Title:   Defence of Usury


Author:   by Jeremy Bentham



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Defence of Usury

by Jeremy Bentham


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Table of Contents

Defence of Usury.................................................................................................................................................1

by Jeremy Bentham ..................................................................................................................................1

LETTER I.  Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1

LETTER II Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention of Usury. ...................................................................2

LETTER III. Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention of Prodigality.........................................................4

LETTER IV Reasons for Restraint.  Protection of Indigence. ............................................................6

LETTER V Reasons for Restraint.Protection of Simplicity. .................................................................7

LETTER VI Mischiefs of the antiusurious laws...................................................................................8

LETTER VII Efficacy of antiusurious laws........................................................................................11

LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed. ...................................................................................................13

LETTER IX Blackstone considered......................................................................................................15

LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. ..........................................................................16

LETTER XI Compound Interest. ...........................................................................................................19

LETTER XII Maintenance and Champerty. .........................................................................................20

LETTER XIII To Dr. Smith, on Projects in Arts, etc. ..........................................................................22

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Defence of Usury

by Jeremy Bentham

LETTER I.  Introduction 

LETTER II Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention of  Usury. 

LETTER III. Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention  of Prodigality. 

LETTER IV Reasons for Restraint.  Protection of  Indigence. 

LETTER V Reasons for Restraint.Protection of  Simplicity. 

LETTER VI Mischiefs of the antiusurious laws. 

LETTER VII Efficacy of antiusurious laws. 

LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed. 

LETTER IX Blackstone considered. 

LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. 

LETTER XI Compound Interest. 

LETTER XII Maintenance and Champerty. 

LETTER XIII To Dr. Smith, on Projects in Arts,  etc.  

Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolity of the Present Legal

Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains In a Series of

Letters to a Friend To Which is Added A Letter to Adam Smith,

Esq; LL.D. On the Discouragements opposed by the above Restraints

to the Progress of Inventive Industry


LETTER I.  Introduction

Crichoff, in White Russia, January 1787 

Among the various species or modifications of liberty, of  which on  different occasions we have heard so

much in England, I  do not  recollect ever seeing any thing yet offered in behalf of  the liberty  of making one's

own terms in moneybargains. From so  general and  universal a neglect, it is an old notion of mine, as  you

well know,  that this meek and unassuming species of liberty  has been suffering  much injustice. 

A fancy has taken me, just now, to trouble you with my  reasons:  which, if you think them capable of

answering any good  purpose, you  may forward to the press: or in the other case, what  will give you  less

trouble, to the fire. 

In a word, the proposition I have been accustomed to lay down  to  myself on this subject is the following one,

viz. that no man  of ripe  years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes  open, ought  to be hindered,

with a view to his advantage, from  making such  bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks  fit: nor,

(what  is a necessary consequence) any body hindered  from supplying him, upon  any terms he thinks proper

to accede to. 

This proposition, were it to be received, would level, you  see, at  one stroke, all the barriers which law, either

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statute or  common, have  in their united wisdom set up, either against the  crying sin of Usury,  or against the

hardnamed and  littleheardof practice of Champerty;  to which we must also add  a portion of the

multifarious, and as little  heardof offence, of  Maintenance. 

On this occasion, were it any individual antagonist I had to  deal  with, my part would be a smooth and easy

one. "You, who  fetter  contracts; you, who lay restraints on the liberty of man,  it is for  you" (I should say) "to

assign a reason for your doing  so." That  contracts in general ought to be observed, is a rule,  the propriety of

which, no man was ever yet found wrongheaded  enough to deny: if this  case is one of the exceptions (for

some  doubtless there are) which the  safety and welfare of every  society require should be taken out of  that

general rule, in this  case. as in all those others, it lies upon  him, who alledges the  necessity of the exception,

to produce a reason  for it. 

This, I say, would be a short and very easy method with an  individual: but, as the world has no mouth of its

own to plead  by, no  certain attorney by which it can "come and defend this  force and  injury," I must even

find arguments for it at a  venture, and ransack  my own imagination for such phantoms as I  can find to fight


In favour of the restraints opposed to the species of liberty  I  contend for, I can imagine but five arguments. 

1. Prevention of usury. 

2. Prevention of prodigality. 

3. Protection of indigence against extortion. 

4. Repression of the temerity of projectors. 

5. Protection of simplicity against imposition. Of all these  in  their order. 

LETTER II Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention of Usury.

I will begin with the prevention of usury: because in the  sound of  the word usury lies, I take it, the main

strength of the  argument: or,  to speak strictly, of what is of more importance  than all argument, of  the hold

which the opinion I am combating  has obtained on the  imaginations and passions of mankind. 

Usury is a bad thing, and as such ought to be prevented:  usurers  are a bad sort of men, a very bad sort of men,

and as  such ought to be  punished and suppressed. These are among the  string of propositions  which every

man finds handed down to him  from his progenitors: which  most men are disposed to accede to  without

examination, and indeed not  unnaturally nor even  unreasonably disposed, for it is impossible the  bulk of

mankind  should find leisure, had they the ability, to examine  into the  grounds of an hundredth part of the

rules and maxims, which  they  find themselves obliged to act upon. Very good apology this for  John Trot: but

a little more inquisitiveness may be required of  legislators. 

