito

could escape past them  without being discovered. 




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Doc was in a trap! 

BACK TO the open front window, Doc moved. The wall of one circus  tent was not many yards distant. He

faced this. The remarkable muscles  in his throat knotted into strange positions. 

He spoke loudly, using ventriloquism. His words seemed to come from  the tent wall. They were strange

words  a not unmusical stream of  gutturals. 

It was the language of the ancient Mayans. Doc's men had learned it  on their adventurous visit to the lost

Central American valley which  held Doc's golden trove. It was one of the leastknown tongues on  earth.

Certainly Chief Clements did not understand it. 

"Face the tent wall!" was Doc's first advice. 

Monk and the other four instantly began staring at the tent. This  enhanced the impression that the voice was

emanating from that source.  Doc knew very well that half the success of ventriloquism lies in  getting the

hearer's attention on something he thinks the voice is  coming from. 

Doc now added further commands, speaking rapidly. He got them all  out before the policemen came to life. 

Chief Clements dashed to the tent, lifted the wall, then looked  baffled when he found no one. He spun on

Monk and the others. 

"Put your hands up!" he twanged. "You're carryin' them  funnylookin' little guns! We don't allow gun totin'

in Prosper City!" 

The "funnylookin' " guns which he referred to were the tiny  machine guns which would fire with such

terrific speed. 

Monk ignored the order. 

"I gotta talk this over with my friends," he said in his small  voice. 

"You ain't gonna do nothin' of the kind!" 

Monk and the others now drew their weapons. "Oh, yes, we are! If  you don't let us talk, there's gonna be

plenty of trouble!" 

Chief Clements hedged angrily, eyeing the weapons. Finally he gave  in. 

"All right. But you gotta stay in plain sight!" 

Monk and the rest did not follow this order to the letter. They  retired within the tent. Monk entered the house

and came back with  hands empty, but with a suspicious package bulging his coat. 

The conference lasted perhaps another minute. Then every One came  out of the tent. They threw down their


"That satisfy you?" Monk demanded. 

"We're gonna search you!" whanged Chief Slater. 




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The officers advanced. Counting Doc's four aids and the score of  recruits for the food distribution, there came

near being one prisoner  for every policeman. 

The search got under way. Monk coughed loudly. Instantly, every  captive brought his right hand in contact

with the face or hands of the  lawman who was frisking him. 

The Policemen toppled over like mown bluegrass. They lay where they  fell, snoring loudly. 

Highly elated, Monk and the rest removed tiny metal thimbles from  their fingers. These were fashioned to

blend closely with finger tips.  Only an intent inspection would disclose them, and the unsuspecting  officers

had failed to note the things. 

Each thimble held a tiny hypodermic needle, which, upon contact  with the skin, injected a drug producing a

sleep of several hours'  duration. 

Doc, when he had spoken Mayan, had directed this operation to  overpower the police. These thimbles were

devices of his own invention. 

Chief Clements and his men were carried to their parked cars and  dumped on the cushions. Onlookers, vastly

puzzled, agreed to drive them  away. 

"We're shut of that guy until midnight, anyway!" Monk grinned. 

THE CROWD gathered with increasing speed. Among those coming now  were substantial citizens 

owners of mills and mines which were being  thrown into bankruptcy by the enforced idleness. 

It was a strange situation. The owners were anxious to operate  their plants; the workmen wanted jobs badly.

But the odious  organization of the Green Bell was holding both at a standstill. To  open a factory meant it

would be bombed or burned. For a workman to  take a job meant he was in danger of beatings or  worst of

all  the  weird, horrible insanity. 

That there was some cold, relentless purpose behind it all, many  realized. But they could not fathom the


Why was the Green Bell trying to bankrupt every industry in Prosper  City? Was he a fiend with a mad hate

for the town? No one knew. 

The crowd seemed reluctant to enter the tents. More than one man  there had felt the vengeance of the Green

Bell. They gathered in knots  outside and talked. A few became frightened and left. 

The agitators on the Green Bell's pay roll had not spoken entirely  without effect. 

In order to quiet fears, Long Tom tuned in a portable radio set and  stood the loudspeaker near the

microphone of the publicaddress  system. 

Dance music was now audible all over the grounds, and for some  distance along the suburban roads in either

direction. The tune came  from the local Prosper City station. 

Unexpectedly, an unearthy wail burst in upon the lilting of fiddles  and the muted moaning of saxophones.

The sound rose and fell, changing  its tone. It was like the death cries of a monster, pouring from the





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A deepthroated, reverberating boom lifted over the bedlam of  walling. The throbbing sound seemed to fill

all the night, magnified a  thousand times by the addresssystem speakers. More of the weird notes  came. A

deathwalk procession! 

It might have been the tolling of some cataclysmic dirge. 

The sound ended, and the jazzy dance tune poured from the  loudspeakers as if nothing happened. 

On the grounds men milled, grim of eye and pale of face. Women  clung to their husbands, or mothered their

children. The hideous  tolling had stricken stark terror. 

"The Green Bell!" a man mumbled. 

"It means death or insanity to somebody! It nearly always does!" 

Doc Savage, a motionless statue of bronze, surveyed the scene from  the house. He had seen savage tribesmen

in far countries, living in  apprehension of something they did not understand. He had seen  passengers on a

great ocean liner aghast at approaching disaster. 

He had never seen quite the depth of fear which was here before his  eyes, induced by the gonging sound with

which the Green Bell had  associated himself. 

The unknown brain back of this strange trouble  the being who was  reducing a city to poverty for some

secret reason of his own  had  progressed far toward accomplishing his aims. Prosper City was a realm  of

fear, and he was its czar. 


SOME TWO hundred yards from Aunt Nora Boston's house, a man perched  in a tree, laughing heartily. He

was getting great glee out of the  terror which the Green Bell's sound had wrought. 

Slick Cooley held his side with one hand, and a limb with the  other. He finally stifled his unholy mirth. 

"That'll hold 'em!" he chuckled. 

He pocketed a pair of binoculars and clambered out of the tree.  Carefully avoiding the road, he strode

northward. On his right, the low  mountains frowned in the pale moonlight. He paralleled them. 

When he had covered some distance, he veered over to the road,  where walking was easier. A dog ran out and

barked at him. Slick threw  clods at the dog. 

He went on. The dog had come from the last house; ahead was a large  area of marsh land. A wealthy farmer

had once tried to drain this  swampy section to cultivate it, but had been forced to give the task up  as a bad

job. Great weeds and brush had overgrown the waste land. 

A car came up behind Slick, and stopped when it was alongside him.  The machine was Judborn Tugg's flashy

roadster. Tugg in person sat back  of the wheel. He inquired: 





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Slick got in. 

"The bellin' noise scared that crowd plenty!" he boasted. 

"I cannot understand what happened to Chief Clements!" Tugg  snapped.  "I visited the man at the hospital! He

seems only to be  asleep.  But they can't wake him up!" 

"If I was you, I'd lay off Chief Clements!" Slick leered. 


"Some day he's gonna wake up to the fact that you ain't the  goodygoody he thinks you are. When them

knotheaded guys turn on a man,  they can be just as strong agin' him as they were for him!" 

"Nonsense!" Tugg retorted grandly. "Chief Clements is too dumb to  ever suspect anything. And he is very

valuable to me." 

Slick squinted curiously at Judborn Tugg. 

Noting the glance, Tugg added hastily: "Valuable to the Green Bell,  I mean!" 

The roadster pulled into a narrow lane through the brush. They soon  parked the machine and went on afoot. 

Slick walked in silence. He was wondering if Judborn Tugg could be  the Green Bell. True, there were

occasions when a hooded man appeared  before them both and said he was the Green Bell. This had happened

in  the car in New York. 

But such appearances might be made by members of the gang. Slick  himself had once been ordered to don a

black gown and play the part of  the Green Bell. Tugg might be the master mind, Slick reasoned. 

Suddenly, he recalled the remark he had made in New York about  slaying the Green Bell, once he learned the

fellow's identity, and  substituting himself as the unknown leader. 

Slick was serious about that. But he wished now that he had been  more reticent with his words. He shivered

several times. If Tugg was  the Green Bell, Slick had a feeling he was as good as a dead man. 

A ramshackle old barn appeared in the moonlight. They rapped on the  door, giving a peculiar, drumming


"Come in!" said a weirdly hollow, booming voice. 

They entered. 

THE ANCIENT barn was concretefloored. A black, ominous figure sat  crosslegged in the shadows at the

rear. The smoky robe sheathed it  from head to foot. Although the form was seated, it also leaned back  slightly

against the rear wall. Through cracks in this wall, strings of  moonlight were visible. 

Most of the luminance within the structure came from two candles a  few feet in front of the seated apparition.

These candles were green,  and their flame was sputtering and green. They cast a bilious light on  the

greenbell design of the seated one's robe, and on the green  goggles which masked the eyes. The effect was





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No other word was spoken. 

Slick Cooley and Judborn Tugg both drew black hoods from within  their clothing and donned them. 

In the distance, a crashing of brush denoted men approaching. They  filed in  eight in the first group, then

by twos and threes and  fours. Every man was draped in a sepian masquerade. 

No word was spoken. They stood in a half circle, keeping their  distance from the strange seated figure. The

latter did not move in the  slightest, or speak. Nor did the arrivals voice anything. They had  come, these

followers of the Green Bell, in answer to the summons  tolled over the radio. The sound had warned them to

gather here for  orders. 

"Are all present?" asked a voice from the seated form. It was  hollowly booming, that tone! It seemed

incredible that it could come  from a human throat. 

Slick counted the assembled men. 

"All but about half a dozen," he said. "I guess they didn't hear  the call." 

"Speak louder!" commanded the sepulchral voice. 

Slick fairly yelled a repetition of his statement. 

"Very well!" came the croaked reply. "Judborn Tugg  are you  there?" 

Tugg came forward and shouted: "Yes!" 

Slick backed away. It was always like this  the Green Bell  pretending he was partially deaf. 

The gloomy figure might not be the Green Bell, either, Slick  reflected. It could conceivably be some member

of the  gang who had  been ordered to serve in the Green Bell's place. 

"I am far from satisfied with certain work done today!" tolled the  seated form. "Chief Clements, for

instance, was to have been persuaded  to seize Doc Savage." 

"Could I help that?" Tugg protested. "I did my part. But Chief  Clements is so stupid that he let Savage run a

whizzer on him!" 

"I am not sure that Clements being stupid is entirely to blame,"  came the dull voice. "I sent seven men to get

Savage in New York, and  they vanished completely. They were not dumb fellows. Savage is a very

dangerous foe!" 

Tugg wiped at his fat forehead. His features were, of course  mantled in the black hood, and the wiping

gesture upon the cloth was  somewhat ludicrous. Savage dangerous! Did he not know it? 

"I been doing my best!" he yelled. 

"And that was not good! Slick Cooley  I'll talk to you now." 

"Sure!" Slick shouted. 




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He scuttled forward, a spooky vision in the greenbelied hood. He  did not mind the mention of his name. He

knew every one here, anyway.  Many of those present, however, were unacquainted with one another. 

The seated figure had not moved perceptibly at any time. "You did  good work in noting Savage's reflection in

a mirror in Aunt Nora  Boston's house, when you were watching with binoculars!" said the  fantastic voice. 

Slick was slightly shocked. It was the first time he had heard the  Green Bell bestow praise. It made him


"I was just doin' my best!" he bellowed. 

A SHORT silence ensued. Uncanny quiet lay in the old wreck of a  barn. No one moved. The creamy strips of

moonlight in the cracks had a  spectral quality. 

"I need a trustworthy man for the work ahead!" tolled the Green  Bell. "So I am selecting you. For this work,

if you complete it  successfully, you will receive a bonus, over and above your regular  pay, of fifty thousand


Slick's startled gasp puffed out his hood like a small balloon. 

"Concealed in the weeds beside the door of this barn you will find  my device which produces insanity!"

continued the Green Bell. "You will  place this where Doc Savage will come close to it, preferably near the

head of his bed." 

"But I dunno how to work the contraption," Slick muttered. 


Slick had forgotten to yell. He did so now. "How d'you work it?" 

"That is very simple. There is only one switch upon the box. You  throw it. Be careful that the switch is not

operated accidentally while  you are carrying the container. And once you do work it, get away  quickly. It

takes only a few seconds for the thing to disrupt the  functions of a human brain!" 

"O.K.!" Slick bellowed. 

"With the box, you will find a package of money  ten thousand  dollars," continued the voice. "You will

take the sum to Chief  Clements's office after you plant the box. Wait for Chief Clements to  appear; then post

the ten thousand dollars as a reward for Doc Savage   dead or alive. This precaution is in case you fail." 

"O.K. to that, tool" Slick barked. "I won't slip up!" 

"That will be all, then. You other men remain in close touch with  Slick or Judborn Tugg, so that you can

receive orders quickly." 

The men bobbed their hoods in understanding, then departed. They  went swiftly, as if eager to quit the

ghostly presence. 

Slick Cooley remained behind, making a pretense at examining the  box which he found in the weeds beside

the door. The box was not large.  It was shiny and black, with a tiny singlepole switch on the top. 




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There was also a bundle of money, which Slick pocketed. He carried  the box to the nearby brush and

waited, eyes fixed on the barn door.  He was watching for the Green Bell to appear. Slick intended to follow

the master mind and learn who he was. 

Minutes dragged by. No one put in an appearance. Almost half an  hour passed. 

Impatient, Slick crept to the door and peered in. The eerie black  form had not moved. The sputtering green

candles had burned quite low. 

Slick debated, then decided to stake all on a desperate chance. He  fished the two silenced guns from his

armpits and shoved through the  door. 

"Put 'em up!" he gritted. 

The seated figure did not stir. 

Slick ripped another command. No response! He became excited. Both  his guns coughed bullets! 

The slugs hit the black form and the wall with smacking reports  which were much louder than the chung! of

the silenced weapons. 

The apparition in black still remained motionless. 

Frankly terrified, Slick pitched forward and brought a gun crashing  down on the hooded head. 

The whole figure collapsed, amid a loud cracking! It was nothing  but a framework of sticks! 

CURSING FEVERISHLY, Slick bent to examine the thing. A hole in the  concrete floor came to view. This

had been partially concealed by the  black gown. 

Slick lighted a match and held it over the hole. He saw the moldy  red walls of tile. 

Comprehension dawned on Slick. The farmer who had once tried to  cultivate this marsh land had put in an

intricate system of tile  drains. The hole in the floor admitted to one of these underground  pipes. Or so Slick

had decided. 

Doubtless there were many other exits. The Green Bell might have  been speaking from anywhere in the


This, then, accounted for the necessity of yelling. It took a loud  tone to carry through the tile labyrinth. 

Using his flashlight, Slick carefully rebuilt the framework which  supported the black gown. It was just as

well, he realized, that his  treachery should not be discovered. 

SOME TIME later, Slick appeared in the vicinity of Aunt Nora  Boston's home. 

Distribution of food and clothing to the needy was well under way,  from the looks of the situation. There was

a multitude in the two big  tents and on the grounds. 

Those who had received an allotment of necessities were not  departing. They wanted to attend the meeting

which was to follow.  Especially did they want to see and hear this remarkable bronze man,  Doc Savage. 




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The food in their hands was concrete evidence that the mystery man  meant business. Doc had known the

distribution would have this effect,  hence he had ordered it to be made before the speeches. He needed every

ounce of cooperation and confidence from these people. 

The battle against the insidious forces of the Green Bell was just  starting. 

Presence of the crowd made it simple for Slick to snap his bat brim  over his eyes and mingle among them. He

worked to Aunt Nora's house.  All attention was directed on the tent. It proved easy for Slick to  enter the

house, unobserved. 

He made his furtive way to the room where, during the day, he had  been lucky enough to observe Doc

Savage's reflection in a mirror. He  reasoned this was Doc's quarters. 

Certain articles of the bronze man's attire hanging in a closet  told Slick he was correct. 

Numerous intricate mechanical and electrical devices stood about  the room. Of these, Slick identified only a

portable radio outfit. The  other stuff was too complex for his rather limited understanding. 

Slick disturbed nothing. He was too canny for that. Nor did he show  a light. The moon furnished sufficient


Behind the head of the bed stood a large, dilapidated cabinet. To  all appearances, this was not used. The front

had no doors, but was  masked by a gaudy print curtain. 

"Just the place!" Slick whispered to himself. "I'll plant my toy  there, then go to Chief Clements's office and

wait for him to turn up!" 

He placed the black box behind the curtain, and threw the deadly  switch; then all but ran from the room. 

Much to his relief, Slick was able to leave the house without being  observed. 

Just before he faded away into the night, he glanced at the circus  tent. The canvas sides had been tied up

because of the warmth. 

Doc Savage was taking the speaking rostrum. 

"That guy will be a gibberin' nut before mornin'!" Slick leered.  Then he crept out of the neighborhood.

Somehow, even a distant look at  that bronze man made him feel like having a good shiver. 

Chapter IX. PLANS

THERE WAS a great deal of talk in the big top, but it snapped into  the silence of a graveyard when Doc

appeared. In two spots, babies  cried. The night breeze puffed the tent top and sucked it down with a  hollow


The quiet was a tribute to Doc's appearance. The giant bronze man,  in the glare of a spotlight, was an

arresting figure. 

Alice Cash, also occupying a chair on the rostrum, seemed unable to  take her eyes off his figure. 


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"This is not going to be a longwinded discussion," Doc announced,  speaking in a modulated tone which the

public address system could  handle with most efficiency. "You peo  pie who have received food and  clothing

here, tonight, do not need to embarrass yourselves with the  idea that you are taking charity. Your names have

been filed, and the  stuff charged against you." 

"Fat chance you have of collecting!" some one called grimly. 'We  haven't any jobs!" 

"There'll be plenty of jobs!" Doc retorted. 

"How soon?" 

"I set the time limit at two weeks; but we should be able to beat  that. Probably most of you will be drawing

pay by tomorrow." 

In the rear, a man jumped up and shrieked: "That's just wild talk!  You're only a crazy murderer from New


This fellow was one of the Green Bell's agitators who had managed  to slip inside. He fled wildly when a

dozen angry men charged him. 

After the excitement subsided, Doc resumed speaking. 

"Will the following individuals please come forward," he requested. 

He now read a list of names which Aunt Nora had furnished him. It  included practically every factory and

mine owner in Prosper City. 

The designated men seemed reluctant to assume the limelight   until the lead was taken by a sparse,

grayhaired man who had a  determined face. 

"That is Collison McAlter, my employer," Alice Cash whispered to  Doc. "That is  he was my employer

when there was a job." 

Other men followed Collison McAlter's example. They were quietly  dressed, substantiallooking fellows, all

of middle age. 

The desperate situation in Prosper City was mirrored on their  faces. Some were pale, nervous, openly

worried. Others carefully masked  their concern. 

Doc Savage counted them. About two thirds of the list he had called  were present. But he had not expected

unanimous attendance. That even  this many had attended Aunt Nora's meeting was remarkable. 

"Will each of you sell me your factory or mine holdings?" Doc asked  bluntly. "Provided I give you the right

to buy them back at the same  price any time within a year." 

Jaws sagged among the worried industrialists. The proposition was a  bit sudden for them. They were


The idea that they should be recipients of an offer so strange was  too much for their mental digestions. 


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"Understand me," Doc told them; "I am not taking any man's plant  off his hands at a handsome profit. The

purchase price must be what is  fair in the judgment of an impartial board." 

Collison McAlter ran fingers through his graying hair. "I should  like to know what your purpose is in making

this offer." 

"Your plants are simply being taken off your hands," Doc told him.  "We intend to start every one working. If

they are damaged, or we fail,  you don't stand to lose anything." 

"You mean that you're going to buy them, get them operating  profitably, then let us have them back at what

we sold for? Why, that's  not good business! You won't make any profit!" 

Aunt Nora Boston sprang up and said loudly: "You men get this  through your heads: Doc Savage don't go

around trying to make money! He  goes around helping people! You fellows never met anybody like him

before! He's probably the most remarkable man in the world!" 

"THIS IS too good to be true!" Collison McAlter smiled widely.  "There must be a string tied to it." 

"The only string is an agreement that the wages and working hours  in effect, when you take the plants off my

hands, must be maintained,"  Doc replied. 

"The kind of a deal you are proposing will take millions!" Collison  McAlter muttered doubtfully. 

Doc now summoned the banker with whom Johnny had deposited the  check for such an enormous sum. 

"I want you to advise these gentlemen the size of my account with  you," Doc requested of him. 

The banker, more than glad to please the largest depositor his  institution had ever seen, complied with the


The owners of Prosper City's inoperative factories and mines were  becoming a bit dizzy. They looked like

men who were having a pleasant  walk in their sleep. 

But they were hardheaded, conservative individuals. They began  discussing the matter among themselves.

Some wanted time to think it  over. A week! Thirty days! Two months! 

Doc's powerful voice stilled the babble of words. 

"This requires swift action!" he announced. "You men know very well  that a mysterious master mind known

only as the Green Bell is behind  this trouble! We must begin fighting him without delay!" 

Doc knew human nature. If they got to talking about the thing, they  might hem and haw for months. 

For the second time that night, it was Collison McAlter who took  decisive action. This might have been due

largely to the persuasive nod  given him by his pretty secretary, Alice Cash. 

"I'll take you up, Mr. Savage!" he declared. "I'd be foolish not  to. I don't stand to lose anything. I shall give

you a bargain price on  my concern, the Little Grand Cotton Mills." 

Doc Savage stepped down and shook hands heartily. Getting the  Little Grand concern was half his battle. It

was second in size only to  Tugg Co. among Prosper City's industries. 


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Most of the other owners now came forward with oral agreements to  surrender their properties. A few men,

still suspicious, were reticent.  But Doc had no fear that they would fail to come around, once public  opinion

was aroused. 

This entire discussion had been picked up by the sensitive  microphones of the publicaddress system. The

vast throng within the  tents and upon the grounds had heard each word. 

Doc now addressed the crowd. "You have just heard an agreement  entered into which wilt put most of the

industrial plants in Prosper  City in my possession. It will be two or three days before these sales  are

completed and money changes hands. Opening of the plants will have  to wait that long. How many of you are

exservice men?" 

All over the tents and the grounds a surprising number of hands  shot into the air. 

"Fine!" Doc called. "How many of you fellows are willing to go to  work right now?" 

Practically every hand stayed up. 