You, my friend, by whom the true force of words is so well  understood, have, I am sure, gone before me in

perceiving, that  to  say usury is a thing to be prevented, is neither more nor less  than  begging the matter in

question. I know of but two  definitions that can  possibly be given of usury: one is, the  taking of a greater

interest  than the law allows of: this may be  stiled the political or legal  definition. The other is the taking  of a

greater interest than it is  usual for men to give and take:  this may be stiled the moral one: and  this, where the

law has not  interfered, is plainly enough the only  one. It is plain, that in  order for usury to be prohibited by

law, a  positive description  must have been found for it by law, fixing, or  rather  superseding, the moral one.

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To say then that usury is a thing  that ought to be prevented, is saying neither more nor less, than  that the

utmost rate of interest which shall be taken ought to be  fixed; and that fixation enforced by penalties, or such

other  means,  if any, as may answer the purpose of preventing the breach  of it. A  law punishing usury

supposes, therefore, a law fixing  the allowed  legal rate of interest: and the propriety of the  penal law must

depend  upon the propriety of the  simplyprohibitive, or, if you please,  declaratory one. 

One thing then is plain; that, antecedently to custom growing  from  convention, there can be no such thing as

usury: for what  rate of  interest is there that can naturally be more proper than  another? what  natural fixed

price can there be for the use of  money more than for  the use of any other thing? Were it not then  for custom,

usury,  considered in a moral view, would not then so  much as admit of a  definition: so far from having

existence, it  would not so much as be  conceivable: nor therefore could the law,  in the definition it took  upon

itself to give of such offence,  have so much as a guide to steer  by. Custom therefore is the sole  basis, which,

either the moralist in  his rules and precepts, or  the legislator in his injunctions, can have  to build upon. But

what basis can be more weak or unwarrantable, as a  ground for  coercive measures, than custom resulting

from free choice?  My  neighbours, being at liberty, have happened to concur among  themselves in dealing at a

certain rate of interest. I, who have  money to lend, and Titius, who wants to borrow it of me, would be  glad,

the one of us to accept, the other to give, an interest  somewhat higher than theirs: why is the liberty they

exercise to  be  made a pretence for depriving me and Titius of ours? 

Nor has blind custom, thus made the sole and arbitrary guide,  any  thing of steadiness or uniformity in its

decisions: it has  varied,  from age to age, in the same country: it varies, from  country to  country, in the same

age: and the legal rate has  varied along with it:  and indeed, with regard to times past, it  is from the legal rate,

more  readily than from any other source,  that we collect the customary.  Among the Romans, till the time of

Justinian, we find it as high as 12  per cent: in England, so late  as the time of Hen. VIII, we find it at  10 per

cent: succeeding  statutes reduced it to 8, then to 6, and  lastly to 5, where it  stands at present. Even at present

in Ireland it  is at 6 per  cent; and in the WestIndies at 8 per cent; and in  Hindostan,  where there is no rate

limited by law, the lowest customary  rate  is 10 or 12. At Constantinople, in certain cases, as I have been  well

informed, thirty per cent is a common rate. Now, of all  these  widely different rates, what one is there, that is

intrinsically more  proper than another? What is it that evidences  this propriety in each  instance? what but the

mutual convenience  of the parties, as  manifested by their consent? It is convenience  then that has produced

whatever there has been of custom in the  matter: What can there then  be in custom, to make it a better  guide

than the convenience which  gave it birth? and what is there  in convenience, that should make it a  worse guide

in one case  than in another? It would be convenient to me  to give 6 per cent  for money: I wish to do so. "No,"

(says the law)  "you shan't."   Why so? "Because it is not convenient to your  neighbour to give  above 5 for

it." Can any thing be more absurd than  such a reason? 

Much has not been done, I think, by legislators as yet in the  way  of fixing the price of other commodities:

and, in what little  has been  done, the probity of the intention has, I believe, in  general, been  rather more

unquestionable than the rectitude of  the principle, or the  felicity of the result. Putting money out  at interest, is

exchanging  present money for future: but why a  policy, which, as applied to  exchanges in general, would be

generally deemed absurd and  mischievous, should be deemed  necessary in the instance of this  particular kind

of exchange,  mankind are as yet to learn. For him who  takes as much as he can  get for the use of any other

sort of thing, an  house for  instance, there is no particular appellation, nor any mark  of  disrepute: nobody is

ashamed of doing so, nor is it usual so much  as to profess to do otherwise. Why a man who takes as much as

he  can  get, be it six, or seven, or eight, or ten per cent for the  use of a  sum of money should be called usurer,

should be loaded  with an  opprobrious name, any more than if he had bought an house  with it, and  made a

proportionable profit by the house, is more  than I can see. 

Another thing I would also wish to learn, is, why the  legislator  should be more anxious to limit the rate of

interest  one way, than the  other? why he should set his face against the  owners of that species  of property

more than of any other? why he  should make it his business  to prevent their getting more than a  certain price

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for the use of it,  rather than to prevent their  getting less? why, in short, he should  not take means for making

it penal to offer less, for example, than 5  per cent as well as  to accept more? let any one that can, find an

answer to these  questions; it is more than I can do: I except always  the distant  and imperceptible advantage,

of sinking the price of goods  of all  kinds; and, in that remote way, multiplying the future  enjoyments  of

individuals. But this was a consideration by far too  distant  and refined, to have been the original ground for

confining  the  limitation to this side. 

LETTER III. Reasons for Restraint.  Prevention of Prodigality.

Having done with sounds, I come gladly to propositions;  which, as  far as they are true in point of fact, may

deserve the  name of  reasons. And first, as to the efficacy of such  restrictive laws with  regard to the prevention

of Prodigality. 

That prodigality is a bad thing, and that the prevention of  it is  a proper object for the legislator to propose to

himself,  so long as  he confines himself to, what I look upon as, proper  measures, I have  no objection to allow,

at least for the purpose  of the argument;  though, were this the principal question, I  should look upon it as

incumbent on me to place in a fair light  the reasons there may be for  doubting, how far, with regard to a

person arrived at the age of  discretion, third persons may be  competent judges, which of two pains  may be of

greater force and  value to him, the present pain of  restraining his present  desires, or the future contingent pain

he may  be exposed to  suffer from the want to which the expence of gratifying  these  desires may hereafter

have reduced him. To prevent our doing  mischief to one another, it is but too necessary to put bridles  into  all

our mouths: it is necessary to the tranquillity and very  being of  society: but that the tacking of leadingstrings

upon  the backs of  grown persons, in order to prevent their doing  themselves a mischief,  is not necessary

either to the being or  tranquillity of society,  however conducive to its wellbeing, I  think cannot be disputed.

Such  paternal, or, if you please,  maternal, care, may be a good work, but  it certainly is but a  work of


For my own part, I must confess, that so long as such methods  only  are employed, as to me appear proper

ones, and such there  are, I  should not feel myself disinclined to see some measures  taken for the  restraining of

prodigality: but this I can not look  upon as being of  the number. My reasons I will now endeavour to  lay

before you. 

In the first place, I take it, that it is neither natural nor  usual for prodigals, as such, to betake themselves to

this  method, I  mean, that of giving a rate of interest above the  ordinary one, to  supply their wants. 

In the first place, no man, I hope you will allow. prodigal  or not  prodigal, ever thinks of borrowing money to

spend, so long  as he has  ready money of his own, or effects which he can turn  into ready money  without loss.

And this deduction strikes off  what, I suppose, you will  look upon as the greatest proportion of  the persons

subject, at any  given time, to the imputation of  prodigality. 

In the next place, no man, in such a country as Great Britain  at  least, has occasion, nor is at all likely, to take

up money at  an  extraordinary rate of interest, who has security to give,  equal to  that upon which money is

commonly to be had at the  highest ordinary  rate. While so many advertise, as are to be seen  every day

advertising, money to be lent at five per cent what  should possess a  man, who has any thing to offer that can

be  called a security, to  give, for example, six per cent is more  than I can conceive. 

You may say, perhaps, that a man who wishes to lend his money  out  upon security, wishes to have his

interest punctually, and  that  without the expence, and hazard, and trouble, and odium of  going to  law; and

that, on this account, it is better to have a  sober man to  deal with than a prodigal. So far I allow you; but  were

you to add,  that on this account it would be necessary for a  prodigal to offer  more than another man, there I

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should disagree  with you. In the first  place, it is not so easy a thing, nor, I  take it, a common thing, for  the

lender upon security to be able  to judge, or even to form any  attempt to judge, whether the  conduct of one

who offers to borrow his  money is or is not of  such a cast, as to bring him under this  description. The

question, prodigal or not prodigal, depends upon two  pieces of  information; neither of which, in general, is

very easy to  come  at: on the one hand, the amount of his means and reasonable  expectations; on the other

band, the amount of his expenditure.  The  goodness or badness of the security is a question of a very  different

nature: upon this head, every man has a known and ready  means of  obtaining that sort of information, which

is the most  satisfactory the  nature of things affords, by going to his  lawyer. It is accordingly, I  take it, on their

lawyers opinion,  that lenders in general found their  determination in these cases,  and not upon any

calculations they may  have formed, concerning  the receipt and expenditure of the borrower.  But even

supposing a  man's disposition to prodigality to be ever so  well known, there  are always enough to be found,

to whom such a  disposition would  be rather an inducement than an objection, so long  as they were  satisfied

with the security. Every body knows the  advantage to be  made in case of mortgage, by foreclosing or forcing

a  sale: and  that this advantage it not uncommonly looked out for, will,  I  believe, hardly be doubted by any

one, who has had any occasion  to  observe the course of business in the court of Chancery. 

In short, so long as a prodigal has any thing to pledge, or  to  dispose of, whether in possession, or even in

reversion,  whether of a  certain or even of a contingent nature, I see not,  how he can receive  the smallest

benefit, from any laws that are,  or can be made to fix  the rate of interest. For, suppose the law  to be

efficacious as far as  it goes, and that the prodigal can  find none of those monsters called  usurers to deal with

him, does  he lie quiet? No such thing: he goes on  and gets the money he  wants, by selling his interest instead

of  borrowing. He goes on,  I say: for if he has prudence enough to stop  him any where, he is  not that sort of

man, whom it can be worth while  for the law to  attempt stopping by such means. It is plain enough  then, that

to  a prodigal thus circumstanced, the law cannot be of any  service;  on the contrary, it may, and in many cases

must, be of  disservice  to him, by denying him the option of a resource, which, how  disadvantageous soever,

could not well have proved more so, but  would  naturally have proved less so, than those which it leaves  still

open  to him. But of this hereafter. 