"That's still better!" Doc told them. "You've got jobs. You'll draw  pay for today. The salary is ten dollars a


Mention of the rate of remuneration called forth several pleased  howls. The sum was well over the prevailing

scale for labor in that  section of the State. 

"You fellows are going to earn that money," Doc told them. "You are  going to form an armed guard to

protect the plants as we open them.  Some of you may be killed. But the family of any man who dies in the

line of duty will receive a trustfund income of two hundred dollars a  month for the balance of life." 

Perpetual monthly payments was the kind of insurance that appealed  to the men. It was something their

widows could not be swindled out of. 

A VISIBLE change had swept over the crowd as developments chased  each other. Earlier, the attitude had

been the dull hopelessness of  beings who felt themselves helpless victims of some Gargantuan monster  which

they could not understand. That was now changed entirely. 

The concern of each man was naturally for himself. Where was the  next meal for himself and his family

coming from? What had caused the  factories and mines to close down was something too vast, too vague and

abstract, for them to grasp, unused as they were to thinking in large  terms. Nobody, for that matter,

understood the reason for this trouble. 

They were like cattle caught in a hailstorm. They could feel the  hail pelting them, but what had caused the

clouds to form and the hail  to fall, they did not comprehend clearly. What they wanted was a shed  or

something for protection. 

Jobs which Doc was offering were figurative sheds. The men were  overjoyed. 

Doc had more bounty to distribute. 

Four armored trucks lumbered into Aunt Nora's great yard. These  were the type of vehicles used to convey

factory pay rolls. Each had a  grilled pay window. 


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Lines were formed, the exservice men superintending operations.  Each person to pass a barred window

received a moderate sum of money.  In return, they signed vouchers saying the amount was advance salary on

jobs they were to get. 

Through Johnny and the banker, Doc had summoned the money trucks,  some of which had come from

neighboring cities. 

Distribution of this money was the climaxing sensation. Charity to  the tune of a few dollars was one thing;

philanthropy on such a  stupendous scale as this was something else again. Such a thing had  never before been

heard of here. 

Reporters from the Prosper City Star ran around like chickens with  their heads off. Down at the newspaper

plant, an extra press was dusted  off. It was decided to double the size of the paper, and fill it all  with news

about Doc Savage. Stories about Congress, European troubles,  and the murder of a big gangster were

consigned to the wastebasket. 

The insidious master mind, the Green Bell, whoever he was and  wherever be was, had something to think

about. The pall of fear which  be had built up so painstakingly was being, in a single night, almost  completely

wiped away by the remarkable power of this man of bronze. 

Doc knew very well, though, that the battle was just starting. The  Green Bell's organization was still intact.

The sinister czar's  followers were now certain to concentrate on their bronze Nemesis. 

This was as Doc wanted it. The innocent workmen of Prosper City  would not suffer. 

THE NIGHT was far along when Doc went up to his room to get a few  hours of sleep. 

Doc's eyes roved the room as he stood in the door. Nothing  suspicious met his eyes  there was no detail to

show that the little  black box of insanity was concealed near the head of his bed! 

Doc strode over, seated himself on the edge of the bed, and started  to kick off his shoes. 

He became rigid; his mighty body seemed to solidify into the metal  it resembled. He brought both corded

hands to his ears. 

Then he leaped erect and whipped out of the room. 

He stopped in the hall and waited there, tense. He shook his head a  time or two. His expression was strange,

curious, puzzled. 

Through the open door, his eyes roved the room. They rested finally  upon the curtained cabinet, near the head

of the bed. This was the only  logical hiding place. 

Doc entered the room. He flashed to the cabinet, stripped back the  curtain, and discovered the dark box. He

clicked the switch off. His  whole movement had taken but the flash part of a moment. 

Curiously, Doc began examining the box. He loosened small screws  and lifted the lid off. 

Long Tom, the electrical wizard, came in. 

"What in blazes is that, Doc?" 


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"The devil's own machine! Take a look at it!" 

Long Tom scrutinized the device closely. 

"Huh!" he ejaculated. "This is a mechanism utilizing quartz  crystals and highfrequency electric currents for

making ultrashort  sound waves." 

"Exactly," Doc agreed. "Sound waves which have strange effects upon  many substances. There is not the

slightest doubt but that this is the  explanation of the strange cases of insanity in Prosper City. The sonic

waves affect certain centers of the brain, rendering them inoperative,  I believe." 

Long Tom nodded. "But how'd you find the thing?" 

"The waves are inaudible to a normal ear. Fortunately, I was able  to detect certain sounds of peculiar nature.

It is doubtful that these  were the sonic waves themselves, but more probably they were heterodyne  beats

caused by some refracting phenomena." 

It was perfectly clear to Long Tom how this could happen, although  a scientific discussion lasting for days

could have been waged over the  subject. 

No doubt the main explanation of Doc's escape was his remarkable  hearing. From the cradle, Doc had each

day taken certain sound  exercises calculated to develop his auditory senses. For this purpose,  he used a device

which made sound waves inaudible to an ordinary ear.  Through long practice, Doc was able to hear these


Ole Slater, Aunt Nora, and the others soon arrived, anxious to see  the hideous black box and hear how it


Doc borrowed the magnifier in the left lens of the gaunt Johnny's  spectacles, and went over the interior of the

brain paralyzing device. 

Strange little lights came into his golden eyes as he examined it. 

INTO THE room there came abruptly a low, fantastic sound. It was  like the song of some exotic bird of the

jungle, or the mellow trilling  of a breeze filtering through a forest. It had no tune, though it was  entirely


Those present stared. They looked frightened. Ole Slater backed  nervously for the door, thinking the deadly

sonic device was in  operation. The weird sound was in all the room, seeming to emanate  uncannily from no

particular spot. 

Doc's four friends showed no fear, however. They had heard this  uncanny note before. They knew it was the

sound which was a part of Doc   a small, unconscious thing which he did in moments of utter

concentration. In the present case, they were sure it presaged an  important discovery. 

"What'd you find, Doc?" rumbled the bigfisted Renny. 

"Finger prints," Doc told him. "The fellow who made this thing  might as well have signed his name." 

Collison McAlter came upstairs, along with some of the other  Prosper City factory owners. He listened in

amazement to Alice Cash, as  she told him about the sonic device. 


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Doc Savage placed the black box on a table near the bedroom window.  He walked to a rather bulky metal box

which stood to one side of the  chamber. This was decorated with various knobs and switches, together  with

circular glass lenses. 

Doc opened it. Inside, mechanism was operating slowly. Two large  magazines held a narrow movie film. 

Collison McAlter's eyes popped. "A movie camera! And it's been  operating in here all the time?" 

"Doc had several of those," volunteered the homely Monk. "They  operate silently, and they're handy to leave

standing around to  photograph prowlers. I'm betting the fellow who planted that black box  got his picture


Collison McAlter wiped his forehead. "But it was too dark to take  pictures in here!" 

"This movie camera operates on ultraviolet light," Monk explained.  "The rays are invisible to the human

eye, but they affect photograph  film of the type we use. In other words, that camera can take pictures  in pitch

darkness. And it carries enough film to run all day." 

Monk further announced that the film, immediately after passing the  lens, ran through a tank which

automatically developed it. 

Doc now put the film through a tiny projector. The images were  thrown on the white plaster of the wall. The

pictures were not  attractive to the eye, since highlights and shadows contrasted starkly. 

As portrayed by the film, the room seemed unreal, horrible. The  creeping figure of Slick Cooley appeared.

Every detail of his features  was plainly discernible. 

He was facing the camera at the moment he whispered to himself;  then he planted the box and fled. 

"So he is the culprit!" barked Collison McAlter. 

Doc stopped the projector. He indicated the black sonic box on the  table. "Make sure no one carries that off.

The finger prints in it are  important." 

He glided for the door. 

Collison McAlter gulped: "But where are you going?" 

"To get Slick Cooley," Doc said dryly. 

"But how do you know where to find  " Collison McAlter fell  silent, for Doc was gone. 

Doc's four aids exchanged knowing glances. They had a good idea how  Doc knew where to locate Slick


Slick had been facing the camera when he whispered: "I'll plant my  toy there, then go to Chief Clements's

office and wait for him to turn  up!" 

Doc Savage was a proficient lip reader. 


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THE GROUP now left Doc's room. Renny took up a position outside the  door, armed with one of the tiny,

highspeed machine guns. The room was  on the second floor, and the grounds were floodlighted. 

Even if the Green Bell did know of the finger prints, it did not  seem possible that he could get to the black

box to destroy them. 

Renny had not been on guard before the door for long, however, when  certain portentous events transpired. 

A tree, lifting between Doc's window and one of the flood lamps,  cast a shadow over the portion of the house

that was between the window  and the roof. 

Directly above Doc's room was the window of one of the garret  chambers. This lifted silently. 

A small package appeared, tied to the end of a string. This was  lowered. A swinging movement caused the

package to sweep in through the  window of Doc's quarters. It was dropped within. 

The string was permitted to hang between the two windows. It was  small and dark and not likely to be

noticed by any one. 

In the garret cubicle, the murksome figure which had lowered the  package now made for the door. This being

wore a long black gown, on  the front of which was a bell design in bilious green. 

The little room under the roof chanced to be the one which had  formerly been occupied by unfortunate Jim


The blackhooded personage quitted the garret. 

A few minutes later, the group of factory owners took leave of Aunt  Nora's house, discussing Doc Savage

and his men, and the things they  had seen that night. Collison McAlter was with them. He seemed greatly

pleased with the events of the night. His step was jaunty. 


THE PROSPER City police station was a dingy, redbrick building,  constructed in the shape of a "T." The

stem of the "T" contained the  barred cells for prisoners. The crosspiece held offices, including the  one used

by Chief Clements. 

Chief Clements did not keep a very sightly office. Circulars  concerning wanted criminals stuck to the walls

like stamps. There were  metal filing cabinets, all large and rusty. 

On top of the scarred flattop desk stood a box of fivecent  cigars. About two thirds of them had been


Slick Cooley occupied the swivel chair back of the desk. His weasel  face was screwed into a grimace over the

cigar. Slick considered  fivecenters below his station in life. 

Back of Slick, a window was open. He did not worry. This was the  second floor. A night breeze rushed softly

in through the window and  pulled strings of gray smoke off his cigar end. 

Suddenly, the breeze seemed to bring in a great bronze cloud. This  cloud tied around Slick and became as




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real and hard as banding steel  cables. 

Air tore loudly out of Slick's lungs as he was squeezed. He made no  other sound. He was planted, helpless,

upon the desk, and relieved of  his two silenced guns. Slick tried to struggle, but he might as well  have been a

mouse in the clutches of a big cat. The brick wall of the  police station had offered no great obstacle to Doc

Savage. It was not  the smooth type of wall, but one which had fairly deep grooves between  the bricks. Doc,

with his tremendous strength and agility, had come up  it much as another man would climb stairs. 

Doc maintained a purposeful silence, not speaking even after he had  disarmed Slick. 

Cabled bronze fingers seemed to flow over Slick's person. They  administered a wrench here, some pressure

there. Slick found himself  mysteriously relieved of the power of speech by some weird paralysis of  nerve


"You're going to die," Doc told him  but neglected to mention the  mortal date. 

Slick naturally presumed Doc meant immediately. Doc had no  intention of slaying Slick. He had merely

stated a natural truth, and  let Slick draw his own conclusions. 

For some seconds Doc worked on Slick's frame with incredibly strong  hands. His manipulations produced

excruciating agony. So great was the  torture that Slick began to, think he was actually dying. 

"Who is the Green Bell?" Doc demanded. The bronze fingers kneaded  Slick's nerve centers again, and he

found the use of his tongue had  magically returned. 

He tried to bluff. "Honest, mister, I don't know anything about any  Green Bell!" 

"A lie!" Doc told him quietly. "You are one of the Green Bell's  hirelings. You might be the Green Bell

himself  except that you don't  show any signs of having that many brains." 

"You're crazy!" Slick snarled. "Not as crazy as you hoped I would  be when you planted that sonic device in

my room." 

"I didn't  " 

"A movie camera was hidden in the room! It registered your  actions!" 

SLICK DID not doubt this. Remembering the intricate electrical  apparatus standing in the bedroom, he

wished he had investigated more  closely. 

"They won't hang a man for that," he mumbled. "No!" Doc agreed.  "They'll never hang you!" 

Thinking this was a threat, Slick shivered. He changed his tactics. 

"Now listen, Savage; maybe we can get together!" 

"Who is the Green Bell?" 

"I don't know! Honest, I don't!" "But you are one of his men?" 

Slick knew there was no use denying this. "Yeah!" 




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"You were one of the gang who murdered Jim Cash," Doc said. 

That was merely a guess on Doc's part, stated as a fact. But Slick  goggled at the bronze man's features, saw

no expression there, and came  to the mistaken conclusion that Doc had learned of the deed in some

mysterious fashion. 

"What if I did? You can't prove it!" Slick squirmed desperately.  "You can't prove anything on me!" 

"Judborn Tugg is one of the gang," Doc said calmly. 

"Sure." Then it suddenly dawned on Slick that he was being tricked.  He cried desperately: "You can't prove a

thing I've been telling you!" 

The door opened, and a twanging voice said: "He don't need to prove  it." 

Chief Clements of the Prosper City police stood on the threshold.  His cherry of a face was somewhat pale,

and his bristling caterpillar  of a mustache drooped slightly, making it seem smaller. Otherwise, he  appeared

none the worse for the hours of sleep induced by Doc's drug. 

No surprise showed on Doc's metallic face. A few moments ago he had  heard some one approach the door.

This had escaped Slick's notice. 

"You should have stayed outside a while longer," Doc advised Chief  Clements. "You might have learned

other facts." 

Chief Clements's face wore the expression of a man who had suddenly  discovered that his house had burned

down. Jerkil!y he mopped at his  small features. 

"I've been played for a sap," he mumbled. 

"All of us are taken for a ride occasionally," Doc assured him  without malice. 

This did not seem to relieve Chief Clements. He knotted his bony  hands, captured a part of his dark mustache

with his lower lip, and  nibbled it, goat fashion. 

"I talked to some people on my way here, and read an extra edition  of the News put out," he twanged. "I

found out what you done at that  meeting tonight  passing out food and clothing and money to them

starving people. A lot of them poor devils you helped were my friends." 

Chief Clements was an honest, stubborn man, who had learned he was  wrong. He was trying to apologize. 

Doc helped him out. "Forget it! You were doing what you thought was  right. No man can do more than that." 

Chief Clements smiled gratefully. His knobby shoulders lost their  droop. 

"From now on I'm working with you," he said grimly. "What I just  heard proves you didn't murder Jim Cash.

I'm not going to arrest you.  And I'd like to see anybody from out of town pinch you. Furthermore,  I'm going

to arrest Judborn Tugg. Slick's talk proved Tugg is mixed up  with the Green Bell." 

"I'm afraid such slender evidence would not convict Tugg in court." 




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Chief Clements stared dismally at Doc. "You mean that we had better  not throw Tugg into the can?" 

"Tugg may be the Green Bell. Suppose we watch him closely. If he is  not the Green Bell, he might still lead

us to the master mind. With  your very valuable help, we'll be sure to solve this." 

The last statement was partly flattery. Undeniably, though, having  Chief Clements on Doc's side would

greatly facilitate matters. 

"I'll slap this guy in the hoosegow, then we'll talk things over,"  Chief Clements said, and snapped handcuffs

on Slick's wrists. 

The lithe, snakelike Slick was led off in the direction of the  cells in the rear. 

DOC HAD been smiling in friendly fashion for Chief Clement's  benefit. Left alone, his strong features now

settled into repose. A  warm light in his golden eyes indicated that he was well satisfied with  the way things

were going. 

Chief Clements returned, stepping spryly. 

"I wish you would tell me what you know about conditions here in  Prosper City, Mr. Savage. I must confess I

have been blinded by that  flashy bluffer, Judborn Tugg." 

"My facts are meager," Doc told him. 

Then, without squandering words, he imparted his facts. He told of  the capture of the Green Bell's seven

thugs in New York City. But he  made no mention of what had finally happened to them. No one, other  than

those connected with the place, knew of the strange institution in  upstate New York. 

"So Jim Cash was rubbed out because he got wise to who the Green  Bell was!" muttered Chief Clements.

"Cash was a good kid. I knew him.  His sister is swell, too. That young Ole Slater has been rushing her


"Know anything about Slater?" 

"He's all right. I investigated him mighty close." 

"How come?" 

"That was when Tugg had me thinkin' Aunt Nora Boston was at the  bottom of this trouble. I combed their

records. I didn't find nothin'  on Slater. He's written a couple of plays that have been produced on  Broadway." 

The discussion veered to plans for the future. Chief Clements  suggested that the exservice men guard for the

mines and factories  should be commissioned as members of the Prosper City police force. 

This was an excellent idea, Doc agreed. 

"I can supply most of them with guns!" Clements declared. 

"I should like to have all the prisoners," Doc requested. 




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"I don't get you! What do you want with the Green Bell's bunch, if  we catch 'em? Why not let 'em go to the


"My treatment is more effective than penitentiary terms or the  electric chair," Doc said. 

Chief Clements looked at the bronze man's face and squirmed  uneasily. He had received the impression that

Doc meant to slay the  prisoners. 

"No one will be put to death," Doc promised him. 

"It's irregular," Clements said, "but if you want them, you can  have them!" 

BACK IN the jail, a shot banged. The sound was hollowlike a single  grain of popcorn letting loose in a


Doc whipped for the door. His movements seemed easy, but were  executed with a swiftness which caused

Clements to stare in amazement.  This phenomenon of a man moving with such unearthly speed all but made

Clements forget the shot. He heaved out of his chair and followed Doc. 

A long, bare, cold corridor ended at a sheetsteel door. Chief  Clements unlocked the panel. 

A concrete alley, barred cells on either side, stretched beyond.  Faces were jammed against the bars; excited

questions babbled. 

An iron stairway sloped down to the firstfloor cells. 

"I put Slick below!" Chief Clements shouted, and hammered his heels  on the stairs. 

Halfway down the passage, a steel grid of a door hung open. Two  turnkeys huddled before it, peering into the

cell. Both were rigid,  bent forward grotesquely. 

Doc and Chief Clements raced the corridor's length. 

Light blazed in the passage, but not in the cells. The bars cast  striped shadows on the cement floor. The

shadow stripes seemed to crawl  like black snakes over two figures in the dungeon. 

One man was a jail flunky. He held an automatic. An empty cartridge  glittered on the floor, and the place

reeked of cordite. 

The second man was a twisted pile. His position was so contorted  that it seemed his body had been pulled

apart, then dropped in a heap. 

There was an ugly froth on his lips. His eyes were rolled in their  sockets until they resembled white marbles.

A bullet had knocked the  top of his head out of shape. It was Slick Cooley. 

The man with the automatic backed stiffly away from the body. 

"Something went wrong with him!" he cried shrilly. "He was havin' a  fit. He grabbed my gun and got shot

when we were fightin' for it. He  was stark, ravin' crazy, if you ask me!" 




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Wheeling, Doc Savage sped back the length of the passage. He  reached a metal door. A tiny, glittering tool

appeared in his hand. He  used this briefly on the door lock, and the panel opened as if he held  a weird power

over it. 

Chief Clements ran to the door. His jaw was sagging. The door had  been locked, and he would have sworn

that it was burglar proof. He  stepped out into the night, bobbing his small red head like a blinded  chicken. It

was a long minute before his eyes accustomed themselves to  the gloom, and he could see Doc Savage. 

The lots around the police station were vacant. On them some one  had sown grass  and grown a profuse

crop of weeds. Doc was wading  through these, using a flashlight. 

Rows of tiny windows, heavily barred, admitted to the cells. Doc  Savage lingered under one from which

came the low voices of the  turnkeys gathered about Slick's body. 

The ground bore faint marks where feet had recently trod. The earth  was too sunbaked to retain definite

footprints, but weeds, crushed by a  recent tread, were slowly straightening. 

Doc joined Clements. 

"The Green Bell got Slick with one of his sonic devices which  produce insanity!" he imparted. 

Clements wailed: "We've lost our only witness who could prove you  didn't kill Jim Cash." 

Doc seemed not to hear the statement. He started away, hesitated,  turned back. 

"I'm going to Judborn Tugg's home! Want to drive me? You know the  town." 

"You bet!" Clements ran for his car. 

PROSPER City's most pretentious residential district was located on  a knoll known to the local wags as

Plutocrat Knob. As befitted a man  who was not backward in holding himself up as a leading citizen,  Judborn

Tugg occupied. the most flashy dwelling in the section. 

The mansion was white, after the Spanish style  a thing of tiled  roofs, overhanging balconies, and

wroughtiron railings. Shrubbery was  plentiful. 

Several blocks from the place, Chief Clements got up speed, kicked  out the clutch, and cut off the ignition.

He coasted to a silent stop  two blocks from the white castle. 

Doc lifted out. 

"Thanks," he said. "You might as well go back to the station." 

Chief Clements jerked at his bristling black mustache. "But listen 

He clamped his teeth on the rest. The bronze man had faded away  silently into the night! 

Chief Clements stood up, intending to call loudly, then thought  better of it. The sound might alarm Judborn

Tugg. He sat there,  blanketed in disgust. He had hoped to be in on whatever investigation  Doc contemplated. 

The bronze man fascinated Clements; he wanted to see more of him. 




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Clements fiddled with the ignition, then made an angry  fingersnapping gesture. This was provoked by

recollection of how he  had fallen for Judborn Tugg's trickery. 

Clements suddenly decided to do some investigating on his own. If  he could learn the identity of the Green

Bell, his stupidity would be  less reprehensible. 

The thought occurred to him that he might interfere with some plan  of the bronze man. Well, he would be

careful not to do that. 

Leaving his car, he eased through the shrubbery. He managed to make  little noise. 

The shadow of a manicured hedge led him close to a side door of the  white palace. He crouched there, not ten

feet from the door, wondering  what he should do next. 

The problem solved itself. 

The door opened, and Judborn Tugg came out. Apparently he was  getting a breath of the night air before

turning in. 

Tugg lit one of his dollar cigars and threw the match away. It  landed beside Clements. Not extinguished by

the fall, it flared up. The  light disclosed the Prosper City chief of police. 

Tugg dashed forward, drawing a pistol. Then he perceived the  interloper's identity. 

"My good friend, Chief Clements!" he exclaimed pompously. "What on  earth are you doing here?" 