I now come to the only remaining class of prodigals, viz.  those  who have nothing that can be called a security

to offer.  These, I  should think, are not more likely to get money upon an  extraordinary  rate of interest, than an

ordinary one. Persons who  either feel, or  find reasons for pretending to feel, a friendship  for the borrower,

can not take of him more than the ordinary rate  of interest: persons,  who have no such motive for lending

him,  will not lend him at all. If  they know him for what he is, that  will prevent them of course: and  even

though they should know  nothing of him by any other circumstance,  the very circumstance  of his not being

able to find a friend to trust  him at the  highest ordinary rate, will be sufficient reason to a  stranger  for looking

upon him as a man, who, in the judgment of his  friends, is not likely to pay. 

The way that prodigals run into debt, after they have spent  their  substance, is, I take it, by borrowing of their

friends and  acquaintance, at ordinary interest, or more commonly at no  interest,  small sums, such as each man

may be content to lose, or  be ashamed to  ask real security for; and as prodigals have  generally an extensive

acquaintance (extensive acquaintance being  at once the cause and  effect of prodigality), the sum total of  the

money a man may thus find  means to squander, may be  considerable, tho' each sum borrowed may,  relatively

to the  circumstances of the lender, have been  inconsiderable. This I  take to be the race which prodigals, who

have  spent their all,  run at present, under the present system of  restraining laws: and  this, and no other, I take

it, would be the race  they would run,  were those laws out of the way. 

Another consideration there is, I think, which will compleat  your  conviction, if it was not compleat before, of

the inefficacy  of these  laws, as to the putting any sort of restraint upon  prodigality. This  is, that there is

another set of people from  whom prodigals get what  they want, and always will get it, so  long as credit lasts,

in spite  of all laws against high interest;  and, should they find it necessary,  at an expence more than equal  to

an excess of interest they might  otherwise have to give. I  mean the tradesmen who deal in the goods  they

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want. Every body  knows it is much easier to get goods than money.  People trust  goods upon much slenderer

security than they do money: it  is very  natural they should do so: ordinary profit of trade upon the  whole

capital employed in a man's trade, even after the expence  of  warehouserent, journeymen's wages, and other

such general  charges are  taken into the account, and set against it, is at  least equal to  double interest; say 10

per cent. Ordinary profit  upon any particular  parcel of goods must therefore be a great  deal more, say at least

triple interest, 15 per cent: in the way  of trading, then, a man can  afford to be at least three times as

adventurous, as he can in the way  of lending, and with equal  prudence. So long, then, as a man is looked

upon as one who will  pay, he can much easier get the goods he wants,  than he could the  money to buy them

with, though he were content to  give for it  twice, or even thrice the ordinary rate of interest. 

Supposing any body, for the sake of extraordinary gain, to be  willing to run the risk of supplying him,

although they did not  look  upon his personal security to be equal to that of another  man, and for  the sake of

the extraordinary profit to run the  extraordinary risk; in  the trader, in short in every sort of  trader whom he

was accustomed to  deal with in his solvent days,  he sees a person who may accept of any  rate of profit,

without  the smallest danger from any laws that are, or  can be made  against usury. How idle, then, to think of

stopping a man  from  making six, or seven, or eight per cent interest, when, if he  chuses to run a risk

proportionable, he may in this way make  thirty  or forty per cent or any rate you please. And as to the

prodigal, if  he cannot get what he wants upon these terms, what  chance is there of  his getting it upon any

terms, supposing the  laws against usury to be  away? This then is another way, in  which, instead of serving; it

injures him, by narrowing his  option, and driving him from a market  which might have proved  less

disadvantageous, to a more  disadvantageous one. 

As far as prodigality, then, is concerned, I must confess, I  cannot see the use of stopping the current of

expenditure in this  way  at the fosset, when there are so many unpreventable ways of  letting it  run out of the


Whether any harm is done to society, upon the whole, by  letting so  much money drop at once out of the

pockets of the  prodigal, who would  have gone on wasting it, into the till of the  frugal tradesman, who  will lay

it up, is not worth the enquiry  for the present purpose: what  is plain is, that, so far as the  saving the prodigal

from paying at an  extraordinary rate for what  he gets to spend, is the object of the  law, that object is not at  all

promoted, by fixing the rate of  interest upon money borrowed.  On the contrary, if the law has any  effect, it

runs counter to  that object: since, were he to borrow, it  would only be, in as  far as he could borrow at a rate

inferior to that  at which  otherwise he would be obliged to buy. Preventing his  borrowing at  an extrarate,

may have the effect of increasing his  distress,  but cannot have the effect of lessening it: allowing his

borrowing at such a rate, might have the effect of lessening his  distress, but could not have the effect of

increasing it. 

To put a stop to prodigality, if indeed it be worth while, I  know  but of one effectual course that can be taken,

in addition  to the  incompleat and insufficient courses at present  practicable. and that  is, to put the convicted

prodigal under an  interdict, as was practised  formerly among the Romans, and is  still practised among the

French,  and other nations who have  taken the Roman law for the groundwork of  their own. But to  discuss

the expediency, or sketch out the details of  such an  institution. belongs not to the present purpose. 

LETTER IV Reasons for Restraint.  Protection of Indigence.

Besides prodigals, there are three other classes of persons,  and  but three, for whose security I can conceive

these  restrictive laws to  have been designed. I mean the indigent, the  rashly enterprizing, and  the simple:

those whose pecuniary  necessities may dispose them to give  an interest above the  ordinary rate. rather than

not have it, and  those who, from  rashness, may be disposed to venture upon giving such  a rate, or  from

carelessness combined with ignorance, may be disposed  to  acquiesce in it. 

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In speaking of these three different classes of persons, I  must  beg leave to consider one of them at a time: and

accordingly, in  speaking of the indigent, I must consider  indigence in the first place  as untinctured with

simplicity. On  this occasion. I may suppose, and  ought to suppose, no particular  defect in a man's judgment,

or his  temper, that should mislead  him, more than the ordinary run of men. He  knows what is his  interest as

well as they do, and is as well disposed  and able to  pursue it as they are. 

I have already intimated, what I think is undeniable. that  there  are no one or two or other limited number of

rates of  interest, that  can be equally suited to the unlimited number of  situations, in  respect of the degree of

exigency, in which a man  is liable to find  himself: insomuch that to the situation of a  man, who by the use of

money can make for example 11 per cent,  six per cent is as well  adapted, as 5 per cent is to the  situation of

him who can make but 10;  to that of him who can make  12 per cent seven and so on. So, in the  case of his

wanting it to  save himself from a loss, (which is that  which is most likely to  be in view under the name of

exigency) if that  loss would amount  to 11 per cent 6 per cent is as well adapted to his  situation, as  5 per cent

would be to the situation of him, who had but  a loss  amounting to ten per cent to save himself from by the

like  means.  And in any case. though. in proportion to the amount of the  loss,  the rate of interest were even so

great, as that the clear  saving  should not amount to more than one per cent or any fraction per  cent yet so long

as it amounted to any thing, he would be just so  much the better for borrowing, even on such comparatively

disadvantageous terms. If, instead of gain, we put any other kind  of  benefit or advantage  if: instead of

loss. we put any other  kind of  mischief or inconvenience, of equal value, the result  will be the  same. 

A man is in one of these situations, suppose, in which it  would be  for his advantage to borrow. But his

circumstances are  such, that it  would not be worth any body's while to lend him, at  the highest rate  which it is

proposed the law should allow; in  short, he cannot get it  at that rate. If he thought he could get  it at that rate,

most surely  he would not give a higher: he may  he trusted for that: for by the  supposition he has nothing

defective in his understanding. But the  fact is, he cannot get it  at that lower rate. At a higher rate,  however he

could get it:  and at that rate, though higher, it would be  worth his while to  get it: so he judges, who has

nothing to hinder him  from judging  right; who has every motive and every means for forming a  right

judgment; who has every motive and every means for informing  himself of the circumstances, upon which

rectitude of judgment,  in  the case in question, depends. The legislator, who knows  nothing, nor  can know any

thing, of any one of all these  circumstances, who knows  nothing at all about the matter, comes  and says to

him  "It  signifies nothing; you shall not have the  money: for it would be doing  you a mischief to let you

borrow it  upon such terms."  And this out  of prudence and  lovingkindness!  There may be worse

cruelty. but  can there be  greater folly? 

The folly of those who persist, as is supposed, without  reason, in  not taking advice, has been much expatiated

upon. But  the folly of  those who persist, without reason, in forcing their  advice upon  others, has been but

little dwelt upon, though it is,  perhaps, the  more frequent, and the more flagrant of the two. It  is not often that

one man is a better judge for another, than  that other is for himself,  even in Cases where the adviser will  take

the trouble to make himself  master of as many of the  materials for judging, as are within the  reach of the

person to  be advised. But the legislator is not, can not  be, in the  possession of any one of these materials. 

What private,  can be  equal to such public folly? 

I should now speak of the enterprizing class of borrowers:  those.  who, when characterized by a single term,

are  distinguished by the  unfavourable appellation of projectors: but  in what I shall have to  say of them, Dr

Smith, I begin to  foresee, will bear so material a  part, that when I come to enter  upon that subject, I think to

take my  leave of you, and address  myself to him. 

LETTER V Reasons for Restraint.Protection of Simplicity.

I come, lastly, to the case of the simple. Here, in the first  place, I think I am by this time entitled to observe,

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that no  simplicity, short of absolute idiotism, can cause the individual  to  make a more groundless judgment,

than the legislator, who, in  the  circumstances above stated, should pretend to confine him to  any given  rate of

interest, would have made for him. 

Another consideration, equally conclusive, is, that were the  legislator's judgment ever so much superior to the

individual's,  how  weak soever that may be, the exertion of it on this occasion  can never  be any otherwise than

useless, so long as there are so  many similar  occasions, as there ever must be, where the  simplicity of the

individual is equally likely to make him a  sufferer, and on which the  legislator cannot interpose with  effect,

nor has ever so much as  thought of interposing. 