Chief Clements heaved up on his knees. Within the last hour, he had  acquired a great hate for this flashy man. 

Clements was not only a slow thinker; he had a temper. 

"Don't you call me a friend!" he snarled. 

TUGG JUMPED as if kicked. His head seemed to dive down into his fat  neck. He had been warned that

Clements would be a deadly enemy if he  ever learned the truth. And the police leader was now acting as if he

had glimpsed light. 

Armoring himself with dignity, Tugg began: "My dear man, what  " 

"You damn murderer!" gritted Clements. "Don't you try to softsoap  me!" 

Tugg appeared to swell in girth and shrink in stature. A paleness  bleached his pursy jowls. 

Chief Clements had only spoken rashly in his rage, but Judborn Tugg  thought the officer was stating a

charge, which he could prove. Fear  crawled in Tugg's veins like red ants. He was desperate. He decided to  try

a trick. 

"Call your other officers!" he snapped. "I surrender!" 

"There's nobody else with me," rapped Chief Clements, falling  neatly into the trap. 




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This was what Tugg had wanted to know. Jutting his gun at arm's  length, he worked the trigger. The reports

banged thunder. The bullets  sledged Clements backward, tunneling through his heart and lungs. 

Tugg continued shooting until his gun was empty. Then, from the  corner of an eye, he glimpsed what to him

was a terrible sight. A giant  man of bronze! The figure came volleying across the lawn toward him. 

Tugg snapped his empty gun twice at Doc, then veered around into  the house. 

"Help!" he called. 

Several men, aids of the Green Bell, were in the house. Some had  attended the sinister meeting in the

dilapidated barn. Others were  merely agitators, who did not work in the Green Bell's black robes,  and, as a

consequence, were paid less money. They were loafing in  Tugg's company. 

Flourishing weapons, these men rushed to Tugg's aid. When Doc  Savage loomed in the door, their guns

loosened a volley. 

Lead gnashed splinters out of the door, or screamed on to slap into  distant houses. None of the slugs touched

Doc. He had seen the danger  in time to twist away. 

The Green Bell's gunmen, weapons ready, sidled nervously through  the door, or dropped from nearby

windows. Their bronze quarry was not  visible. But there was much shadowmatted shrubbery near by, which

could  hold him. 

Inside the house, Tugg ran to a phone. He called the Prosper City  police headquarters. 

"Doc Savage has just murdered Chief Clements out at maypoles!" he  screamed. "I got half a dozen witnesses

to it!" 

The words were loud enough to reach Doc Savage, where he lurked in  the shrubs. He glided rapidly away

from the vicinity. 

Five minutes would see half of Prosper City's police department on  the spot. 

The officers did not know Doc and Chief Clements had made their  peace. They would be ripe to believe

Judborn Tugg's lie. A terrific man  hunt was certain, with Doc Savage as the quarry. 

Hardly a flicker appeared in Doc's eyes when they caught the  reflection of a street lamp. Their gold was dull.

The charge of  murdering Chief Clements was going to be a hard thing to combat. 

At a rapid run he made for the outskirts of the town, where Aunt  Nora Boston's house stood. 


ROOSTERS WERE crowing four o'clock from distant farmhouses when Doc  Savage neared Aunt Nora's

rambling dwelling. 

To one side of the house, Monk was drilling a determined squad of  exservice men. 

On the other side of the house a score of individuals stood in a  knot, staring upward. Their curious attention




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was centered on the  window of Doc's room. 

The window was wiped clean of glass. Part of the frame had been  ripped Out and hung dangling. Around the

aperture, weatherboarding was  splintered and torn until it looked furry. 

Monk yelled, lumbering over to meet Doc. Monk's goril lalike face  was hard and wrathful. 

"There was an explosion in your room, Doc! The blast put the kibosh  on a lot of your equipment." 

"What about the Green Bell's sonic device?" 

"Blown to smithereens!" 

Doc received this news as expressionlessly as if it had been a  comment on the weather. He had developed

perfect control. He could take  the greatest misfortune without emotion. 

Why the black sonic box had been destroyed was perfectly clear. It  had held the finger prints of the Green

Bell, or some one who knew the  evil czar's identity. 

"The bomb was planted from inside the house," Monk grunted. "It was  lowered on a string from an attic

window and swung into the room. We  found the string!" 

Doc walked to the house, entered, and went upstairs. The door was  not only off its hinges, but lay in

fragments along the hallway. 

"Renny was on guard outside the door," Monk explained.  "He got  knocked head over heels!" 

"Was he hurt?" 

"That guy?" Monk snorted. "Nothin' can hurt him!" Doc examined the  room. Practically all his scientific

devices had been ruined. This  damage alone amounted to many thousands. Some of the mechanism was of

such a complex nature that only Doc Savage's skilled hand and unique  brain could recreate it. 

Scummy brown stains smeared the floor, walls, bed  almost  everything in the chamber. These seemed to

be devouring whatever they  covered. An acrid odor reeked in the place. 

"Don't touch anything!" Doc warned. 

"Yeah  I know!" Monk agreed. "The brown stuff is acid. It would  eat the flesh right off a man. There must

have been several bottles of  it tied in with the bomb." 

"It was intended to eat the finger prints off the sonic device in  case the explosion failed to do the job," Doc


Doc sought pieces of the sonic apparatus. The only segment of any  size was the split end of a coil mounting. 

This trophy Doc carried into the bathroom and washed thoroughly to  remove the acid. He also scoured the

voracious liquid off his own shoes  soles. It was dissolving the leather. 

Some moments later, Doc's hands abruptly became idle upon the towel  he was using. He glided to a, window

and leaned out, listening. 




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In the distance, toward the center of town, he could hear  spattering shots. The fusillade died in a banging

series which might  have been periods. 

Monk lumbered over. 

"That sounds had!" he muttered. "It may mean Renny and the rest are  in trouble!" 

"Where did they go?" 

"I forgot to tell you. Ham telephoned from New York that he had  sent the body of poor Jim Cash by train.

Renny and everybody else  accompanied Alice Cash down to the station to get it. Everybody but me,  that is. I

didn't care about seeing the girl's grief." 

"Let's get downtown!" Doc rapped. 

THEY LOADED into a touring car in front of the house. This was one  of several fast machines which Doc

had rented and was keeping on hand  for general use. 

Doc crouched out of sight on the rear floorboards. Monk drove. 

Tire treads shrieked as the phaeton careened onto the road. The  exhaust moaned; the rush of air popped the

top fabric against the bows.  Doc braced himself in position, watching street lights bat past like  white eyes. 

"Angle over a bit to the right," he advised.  ' Keenness of hearing  had enabled him to place the source of the


A cop tweedled frantically on his whistle as the car went past like  a meteor. Dwellings ceased; business

blocks veered ahead. 

Prosper City had erected a new Union Station when times were good.  It was a lumpish gray building, with

long train sheds radiating like  fingers in the rear. The place resembled a mausoleum. 

In the gloom in front of the station, Doc found a hearse, two cars,  and an excited crowd. Blue uniforms of

policemen freckled the  assemblage. 

Monk drew in close and stopped the car. Doc got out. He worked  forward, almost brushing the elbow of a

policeman, who was too occupied  with craning his neck to notice. 

Although dawn was threatening redly in the east, it was gloomy in  the vicinity of the station. This, and the

fact that all attention was  focused on the hearse, aided Doc in avoiding discovery. 

Bigfisted Renny and handsome Ole Slater stood near the rear of the  hearse, talking to officers. 

In one of the parked cars huddled Alice Cash, sobbing on Aunt  Nora's ample shoulder. 

Long Tom and Johnny were keeping the crowd from getting too near  the two women. 

Doc found a fat man, and did a good job of masking himself in the  gentleman's shadow. He threw his voice in

the direction of the hearse.  Not wishing to betray his presence, he spoke in Mayan. 

"What happened here, Renny?" he inquired in the lost language. 




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A tightening of Renny's big fist betrayed his surprise. He pondered  briefly on how to give the explanation

without it seeming suspicious.  Then he got it. 

"I want you fellows to get this straight," he told the officers  loudly. "We came down here to receive the

remains of young Jim Cash.  They had been shipped down from New York, one of the railway officials

accompanying them. We had no more than  " 

"You told us all that, before!" snapped a policeman. 

"Shut up!" Renny thundered. "We had no more than taken  ¡ the  coffin off the train when a gang attacked us.

They all wore black hoods  with the green, belllike design on the front. They started shooting,  and we had to

hunt cover in a hurry!" 

Renny made his voice even louder to emphasize the words which he  particularly wanted to reach Doc. "The

Green Bell's gang just examined  the body. It didn't look to me like they took a thing." 

This ended Renny's explanation. 

Doc drifted a bronze hand into his clothing and brought out a  bundle of small objects which might have been

red sticks with strings  sticking from the ends. 

He touched a lighted match to one of the strings, and dropped them.  So great was the crowd's interest in

Renny and his story, no one  noticed Doc's act. 

Careful not to attract attention, Doc drifted nearer the hearse. A  moment later, a series of loud explosions

came from the spot which he  had just quitted. 

Doc always carried a few ordinary firecrackers with long fuses.  These had proved convenient on many


A yelling hubbub arose over the fireworks. This hypnotized all  eyes. No one observed a bronze figure which

slipped into the hearse. 

WITH A flashlight that spiked a white thread of a beam, Doc made an  examination. His search was brief. 

On Jim Cash's body, on the arm above the right elbow, were words. 

From their metallic color, these letters might have been" printed  with the lead snout of a bullet. But Doc

knew that they had been put  there by a chemicalto remain unnoticed until the application of a  second

chemical brought them out. 

They read: 


This, then, was what the Green Bell horde had sought. 

Doc dropped out of the hearse. At that point, he lost the good luck  which had attended his brazen efforts. A

policeman saw him. 




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The officer gasped. Then he flashed his service pistol, and  recklessly tried to put a bullet in Doc's bronze


The slug went a yard too high. Doc dropped to all fours. Keeping  down, he torpedoed through the forest of


A wake of yelling, overturned men marked his progress. Several  individuals sought to seize him. They either

missed their clutches  entirely, or were shaken off. Some launched kicks, only to bruise their  toes on a frame

which was almost as solid as metal. 

In the phaeton parked near by. Monk drew one of the tiny machine  guns and began to rip bullets into the air. 

Renny, Long Tom, and Johnny sent up deafening yells, and thrashed  aimlessly about. These two disturbances

were aimed at aiding Doc's  escape. 

Doc dived out of. the crowd, raced for the station, and almost made  it before a policeman saw him. It was

necessary for the officers to  fight clear of the crowd before they could use their guns. And long  before they

could do that, Doc was inside the depot. 

The station was cleared of waiting travelers, porters, and loafers,  thanks to the excitement outside. Doc

crossed the colored tile floor  and ran out under the train shed. 

A line of Pullmans and day coaches stood under one of the shelters  evidently a train which was to depart at a

later hour. 

Doc crawled into one of the coaches. He ran between aisles of green  plush seats incased in white protecting

cloths. Through coach after  coach he passed, shutting the intervening doors so the officers could  not sight hi

by looking the length of the train. 

At the far end he dropped off. 

Although dawn was imminent, enough gloom remained to simplify the  rest of the escape. Doc hurdled

sidings, whipped under freight cars,  and cleared a low concrete wall. 

As if to climax recent ghoulish events, he found he had entered the  stockyard of a monument concern. Grave

markers of white marble, and  more elaborately carved headstones, stood all about. 

A long alley beyond the monument yard precipitated him into a side  street. 

UNTIL COLLISION McAlter's Little Grand Cotton Mill had been forced  to close, Jim Cash had been an

employee of the concern. 

The strange words on Cash's arm undoubtedly referred to his locker  at the Little Grand plant. 

For the Little Grand Mills, Doc set his course. They were many  blocks away on the south side of Prosper

City. Doc ran, haunting alleys  and side streets. 

He made no effort to get a taxi, after noticing that policemen were  stationed at prominent corners, stopping

passing cars and examining the  interiors. 




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Doc had been without sleep or rest for many hours, yet his stride  lacked nothing in elasticity. Through a

lifetime of intensive exercises   two hours of it each day  Doc had developed a strength and stamina

which was almost superhuman, as compared to that of other men. 

The Little Grand Mills were situated like a gaudy blossom on a  sweeping stem of railroad sidings. 

The buildings were gray, redroofed, neat. Grass on the ground was  cropped so close it might have been a

coating of green paint. 

A high fence, of wire as thick as a lead pencil, surrounded the  plant. A barrier of barbed strands circled the

top. There was a wide  entrance, steel gated, flanked by a watchman's turret. This later  structure had a small,

barred window. 

A man peered out of the watchman's box  a pale man who looked  scared. 

"Who are you?" he quavered. "What do you want?" 

"Let me in!" Doc commanded. "It will be all right with Collison  McAlter!" 

The watchman hesitated. 

"Mr. McAlter is here now," be muttered finally. "I'll go with you  and find out if be wants you around." 

The watchman stepped out of the box, closing the door behind him.  He wore a white linen suit badly in need

of laundering. He kept his  hand in his coat pocket, and the bulge in his pocket was longer than  his hand

should have been. 

He unlocked the gate. 

Doc's goldflake eyes seemed to give the man the briefest of  glances. 

Then he suddenly flashed a corded arm. 

Like a hard cleaver, it descended between the man's arm and his  side. The pocket tore open. The fellow's

hand and a stubby pistol were  forced out. 

Doc's sinewwrapped fist seemed to gulp the gun from the fingers  which held it. The watchman tried to flee,

but a shove  it made him  think of the nudge of a locomotive  sent him reeling against the wall  of his


Doc opened the door, hurled the man inside, and followed after him. 

Propped in a corner, where be had been invisible from the barred  window, sat a man. He wore greasy

coveralls. A time clock, suspended  from his neck by a strap, proved him to be the genuine watchman. He was

unconscious from a head blow, and would remain so for some time. 

Doc's prisoner gritted: "This fellow is my buddy  the assistant  watchman! Somebody beaned him  " 

"Did you have on your Green Bell hood when you struck the watchman  down?" Doc asked dryly. 

The man began to sputter. "I don't know what 




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Doc sent a hand to the man's shoulder, plucked away a long black  thread. 

"This is not the kind of thread which would come from your suit,"  he murmured. "It's silk." 

"It's from my necktie!" the other barked desperately. 

"Your necktie is a particularly unlovely shade of yellow." Doc  reminded. 

The man pitched backward, desperate to escape. 

Doc started a swift gesture, aimed at recapturing him. His gaze,  always alert and nearly allseeing, went

beyond the false watchman to  the factory buildings. What he saw caused him to duck swiftly. 

THE FACTORY walls were largely of glass, after the modern fashion.  The windows were great tilting

panels. Three of these had opened  silently since Doc's last inspection. Ominous black rods were  protruding. 

The rods lipped flame. They were machine guns, and they  triphammered mad strings of reports. 

Bullets slashed completely through the thin walls of the watchman's  turret. They chopped the planks off. A

drawer under the little  inspection window was hit. It jumped out of its groove and spilled its  contents on the


Gloves, a lunch pail  stuff belonging to the watchman   and a  Green Bell hood! Evidently this last had

been hidden there when Doc was  sighted. 

The fake watchman was slain by the first storm of lead. The slugs  doubled him up, spun him around and

around, knocking him out of shape. 

Doc grasped the feet of the genuine watchman, who was slumbering  from the blow over the head, and jerked.

The limp form skidded flat on  the floor. 

The floor was of painted concrete. Around it ran a foundation wall,  also of concrete. It would turn bullets. 

The machine guns continued a deadly chatter. The men using them  were coldblooded, intent on ridding

themselves of the bronze man. In  their blood lust, they had coldly sacrificed their fellow crook. 

From the walls chunks of wood fell. Shingles were scooped off the  roof; gray dust spurted from the concrete

foundation walls. The wall  cracked at one point, then another. But it held, furnishing protection. 

The barrage ended. Silence reeked for a moment. Then men could be  heard leaving the factory. 

Doc lifted his head. Two men were running forward to see what kind  of work their fire had done; both were

armed. Both wore the gloomy  hoods of the Green Bell. 

Doc reached for the pistol which he had taken from the fake  watchman. He rarely carried a gun himself. He

held the opinion that a  man who carried a firearm would come to put too much dependence on it,  and

accordingly, would be the more helpless if disarmed. 

An ear could barely divide the twin roar which his shots made. The  charging pair seemed to go lopsided, reel,

then topple down, two loose  bundles of arms and legs. 




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It was not because of any lack of skill in their use that Doc did  not carry firearms. He had winged both men in

the legs. 

Machine guns promptly opened up again from the factory. Doc threw  himself close to the floor. It would be

suicide to shoot back. 

The gunfire kept up for what seemed an age. The concrete foundation  wall was getting thinner and thinner. A

bullet lunged through. 

But once more the shooting stopped. 

Chancing a look, Doc saw that the two men had been moved to safety  under cover of the fire. He could hear

one of them wailing faintly in  agony. 

Two or three mysterious volleys of shots soon sounded somewhere in  the rear of the factory. 

Doc exposed himself briefly. He was not fired on. Quitting the  turret he ran for the factory. He reached it and

veered around a  corner. 

It was as he had guessed: the men in the Green Bell hoods were  retreating. They had used their rapidfirer to

batter the lock off a  small gate in the rear fence. 

They fled, carrying the two wounded. Tall weeds and small brush  received them. They were lost completely

to view. 

Motors came to hooting life in the brush. A car lunged out of a  thicket like a frightened black hawk. Another

followed. The two  streaked down a side road, pursued by a tumbling snake of dust. 

Doc entered the factory. He knew the general layout of such textile  plants as this. It did not take him long to

find the room which held  the workmen's lockers. 

The lockers were tall, green metal boxes. Each bore a small frame  which held a name card. One of the lockers

was upset. 

Doc turned it over so that he could see the name plate: 


Whatever had been concealed tinder the locker was now gone. 

A sharp, brittle voice somewhere behind Doc rasped. "You will put  your hands up!" 


THE LOCKERS stood in a row, like drab metal teeth. The one which  was upset left an opening. 

Doc dived through. 

The factory floors were rubber composition. This explained how the  man had approached unnoticed. Too, the

newcomer was not very close   at the end of the locker room, a good fifty feet away. 




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There was no shot. Light in the cavernous place was too dim to  permit accurate marksmanship. It was even a

bit too dark to identify  faces. But Doc had recognized the new arrival's voice. It was Collison  McAlter, owner

of the plant. 

Doc lighted one of the firecrackers and threw it. It was concealed  from McAlter by the lockers. Striking the

wall near him, the cracker  exploded with a terrific report! 

Collison McAlter cried out, fired his revolver  both at the same  instant. Firecracker and gunshot were

about of an equal loudness. 

Doc Savage, big and bronze and grim, stood very silent. It was  quite dark in the corner where the firecracker

had loosened. Collison  McAlter probably could not tell what he had shot at, or whether he had  hit any one. 

Doc was puzzled. Was Collison McAlter one of the Green Bell's men?  Was he the Green Bell himself? 

To determine the truth, Doc decided on a small ruse. He glided  silently along the phalanx of lockers until he

stood as close to  McAlter as he could get, without being discovered. Using the voice  which he employed in

ordinary speech, but making it small, choking, and  thin, Doc said: "McAlter  you wanted  to kill 


Collison McAlter's gun slipped from his fingers and planked on the  floor. 

He cried shrilly: "Doc Savage  good heavens! I thought you were  one of the Green Bell's gang!" 

Doc waited. If Collison McAlter was the Green Bell, this might be a  sly trick to draw him into line for a

bullet from another gun. 

But McAlter came stumbling to the spot where he thought he had shot  Doc. The bronze man drew his

flashlight, gave the lens a twist to  spread the beam widely, and splashed luminance. 

Collison McAlter's hands were bare of weapons. He was trembling,  pale. He looked worried. 

Doc Savage showed himself. "It's all right; you didn't hit me." 

McAlter spluttered. He swabbed a cold dew off his forehead, leaning  flaccidly against the locker. 

"What a horrible mistake I made!" he gulped. 

"Did you just get here?" Doc demanded. 

"I've been here at least two hours." 

McAlter paused, apparently waiting for Doc to make a remark. The  result was a dead silence. 

"You see, I must confess I'm not a very brave man when it comes to  physical danger," McAlter mumbled.

"After I left the meeting at Aunt  Nora Boston's tonight I went home, but couldn't sleep. So I came out  here

to the factory to look things over. I saw the Green Bell's men  arrive and overpower the watchman." 

He paused, shuddered violently, and drooped even more limply  against the lockers. 

"Frankly, I was afraid to show myself!" he groaned. 




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"I would hardly call that lack of nerve," Doc told him. "There were  too many of them for one man to handle." 

"Yes, that's what I thought," McAlter agreed. "Anyway, I don't know  why they were here. They started

shooting, but I couldn't see their  target. I guess it was you! Even then I was afraid to open fire on  them. I'll

never forgive myself for that!" 

McAlter peered anxiously in the gloom, trying to ascertain from the  expression on Doc's bronze features

whether or not his story had been  accepted as true. 

What he saw gave him little satisfaction one way or the other. 

"What in the world could they have been after?" he asked. 

"Jim Cash evidently had documentary proof of the Green Bell's  identity," Doc replied. "He concealed the

evidence under his locker  here in the plant. He wrote the name of the hiding place in invisible  ink on his arm.

Just why he should follow that procedure is a mystery.  How the Green Bell learned of the message is also


Both these enigmas were answered indirectly when Doc appeared at  Aunt Nora Boston's house. 

COLLISON MCALTER used his limousine as a conveyance to Aunt Nora's.  Doc crouched on the rug in the

ample tonneau. The police did not dare  to stop a man of Collison McAlter's prominence and search his car. 

Ham was calling by long distance from New York, when Doc arrived at  Aunt Nora's. 

"How's it coming, Doc?" he asked. 

"It could be a great deal better," Doc assured him. 

"I thought I'd report something queer!" Ham said rapidly. "It may  be important. Our mail carrier here was

kidnaped yesterday by men in  black gowns. He managed to escape during the night. The object of the

kidnaping seemed to be to get mail he was bringing us. He said there  was only one letter. It was from Prosper


"That explains what just happened here, Ham! Jim Cash hid his  evidence against the Green Bell, and marked

the hiding place on his  arm! He must have written me a letter from Prosper City, suggesting  that, in case he

was killed, I should look on his arm for the  information." 

"Confound it!" Ham gritted. "We're sure having our setbacks in this  mess." 

"Some of the Green Bell's men may still be in New York," Doc  warned. "You'd better watch out for them!" 

"Don't worry, I've been doing that," Ham said wryly. "I think I'm  going to be able to scare those four lying

witnesses into telling the  truth, too." 

"When you get that done, you can come down here and clear me of the  charge of murdering Prosper City's

chief of police!" 

Ham snorted. "O.K. How is that hairy missing link, Monk, coming  along?" 

"He has his eye on Alice Cash," Doc said, knowing this was exactly  what Monk would wish him to tell Ham. 




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The conversation terminated with a loud groan from the distant  lawyer. If there was anything that pained

Ham, it was to see his  sparring enemy, Monk, making a hit with an attractive young lady. 

Monk himself soon arrived. Renny, Ole Slater, Aunt Nora and the  others accompanied hi. Alice Cash was

quiet, and her eyes were  continuously downcast. 

They had consigned her brother's body to a local funeral home. 

MONK LOOKED at Doc and shook his head slowly. 

"The cops sure are combing this man's town for you!" he declared.  Then, in a low tone which did not reach

Alice Cash, he added: "They  even followed us into the funeral home and searched the coffin,  thinking we

might be pulling some kind of hocuspocus! And they frisked  our cars two times on the way here." 

"That's not half of it!" Renny put in grimly. "They're liable to  show up here any minute!" 

Renny stepped out. He came back with the latest extra edition of  the Prosper City News. Through his

spectacles with the magnifying lens,  he stared owlishly at the headlines. 

"They've got a decent crowd on that newspaper!" he grinned. "They  carry a story saying Chief Clements was

shot, but they don't mention  Doc's name in connection with the affair! They simply say that there is  not

enough evidence to name the slayer." 

Absently, Renny knocked his big fists together. This made a sound  as if bricks were colliding. 

"What about the gun with which Tugg shot Clements?" he pondered. 

"Tugg will be too wise to keep it," Doc told him. 

Ole Slater came dashing in from outdoors. 

"Mr. Savage!" he ejaculated. "The police!" 

Doc went to the door. Down the road somewhere, loud voices were  making angry demands, and getting just

as angry' refusals. The gang of  exservice guards had evidently stopped the police. 

Monk offered: "I told them to do that." 

Doc nodded. "Fine! That gives us a few moments to work which should  be enough." 

Monk looked uneasy. "It's going to be plenty dangerous getting away  from here!" 

"I'm going to stay right on the grounds!" 

"Holy cow!" exploded Renny, using an expression which came to his  tongue whenever he was greatly

surprised. "How're you going to manage  that?" 

Without answering, Doc stepped outdoors and circled the house. He  did not know how he was going to

remain without being ferreted out by  the Prosper City lawmen. 




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He was looking for a hiding place which would not be suspected.  Before he was halfway around the house,

he discovered it. 

A large galvanized iron tank stood at the rear of Aunt Nora's  rambling old house. Eave spouts emptied into it.

Aunt Nora Boston was a  thrifty soul who did her own washing. She believed there was nothing  like soft rain

water for this. 

The tank was two thirds full. 

"Give us a shoulder!" Doc directed, and bent his efforts to moving  the tank some distance away from the

house. "Don't spill the water!" 

A skeptical laugh escaped Ole Slater. "You can never avoid them by  submerging yourself in the tank. The

police are sure to prod around in  the water with sticks." 

"Dry up, sonny," Monk advised him. "Doc's scheme ain't anything as  simple as that." 

Ole Slater flushed angrily. He was not in a mood to take any cracks  from Monkpiqued as he was because

Monk had been giving charming Alice  Cash marked attention. 

Doc called Monk. They ran inside the house. Although Doc's  equipment had been destroyed by the explosion

in his room, Monk's  chemical supplies were still intact. With a great clanking of test  tubes and a fizzing of

liquids, Monk went to work. 

Doc entered Renny's quarters. Among other things the bigfisted  engineer had brought from New York were

compact diving "lungs." These  consisted of little more than oxygen tanks with hoses running to a

mouthpiece. The outfit included a clip like a clothespin for holding  the nostrils shut. 

Monk appeared. He was carrying two bottlesone small, one large.  They held liquids of a widely different

nature. He gave Doc the smaller  bottle. They hurried outdoors. 

The bronze man now picked up a large rock and immersed himself  carefully in the tank. He sat on the

bottom, the rock on his lap to  hold himself down. 

Monk dumped the chemical in the large bottle onto the water.  Striking a match, he applied it. The stuff blazed

up brilliantly,  making a brownish smoke. 

Homely Monk gave Ole Slater his best leer. 

"This chemical burns without hardly any heat!" he chuckled. "The  police will think we're burning trash in the

tank. They won't know  there's water in it. Now, do you believe they'll prod with sticks?" 

Ole Slater looked sheepish. "No, of course not! But suppose Mr.  Savage should want to get out of there? How

could he do it without  being burned?" 

"Didn't you see the small bottle I gave him?" 

"What's that got to do with it?" 

"It's filled with an extinguishing fluid that floats. All Doc has  to do is uncork the bottle  and the fire goes





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Ole Slater rubbed his strong jaws. "Isn't there any limit to the  number of tricks you fellows have up your


"Listen!" Monk grinned. "Nobody has ever put Doc in a jam he  couldn't get out of!" 

Word was now dispatched to the exservice men, advising them it was  perfectly all right for the police to

approach. When the officers  arrived, Long Tom and Johnny were making a great show of dumping trash  into

the flaming tank. They ceased this before the cops came close  enough to observe that the "trash" was only tin

cans, which would not  add to the heat of the chemical fire. 

"We're gonna search this joint!" a police sergeant declared loudly.  "We're gonna search it good!" 

"Go ahead!" Monk told him. "Just one thing, though! Don't start  intimidating Alice Cash and Aunt Nora!" 

"I'm gonna make damn sure they ain't seen Doc Savage!" 

Monk gave a signal. His three pals crowded up threateningly. They  were a grimfaced fighting crew. 

"You can ask all the questions you want to!" Monk grunted. "But  whether anybody answers them or not is

something else!" 

"Where's Doc Savage?" 

"That's one we're not going to answer!" 

The lawman glowered blackly. "You won't answer because you're  afraid of givin' your pal away!" 

"I ain't afraid of nothin' or nobody!" Monk hammered his chest like  a bull ape. "I just don't feel like

answering your damned question!" 

AT THIS point more policemen arrived. Three carloads! They bristled  with submachine guns and

doublebarreled riot guns. A cordon was  stretched around Aunt Nora's grounds. 

The officers pushed their search. Beginning at the circus tents,  they tore into every bale and box. They even

climbed to the top of the  tents to see that there were no trick pockets. 

They ignored the flaming barrel, except to toss an empty cigarette  pack in the flames. 

They reached the house. At front and rear doors guards were posted.  The scrutiny started in the basement.

Walls and floor were brick. The  bricks were examined, literally one at a time, to make sure no trapdoor  gave

into a secret room. 

Other officers scattered over the remainder of the house.  Approximately two dozen newcomers arrived.

These were the men who owned  the mills and the mines of Prosper City. They had evidently held a

conference, and had come in a body to discuss measures which would give  Doc control of their property. 

When they found the bronze man was being sought by the police, they  exploded indignantly. No one would

entertain the idea that Doc Savage  had shot Chief Clements. 

They landed on the officers with a verbal barrage. For a  \_ few  moments the house was a bedlam of angry

shouting. The police perspired  and their necks became red. They could not tell these men to shut up  and clear




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out. They were Prosper City's powerful citizens. 

"The suggestion that Savage murdered anybody is preposterous!"  insisted a mine owner. "We've been

investigating! Savage is known all  over the world for his remarkable deeds!" 

Pompous Judborn Tugg had come upon the scene from somewhere. He  entered the argument. 

"My dear fellow business men and comrades," he said bombastically.  "This man Savage is twice a murderer

probably worse." 

"We do not believe that!" some one advised. 

"I saw Savage murder Chief Clements!" Tugg shouted. "Half a dozen  others witnessed the horrible crime,

too! Furthermore, Savage is trying  to buy your properties for a fraction of what they are worth! Can't you  see

that? He's not only a killer  he's a gigantic swindler!" 

Renny's great voice roared: "When the time comes, Tugg, we'll  either prove that you're the Green Bell, or that

you're on his pay  roll." 

Both fists up and clenched, Tugg started forward as if to strike  Renny. However, he stopped well out of reach

of the enormous blocks of  gristle which Renny called hands. 

"Your lying words won't hurt me!" he said, with the air of an  injured man. 

After this, Tugg subsided. He could see plainly that every one but  the police was against him. 

"Go ahead with the search," commanded the sergeant in charge of  police. "We're going to scour this place

from  " 

He never finished. Feet rapped the porch. A uniformed officer dived  inside. 

"One of our men!" he yelled. "Hanging in the vines under a window!  A knife is sticking out of him!" 

THERE WAS an excited rush around the house. Vines which the excited  officer had mentioned were

wisteria. The creepers draped over a lightly  constructed trellis. 

Under one secondstory window there was a vertical streak where the  leaves were wet with dull, thick red.

The blueclad body of a policeman  was the mountain from which this streak of crimson spilled. 

The cadaver hung from the window by a rope around the neck. The  officer had been stabbed several times,

judging from the places where  he had leaked blood. The knife had been left protruding from his chest  after

the last blow. 

One of Aunt Nora Boston's carving knives! It had a black staghorn  handle. From below, the hilt looked not

unlike the head of a black  serpent peeping from the vest pocket of the dead man's coat! 

Homely Monk stared at the window  and began to feel as if he was  standing in a pool of ice water. It was

his room from which the body  was dangling! 

"Holy cow!" Renny breathed in Monk's ear. "Why on earth was he  murdered? And right under our noses,





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Monk tied his furry hands into knots, then untied them. He was  visioning the inside of the Prosper City Jail. 

The chances were good that every one present would be arrested. It  was only in detectivestory books that a

houseful of people were kept  on the scene after a murder, in order that the detective hero might  trap the

villain. These hardheaded cops would throw every one in jail. 

Made silent and grim by the presence of murder, the officers ran  into the house and upstairs. 

The rope which suspended the slain man was one Monk had used to tie  around a case of chemicals which he

had brought from New York. It was  not long enough to lower the body to the ground. 

They hauled the corpse in through the window. 

There was nothing to indicate why the bluecoat had been slain; no  bruises to indicate a struggle. 

"There couldn't have been a fight, anyway," Monk pointed out. "We  would have heard it from downstairs.

The fellow has been dead only a  few minutes." 

"Whose room is this?" demanded the police sergeant. 

"Mine," Monk admitted. His small voice was even more tiny than  usual. 

The officer yanked a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and bore  down on Monk. 

"Listen, big hairy, you're under arrest for murder!" he snapped. 

Monk beetled his brows angrily. "You're forgetting something." 


"I haven't been out of your sight a minute since you arrived. The  slain man was one of the men who came

with you, so I couldn't have  killed him." 

Marked disappointment was registered by the policeman. He wanted to  put Monk under custody. But Monk

was obviously not the guilty person. 

"Bring everybody up here in the hall!" the cop shouted. "We'll get  to the bottom of this!" 

The group of men, who represented Prosper City's mines and  factories, protested vociferously to being

herded about by the police.  This, however, had no effect. 

"This is mighty serious!" the bluecoats growled. "We got to  investigate everybody!" 

"That is exactly right, officer!" Judborn Tugg agreed loudly. "I  will gladly submit myself to any examination.

Personally, I think any  one reluctant to do that, under the circumstances, has something to  conceal." 

Numerous dark glares rewarded Tugg for his speech. He replied with  a smug smile. He knew the words had

lifted him in the estimation of the  officers. 

BETWEEN TEN and fifteen minutes of catechizing now ensued. The  servants of the law did a rather

thorough job. The information they  obtained, however, only added to their perplexity. Almost any one, it




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seemed, could be the killer. Indeed, Doc's four aids were almost the  only men who had been continuously at

the side of some officer during  the time the slaying must have occurred. 

Collison McAlter, Aunt Nora, Ole Slater, Alice Cash  all others,  in fact  found difficulty in proving

exactly where they had been. 

The little flock of Prosper City business men became frankly  worried. Their efforts to prove by one another

that they were accounted  for at all times, were almost frantic. 

"All of you stick here in the hall!" commanded the sergeant. "We're  gonna finish our search of the house. Doc

Savage may be around, and may  have murdered the cop!" 

Tall, bony Johnny had been using his spectacle magnifier on the  hilt of the knife which had slain the bluecoat. 

"It has been wiped clean of finger prints," he announced  regretfully. 

The police search progressed up from the basement. Plas  ter was  scrutinized; walls were rapped; books and

magazines were examined. 

"You've got strange ideas of hidin' places!" Monk snorted. 

"Don't get sassy!" he was ordered. "We're lookin' for the gun that  shot Chief Clements!" 

Monk gave a pronounced start. "Say, officer, did somebody suggest  the gun might be here?" 

"We don't broadcast the source of our tips!" snapped the sergeant.  But a movement of his eyes toward

Judborn Tugg was significant  the  gun hint had come from Tugg. 

A hoodoo seemed to have settled in Monk's room for it was there  that the next unpleasant development


Monk had brought along a spare suit. It hung in the closet. From  its pocket was produced the gun which had

slain Chief Clements 

Proof that this was the particular gun would have to await  examination of ballistics experts, though.

Identification numbers had  been filed off. Judging by the shiny condition of the file grooves, it  was a safe bet

this had been done since the fatal shooting. 

Monk entertained no doubt about its being the murder gun. Some one  had planted it in his room. He

proclaimed this fact loudly. 

"It explains the murder of the policeman!" he declared. "The cop  happened to find the Green Bell or one of

his men hiding the gun in  this room! That's why he was killed!" 

"The gun bein' here shows Doc Savage has been here," the sergeant  insisted. "He could have done the killin'!" 

Monk subsided. What was the use of arguing? 

A FRESH stream of objections now came from the Prosper City  business men. If Doc Savage was guilty,

they asserted, why arrest  everybody? Some of them made the ominous prediction that,if this kept  up, Prosper

City would soon find herself with an entire new set of  policemen. 




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The officers relented  partially. It was agreed that every one  should remain at Aunt Nora's place under

careful guard, Doc's four men   thinking of their bronze chief concealed in the water tank  were  not

pleased at this turn of events. 

Flames still leaped from the top of the tank. It was the nature of  Monk's chemical to burn slowly  it would

blaze for another hour. Then  what? 

Doc stood an excellent chance of being discovered, and none at all  of escaping from the grounds. 

"We ought to warn Doc how things are stacking up," Monk whispered  to pretty Alice Cash. 

Alice now showed that she carried around something besides good  looks on her shoulders. She secured

permission from the policemen, and  retired to the privacy of her room. On a sheet of stiff white paper she

wrote a brief summary of what had occurred. She sealed this in a  largemouthed bottle which had once

contained stick candy. 

The roll of paper pressed against the walls of the bottle, due to  its own stiffness. Hence the words it bore

could be read through the  glass. 

Alice found a heavy paper weight, and tied this to the bottle to  serve as a sinker. 

The current fashion in gowns tended toward full sleeves. She was  wearing the latest. She concealed the bottle

in a sleeve, then managed  to make her way outdoors without attracting suspicion. 

She maneuvered toward the falmedrowned tank and tossed her message  inside, without seeming she was

doing anything unusual. 

Descending through the water, the bottle and its weight landed on  Doc's right knee. He grasped it. The fire

above lighted the water more  brilliantly than sunlight would have. Too, although the burning  chemical was

not supposed to make much heat, the water was getting  unpleasantly warm. 

Peering through the wall of the bottle, Doc read the message. 

He reached a swift decision. Indeed, he seemed hardly to consider  the matter at all, so rapidly did his brain

analyze the situation and  ferret out the best procedure. 

The cork left the neck of the bottle which held the extinguishing  compound. It was a milky fluid. In

wreathing streamers, which resembled  the smoke from a small fire, it climbed upward. The chemical flames

were promptly snuffed out. 

Removing the rock anchor from his lap, Doc got up and clambered  from the tank. 

Yells of surprise greeted his appearance. Alice Cash pressed her  hands to her cheeks and looked startled. 

The police sergeant dashed forward, gun in one hand, handcuffs in  the other, shouting: "You're arrested! If

you bat an eye, you'll get  plugged!" 


WITHIN SURPRISINGLY few seconds, Doc was centered in a bristling  ring of gun mules. 




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Judborn Tugg bounced up and screamed: "Kill him, officer! Don't let  him escape! He's the devil who

murdered your chief!" 

Long Tom chanced to be near Tugg at that instant. The electrical  wizardslender, pallid,

unhealthylookingdid not seem half a match for  the portly Tug. But he sprang upon Tugg. His fists

delivered a smacking  volley. 

Before Long Tom was hauled off, Judborn Tugg had lost three front  teeth. His nose was awry. Both his eyes

had received a pasting which  would soon turn them a beautiful black. 

Long Tom swung his fists recklessly at officers who grabbed him.  Two dropped. The electrical wizard had

the appearance of a weakling,  but his looks were highly deceptive. 

Ordinarily, Long Tom kept a level head; but on rare occasions, he  flew into a great rage. He was having one

of his tantrums now. The  accusations against Doc had heated him to the exploding point 

A lawman got behind and whipped the back of Long Tom's head  repeatedly with a blackjack. The electrical

expert tumbled over,  unconscious. 

Doc Savage was now conducted into the basement of Aunt Nora's  house, and ordered to undress. 

Every piece of his clothing was taken. This indignity was suggested  by bruised, trembling Judborn Tugg. 

"You don't want to take any chances," Tugg told the police.  "There's no telling what kind of weapon this

bronze fiend might have  hidden in his clothing." 

An old pair of overalls and a blue shirt were handed Doc. His feet  were left bare. The officers conducted him

to a large police touring  car. 

The top was up, but there were no curtains. Doc sat in the rear, an  officer on each side. Three more cops

occupied the front seat. 

When they headed for town and jail, two cars rolled ahead. Three  came behind. In one of the latter Long Tom

languished. They were going  to jail the electrical wizard for his performance on Tugg. 

Every one else was, it seemed, to be permitted liberty. Now that  the police had Doc, they seemed to think

everything was settled. 

The official cars were driven slowly. Their motors were rather  silent for such big machines. 

As they entered a part of town where residences were more  plentiful, a metallic squeaking of radios in houses

could be  distinguished. Evidently the Prosper City broadcasting station put on a  program at this hour which

was very popular with the housewives. A  majority of sets were tuned in. 

The autos progressed several blocks. Suddenly, all about them, a  wailing and screaming came from the radio


The uproar had an eerie, banshee quality. Intermingled with the  bedlam, rising above it, came a procession of

dull gonging notes. These  persisted for only a few moments, then the whole clamor died. 

"The Green Bell!" a cop gulped. 




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The police looked at Doc as if suspecting the bronze man might have  made the noise. 

Doc showed by no sign that be had heard. His hands reposed on his  knees. They rested close together,

snugged by handcuffs. His ankles  were also manacled. 

Three railroads entered Prosper City. To avoid dangerous crossings,  the tracks lay on high grades. Overhead

bridges spanned the streets. 

The police cavalcade crawled toward one of the bridges. Two passed  under. Doc's machine came up within a

score of feet of the structure.  It traveled at a leisurely pace. 

Flinging both fists above his head, Doc sprang upward. Driven by  tremendously developed leg muscles, his

body burst through the top  fabric as if it were paper. 

He twisted out on top. The bows were stanch enough to support his  weight. 

The shackles on wrists and ankles seemed to hamper him hardly at  all. By the time the car reached the bridge,

he was standing erect. 

Springing upward, he grasped the bridge beams. A flip outward and  upward hooked his toes over the rail. An

acrobatic swaying  and he  was atop the bridge. 

HAD DOC sought to make an escape in any direction other than  upward, the police would have been in a

position to riddle him. As it  was, the tops of the cars spoiled their aim. 

Before they could lean outside, Doc was gonesheltered by the high  steel side pieces of the bridge. 

In concealment, Doc tested the handcuffs against his bronze sinews.  It was no mean feat of muscle he was

attempting. The handcuff links  were not undersize, nor were they of a special metal, so brittle it  would snap

easily  two dodges sometimes employed by professional  strong men. 

His sinews seemed to bunch, and crawl like animals under his bronze  skin. Snap! went the links joining his

ankles. Then another straining  tug, and those on his wrists went the same way. 

Down the tracks he ran, doubled as low as possible between the  rails. Policemen were shooting, yelling, and

scrambling madly up the  grade! 

It would have been an excellent time for a train to come along. But  never was a horizon more barren of a

snorting locomotive. Doc scooted  ahead until a bullet squeaked dangerously close, telling him officers  had

gained the track. 

He pitched right, and literally slithered down the grade on his  stomach. The railway section men had sown a

plentiful amount of clover  on the slopeit was a sweet variety of clover which grew rank and  offered

excellent concealment. 

Doc gained a fence, left pennants of his overalls on the barb wire  getting through, and dived behind some

one's chicken house, just as  bullets began to smack the boards. 

He crossed the yard, surrounded by a young tornado of frightened  chickens. Racing past a small dwelling, he

glided down the street. 




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He was safe. He made directly for Aunt Nora Boston's place. 

THE BRIEF, hideous clangor of the Green Bell over the radio was the  reason for Doc's escape. He had no

proof as to the meaning of the  unearthly radio noise, but he had con eluded it could have only one  purpose. 

Rumor said the noise always presaged death or violence by the Green  Bell's men. Therefore, Doc reasoned,

the gong was a summons to bring  the evil, hooded tribe to some point where they received orders. 

Doc was certain that Judborn Tug was one of the clan  if not its  chief. He intended to watch Tugg's

reactions to the radio call. 

Doc reached a tall tree some distance from Aunt Nora's home. This  was a lofty elm. It chanced to be the same

perch from which the  illfated Slick had watched. Small scuffs on the bark, a clinging  thread or two which

had been wrenched from Slick's suit, told Doc this  part of the story as he climbed upward. 

He stationed himself at the end of a large limb. 

Some sort of disturbance was going on near one of the circus tents.  Judborn Tugg was waving a fat arm and

shouting. Monk and Johnny were  dancing about him with threatening gestures. 

Tugg's actions showed he was insulting Doc's two aids in studied  fashion. 

In a moment, Monk and Johnny seized the pompous man and threw him  bodily out of the grounds. 