Buying goods with money, or upon credit, is the business of  everyday. borrowing money is the business,

only, of some  particular  exigency, which, in comparison, can occur but seldom.  Regulating the  prices of

goods in general would be an endless  task, and no legislator  has ever been weak enough to think of

attempting it. And supposing he  were to regulate the prices, what  would that signify for the  protection of

simplicity, unless he  were to regulate also the quantum  of what each man should buy?  Such quantum is

indeed regulated, or  rather means are taken to  prevent buying altogether; but in what  cases? In those only

where  the weakness is adjudged to have arrived at  such a pitch, as to  render a man utterly unqualified for the

management of his  affairs: in short, when it has arrived at the length  of idiocy. 

But in what degree soever a man's weakness may expose him to  imposition, he stands much more exposed to

it, in the way of  buying  goods, than in the way of borrowing money. To be informed,  beforehand,  of the

ordinary prices of all the sorts of things, a  man may have  occasion to buy, may be a task of considerable

variety and extent. To  be informed of the ordinary rate of  interest, is to be informed of one  single fact, too

interesting  not to have attracted attention, and too  simple to have escaped  the memory. A few per cent

enhancement upon the  price of goods,  is a matter that may easily enough pass unheeded; but  a single  per cent

beyond the ordinary interest of money, is a stride  more  conspicuous and startling, than many per cent upon

the price of  any kind of goods. 

Even in regard to subjects, which, by their importance would,  if  any, justify a regulation of their price, such

as for instance  land, I  question whether there ever was an instance where,  without some such  ground as, on

the one side fraud, or  suppression of facts necessary to  form a judgment of the value,  or at least ignorance of

such facts, on  the other, a bargain was  rescinded, merely because a man had sold too  cheap, or bought too

dear. Were I to take a fancy to give a hundred  years purchase  instead of thirty, for a piece of land, rather than

not  have it,  I don't think there is any court in England, or indeed any  where  else, that would interpose to

hinder me, much less to punish the  seller with the loss of three times the purchase money, as in the  case of

usury. Yet when I had got my piece of land, and paid my  money, repentance, were the law ever so well

disposed to assist  me,  might be unavailing: for the seller might have spent the  money, or  gone off with it. But,

in the case of borrowing money,  it is the  borrower always, who, according to the indefinite, or  short term for

which money is lent, is on the safe side: any  imprudence he may have  committed with regard to the rate of

interest, may be corrected at any  time: if I find I have given  too high an interest to one man. I have  no more to

do than to  borrow of another at a lower rate, and pay off  the first: if I  CannOt find any body to lend me at a

lower, there  cannot be a  more certain proof that the first was not in reality too  high.  But of this hereafter. 

LETTER VI Mischiefs of the antiusurious laws.

In the preceding letters, I have examined all the modes I can  think of, in which the restraints, imposed by the

laws against  usury,  can have been fancied to be of service. 

I hope it appears by this time, that there are no ways in  which  those laws can do any good. But there are

several, in which  they can  not but do mischief. 

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The first, I shall mention, is that of precluding so many  people,  altogether, from the getting the money they

stand in need  of, to  answer their respective exigencies. Think what a distress  it would  produce, were the

liberty of borrowing denied to every  body: denied to  those who have such security to offer, as renders  the rate

of  interest, they have to offer, a sufficient  inducement, for a man who  has money, to trust them with it. Just

that same sort of distress is  produced, by denying that liberty  to so many people, whose security,  though, if

they were permitted  to add something to that rate, it would  be sufficient, is  rendered insufficient by their

being denied that  liberty. Why the  misfortune, of not being possessed of that  arbitrarily exacted  degree of

security, should be made a ground for  subjecting a man  to a hardship, which is not imposed on those who are

free from  that misfortune, is more than I can see. To discriminate the  former class from the latter, I can see

hut this one  circumstance,  viz. that their necessity is greater. This it is by  the very  supposition: for were it not,

they could not be, what  they are  supposed to be, willing to give more to be relieved from  it. In this  point of

view then, the sole tendency of the law is,  to heap distress  upon distress. 

A second mischief is, that of rendering the terms so much the  worse, to a multitude of those, whose

circumstances exempt them  from  being precluded altogether from getting the money they have  occasion  for.

In this case, the mischief, though necessarily less  intense than  in the other, is much more palpable and

conspicuous,  Those who cannot  borrow may get what they want, so long as they  have any thing to sell.  But

while, out of lovingkindness, or  whatsoever other motive, the law  precludes a man from borrowing,  upon

terms which he deems too  disadvantageous, it does not  preclude him from selling, upon any  terms,

howsoever  disadvantageous. Every body knows that forced sales  are attended  with a loss: and, to this loss,

what would be deemed a  most  extravagant interest bears in general no proportion. When a man's  moveables

are taken in execution, they are, I believe, pretty  well  sold, if, after all expences paid, the produce amounts to

two thirds  of what it would cost to replace them. In this way the  providence and  lovingkindness of the law

costs him 33 per cent  and no more,  supposing, what is seldom the case, that no more of  the effects are  taken

than what is barely necessary to make up  the money due. If, in  her negligence and weakness, she were to

suffer him to offer 11 per  cent per annum for forbearance, it  would be three years before be paid  what he is

charged with, in  the first instance, by her wisdom. 