Doc Savage, witnessing this bit of drama, felt a new respect for  Tugg's sagacity. The fat man had managed to

get himself kicked out so  that his departure, so soon after the radio clangor, would not be  suspicious. 

Doc silently lowered himself from his perch and followed Tugg. 

The fat man entered his limousine. However, he drove only a short  distance, and that very slowly. Parking

near a wide flat field which  was overgrown with brush, he made for the ramshackle barn. 

The sunlight was brilliant. At no time did Tugg take more than half  a dozen steps without glancing alertly

around. Yet Doc was hardly  fourscore feet behind when his quarry ducked into the old barn. 

Doc sidled near the structure, only to be forced back as he heard  the approach of other men. 

The Green Bell's pack was assembling! 

They came by twos and by threes. Once, half a dozen in a group. The  last arrival closed the door. 

Each man to come to the spot had been incased in a long black  garment with a green bell painted on the

breast. No one remained  outside on guard. That exotic masquerade would have been sure to  attract attention

of any chance passerby. No doubt more than one  watching eye was pasted to the cracks, however. 

In assembling the vast knowledge which his remarkable brain held,  Doc had made it a practice to learn from

masters in each line; then, by  intensive study, to improve on the best they were able to give. He had  gone to

animal hunters of the jungle to learn woodcraft, for these were  the masters of stealth. 

As noiselessly as a cloudcast shadow, he drew near the ramshackle  building. 




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A hollow, earthy voice mumbled within the structure. The words, as  they reached Doc's ears, were almost too

distorted for understanding. 

The thing Slick Cooley had learned only by use of his eyes. Doc's  keen ears discerned instantly! The voice

was pouring from an  underground pipe! 

"Is every one here?" it was asking. 

"Yes, sir!" Judborn Tugg shouted in answer. 

"You are here for orders!" came the sepulchral tones of the Green  Bell. "Each of you, of course, made sure he

was not followed?" 

To this, there was general clamor, evidently meant for assent. 

"Good!" boomed the voice from the ground. "We finally got Savage in  jail. His men remain. It is to hear their

fate that you were summoned." 

DOC SAVAGE listened with only half attention, for he was worming a  slow way through the weeds,

pressing an ear to the ground at frequent  intervals. Due to the marshy nature of the earth, he did not believe

the tiling could be deeply buried. Otherwise it would fill with water. 

The Green Bell  wherever he was  must of necessity shout loudly  to make his voice carry with volume.

Doc thought he should be able to  locate the tile by ear. 

"Judborn Tug!" donged the Green Bell. 

"I am here!" Tugg shouted. 

If he did not know the figure to which he spoke was a dummy of  sticks and cloth, he must be very puzzled at

being asked to identify  himself. 

"You will recall that, nearly a week ago, you were commanded to  make certain preparations near Aunt Nora

Boston's home!" 

"Yes," howled Tugg. 

"Just what did you do? I want to be sure!" 

"I hid a big bottle of poison in a brush patch on the mountain  slope, close to Aunt Nora's place! You can't

miss the brush! Four large  trees grow out of it. They're in a straight line, as if they'd been  planted." 

"Exactly where is the bottle?" 

"Buried halfway between the middle two trees." 

"What kind of poison?" 

"Cyanide! The most deadly stuff I could find!" 




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Outside, Doc Savage dug silently with his fingers. His sensitive  hearing had guided him well, for the bole he

sank landed squarely on  top of the tile. He spaded rapidly with his hands, lengthening his  excavation along

the tile. 

The big clay pipes were not long. 

The Green Bell's voice boomed: "Tugg, you will get that poison and   " 

In the midst of the gonging words, Doc struck a sharp blow with his  fist. The pipe was not of very strong

construction. It collapsed,  eggshell fashion. 

The Green Bell interrupted himself, roared: "What was that noise?" 

"It sounded as if  it came from under you some place," Tugg  yelled. 

"Never mind," the master mind said hastily, apprehensive lest his  hirelings learn the figure in the barn was

only a stuffed dummy of wood  and fabric. 

Doc hastily cupped palms over the hole. This was to prevent escape  of too much voice sound. Picking up

several pinches of fine dust, he  let it trickle slowly into the opening. 

Entering the tile, the dust streams were sucked away from the barn.  This showed a draft, and gave him the


It was possible that the string of tiles turned before they reached  their destination. 

"Tugg, you will get the cyanide which you secreted near Aunt  Nora's!" continued the Green Bell. "There is, I

presume, a large  quantity of it in the bottle." 

"A lot!" Tugg shouted. 

"Good! You will get it! Tonight you will take a group of men and  dig up the water main which supplies

Aunt Nora's home. I happen to know  that, due to the house being in an outlying district, the water line is  very

small twoinch pipe. You will insert the poison. I am sure you can  handle the mechanical details." 

"I guess so!" Tugg replied uneasily. 

DOC SAVAGE glided away from the barn, following a trail used by the  masked men. His gaze switched here

and there   always on the ground. 

Soon he found what he expected  a cigarette stub. He picked it  up, then continued his hunt. He added two

remnants of Judborn Tugg's  dollar cigars to his assortment. 

The prize find was a discarded paper matchbook  one match  remaining. Doc had feared it was going to he

necessary to start a fire  Boy Scout fashion, twirling one stick upon another. 

He moved back toward the dilapidated building. The cigarettes,  cigars, and matches had been discarded by

the Green Bell's men as they  donned black hoods upon nearing the rendezvous. 

Back at the tile, Doc crumpled the tobacco into a loose fistful. He  put a match to the papers off the cigarettes,

then added the tobacco.  The draft made it burn. 




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A wisp or two of smoke escaped the baked clay pipe. This was not  enough to lift above the weeds and be

seen by the watchers in the barn. 

Doc listened. Judborn Tugg was talking, giving a recital of what  had happened at Aunt Nora Boston's. 

Doc felt there was no need of Judborn telling the Green Bell what  had happened at Aunt Nora's. The Green

Bell had been upon the scene,  and had murdered the policeman, Doc believed. 

Collison McAlter  the group of Prosper City factory and mine  owners  the others who had been on hand

one of these must be the  Green Bell! 

Doc circled widely, sensitive nostrils expanding and contracting as  he sniffed the air. Tobacco smoke

possessed a marked odor. He hoped to  locate it where it escaped' from the end of the tile. Daily from

childhood, Doc had taken an exercise calculated to develop his  olfactory organs. His sense of smell was


He ringed the place, without finding what he sought. The second  time, he went entirely around. The last

circle was wider. Doc quickened  his pace; he had expected better luck. 

Over toward the barn, he heard noises. Brush cracking. The Green  Bell's gang leaving the trysting place! The

seance had ended. 

Doc let them go. Judborn Tug was the important member. He would not  be hard to locate. Doc concentrated

on trying to find the mouth of the  tile. 

Judborn was one of the first to leave the barn. He walked swiftly  from the vicinity. It was a hot day; his black

hood was uncomfortable.  He removed it as soon as he got out of sight. 

Although his name was spoken freely at these sinister meetings,  Tugg Was always careful to keep his face

hooded. This was merely a  coincidental precaution. If anything came up in court he could swear he  had never

attended the conclaves, but that the culprit must have been  some one else masquerading under his name. 

Entering his expensive car, Tug drove back to town, taking his  time. He smoked one of his costly cigars.

There was nothing ahead of  him for the remainder of the day. 

As for getting the poison from the cache near Aunt Nora's home,  that would wait until darkness. 

TUGG EVENTUALLY wheeled his machine up before his great white  house. A few Months ago, there had

been a flunky to open the door; but  there was none now. Tugg had dismissed all his servants, pleading

financial stringency. 

The real reason was that he did not want servants around where they  might pick up dangerous information.

Tugg was unmarried, and took his  meals at Prosper City's leading restaurant. 

He entered his sumptuously furnished library. The minute he stepped  through the door, he jumped a foot in

the air. 

A somber black crow of a figure was perched in a deep armchair. The  green of the bell insignia and the green

of glass goggles were almost  the same hue. 

The apparition held a leveled gun. 




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The firearm alone was enough to tell Judborn Tugg that he was now  facing the Green Bell in person. The czar

sinister always held a gun  when he showed himself, to make sure none of his followers took a  notion to yank

off his hood. 

"Wwhat do you want?" Tugg spluttered. "III was just talking to  you." 

"And a fine mess you made of it, too!" The Green Bell's tone was  deep, angry. 

Tugg dropped his cigar, and it lay unnoticed, charring the rug.  "What do you mean?" 

"Savage followed you to the swamp! He listened to everything that  was said!" 

Tugg shook his head violently. "Impossible! The police have  Savage!" 

"He escaped!" The Green Bell's gun never wavered from a line with  Judborn Tugg's heart. "The police 

helpless fools  let Savage get  away. And he followed you to the meeting in the barn." 

"Afe!" Tugg choked. "Surely not!" 

"We will not argue about that!" the Green Bell clanged. "Savage was  there! I heard him! I am certain! You

will take the orders which I came  to give you! Thea I will go!" 

"What is it?" 

"You will ignore all orders pertaining to the bidden bottle of  cyanide!" 

Tugg blinked. Then his quick brain grasped the possibilities. 

"Say, boss, if Savage overheard us talking about that poison, he's  sure to go to destroy it. We can lay an


"The ambush is already set!" intoned the Green Bell. 

"But I didn't know you had gotten hold of any of the men  " 

"This is a trap which does not use men. And it is the more  effective for that!" 

The Green Bell now took his departure, fading into the shrubbery. 

Judborn Tugg, watching from a window, swore in disgust  and wished  he had not landscaped his place so

profusely. He would have liked to  follow and learned the identity of this fiend who was behind Prosper  City's



HAD DOC Savage been able to witness what had just occurred at  Judborn Tugg's home, he would no longer

have retained a suspicion that  Tugg was the Green Bell. 

However, Doc was not considering Tugg very seriously for the part  of villain. His reason for this was simple.

Tugg was too obviously  connected with the Green Bell organization. The man actually behind the  thing was




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too clever to let suspicion point at him in that fashion. 

Doc had now made five circles around the barn ruin. He had detected  no faintest odor of tobacco smoke. He

was frankly puzzled. It was  hardly possible that the Green Bell had been this distant from the  rendezvous. 

Disgusted, Doc returned to the ramshackle old farm building. By  now, his bird had flown. He concluded to

follow the tiling and learn  where it actually did go. 

The baked clay pipes were not buried deeply. By jabbing a sharp  stick, he traced them. They ran perhaps two

hundred feet, turning  sharply at two points. Then they suddenly ended. 

He dug. The discovery he made was unexpected. The tiles simply  elbowed straight downward. After a depth

of three feet, the shaft was  steel pipe. 

Doc compressed a small ball of clay, dropped it. The lump fell, he  judged accurately, at least two hundred

and fifty feet. 

With great care, Doc now wiped out all traces of his presence,  filling in the holes he had excavated, and

scattering leaves and trash  about. 

He left the vicinity. His steps were careful; his progress  noiseless. This, although there was no apparent

danger. His was an  instinctive caution. 

Many days had passed since the last rain at Prosper City. Yet the  ground underfoot was soft, wet. In some

spots it was muck which oozed  over his shoes. 

It was not ground through which one could readily drive a tunnel. A  few feet beneath the surface, the earth

must be literally a thick soup.  Yet the tile line had ended in a vertical shaft which sank straight  downward

more than tenscore feet. 

Doc had a theory to explain this. He hoped it might play an  important part in the eventual capture of the

Green Bell. 

Something over an hour later, the bronze man turned up in the  vicinity of Aunt Nora Boston's home. Evading

a covey of searching  policemen had delayed him somewhat. 

Numerous blue uniforms were scattered in Aunt Nora's yard. Others  could be glimpsed occasionally, moving

within the house. 

Doc set a course for the mountain slope which began almost at the  edge of Aunt Nora's abode. He had no

trouble locating a patch of brush  from which grew four perfectly aligned trees. This, from what he had

overheard, was the hiding place of the deadly poison. 

What he did not know, though, was that the Green Bell had set a  death trap at the spot. 

Old leaves made a graybrown carpet under the brush and smaller  trees. These would show tracks, for the

undersides were dark and moldy,  while the upper surfaces had been washed and bleached by the weather. 

As Doc progressed, the brush thickened; trees of moderate size  became more plentiful. 




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Doc crouched, then sailed upward in a great leap. His sinewy  fingers trapped a limb. He swung easily to

another branch, flipped atop  it, glided its swaying length, and seemed to float outward in space to  the next


It was a remarkable exhibition of agility. Few jungle anthropoids  could have done better. 

THE FOUR extremely tall trees, he discovered, jutted from the midst  of a thorn thicket. Moreover, a path

grooved between the second pair.  From the condition of the carpeting leaves, it was evident this trail  received

only occasional use. 

Directly between the spindling trees, there was a small opening in  the thorny trail walls. Almost a pit! This

seemed a logical hiding  place for the poison. 

Doc balanced out on a branch of a smaller tree, some yards from the  four giant sentinels. Lowering, he

dangled from sinewy hands. Back and  forth, he began to flip, after the fashion of a trapeze artist getting  his

swing going. The bough gyrated. 

Releasing his clutch at the proper instant, the big bronze man  arched upward through space. He made a

perfect landing on the lowermost  limb of a tall tree. 

It was then that he encountered his big discovery. 

A machine gun was lashed to the tree. Its ugly snout angled  downward. Doc sidled along the limb, examined

it. He sighted down the  barrel. It was aimed at the tiny recess in the thorns, which probably  held the poison. 

A flexible wire, attached to the trigger, ran down through tiny,  greased pulleys. A death trap! Any one who

grasped the poison bottle  would be instantly riddled. 

Doc thought swiftly. He detached the trigger trip of the gun. Then,  with a long, descending leap, he landed on

the path. 

Searching under the leaves, he quickly found the poison. He untied  a small wire from the neck of the bottle.

This was the trip for the  rapidfirer. 

A glance showed him the poison was genuine. The stuff was not in  crystal form, but was an odorless, volatile

liquid. Cyanic acid! One of  the most deadly of poisons! 

Doc carried the bottle some distance away, got rid of its contents  in a hole which he dug in the ground, then

refilled it with water from  a stream trickling down the mountainside. This stream, due probably to  the

presence of mines above, had a foul color, not greatly different  from that of the cyanide. 

Replacing the now harmless bottle took only a moment. 

Moving with the ease of a squirrel, Doc clambered into the tree  which held the machine gun. He altered the

position of the weapon  slightly. 

Doc took great pains with the work. Several times, he sighted along  the fluted barrel. Then he replaced the

wire on the trigger. 

He quitted the vicinity as noiselessly as he had arrived. 




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In the distance, a freight train was whistling and puffing as it  pulled out of Prosper City. It got under way

slowly, and its snorting  and bleating became fainter and fainter. 

The freight was still audible when Doc appeared in the brush which  fringed Aunt Nora Boston's spacious

yard. He waited, watching. 

A car approached from the direction of town. It rolled into the  yard, bearing Long Tom. 

The slender, pale, temperamental electrical wizard must have put up  bail and received a quick release on the

charge of battering Judson  Tugg. 

Perhaps five minutes, Doc waited, in order that the jubilation  caused by Long Tom's return might subside.

Then the bronze man's  strange, mellow, trilling note saturated the vicinity. 

Musical, yet entirely without tune, it ran up and down the scale. A  bystander, looking at Doc's lips, could not

have told it was from  thence that the fantastic sound came. Yet the weird resonance possessed  remarkable

carrying qualities. 

It penetrated across the lawn and soaked through the innermost  reaches of the vast old house. Policemen

glanced about wonderingly,  with no idea where the cadence was coming from. 

Doc's four men gave no indication that the eerie note meant  anything to them. But a few minutes later, the

quartet sauntered  casually into the house. They used binoculars from upstairs windows. 

It was gaunt Johnny, spectacles containing the magnifier cocked up  on his forehead, who discovered Doc. 

A strange bit of pantomime followed. Johnny's binoculars were  powerful. Hence, Doc was able to converse

with him by using  deafanddumb sign language. 

DOC EXPLAINED fully what he wanted. Then he eased away from the  region. 

Patrols of cops had taken to prowling the vicinity. He wished DO  contact with them which could be avoided. 

The sun had marched two hours nearer meridian when Johnny, driving  down the road in one of the rented

cars, passed a certain culvert.  Without stopping, he flung a paperwrapped bundle from the machine. This

hopped end over end, coming to a rest directly before the culvert. 

Johnny drove on as if nothing had happened. 

An armit looked like a beam wrapped with steel hawsers and painted  with bronzereached out of the

profuse weed growth and snared the  packet. 

Both bundle and arm disappeared. 

This seemed the end of the incident. The tops of the weeds shook a  little; but that might have been caused by

the breeze. 

About eight minutes later, and about eight blocks distant, a  householder's dog dashed madly through his back

yard, barking. The  householder looked out. 




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He saw, or he thought he sawfor he was not quite surea mighty  bronze figure vanishing along the alley.

The householder went back and  sat down to his dinner, grinning widely. The police were after that  bronze

man! What of it? The viands on the table before him were some  distributed by Doc Savage the night before. 

The next incident of this sort occurred well on the other side of  town, when a merchant, coming home to his

lunch, was astounded to have  a giant bronze man step from a grape arbor ahead of him, and calmly  cross the


The merchant ran after the apparition. It was not in his thoughts  to give an alarm. He wanted to thank this

bronze man for a morning's  business, which had practically saved his store from bankruptcy. 

This merchant had been carrying scores of impoverished families on  credit, and these, practically without

exception, had been grateful  enough to make a substantial repayment with the money which they had

received from Doc. 

The merchant, however, was forced to withhold his thanks. He failed  to find the bronze figure which he had

glimpsed. The form had vanished  magically in a garden. 

These two spots where the metallic giant was sighted were on a  direct line between Aunt Nora Boston's home

and Judborn Tugg's palatial  white mansion. 

JUDBORN TUGG had just partaken of an excellent dinner at Prosper  City's leading restaurant. He returned

to his home, driving his  luxurious limousine. 

Pausing before the front door, he made an elaborate ritual of  clipping the end from one of his dollar cigars,

and applying a match. 

He opened the door, entered, stoppedhis jaw seeming to disappear  in his fat neck as he gaped. 

He made an absent gesture at putting the cigar in his mouth, but  missed that cavity fully four inches. 

"I thought you  goodness gracious!" he stuttered uncertainly.  "What is the trouble now?" 

A figure in a ravenblack robe occupied one of the livingroom  chairs. A green bell was painted on the front

of the hood. The eyes  were practically invisible. There were eye holes in the hood, but the  wearer's face

seemed to be bandaged heavily in white. 

"Nothing is wrong!" snapped the somber figure in a hollow, gonging  voice. 

Tugg blinked, lifted his chin out of his fat neck, and found his  lips with his cigar. 

"You look much different than you did this morning!" he mumbled. "I  guess it is because you are not wearing

your green goggles. You have  your eyes bandaged! I hope you have not met with an accident?" 

"Don't worry about my health!" tolled Doc Savage, imitating the  Green Bell's macabre tones. 

At the same time, Doc wished he had known about those green  goggles. He had resorted to the white

bandages to disguise the  distinctive gold color of his eyes, knowing they would give him away  instantly. 

This Green Bell gown had been in the bundle which Johnny had flung  from his car. Johnny himself had

tailored it. 




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"What do you want with me?" Tugg demanded anxiously. 

"About the bottle of poison!" Doc returned, angling for anything  which would give him a lead. 

Tugg's head dived into his neck and came up as he nodded. "Yes,  yes! When you were here this morning, you

told me not to go for the  poison, but that Doc Savage would probably appear on the scene and be  caught in a

death trap!" 

This was illuminating. It told Doc nearly all he needed to know.  The Green Bell had learned Doc was

eavesdropping in the vicinity of the  old barn. The czar of fear himself had later visited Tugg and

countermanded the barn orders. 

"That plan is changed!" Doc said in his assumed tolling voice. "The  new scheme is for you to go get the

poison, just as you were ordered at  first." 

"You mean I'm to go ahead  " 

"Exactly! You are to poison the water main leading to Aunt Nora's  place!" 

"Oh, my goodness!" Tugg gasped. "Didn't Savage fall into the trap?" 

"Entirely unforeseen developments came up! Savage, I regret to say,  did not tumble." 

"But maybe he'll be watching the hiding place of the poison?" 

"He will not harm you!" 

Tugg shivered, said: "I'm kinda worried 

"You, Tugg, are to get that poison!" Doc ordered in his assumed  tolling. 

"You are to go in person. Above all things, you are not to send any  one else! Understand!" 

Tugg squirmed. "Very well." 

Doc Savage, in his masquerade as the Green Bell, had accomplished  his purpose. He did not want to stretch

his luck. Consequently, he now  took his departure, 

His going was quite effective. Judborn Tugg, determined this time  to follow the master mind, flung wildly to

a window the instant the  somber figure exited. Quick as he was, the sepia form had been swifter.  The visitor

had vanished, as if gifted with supernatural powers, or an  agility which would put him across fifty feet of

lawn while a fat man  was crossing a room. 

EXASPERATED, TUGG turned on an electric fan and seated himself in  its windy breath. The taste of his

excellent dinner had been ruined,  and his digestion hampered. 

Sometimes, he wondered if any good at all would ever come from his  association with the Green Bell. He

had, in fact, pondered this on  numerous occasions. 

He wished Slick Cooley was still alive. Slick had been intent on  learning who the Green Bell was, then

killing him. That would have been  highly satisfactory to Tug. Slick had expected to take over the Green  Bell's




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organization. Judborn Tugg smiled wolfishly, and mused how  easily a bullet from his own hand would have

finished Slick. 

This brought an unpleasant thought  Slick's death! 

Tugg snapped up very straight in his chair. Then he scrambled  forward and shut off the fan. He was cold

enough now without any  artificial refrigeration. His spine, in fact, felt like ice cubes  joined with a string. 

The newspapers had said Slick Cooley had gone insane in his jail  cell, and had been shot while trying to

escape. Insane! That was the  Green Bell's trademark! 

Slick Cooley had been killed because, in the hands of the law, he  was a danger to the organization. That was


Judborn Tugg's head crawled in and out of his neck. Doc Savage  suspected him of being one of the gang. Did

that not make him   Judborn Tug  a menace to the organization? 

This was a frosty thought, for it suggested the possibility that  the Green Bell might find occasion to dispense

with Judborn Tugg. 