Such being the kindness done by the law to the owner of  moveables,  let us see how it fares with him who has

an interest  in immoveables.  Before the late war, 30 years purchase for land  might be reckoned, I  think it is

pretty well agreed, a medium  price. During the distress  produced by the war, lands, which it  was necessary

should be sold,  were sold at 20, 18, nay, I  believe, in some instances, even so low as  15 years purchase. If  I

do not misrecollect, I remember instances of  lands put up to  public auction, for which nobody bid so high as

fifteen. In many  instances, villas, which had been bought before the  war, or at  the beginning of it, and, in the

interval, had been  improved  rather than impaired, sold for less than half, or even the  quarter, of what they had

been bought for. I dare not here for my  part pretend to be exact: but on this passage, were it worth  their

notice, Mr Skinner, or Mr Christie, could furnish very  instructive  notes. Twenty years purchase, instead of

thirty, I  may be allowed to  take, at least for illustration. An estate then  of £100 a year, clear  of taxes, was

devised to a man, charged,  suppose, with £1,500 with  interest till the money should be paid.  Five per cent

interest, the  utmost which could be accepted from  the owner, did not answer the  incumbrancer's purpose: he

chose to  have the money. But 6 per cent  perhaps, would have answered his  purpose, if not, most certainly it

would have answered the  purpose of somebody else: for multitudes there  all along were,  whose purposes

were answered by five per cent The war  lasted, I  think, seven years: the depreciation of the value of land  did

not  take place immediately: but as, on the other hand, neither did  it  immediately recover its former price upon

the peace, if indeed it  has even yet recovered it, we may put seven years for the time,  during which it would

be more advantageous to pay this  extraordinary  rate of interest than sell the land, and during  which,

accordingly,  this extraordinary rate of interest would  have had to run. One per  cent for seven years, is not

quite of  equal worth to seven per cent  the first year: say, however, that  it is. The estate, which before the  war

was worth thirty years  purchase, that is £3,000 and which the  devisor had given to the  devisee for that value,

being put up to sale,  fetched but 20  years purchase, £2,000. At the end of that period it  would have  fetched its

original value, £3,000. Compare, then, the  situation  of the devisee at the 7 years end, under the law, with

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what  it  would have been, without the law. In the former case, the land  selling for 20 years purchase, i.e.

£2,000 what he would have,  after  paying the £1,500 is £500; which, with the interest of that  sum, at 5  per

cent for seven years, viz. £175 makes, at the end  of that seven  years, £675. In the other case, paying 6 per

cent  on the £1,500 that  is £90 a year, and receiving all that time the  rent of the land, viz.  £100 he would have

had, at the seven years  end, the amount of the  remaining ten pound during that period,  that is £70 in addition

to his  £1,000.  £675 substracted from  £1,070 leaves £395. This £395 then,  is what he loses out of  £1,070,

almost 37 per cent of his capital, by  the lovingkindness  of the law. Make the calculations, and you will  find,

that, by  preventing him from borrowing the money at 6 per cent  interest,  it makes him nearly as much a

sufferer as if he had borrowed  it  at ten. 

What I have said hitherto is confined to the case of those  who  have present value to give, for the money they

stand in need  of. If  they have no such value, then, if they succeed in  purchasing  assistance upon any terms, it

must be in breach of the  law; their  lenders exposing themselves to its vengeance: for I  speak not here of  the

accidental case, of its being so  constructed as to be liable to  evasion. But, even in this case,  the mischievous

influence of the law  still pursues them;  aggravating the very mischief it pretends to  remedy. Though it be

inefficacious in the way in which the legislator  wishes to see it  efficacious, it is efficacious in the way

opposite to  that in  which he would wish to see it so. The effect of it is, to  raise  the rate of interest, higher than

it would be otherwise, and  that  in two ways. In the first place, a man must, in common prudence,  as Dr Smith

observes, make a point of being indemnified, not only  for  whatsoever extraordinary risk it is that he runs,

independently of the  law, but for the very risk occasioned by the  law: he must be insured,  as it were, against

the law. This cause  would operate, were there even  as many persons ready to lend upon  the illegal rate, as

upon the  legal. But this is not the case: a  great number of persons are, of  course, driven out of this

competition by the danger of the business;  and another great  number, by the disrepute which, under cover of

these  prohibitory  laws or otherwise, has fastened itself upon the name of  usurer.  So many persons, therefore,

being driven out of the trade, it  happens in this branch, as it must necessarily in every other,  that  those who

remain have the less to withhold them from  advancing their  terms; and without confederating, (for it must be

allowed that  confederacy in such a case is plainly impossible)  each one will find  it easier to push his

advantage up to any  given degree of exorbitancy,  than he would, if there were a  greater number of persons of

the same  stamp to resort to. 