Throughout the evening, Tugg wrestled these thoughts around in a  mire of unease. He would go through with

the poisoning  it was often  fatal to ignore the Green Bell's commands  but he would be very  careful. 

JUST BEFORE dark, furtive, slinking figures began dropping in on  Tugg. These were disciples of the Green

Bellthe fellows who were to  help with the poisoning of the water main. 

Tugg directed each of them to meet him at a spot some distance from  Aunt Nora's house, then bundled them

out. He considered it a strain on  his dignity to associate with such riffraff. 

An hour and a half after the street lamps of Prosper City had been  turned on, Tugg neared the four

sentinellike trees on the mountain  slope. He was rushing the job. He wanted to get it over. 

He carefully scouted the vicinity of the trees and the thorn patch.  No lurking figure was flushed out by this


"Maybe I am wrong in thinking myself in danger," Tugg argued with  himself. "Of course I am! The Green

Bell will not murder a man of my  importance to the organization. I would be hard to replace." 

His mental balloon received a big prick when, a few moments later,  he bent over and picked up the bottle of


There was a deafening clatter behind him! It was as If a gigantic  iron turkey had started gobbling. Bullets

swooped over Tugg's head,  chopped branches, and clouted the earth. 

Tugg flattened, instinctively spinning. He saw the firelipping  snout of the machine gun. 

He had no way of knowing Doc Savage had aimed the weapon high  enough that it could not possibly hit a

man on the path. He had no way  of knowing Doc Savage had been here at all! His only thought washe had

been doublecrossed! 

The Green Bell had tried to murder him! 




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Judborn Tugg's actions for the next few moments were those of a  frantic man. He scuttled down the trail,

collecting numerous thorns in  his haste. 

Sweat bubbled from his forehead like grease from a cooking bacon  rind. He fell to cursing the Green Bell. 

"Tried to kill me like a dog!" he snarled. 

It did not occur to Tug that he might have been tricked. Up until a  few minutes ago, be had held an evil

admiration for the Green Bell.  That had evaporated. Rage had taken its place. Rage, and a lust to turn  the


Revenge! The thought flamed Tugg's brain. But how to get it? Tugg  knotted his fat hands. 

He reached a momentous decision. The attempt on his life meant that  he needed protection from the Green

Bell. Where better to get this than  from the Green Bell's Nemesis, Doc Savage? 

Judborn Tugg decided to go to Doc Savage, tell the bronze man  everything, and ask sanctuary. If there was

any safety at hand, the  bronze man was it. 

This was the exact train of thought which Doc Savage had foreseen  when he had reaimed the machine gun

and set the trickery trap for  Tugg. Doc was psychologist enough to guess that Tugg, in protecting  himself,

would turn upon his master. 

Doc Savage, in fact, was at that moment gliding along not fifty  yards from the frightened and enraged Tugg. 

The portly, terrified factory owner beelined for Aunt Nora  Boston's home, so Doc let him go. 

MONK, A towering, furry form in the night, challenged Tugg. Seeing  who it was, Monk smiled grimly,

reached out, and trapped Tugg's fat  neck. 

Tugg wriggled, squealing: "Now, don't hurt me! I came to see  Savage!" 

"Yah!" Monk growled. "I hope you don't expect to find him here,  after your lying charge that he murdered

Chief Clements!" 

Desperately, Tugg pulled at the hirsute hands clasping his neck'  But at the same time, his active little brain

raced. Since he had  himself murdered Chief Clements, he would have to make some sort of a  deal. Any kind

of a deal! 

If it came to the worst, Tugg was willing to go to trial on a  murder charge. With his influence in Prosper City,

he believed he could  get off. Tug was a supreme egoist. He did not realize his influence was  practically nil. 

Better yet, he might strike a bargain with Doc Savage, whereby, for  his services in trapping the Green Bell,

he would be permitted to go  free. 

Tugg was also always the optimist. If he had known Doc Savage's  true character, the iron determination of

the bronze man, he would have  entertained scant hopes of a deal. 

"I think I made a mistake about that killing!" Tugg wailed. 

Monk loosened his clutch. "You what?" 




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"I might have made an error!" Tugg said evasively. "If I can see  Doc Savage and talk to him in private, I can

tell whether my  identification of him as the killer was correct!" 

To all appearances, there was not room for a spoonful of brains in  Monk's knot of a head. But he possessed a

keen intellect. He perceived  instantly what Tugg was driving at. 

"You wanta make a deal?" he demanded. 

Tugg did not commit himself. "If I could see Doc Savage  " 

Monk shook him and said: "You'd what?" 

Tugg remained stubbornly silent. 

The mousy tufts which Monk wore for eyebrows crawled together as he  thought deeply. The upshot of his

reflection was that he conducted  Judborn Tug to the house. 

They sought out the sergeant who was in charge of the detachment of  Prosper City police. 

"Prosper City's leading citizen thinks he made a mistake in calling  Doc a murderer," Monk declared,

elbowing Tugg roughly. "Ain't that  right, fatty?" 

The indignity galled Tugg's pompous soul. But he was desperate. 

"I've got to see Savage!" he gulped. 

"There ain't no need of that unless you can swear he wasn't the  killer!" Monk said cannily. 

Tugg writhed, perspired, and pulled nervously at his gold watch  chain until he broke it. He had reason to

know his own peril was  desperate. In his extremity, he was willing to make almost any  concession to get in

touch with Doc Savage. 

"I  I think I made a mistake!" he groaned. 

"You think?" Monk scowled. 

"II'm sure I did!" Tug gulped. "Savage wasn't the killer!" 

Monk whistled loudly. Renny and the others raced up, together with  policemen. 

Tugg was conducted into the house. Monk  his small voice for once  a great roar  announced

vociferously that Judborn Tug was willing to  swear Doc Savage was not Police Chief Clement's slayer. 

Monk was exerting pressure, not giving Tugg a chance to back up.  The proclamation broke up a meeting

which the Prosper City business men  were holding in the house. 

This conclave was for the purpose of discussing the transfer of  their holdings to Doc Savage. Although Doc

had, of necessity, been  absent all day because of the police, his four aids were rushing his  plans for the

salvation of the manufacturing community. 

Collison McAlter was a prominent figure in this conference. 




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Monk left Tugg inside, went out on the porch, lifted his voice.  "Doc!" he bellowed. "Tugg is willin' to clear

you! But he wants to  talk! What'll we do?" 

As if it were answering his howl, a shot banged loudly within the  house. 


MONK VEERED around. The screen on the front door had a patent lock  which defied his fingers. So he

walked bodily through, bearded hands  pawing fine wire. 

Inside the house, the only thing lacking to make the situation a  perfect one for murder in the dark, was the

lack of darkness. The  lights were on brilliantly. 

Collison McAlter and Ole Slater rushed up to Monk, crying  questions. Other Prosper City industrialists

boiled about. 

"The shot was upstairs!" somebody yelled. 

Bigfisted Renny came lumbering from somewhere. He grunted at Monk,  and the two giants shouldered each

other up the stairs. In the hallway,  burned powder made a tang. 

Since the evening was warm, most of the room doors were open to  secure cross ventilation. The cordite reek

was coming through one of  these. Renny and Monk split, each popping their heads into a row of  doors. 

They fully expected to find a corpse. They were equally as certain  that it would be Judborn Tugg. 

"The Green Bell croaked Tugg before he could talk!" Monk wailed. 

Their expectations were not realized. 

In the first place, there was no body in any of the upstairs rooms.  Nor was there a lurking gunman. 

In the wall of Aunt Nora's room they discovered a gouge in the  plaster. This held a bullet. The slug was not

distorted, and obviously  had not hit the wall with much more force than could have been  developed by a

small boy's slingshot. 

The explanation of the puny blow was scattered over a dressing  tablethe mangled remains of an ordinary

electric toaster. 

Monk snorted loudly. "Lookit!" 

"The bullet was laid in the toaster, and the heat exploded it,"  Renny agreed. 

"Sure! A plant! Somebody did it to draw attention!" Monk and Renny  had come up the stairs in haste, but

they went back down with a great  deal more speed. Indoors, a swift search was started. 

Racing outside, Monk bellowed for every guard to keep his eyes on  the house. 

Both hunts drew blanks. Not only were there no murdered bodies  around, but nobody had the slightest idea

what the excitement was  about. 




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However, the mystery lost its profundity before long. Judborn Tugg,  somewhat pale, his pudgy form drawn

up in a stiff dignity, walked  toward the door. 

Monk collared him. "Where you goin', fat boy?" 

"I wish to take my departure!" Tugg replied in a voice which he  could not quite make pompous. 

Peering at the fat man, Monk observed that a remarkable change had  taken place. Tugg was still frightened,

but he was no longer anxious to  talk to Doc Savage. His greatest concern was now to get out of the  vicinity. 

Monk looked fierce, but groaned inwardly. He realized what had  happened. The shot had been a trick by the

Green Bell to secure an  opportunity to speak with Tugg in private. 

"So you've changed your mind!" Monk gritted. Judborn Tugg's answer  was an angry squirm for his freedom.

Monk let him go. He had a hunch  that, if he did not, Tugg would immediately reverse his previous

declaration that Doc was not guilty of Chief Clements's murder. 

Tugg left the vicinity in great haste. He made directly for his  palatial white home on the other side of town. 

Monk's conjecture that Tugg had received a communication from the  Green Bell was correct. What Monk

had no way of knowing, however, was  that Tugg possessed no idea of who had delivered the words. They

had  been whispered through the crack of a partially open door, when every  one was interested in the banging

noise upstairs. 

The verbal interchange had been short. In a single angry sentence,  Tugg had told of the machine gun. With

equal terseness had come the  reply that the whole thing must be a clever plot by Doc Savage. 

Tugg was to lie low! That was the word. For the immediate future,  he was to conduct himself as Prosper

City's leading business man, and  nothing else. 

There was a catch to this. 

"I will attempt to dispose of Doc Savage by other means," the Green  Bell had advised. "If that fails, it may be

necessary for you to serve  as a bait to draw Savage into a trap!" 

THE GREEN Bell had not upbraided Tugg for nearly turning traitor.  But Tugg was not deceived. He was live

bait. The minute Doc Savage was  slain, that bait would no longer be needed. 

Tugg shuddered, perspired freely. He was in the jam of his shady  life! 

A giant, silent bronze shadow dogged Tugg's footsteps until the fat  man was ensconced behind the locked

doors of his palatial home. 

Doc made certain that Tugg showed no sign of immediate activity.  Then he retraced his spectral way to Aunt

Nora Boston's. 

The place, from a distance, had all the aspects of a circus. The  giant tents, brilliantly lighted from below,

seemed many times their  actual size. 

Curious individuals were swarming the vicinity, although there was  to be no food distribution tonight. The

money payments of the night  before had made that unnecessary. But they were greatly interested in  the




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negotiations over the factories. 

If Doc Savage was given control, they got jobs. If he was refused,  there seemed nothing but hard times ahead.

So they came to loiter and  snap up the latest gossip. 

Two of these loafers were arguing hotly about the Chief Clements  slaying; suddenly, they fell silent. They

gaped slightly; their eyes  roved the night. 

For upon the scene had come a fantastic note, a nebulous,  windborne sound which might have been the song

of some exotic bird,  or the trilling of the night breeze. Up and down the scale, it chased a  musical crescendo;

yet it was without tune. 

"What's that?" demanded a man. "Where'n blazes is it comin' from?" 

No one knew  except Doc's four aids. Almost at once, they drifted  casually into the darkness. They met a

short distance away, where they  were well concealed in the brush. 

They gave no signalDoc had, without a doubt, followed their  departure closely. For Doc's strange sound,

trilling in the murk, could  have but one meaning  a meeting was desired. 

Doc appeared like a wraith at Monk's elbow, causing that furry  individual to all but jump out of his hirsute


"What have you fellows been able to learn about that fake shot?" he  demanded. 

The four blinked owlishly. Doc had not been glimpsed around the  house, but he seemed to know what had


"I've been drifting around in the darkness, listening!" Doc  explained. "I've heard a dozen different versions of

what occurred." 

"It was simple," Monk muttered. "It made us look like numskulls! A  cartridge in an electric toaster! Bang!

We all fog upstairs! And while  we do that, somebody slips Tugg the word to keep his trap shut." 

"What got Tugg in the notion of talkin', anyway?" pondered the  gaunt Johnny, fumbling with his eyeglasses. 

Doc told them about the machinegun trick with which he had  deceived Tugg into thinking his master was

thirsting for his life. 

"Now  you have no idea who talked to Tugg?" he finished. 

RENNY MADE rocky sounds by tapping his knuckles together. 

"It's the darnedest thing I ever saw, Doc!" he rumbled. "We  questioned everybody. It seems Tugg, being shy

of friends because of  his attitude toward you, was standing apart from everybody when the  shell exploded in

the toaster. Nobody knows who talked to 'im!" 

"It could've been Collison McAlter!" Monk put in. "It could've been  Ole Slater, Aunt Nora, Alice 

anybody! I'm tellin' you, this Green  Bell is slicker'n greased lightnin', as we used to say back home." 




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"And there's somethin' funny about Collison McAlter turnin' up at  that factory this mornin'," added Long

Tom, the electrical wizard. "It  looked kinda like he might've been there with the hooded gang who came  after

the papers Jim Cash had hidden! He could've stayed behind!" 

"Was there any proof of that?" Renny demanded of Doc. "There was no  proof either way," Doc replied.

"Except, of course, Collison McAlter's  word that he had come out to the plant when he found himself unable

to  sleep at home!" 

"What gets me is thiswhat's behind this whole mess?" Renny boomed.  "Is this Green Bell somebody who

hates Prosper City  hates it so that  he's tryin' to wipe it off the map?" 

"Hate does not work like that," Doc pointed out. "Men hate other  men, rather than such inanimate things as

towns. You might dislike a  town, but I don't think you'd try very hard to destroy it." 

"I wouldn't!" Renny grinned. "But this Green Bell might. If you ask  me, he's crazy!" 

Doc shook his head. "Wrong!" 

"Holy cow!" Renny exploded. "Have you got an idea who he is?" 

"I have," Doc imparted dryly, "a faintest of suspicions!" 


"I haven't enough on him to justify pointing the finger at him,"  Doc replied. "But as to why he is ruining

Prosper Citythat is as plain  as the nose on your face. But, again, there's no proof as yet." 

Long Tom shook a pale fist. "I'm all for divin' right into this  thing! Doc, ain't there somethin' we can do?" 

"That's why I called you out here!" Doc told them. 

GRINNING, THE four aides of the bronze man drew a bit closer. They  knew, from past experience, that the

plans which Doc propounded had an  uncanny way of working. 

"Johnny," said Doc, "your profession is knowing the earth and what  it's made out of! This job is in your line.

I want you to get me a  geologic map of this region!" 

"Right!" echoed Johnny. "There's a firin of mining engineers right  here in town that'll have 'em!" 

"Get them tonight!" Doc directed. "I want the best maps showing  rock formations, coal veins, the different

faults and fissuresall that  stuff." 

"Want charts of the mines?" 

"Of course! Not only the late workings, but old ones as well!" 


"Tell nobody about this. Not even Aunt Nora Boston!" 

"Aunt Nora  sure! I won't tell her!" Johnny's voice sounded a bit  queer. Did Doc suspect Aunt Nora? 




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Doc wheeled on Long Tom, the electrical expert. 

"Long Tom, it's your job to work on that gonging noise with which  the Green Bell summons his men over the

radio! You know, of course, how  he makes the noise?" 

"Sure I do, but I ain't told anybody!" Long Tom chuckled grimly.  "That noise simply comes from another

radio station, hidden somewhere.  It's on the wave length of the Prosper City station, and it's much the  more

powerful of the two. It simply blankets the Prosper City wave out  almost completely." 

"That's right." 

"I learned from Aunt Nora that the United States government had  radio inspectors in here, trying to find the

interference," Long Tom  continued. "They didn't get to first base! Once, they got a line on it.  But they didn't

find a thing." 

"Where did they trace it to?" 

Long Tom seemed reluctant to answer. "To Aunt Nora Boston's  houseor at least, right in that vicinity!" 

Doc's four men were uneasily silent. They liked Aunt Nora. They  hated to see this evidence piling up against

the motherly old lady. 

"I don't like that Ole Slater!" Monk grumbled, to break the  tension. 

"You wouldn't!" snorted bigfisted Renny. "If you don't stop makin'  eyes at his girl, he's liable to smear


Doc said: "How about it, Long Tom? Can you find the secret radio  station?" 

"If it can be found  I can!" 

This, Doc and the others knew, was not a boast. There was probably  but one other living man knew more

about electricity m all its branches  than did Long Tom. And that other man was also in this group. It was  Doc


"Go to it!" Doc advised him. "And the same thing I told Johnny goes  for you! Don't tell Aunt Nora, Alice

Cash  or anybody else!" 

"Right!" Long Tom mumbled. 

Doc now addressed the group as a whole. "What's your idea about the  attitude of the police toward me?" 

There was thoughtful silence. 

"They're on the fence," decided Renny, the engineer. "Tugg's  backing up helped things a lot." 

"Tugg will return to his original story that he saw me shoot Chief  Clements," Doc said with certainty. 

Renny rumbled a humorless laugh. "The police won't be so ready to  believe him. Even they can see Tugg is

acting queerly. If that murder  charge from New York was quashed, I believe you'd be safe in showing

yourself, Doc." 


Chapter XV. THE GREEN TRAP 100


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"That's the way I sized it up," Doc agreed. 

Monk's tufted brows crept together as he thought deeply. "Doc, I've  been thinking about Judborn Tugg. I sure

thought the Green Bell would  croak Tugg. But he didn't Don't you reckon that means that the Green  Bell

hopes to use Tug to decoy you into a trap?" 

"The idea occurred to me," Doc said wryly. "You can rest assured  that I'm going to be very careful of Tugg.

But here's a point you can  check up on when this is all overI think the Green Bell has another  very good

reason for not killing Tugg!" 

THIS ENDED the conference. Doc's four aids would have liked very  much to know what theory the bronze

man did hold. But they knew it  would do no good to ask questions. 

Doc never put important theories into words until they were proven  facts. 

Monk and the others tramped back through the moonlight tward Aunt  Nora's rambling house. Doc

accompanied them part of the distancethey  never did know exactly how far. Somewhere en route, the

bronze giant  faded silently from their midst. Shadows, soaking the undergrowth like  puddled ink, had

swallowed him. 

Policemen eyed Doc's gang suspiciously when they appeared. Just a  bit too late, it had dawned on the officers

that these men might have  gone to meet their remarkable chief. The fact that no mention was made  of the

incident was an omen. 

One of the most powerful forces in existence was working in Doc's  behalfpublic opinion. The food and

money he had distributed, the jobs  he had promised, had put the working folk of Prosper City on his side. 

This meant nine out of every ten men in town. Such a preponderance  of sentiment could not help but sway

the police. 

For that matter, practically every officer had relatives who hoped  to get jobs through Doc's great work. 

Easing his gaunt length into one of the rented car fleet, the gaunt  Johnny drove off in the direction of town.

The geologist was going to  locate one of the firm of mining engineers and get hold of maps showing  the rock

and mineral formation under Prosper City. 

The flotilla of rented cars was parked along the road in front of  the house. The yard lacked room for them.

Flood lights in the yard did  not reach the spot. Tall trees lifted near by. This combination made it  rather

gloomy around the machines. 

Long Tom soon came up. Monk accompanied him, as a matter of safety.  Long Tom unlocked the rear

compartment of the roadster and stowed  various packages of electrical equipment inside. 

"I'm goin' back to the house to get a bite to eat," Long Tom  declared. "Then I'll pull out." 

The two men swung jauntily back past the floodlighted circus  tents. 

Shadows covered the cars like black cloths. Little sound was about,  except for talk from the nearby house. 

Metal on metal made a tiny, mouselike squeak. This came again. The  engine hood of Long Tom's roadster



Chapter XV. THE GREEN TRAP 101


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The sheetsteel covering was raised only a moment. An armit might  have been only a darker string of the

night  deposited something atop  the engine. It withdrew. 

The hood now closed down. A wad of murk flowed stealthily away from  the roadster. 

Then things began happening. A flashlight spiked a blinding rod  into the night. This waved, seemed to lick

like a hungry, incandescent  tongue. Then it fixed. 

Impaled in the glare stood a somber figureit might have been a  black sixfoot tube of flexible India rubber,

except that it had arms  and legs. 

The breast of the weird form bore a bell in green. The eyes were  the lenses of goggles  snakelike, with a

green glitter. 

The Green Bell himself! Only the sinister czar wore those green  goggles to shield his eyes. 


FOR TEN or fifteen seconds there was a silence in the stricken  dead. Night insects droned and buzzed. On

the distant horizon, heat  lightning jumped about, a gory blushing. 

The flashlight beam in which the Green Bell was embedded held as  steady as if cast in steel. It threw a dull

back glow which faintly  disclosed the big bronze man who held it. 

Doc Savage had been watching his four aidsagainst just such an  incident as this. 

Slowly, the bronze man advanced on the sable figure of the Green  Bell. 

The darksome form suddenly lifted a clenched, blackgloved fist. The  fist rapped against the bell design done

in green on the mantle. And  the bell rang! Dull, mutedbut it rang! 

Same sort of a small gong was mounted under the black cloth. 

A signal! 

Nearby darkness came to rushing life. Dusky figures popped up like  evil genies. Their arms waved, tentacle

fashion, and yellowred sparks  leaped out of the ends. Gun sound convulsed the air. 

Doc doused his flash. For all his sharpened senses, he had been  unaware that the Green Bell's henchmen were

standing by for an  emergency. 

Whipping right, then left, he evaded lead slugs which hunted him  like whining, ravenous little animals. He

headed straight for the spot  where the Green Bell had stood. 

A man besmocked in black, triggering a pair of pistols in wild  aimlessness, got in Doc's path. The bronze

giant, hardly pausing,  snapped a casehardened hand to the fellow's spinal nerve center. The  man

droppedmarked by no wound, but absolutely incapable of further  moveinent. 

In learning this strange paralysis which he employed, Doc had  delved deeply into the mysteries of

chiropractic pressures and their  effects on the muscular system. 




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Doc reached the spot where the black czar had stood. The nigrescent  bird had flown. Doc felt disappointment,

but no surprise. 

The Green Bell had saved himself by having his men present. He had,  while flaming guns harassed Doc,

faded into the night from which he had  come. 

Darkhooded forms whipped among the parked cars, hunting. Two of  them bumped each other. Guns gulped

thunder each thought the other an  enemy, so edged were their nerves. 

Both sagged down, cursing, clawlike hands digging into their own  flesh where bullets had torn. 

Over toward the circus tents, bigfisted Renny raced to a flood  light, picked it bodily out of its mounting, and

turned the great  calcium spray on the road. 

The light ended the battle. The Green Bell's men were creatures of  the night. Also, Renny, Monk, and the rest

were charging from Aunt  Nora's house. They were a fighting crew with which nothing less than a  young

army could cope. 

The blackfrocked men fled. 

Doc haunted their retreat. Twice, he descended upon stragglers, to  compress and knead his corded fingers,

and leave his victimslimp and  helplessin his wake. 

The light, as he had fully expected, showed no trace of a hooded  figure with green goggles. 

The czar sinister had managed his escape. 

DOC SAVAGE soon abandoned the pursuit of the fleeing black forms.  He could not hope to corral all of

them in the night. 

Picking up the two he had just overcome, he carried them back to  the parked cars. Three more of the darkly

masked men lay therethe one  Doc had paralyzed, and the two who had shot each other. 

Doc's aids, police, and exservice men swarmed the spot. With loud  yells, hoods were torn off the Green Bell

hirelings, and their faces  revealed. 

"Just bums from around town!" grunted Ole Slater, after eying the  unveiled features. 

"Here's two more!" Doc called from the darkness. Then he left the  vicinity with great speed. 

Policemen ran to the spot from which he had spoken. They found the  two prisoners; nothing else. The

officers were excited, but more by  events of the last four or five minutes, than by the presence of Doc  Savage. 

The police made no effort to pursue Doc. 

This was significant. There was a warrant out for Doc's arrest on  the charge of murdering Chief Clements, but

the police were rapidly  getting in a frame of mind where they did not care much about serving  it. 

The prisoners were picked up and carried toward the house. A  physician was summoned to patch up the pair

who had shot each other.  All five were in for a night of questioning. 




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No one paid the least attention to Long Tom's roadster. Certainly,  no one lifted the hood. Whatever object the

Green Bell had placed upon  the engine, still reposed there. 

In the house, Monk bowed his great, sloping shoulders. Small kegs  of muscle seemed to spring out on his

gorilla frame. 

"I know how Doc charmed these eggs," he said softly, the eyes  boring the prisoners. "I can snap 'em out of it.

I'm gonna do that.  And, brothers, I'm gonna make 'em talk like phonographs!" 

Renny blocked his huge, fists and clanked them together. "Yeah!  We'll make 'em talk!" 

A policeman chuckled loudly. "You know, all of us guys are  beginnin' to think alike!" 

Monk made a homely grin. "Meanin' you're beginnin' to believe Doc  Savage didn't murder Jim Cash or Chief

Clements, or even the cop who  was found hangin' in the vines?" 

"Somethin' like that," the officer admitted. 

This was just one policeman's opinion. But the same atti tude  seemed to be general. 

Long Tom sighed. He would have liked to remain behind and take a  hand at questioning the captives. The

process of eliciting information  was likely to be extremely rough. These prisoners probably did not know  the

identity of the Green Bell, but they might know other things. 

For instance, could they swear Doc had not murdered Chief Clements  and Jim Cash? And the bluecoat found

slain and hanging in the vines? 

"Sorry I can't attend the show!" Long Tom grumbled.  "I've got a  little errand to perform! It can't wait!" 

The electrical wizard headed for the kitchen to finish his  interrupted lunch. He had no idea how long he

would be away, or how  busy he would find himself. It was no simple task, this rigging of  apparatus which

would locate the Green Bell's secret radio station. 

The mysterious transmitter was never on for more than half a  minute. In that short space, it was very difficult

to get accurate  readings with an ordinary radio directionfinder. 

Long Tom, however, had an intricate scheme which he intended to  use. 

He grinned as he ate. Things were looking up. Most of the town was  on Doc's side. The police were

approaching the point where they would  ignore all charges, however heinous, faked against the remarkable

bronze man. The Green Bell's agitators were afraid to open their mouths  in public. 

"We've got 'em on the run!" Long Tom chortled. 

He did not know that the Green Bell had planted some mysterious  object under the hood of his car. 

THE FOOD consumed, Long Tom burdened himself with additional pieces  of electrical equipment. He

swung outdoors. 

Around the cars, things were once more quiet and dark. Mosquitoes  buzzed like small airplanes. 




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Long Torn swatted at one, chuckied: "Jersey canaries!" He was  feeling very good. 

He unlocked the rear compartment. leaned down to insert the  articles he was carryingand his jaw dropped. 

A small slab of glass rested in front of his eyes. It was, he saw,  one of the windshield wings which had been

taken off the roadster. 

The glass bore written words which glowed with an unearthly,  electric blue. The script was machine perfect.

There was a message of  some length on the glass, yet it occupied little space. 

The communication was from Doc, of course. The bronze man often  left missives in this fashion  written

on glass. He used a chalk of  his own compounding, a chalk which left a mark invisible, not only to  the naked

eye, but also to all but the most powerful of microscopes. 

When subjected to the glow of ultraviolet lightrays   also  invisible to the eye  the chalk marks glowed

with this uncanny blue  luminance. 

A tiny ultraviolet lantern reposed on the compartment floor, its  beam focused on the glass slab. 

Long Tom read the message: 

"The Green Bell placed a chemical on the engine of your roadster.  This, when heated by the motor, would

have made a deadly gas. 

The chemical has been removed. 

Suppose you leave the impression you were slain by the gas, Long  Tom. If the Green Bell believes you dead,

you can work in peace." 

Long Tom hastily switched off the ultraviolet lantern. The  communication was unsigned, but there was no

need for an appended name.  Only one hand could write a script as perfect as thatDoc Savage's. 

Reading of the note had taken only an instant. No onlooker would  have dreamed Long Tom had done other

than stow his burden in the  compartment. 

He got behind the wheel, started the motor, and drove off. He  racked his brains. Too bad Doc had not

suggested how Long Tom could  fake his own death! But then, Doc usually left details of their  respective jobs

to his men. They were supposed to be the most astute in  their individual professions. 

Long Tom put a grin on his somewhat unhealthy face. He had it! 

Prosper Creek ran along the south edge of Prosper City. This was  not a large stream, but it had dug itself a

deep ditch down through the  centuries. A concern had installed a dam for a small hydroelectric  plant. This

backed the water up rather deeply. 

A bridge spanned the creek where some of this backwater stood. 

Long Tom zigzagged about town to shake off possible shadows, and  finally headed for the bridge. He was

certain no one was on his trail. 




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A few hundred yards from the bridge, he unloaded his equipment and  concealed it in a weed patch. Then he

rolled the roadster to the  bridge, yanked the hand throttle open, and jumped out. 

Motor thundering, the machine dived for the wooden railing of the  bridge! It crashed the stringers! They

gave. The car seemed to try to  climb a steel beam which formed the bridge frame. The beam bent; metal

screamed, rent! 

The car rolled over and disappeared beneath the water. 

AFTER THE roadster sank, bubbles came up with a loud gurgling and  sobbing. It was as if the monster of

rubber, iron, and fabric were a  drowning, living thing. 

A man, a resident of the neighborhood, came racing along the road,  drawn by the crash sound. He peered

down at the hideous sobbing in the  water, lighted several matches and dropped them, then whirled and ran

madly to call help. 

Long Tom grinned and worked away from the vicinity. He gathered up  his apparatus, such of it as he could


He intended to locate two directional radio devices at widely  separated points. These differed from the

conventional apparatus in  that the directional focusing was done automatically. 

Compasslike, they would indicate the source of a radio wave. Long  Tom intended simply to tune them in on

the regular Prosper City  broadcaster, and leave them. When the secret station came on, the  indicators would

swing to it, pulled by its stronger wave. An inked  marker would show the exact direction. 

In the distance, an ambulance siren wailed like a lost hound. Long  Tom, listening, nodded. That would be an

emergency crew coming to  rescue his supposed body from the sunken roadster. 

Not finding it, they would conclude it had been carried downstream  by the slight current. 

The Green Bell would believe the gas had overcome Long Tom at just  the right moment for his car, running

wild, to leap the bridge. 


LOUD AND and blaring was the siren on the ambulance speeding to the  spot where the car lay in water

under the bridge. A police emergency  truck followed it. This had an even noisier siren. 

Many ears heard the uproar  among them, Doc Savage's. He was  satisfied. The noise meant Long Tom had

lost no time putting across his  deception. 

At the moment, Doc was loitering in the murk near the cars. Sounds  from the house reached his sensitive

ears. Howls of pain, curses,  moans! The prisoners were being questioned. 

Doc did not fancy the sounds. On occasion, he inflicted exquisite  torture himself, but it was always of the

type which did no lasting  harm. 

Too, administering physical pain was not the way to get information  from hardened thugs such as these

disciples of the Green Bell. Fist  blows, the smash of gun barrels, they could understand. Men are less  likely




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to fear what they can comprehend. 

Doc's methods on the other hand, were so unusual that they  impressed the average man, steeped in ignorance

as he was, as smacking  of the supernatural. And men fear what they cannot understand. 

Leaving the darkness, Doc stalked boldly into the zone whitened by  flood lights. 

The bronze man wished to question the prisoners in person. But more  important, he had plansa trick to try.

This trick required his  presence in the house. 

His appearance created a commotion equal to that of the recent  fight. Policemen ran up. They did not flash

guns, however. Nor did any  handcuffs come out of pockets. 

Questions volleyed. 

Doc ignored them. A towering, metallic giant in the flood glare, he  made for the house. 

Collison McAlter jumped like a stricken man when he saw Doc, then  sank in a chair. 

"They'll arrest you!" he gulped. "Oh, why were you so reckless as  to show yourself?" 

Monk and Renny snorted in unison. They knew Doc's methods. The  bronze man could, they were sure,

escape from the police practically at  will. 

Aunt Nora Boston gave Doc a wide smile, and said warmly: "I think  we can persuade the police to permit

you to remain at liberty, Mr.  Savage." She jabbed a plump hand at the prisoners. "Especially if those  rats

cough up the truth." 

Charming Alice Cash also gave Doc a radiant smile. She was glad to  have the bronze man in their midst

again, and made no effort not to  show it. Of late, she had seen very little of this strikingly handsome  man of

such amazing marvels. 

Ole Slater grinned widely at Doc, but the grin was unnatural. He  glanced covertly at Alice. Ole, it was plain

to be seen, was getting  more worried about losing his girl as each hour passed. 

"Any luck?" Doc asked, indicating the captives. 

Monk chuckled, pinched a hardfaced villain, and produced a lusty  wail. 

"A lot of that kind of music!" explained the homely fellow. "But  nothin' that does us much good!" 

Doc's weird golden eyes prowled the prisoners, appraising their  faces and their nervous condition. He

selected the weakest of the lot. 

He said no word. He merely stood over the man and stared steadily.  From his lips began to come the strange,

mellow trilling note which was  part of Doc. It seeped through the room, with nothing to show from  whence it


Doc had long ago learned this sound facilitated his efforts at  hypnotism. 

The man on the floor was a coward. He did not even wait to be  mesmerized. 




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"Damn you! Damn them eyes!" He squirmed madly, gnashing the links  of his handcuffs together. "What

d'you wanta know? I'll spill! Only  turn them glims the other way!" 

ASTOUNDED EXPRESSIONS settled on the faces of those in the room.  They had seen this man on the

floor defy blows and threats of death.  But he had succumbed to the mere stare of the bronze giant. 

Monk and Renny showed no emotion. They had seen things like this  happen before. Doc's presence seemed

to have an uncanny effect upon  evildoers especially after they had come to know what a frightful foe  he


"Who's the Green Bell?" Doc queried. 

Collison McAlter shifted his feet nervously; his eyes roved to the  doors, the windows. Aunt Nora shivered,

put her hands to her plump  cheeks. Alice Cash watched Doc, fascinated. 

Ole Slater drew a revolver and seemed to be trying to watch every  one present. Most of the Prosper City

business men were there. Some one  here, in this room, was the Green Bell. 

Slater acted as if he were alert to seize the culprit, should his  name be disclosed. 

"I don't know who the Green Bell is!" groaned the man on the floor. 

Doc had expected that. "Who killed Chief Clements?" 

A minor convulsion seized the fellow as he made up his mind whether  to answer or riot. 

"Judborn Tugg!" he wailed. 

Several policemen charged for the door, yelling: "That settles it!  We'll nail Tugg!" 

"Who killed Jim Cash?" Doc demanded. 

"I don't know nothin' about that!" moaned the prone man. 

"And the policeman found hanging in the vines under Monk's  windowwho murdered him?" 

"The Green Bell! The cop came upon the boss while he was plantin'  the gun that Tug used to kill Chief

Clements! That was why he was  croaked!" 

Doc waved an arm which took in every individual present. "Do you  think the Green Bell is one of these


"Yeah! Sure, he must be!" 

This had the effect of causing each person in the room to shrink  slightly from his neighbor. They had, of

course, suspected the Green  Bell was one of them. But having it put into words in this way was a  shock. 

Doc now addressed the crowd: "Any questions you care to have  answered?" 

"Yes!" Ole Slater shouted shrilly. "What is behind all this horror?  Why is the Green Bell tryin' to ruin Prosper

City? Is he a madman who  hates the town?" 




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Eyes rolled in the head of the man on the floor. 

"I dunno!" he mumbled. "None of us knows what's behind it all!" 

THIS WAS the extent of the information secured. The other four  prisoners insisted sullenly that they knew no

more than their  companions. 

"Which is probably the truth," Doc commented. 

The bronze man now employed a small hypodermic needle upon each  prisoner. This caused them to go into a

trancelike sleep, from which  only the application of another drug could arouse them. 

The five were loaded into an ambulance which Doc called. To the  ambulance driver, Doc gave secret

directions, and a neat sum of money.  The machine started off, ostensibly for a Prosper City hospital, where

the men were to go into the prison ward. 

The ambulance, however, never reached there. In fact, it was fully  a year before the five prisoners were again

seen. Then, it was in a  distant city, and, had an old acquaintance hailed either of the five,  they would not have

been recognized. 

The captives went into Doc's institution in upstate New York, where  they were subjected to brain operations

wiping out their past, and  given training which fitted them to be honest citizens. 

The policemen who had gone to arrest Judborn Tugg now returned.  They were a disgusted lot. 

"The bird flew the coop!" they explained. "There wasn't no sign of  'im!" 

"Any of his clothing gone?" Doc asked. 

"Didn't look like it! We'll spread a general alarm for 'im!" 

"You're wasting your time!" Doc assured them. "Judborn Tugg is a  man who likes flashy clothing. He would

not have fled town without  taking some." 

"Then what became of 'im?" 

Doc did not answer this, much to the puzzlement of the officers.  Doc had an idea what had happened to

Judborn Tugg. But that idea was  part of the theory as to who the Green Bell was. Lacking proof, he was  not

yet ready to reveal it. 

Johnny, the bony geologist, appeared. He carried a long, circular  blueprint case. Catching Doc's eye, Johnny

nodded  thereby affirming  that he had secured the geologic survey maps of the region under and  around

Prosper City. 

Doc received the maps, but did not immediately consult them.  Instead, he went upstairs. He secured, from

where it had lain in Monks  room, the small segment of wood which was the chief remnant of the  Green Bell's

sonic device for producing insanity. 

He worked over this perhaps half an hour. Then he carried it back  downstairs, mounted a table, and made a





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"This"  he held up the bit of wood  "may lead us to the Green  Bell. In fact, it is almost certain that it


This pronouncement, coming without any previous dramatic buildup,  was breath taking. The crowd surged

close. Word was passed outside, and  every one sought to get into the room. 

"As you all know, or, at least, have heard," Doc continued, "the  Green Bell sought to drive me insane with a

peculiar sonic device. The  upshot of the attempt was that the device came into my hands!" 

Monk, Renny, and Johnny swapped puzzled stares. What was the bronze  man up to? 

"We found that the box held finger prints of the person who made  itprobably the Green Bell," Doc

continued. "That they were the Green  Bell's was made fairly certain by the fact that he sought to destroy


"Sought!" yelled a cop. "You mean that there's finger prints on  that piece of wood? It's a hunk of the sonic

box, ain't it?" 

"It is!" Doc replied gravely. "And it bears proof which is almost  certain to trap the Green Bell!" 

MONK LOOKED at Renny. 

"That's the first lie I ever heard Doc tell!" he grinned. 

"Lie?" Renny asked. "What was a lie?" 

"When he said there were finger prints on that piece of wood. There  ain't any! I examined it. Doc examined

it. And there ain't a speck of a  print." 

"Doc didn't say there was a print on it!" Renny pointed out. 

Monk scratched the top of his bullet head. 

"Huh!" he snorted. "That's right  he didn't! But he sure gave the  impression there was!" 

"I guess he hopes the Green Bell will try to get the stick, and  betray himself in the process," Renny hazarded. 

This conversation had taken place in whispers which no one could  overhear. In addition, both men had

cupped palms over their mouths, so  that, should the Green Bell be a lip reader, he could not eavesdrop by


Doc Savage now waved every one away from the table on which he  stood. He was carrying his prize tenderly

in a handkerchief. 

"We must be careful that the Green Bell does not get this bit of  wood!" he warned, and placed the piece on

the table top. 

The policemen promptly formed a circle around the table, keeping  every one at a distance. 

"Hmnmm!" Monk breathed. "Doc's makin' it awful tough for the  Green Bell to get that wood!" 




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"Bring a microscope!" Doc called. "Also a camera for taking finger  print photos. You police have such

devices handy, I presume." 

"Huh!" Renny whispered to Monk. "D'you reckon there is a print on  that thing?" 

As if to answer him, the lights went out. Bulbs in the house,  floodlamps on the groundsall blotted

simultaneously. The current had  been shut off at the main switch, probably in the shed at the back of  the


A stunned silence followed the first gush of blackness. 

It was interrupted by a low hissing noise, a clunk! Neither sound  was loud. 

"The piece of wood!" a man bawled. 

Excitement exploded in the room. Policemen yelled, drew their  service weapons. Men elbowed their

neighbors in their perturbation, and  the neighbors, thinking it was the Green Bell seeking to escape with  the

woolen fragment, lashed out with fists. In a trice, a dozen fights  were in progress. 

Monk, Renny, and Johnny stood in the background. Whatever was going  on, they did not think it had caught

Doc napping. 

Flashlights came out of pockets, spitting white funnels. The  fighters discovered their opponents were friends,

stopped swinging  blows, and began profuse apologies. 

"It's gone!" squawked a cop. "The chunk of wood is gone!" 

COLLISON MCALTER held up both his hands, shouting: "I want to  submit to a search! And I think every

one present should do the same!" 

Ole Slater came elbowing through the crowd and agreed: "I second  that suggestion!" 

Aunt Nora Boston grumbled: "I'm agin' it!" 

Alice Cash gasped in surprise: "Why, Aunt Nora!" 

"Ain't no use searchin', child," said Aunt Nora. "This devil ain't  fool enough to keep that thing on his person." 

The hunt went forward, none the less. Even the police submitted, 

Monk maneuvered over behind Doc, eyed the table, then asked: "How  on earth did the guy get it? There was

a ring of cops around the  table!" 

Doc pointed at a tiny cut in the table top. 

"He simply fled a penknife to a thread, leaned over a cop's  shoulder, and speared the piece of wood.

Harpooned it, if you like." 

Monk groaned. "He put over a fast one on you, Doc!" 

The bronze man smiled slightly. "Not so you could notice, Monk!" 




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A loud shout came from the kitchen. 

They dashed for the spot. 

Aunt Nora Boston was crouched over the coalburning kitchen range.  Her jaw was slack, her eyes were

bulging a little. She was peering into  the firebox of the stove, from which she had removed a lid. 

In the firebox, barely recognizable so charred had it become, lay  the fragment of wood from the Green Bell's

sonic device. 

With it was a small pocketknife. This had had celluloid handles,  but they were burned away. 

"I was gonna put more wood on the fire," mumbled Aunt Nora. "And I  seen this." 

"Recognize the knife from what is left?" Doc questioned. Attractive  Alice Cash answered the query. "I do! It

is one I keep on my desk to  sharpen pencils." 

More inquiries followed, in which the police took a hand. But this  got no results. Who had deposited the

fragment and the knife in the  stove? 

Investigating, Doc learned what had happened to the lights. Some  one had taken a fork from Aunt Nora's

kitchen cabinet and jammed it  across the terminals in the fuse box, causing the fuses to blow. There  were no

finger prints on the fork. 

Monk had dogged Doc's footsteps. While the bronze man was  installing new fuses, the homely chemist

picked up the conversation  which Aunt Nora's discovery had interrupted. 

"You said the Green Bell didn't put a fast one over on you!" he  whispered. "What d'you mean by that, Doc?" 

Doc Savage surveyed the vicinity to make sure there were no  eavesdroppers. 

"There was no finger print on that bit of wood," he said. 

"Sure! I know that!" 

"But I soaked it in certain chemicals from your collection. Those  chemicals were very powerful. II the skin is

brought in contact with  them, enough will be absorbed to affect the liver, causing an increased  production of

biliary pigment." 

Monk blinked. "So what?" 

"The biliary pigment will be absorbed in the blood, resulting in a  yellow condition of the skin. In other words,

the Green Bell, in  touching that wooden fragment, merely contracted an excellent case of  yellow jaundice." 

Monk all but choked. "You meanwhoever picked up that wood will  start turnin' yellow?" 

"Exactly! All we have to do is set back, keep from getting killed,  and wait for somebody to turn yellow." 

"How long'll it take?" 

"That is difficult to say. It depends on the individual. A day;  perhaps a week. Not over that!" 




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THE REST of the night was uneventful. Dawn brought an airplane from  New Yorka small, speedy machine

from Doc Savage's private hangar on  the Hudson River. 

The dapper Ham stepped out of it. He lost no time making his way to  Aunt Nora Boston's home. 

The only article of baggage which accompanied him was his slender,  innocentlooking black sword cane. 

Monk observed Ham's arrival from within the house, and grinned from  ear to ear. He had missed his usual

diversion of insulting Ham. 

Putting a black scowl on his homely face, Monk hurried out. 

"Listen, shyster, you had orders to stay in New York!" he growled.  "What's the idea of showin' up down


Ham caught sight of pretty Alice Cash. He dressed Monk down with a  cold look, swung over jauntily, and

bowed to the young lady. 

"You are more ravishing than ever!" he assured Alice. 

Monk writhed mentally. He usually told pretty young women that Ham  had a wife and thirteen children, all

halfwits. But he had neglected to  tell Alice the yarn. He'd better spill it in a hurry! 

Ham guided Alice into the house, where Doc was studying the geology  maps of Prosper City's vicinity. 

"The murder charge against you in New York is all washed up!" Ham  declared. 

"How'd you work it?" Doc inquired. 

"Simply by putting the fear of Old Nick into the four lying  witnesses! I dug up some stuff in their past 

burglary and blackmail.  That did the trick! They broke down and confessed that they were hired  to say they

saw you kill Jim Cash!" 

Alice Cash flinched at mention of her brother's murder, and left  the room hastily. Ham, glancing out of the

window a moment later, saw  Monk with an arm across her shoulder. Monk was an excellent comforter,

especially if the grieved one was as goodlooking as Alice was. Ham  groaned. 

"Who hired the four?" Doc asked. 

"They didn't see the fellow's face. He wore one of those trick  gowns with a green bell painted on it." 

Doc nodded. "Rather thought it would be like that. What did you do  with the four?" 

Ham smiled fiercely and fiddled with his sword cane. "Got them out  on bail when the cops arrested 'em for

lodgin' that false charge; then  grabbed 'em and sent 'em to our little place in upstate New York." 

"Good work!" 


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After a glance about, Ham grunted: "I see everybody but Long Tom.  Where's he?" 

"Hiding out," Doc replied. "He has his apparatus all set to locate  the Green Bell's secret radio station, once

the thing goes into  operation." 

"I hope he finds it quick," Long Tom grinned. "I crave some action!  That business in New York didn't get me

warmed up!" 

AS THE hours dragged, however, it seemed Ham was to see no action.  The Green Bell and his hirelings

made no hostile move. Judborn Tugg did  not put in an appearance. 

The day was marked with events of great interest for Prosper City,  however. Practically all factories opened.

The mines, as well! 

Renny, with his vast fund of knowledge concerning engineering in  all its branches, took active charge of this

work. He organized crews,  demoralized by the recent troubles and inactivity. 

Since Doc intended to put the plants on a profitable basis, Renny's  work was not easy. In the first place, a

high wage scale was introduced  in every department of each concern. This made economy of production a

prime necessity. 

Monk stationed his exservice men guards over each plant, and made  the rounds like a general, keeping

things in form. 

If he expected trouble, though, he was disappointed. Not a Green  Bell agitator put in an appearance. Peace

reigned. All was quiet. 

"But it's kinda like the quiet of a guy who is aimin' his gun!"  Monk muttered pessimistically. 

Doc Savage set Ham to work clearing up the final legal details of  the deal by which Prosper City's industries

were being taken over,  literally in the whole. When that was done, Doc visited the ramshackle  old barn on the


He took particular notice that this was hardly more than three  quarters of a mile from Aunt Nora Boston's


The bronze man did nothing while he was there, except drop a  firecracker down the vertical pipe through

which the Green Bell had  addressed his men. He listened with great interest to the hollow  reverberations as

the cracker let loose, possibly two hundred and fifty  feet below. 

These sepulchral echoes seemed to rumble and gobble for fully a  minute. 

Leaving the spot, Doc visited the men who had suffered more than  any others from the trouble in Prosper

City  the poor souls who had  been driven insane by the Green Bell's sonic machine. 

He made a detailed examination in each case, using X rays, blood  tests, spinalfluid testsalmost every test

known to medical science. 

Late that afternoon, he made his announcement. 


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"Sections of the brain are merely in a quiescent state  a form of  nerve paralysis induced by the disrupting

force of the sonic  vibrations." 

"Will you put that in plain English?" Aunt Nora requested. 

"They can be cured," Doc replied. "It'll take a little time. But  there's not the slightest doubt." 

Aunt Nora Boston sat down and cried. 

"I never did tell you," she said moistly. "But one of the afflicted  men is a nephew of mine." 

While Doc was telephoning to New York, Chicago, Rochester, and  other great medical centers, for specialists

to take personal charge of  the brain cures, Alice Cash offered her services. 

"That's great!" Doc replied. "You can sort of look out for these  cases." 

"I've been watching your work," Alice told him thought fully. "I  notice from the way you are organizing it

that you are putting others  in actual charge. Even Renny, the engineer, is serving merely as a  supervisor.

What does that mean?" 

"Simply that we are going to step out as soon as the danger is  past!" 

"You mean that you are going to leave Prosper City?" Mice Cash  sounded slightly stricken. 

"You didn't expect us to remain here? Not, of course, that Prosper  City isn't as nice a town as the average." 

Alice flushed. "I  I was hoping you would." 

DOC SAVAGE saw how the wind was blowing. The young lady was more  interested in him than he wished.

Unwillingly, he had made another  conquest, or was on the verge of making it. 

This pained Doc. He did not care to hurt any one's feelings. So he  did something that he rarely did. He took

off an hour and explained his  strange purpose in life  his life profession of going up and down the  trails of

the world, hunting trouble and peril, helping those in need  of help, and administering punishment to


He made it very clear to his beautiful listener that such a life  precluded any feminine entanglements. When he

finished, he believed he  had painted such a picture of horror and danger that a female heart  would quail at the

thought of sharing them. He thought he had scared  this gorgeous young woman off. 

"What you need is a loving wife to attend to your needs," pretty  Alice Cash said warmly. She did not say that

she would like the job,  but it was in her voice. 

Doc mentally threw up his hands. What could you do in a case like  that? 

He got away as quickly and gracefully as he could, sought a  secluded spot, and went through the round of

exercises which he had  taken each day. 

They were unlike anything else, those exercises. Doc's father had  started him on them when he could hardly

walk. They were solely  responsible for his phenomenal physical and mental powers. 


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He made his muscles work against each other, straining until  perspiration filmed his mighty bronze body. He

juggled a number of a  dozen figures in his head, multiplying, extracting square and cube  roots. 

He had an apparatus which made sound waves of frequencies so high  and so low the ordinary human ear

could not detect them. He listened  intently to thishis proficiency along that line had already saved his  life on

this adventure. 

He named several score of assorted odors after a quick olfactory  test of small vials racked in a special case.

He read pages of Braille  printwriting of the blind. This whetted his sense of touch. 

Many and varied other parts were in his routine. They filled an  entire two hours at a terrific pace, with no

time out for rest. 

Monk and Ham came upon Doc as he finished. Monk groaned. "Think of  doin' that every day!" Ham sneered

audibly. "You, I suppose, don't take  exercises?" 

Monk flexed his hairy arms. "Some of these days I'm gonna have a  workout on you! That's the one exercise I


Unsheathing his sword cane, Ham flicked it. The fine blade twanged  like a guitar string. 

"Try it, and I'll do some sculpture work on you with this!" he  promised. 

The two glared at each other as if they had murder in their hearts. 

"What's the trouble?" Doc questioned. 

"This furry, lying dead beat!" Ham purpled and jabbed his sword at  Monk. "He told Alice Cash that yarn

about my wife and thirteen halfwit  children! The missing link! I've never  " 

AT NINE o'clock that night, there was to be a meeting at Aunt Nora  Boston's. Heads of all plants in Prosper

City  now actually in charge   were to attend. 

At eight thirty, Alice Cash turned on Aunt Nora's radio. 

Ten minutes later, the Green Bell's hideous clangor, squealing, and  wailing, came from the instrument. 

"I know it!" Monk yelled. "We're in for real trouble!" 

From Doc Savage's actions, it seemed he had been waiting for just  this. He raced upstairs to Long Tom's

room. When he came back, he  carried two small boxes. One was a radio transmitter, a tiny portable  set. The

other was a receiver. 

Doc gave the receiver to Monk. "Keep tuned in on this! Clamp the  headset on that knot of a head, and don't

take it off for anything!" 

The telephone rang. It was Long Torn. 

"My equipment got the source of that secret radio wave!" he barked  excitedly. "It came from Aunt Nora

Boston's house!" 


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"It what?" 

"From Aunt Nora's! I can't believe it! But it's a fact." 

Doc hung up, faced Renny. "Where's Aunt Nora?" 

"Dunno! Ain't seen her for a few minutes!" 

The maps which Johnny had secured lay on a table. Doc seized them,  carried them with him as he ran out of

the house. He also bore the  radio transmitter. 

Doc consulted the charts, then headed due east, mounting the slope  of the mountain. After covering a few

hundred yards, he added stealth  to his pace. He moved with the quiet of a windblown feather. 

Blackened knots of buildings lurched up in the moonlight ahead. He  eyed the maps once more, identifying

the structures. 

They were surface buildings of a coal minea mine which had been  closed for several years, the veins below

exhausted. For years,  however, it had been the largest mine in Prosper City; at one time, it  had led the nation

in coal output. 

Doc posted himself near by and waited. He was not disappointed. 

A group of seven furtive figures crept up. They wore the hideous  black gowns of the Green Bell. They

disappeared into the maw of the  mine. 

Other men came, two of them, this time. Then three fellows arrived  alone. Eight were in the next group. 

The evil clan was gathering. 

Doc waited until there came an interval of five minutes when no  sinister men put m an appearance. Then he

entered the black gullet of  the mine. 

The tunnel was exceedingly dry for an old working. It sloped  downward. Doc sought a recess and used his

flashlight on the maps. One  of the charts showed every cranny of this particular abandoned mine. 

When the tunnel branched, he turned left. The tunnel swept in a  vast curve. Doc knew  the map showed it,

too  that he was  approaching a spot directly under Aunt Nora Boston's house. 

He slackened his pace. The drift was long and straight  fully  three hundred yards without a turn. A bullet

could be fired the length  of it without touching a wall. 

He covered this direct lane. 

Lights appeared ahead. A moment later, he was peering out into a  great room. Pillars  coal left standing to

support the roofwere a  forest before his eyes. 

In this forest, blackcowled men were clustered. 


Chapter XVIII. LULL 117


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ENTERING THE underground cavern, Doc glided forward. There was not  much chance of discovery. The

Green Bell and his men thought themselves  safe here. 

The Green Bell was present  in person! He sat, crosslegged, as  the dummy of sticks and fabric in the

distant barn had sat. No doubt  some of the masked men before him did not know there was a difference

between this figure they were looking upon now, and the form in the  dilapidated farm building. 

The dummy in the barn! It was that which had given Doc his lead to  this underground rendezvous. The pipe

diving straight downward two  hundred and fifty feet, from which the evil czar's voice had come! It  could lead

to nothing but a mine tunnel! 

Geology maps of the region had shown that a sheet of hard rock  underlay the swampy field. The presence of

the rock, a great bowl  holding water, accounted for the moist nature of the field itself. 

And the map of this old mine showed a drift under the swamp. The  Green Bell had simply drilled a hole and

forced his pipe upward, not a  difficult task. Hydraulic jacks and a drivinghead on the pipe would do  the


The Green Bell was speaking. 

"Are all of you here?" he boomed hollowly. "That is Important,  tonight! There must be no absentees! For on

our work tonight depends  success or failure!" 

There was a general wagging of fingers as a count was made. 

"Unmask!" commanded the Green Bell. "We must be certain!" 

The black hoods came off, some a bit reluctantly. Flashlights  furnished a glow sufficient to inspect the faces. 

Doc surveyed them with interest. Three men were, he saw to his  disgust, fairly prominent factory owners of

Prosper City. It was these  men who had objected most strenuously to his proposition to take over  all plants. 

Collison McAlter was not among them. 

The Green Bell himself did not remove his hood. He stared, goggled  green eyes malicious, glittering in the

flash glare. 

"All here!" he decided. "Now, we will get down to work!" 

The Green Bell arose, strode through the ring of men, and vanished  into the blacker reaches of the cavern. A

chain rattled. 

When the masked leader appeared again, he was leading a forlorn,  manacled figure. Judborn Tugg! Tugg's

face bore numerous bruises and  cuts: dried crimson stains were on his clothing, his hair. His nose  seemed to

be damaged much more than it had been by Long Tom's blows.  Most of his front teeth were missing. 

Tugg had obviously been tortured. 




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"This worm!" intoned the Green Bell, kicking Tugg. This worm was an  unfaithful servant!" 

Tugg blubbered: "I couldn't help it if  " 

"Shut up! You would have betrayed me! That is regrettable. You were  to be the mainstay of the industrial

empire which I intend to build,  with Prosper City as its center! You were to have been the apparent  head of

all my enterprises!" 

The Green Bell's voice became a shrill tinkling, and he delivered  another forceful kick. 

"It was through you that I intended to buy all the factories and  mines in Prosper City, once I had reduced the

owners to a point where  they would have to sell for a song!" 

THIS INFORMATION did not surprise Doc. He had surmised that such a  scheme was behind the Prosper

City trouble. This man, the Green Bell,  had money, a lust for more moneya scheming brain. The

combination had  launched him on this plan of forcing a whole city into bankruptcy, then  buying its factories

for a pittance. 

"You were a fool to go against me!" the Green Bell snarled at Tugg.  "I am powerful! I have millions, made

by selling stocks short during  the great depression! I will have more millionsbillions!" 

Tugg moaned. "Lemme go, 'won't you? I can't harm you! I've signed  over every stick of my property to you!" 

"Not to me!" The Green Bell turned, pointed a blacksheathed arm at  one of the Prosper City business men,

and said: "You, sir, may not know  it, but you are now the owner of Tugg Co. This  this gaudy worm

signed his entire holdings over to you for a consideration of one  dollar! Incidentally, I will now pay him the


The Green Bell produced a bit of silver from his gown, using his  left hand. He bent over and offered this to

Tugg, His right hand  remained out of sight in the robe. 

Poor Tugg did not know what to do, except take the dollar. He  reached for it. 

Like a striking black cobra, the Green Bell whipped out a knife  with his other hand. He ran the blade into

Tugg's heart. The steel went  in easily, as if it had been a hot wire making its way into grease. 

Tugg emitted one piercing, lamblike bleat, then began to kick  around convulsively on the floor. 

The Green Bell put a foot on Tugg's squirming form and held it  steady until all movements had ceased. Then

he stepped back. 

"You may wonder why I did not shoot him, and why I held him still!"  he tolled monotonously. He leveled an

arm. "Look! There is the  explanation!" 

To one side, a small tunnel penetrated. Evidently it had been  drifted there long ago, in pursuit of some wisp

of coal which had  dribbled out. 

"There is a room in that tunnel!" said the Green Bell. "It is only  a few yards from this chamber. It holds the

powerful radio set with  which it has been my custom to summon you!" 




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Doc nodded slightly, where he was concealed in the gloom. This  explained why the radio signals had

apparently been traced to Aunt Nora  Boston's! The room was directly under her house! 

"Also, in that room are some thousands of quarts of nitroglycerin!"  continued the Green Bell. "It is connected

to electrical contacts  rigged on a seismograph. Do you know what a seismograph is?" 

"A jigger which wiggles when that's an earthquake!" some one  muttered. 

"That is an excellent description. The contacts are on the jigger  which wiggles, as you call it. Any large shock

in the earth near by  will cause the explosive to detonate." 

There was much uneasy squirming at this information. 

"Do not worry!" boomed the voice of the robed man. "The seismograph  is adjusted so no distant earthquake

will operate it. Only a shock near  by will close the contacts. Such a shock will be the explosion of a  small

quantity of nitro approximately half a mile from here, which I  will arrange." 

A hideous laugh gurgled from the lips of the cowled figure who had  murdered Tug so callously. 

"Aunt Nora Boston's home is directly above this cache of explosive!  Not many yards above it, either! The

house and every one in it will be  blown to bits!" 

DOC SAVAGE silently unlimbered the radio transmitter. The thing  operated without noise, except for the

faintest of clickings as he  vibrated the key. 

The radio waves, of course, would travel through the intervening  earth and stone to Monk's portable receiver. 

"Is this  necessary?" quavered one of the assembled men. 

The Green Bell cursed. "Necessary! Of course it is! It's imperative  that we get rid of Savage and the others at

once! The devil is clever!  Tomorrow he will trap me!" 

"Tomorrow  " 


"But how can he?" 

"Shut up!" excitedly boomed the hooded leader. 

Doc had finished transmitting, and was listening with great  interest. He knew why the Green Bell was

positive he would be trapped. 

The fellow had found his skin was turning yellow! He had realized  that Doc's maneuvering with the segment

of the sonic box, the night  before, had been a trick. 

"I called you here tonight to warn you all to keep away from Aunt  Nora Boston's house," said the Green Bell.

"Now that the orders are  given, you may go!" 

As one man, the crowd whirled for the exit. 




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This took Doc somewhat by surprise. He was given no opportunity to  circle the group, so as to remain in the

cavern and disconnect the  seismograph device. The only thing he  4; could do was to retreat into  the tunnel. 

He sidled into it. Down the long, straight shaft he sped. Three  hundred yards without a turn! He would have

to cover that distance  before the men behind him cast their flashlights down the passage. He  ran as he had

seldom run before. 

He failed to make it. 

A powerful flash scooted a white beam along the straight drift. 

A yell! "Savage  it's Savage! There he goes!" 

The next instant, Doc seemed to become a bullet in a giant barrel  of rock! Lifted by an irresistible force, he

was hurled ahead. His  eardrums threatened to cave! 

Landing, he knotted himself like a circus tumbler. He was helpless  to impede his progress. He was pushed

from behind by a blast which  might have been from a monster air gun! 

Rock walls battered him! Dust, boulders, sprayed against him, past  him! He crashed into the cross passage

and dropped, almost unconscious.  All of mother earth seemed to come down on his head! 

One of the Green Bell's gang had forgotten the seismograph and the  nitro, and had fired a bullet at Doc. The

detonation had loosened the  explosive. 

Even now, the segments of Aunt Nora Boston's rambling, charming old  home were probably floating around

some hundreds of feet in the air.  Any one in it would be dead. 

Dead as those blackcowled men back there in the underground room!  There was no possibility that any of

them had survived. The sinister  czar, who had chosen a green bell for his symbol, was deadwiped out by  his

own death device. 

His was a fate which had overtaken more than one enemy of Doc  Savage. 

TEN MINUTES later, Doc stumbled out of the abandoned mine. He did  not feel like coming, even then. He

was bruised, battered, damaged as  he had seldom been in his life. But deadly gases were loose in the  mine,

and he had to get out. 

Half an hour later, he encountered Monk. 

The homely gorilla of a fellow stared at Doc's injuries. 

"It looks like you caught yourself an earthquake," he suggested. 

"How about the others?" Doc demanded. 

"Themthey all got out, after you sent your radio warning, telling  them to do so as quick as possible." Monk

chuckled mirthfully. "Poor  Ham! The overdressed shyster lost his sword cane in the rush. He was  about to

start back after it when the whole world blew up!" 

"How did Aunt Nora take the loss of her house?" 




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"Swell! She said it was an old wreck that she'd been tryin' to sell  for years, anyway!" 

"She's a brick!" Doc said, absently fingering various aching  muscles. "We'll have to put her in charge of

charities here in Prosper  City. Of course, we'll reimburse her for her house, and the money she  spent on

charity before we got on the job." 

"She'd go for that," Monk agreed. "But you're forgettin' to tell me  what happened down there under the


Doc sketched briefly what had occurred. 

"The Green Bell and every one of his followers is finished," he  ended. "In a few days we can turn those

factories back to their owners  and clear out." 

"You sound anxious to get away?" Monk said slyly, thinking of  ravishingly pretty Alice Cash. 

"Well, we should get back to New York," Doc told him. "Something  may come up  it always does." 

Doc's statement was only a guess, based on the past. He had no way  of knowing what awaited them in New

York, not being gifted with an  inner sight. But it would be there  trouble, peril, mystery! These  had always

come to them. 

"SO THE Green Bell found his hide was turnin' yellow?" Monk  ruminated thoughtfully, as they moved

through the night. 

"There's no doubt of it!" Doc agreed. "And that persuaded him to  rush his devilish plan to completion." 

Monk grinned. "Ain't you gonna tell me who be was?" 

"I didn't get a look at his face!" Doc said dryly. 

"You mean we've cleaned this case up without knowin' who he was?" 

"I think his identity will come out. It is pretty plain who he  was." 

"How d'you figure that?" 

"Simply from the uncanny way the Green Bell had of knowing our  every move. He was very close to us." 

They had been striding down the road as they talked. 

Pretty Alice Cash appeared. She showed relief at sight of Doc; then  registered concern over his bruises. 

"Have you seen Aunt Nora?" she asked, a moment later. 

"She's around somewhere. I saw her a minute ago," Monk replied.  "What'd you want with her? Important?" 

"Well, not very," replied Alice. "I wanted to ask her if she had  seen Ole Slater." 

"Ain't Ole around?" 




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"No. And I'm curious. You see, Ole seemed a bit ill this evening,  when I last saw him." 

Monk gulped twice, swallowed, exploded: "What ailed him? Was he  turnin' a funny color?" 

"Ole Slater seemed to be turning yellow," Alice said. "It was the  strangest thing!" 






1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. THE CZAR OF FEAR, page = 4

   3. A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson, page = 4

   4. Chapter 1. GREEN BELL, page = 4

   5. Chapter II. VISITORS, page = 10

   6. Chapter III. THE COMEBACK, page = 17

   7. Chapter IV. THE MURDER WITNESSES, page = 23

   8. Chapter V. PERIL'S PATH, page = 28

   9. Chapter VI. FEAR'S DOMAIN, page = 35

   10. Chapter VII. CLEMENTS SETS A TRAP, page = 41

   11. Chapter VIII. VOICE FROM THE EARTH, page = 48

   12. Chapter IX. PLANS, page = 53

   13. Chapter X. THE MURDER SNARE, page = 60

   14. Chapter XI. DESTROYED CLEWS, page = 67

   15. Chapter XII. THE BODY IN THE VINES, page = 74

   16. Chapter XIII. PIPED COMMANDS, page = 83

   17. Chapter XIV. THE SUSPICION PLANT, page = 90

   18. Chapter XV. THE GREEN TRAP, page = 99

   19. Chapter XVI. THE MAN WHO VANISHED, page = 105

   20. Chapter XVII. THE TOUCH THAT YELLOWED, page = 109

   21. Chapter XVIII. LULL, page = 116

   22. Chapter XIX. DEATH UNDERGROUND, page = 121