As to the case, where the law is so worded as to be liable to  be  evaded, in this case it is partly inefficacious

and nugatory,  and  partly mischievous. It is nugatory, as to all such, whose  confidence  of its being so is

perfect: it is mischievous, as  before, in regard to  all such who fail of possessing that perfect  confidence. If the

borrower can find nobody at all who has  confidence enough to take  advantage of the flaw, he stands

precluded from all assistance, as  before: and, though he should,  yet the lender's terms must necessarily  run

the higher, in  proportion to what his confidence wants of being  perfect. It is  not likely that it should be

perfect: it is still less  likely  that he should acknowledge it so to be: it is not likely, at  least as matters stand in

England, that the worstpenned law made  for  this purpose should be altogether destitute of effect: and  while

it  has any, that effect, we see, must be in one way or  other mischievous. 

I have already hinted at the disrepute, the ignominy, the  reproach, which prejudice, the cause and the effect of

these  restrictive laws, has heaped upon that perfectly innocent and  even  meritorious class of men, who, not

more for their own  advantage than  to the relief of the distresses of their  neighbour, may have ventured  to

break through these restraints.  It is certainly not a matter of  indifference, that a class of  persons, who, in every

point of view in  which their conduct can  be placed, whether in relation to their own  interest, or in  relation to

that of the persons whom they have to deal  with, as  well on the score of prudence, as on that of beneficence,

(and of  what use is even benevolence, but in as far as it is  productive  of beneficence?) deserve praise rather

than censure, should  be  classed with the abandoned and profligate, and loaded with a  degree of infamy,

which is due to those only whose conduct is in  its  tendency the most opposite to their own. 

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"This suffering," it may be said, "having already been taken  account of, is not to be brought to account a

second time: they  are  aware, as you yourself observe, of this inconvenience, and  have taken  care to get such

amends for it, as they themselves  look upon as  sufficient." True: but is it sure that the  compensation, such as

it  is, will always, in the event, have  proved a sufficient one? Is there  no room here for  miscalculation? May

there not be unexpected,  unlookedfor  incidents, sufficient to turn into bitterness the utmost  satisfaction

which the difference of pecuniary emolument could  afford? For who can see to the end of that inexhaustible

train of  consequences that are liable to ensue from the loss of  reputation?  Who can fathom the abyss of

infamy? At any rate, this  article of  mischief, if not an addition in its quantity to the  others  abovenoticed, is

at least distinct from them in its  nature, and as  such ought not to be overlooked. 

Nor is the event of the execution of the law by any means an  unexampled one: several such, at different

times, have fallen  within  my notice. Then comes absolute perdition: loss of  character, and  forfeiture, not of

three times the extrainterest,  which formed the  profit of the offence, but of three times the  principal, which

gave  occasion to it.(1*) 

The last article I have to mention in the account of  mischief, is,  the corruptive influence, exercised by these

laws,  on the morals of  the people; by the pains they take, and cannot  but take, to give birth  to treachery and

ingratitude. To purchase  a possibility of being  enforced, the law neither has found, nor,  what is very material,

must  it ever hope to find, in this case,  any other expedient, than that of  hiring a man to break his  engagement,

and to crush the hand that has  been reached out to  help him. In the case of informers in general,  there has

been no  troth plighted, nor benefit received. In the case of  real  criminals invited by rewards to inform against

accomplices, it is  by such breach of faith that society is held together, as in  other  cases by the observance of

it. In the case of real crimes,  in  proportion as their mischievousness is apparent, what can not  but be  manifest

even to the criminal, is, that it is by the  adherence to his  engagement that he would do an injury to  society,

and, that by the  breach of such engagement, instead of  doing mischief he is doing good:  in the case of usury

this is  what no man can know, and what one can  scarcely think it possible  for any man, who, in the character

of the  borrower, has been  concerned in such a transaction, to imagine. He  knew that, even  in his own

judgment, the engagement was a beneficial  one to  himself, or he would not have entered into it: and nobody

else  but the lender is affected by it. 

LETTER VII Efficacy of antiusurious laws.

Before I quit altogether the consideration of the case in  which a  law, made for the purpose of limiting the rate

of  interest, may be  inefficacious with regard to that end, I can not  forbear taking some  further notice of a

passage already alluded  to of Dr Smith's: because,  to my apprehension, that passage seems  to throw upon the

subject a  degree of obscurity, which I could  wish to see cleared up, in a future  edition of that valuable  work. 

"No law" says he,(2*) "can reduce the common rate of interest  below the lowest ordinary market rate, at the

time when that law  was  made. Notwithstanding the edict of 1766, by which the French  king  attempted to

reduce the rate of interest from five to four  per cent  money continued to be lent in France at five per cent  the

law being  evaded in several different ways." 

As to the general position, if so it be, so much, according  to me,  the better: but I must confess I do not see

why this  should be the  case. It is for the purpose of proving the truth of  this general  position, that the fact of

the inefficacy of this  attempt seems to be  adduced: for no other proof is adduced but  this. But, taking the fact

for granted, I do not see how it can  be sufficient to support the  inference. The law, we are told at  the same

time, was evaded: but we  are not told how it came to be  open to evasion. It might be owing to a  particular

defect in the  penning of that particular law; or, what  comes to the same thing,  in the provisions made for

carrying it into  execution. In either  case, it affords no support to the general  position: nor can that  position he

a just one, unless it were so in  the case where every  provision had been made, that could be made, for  giving

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efficacy  to the law. For the position to be true, the case must  be, that  the law would still be broken, even after

every means of what  can  properly be called evasion had been removed. True or untrue, the  position is

certainly not selfevident enough to be received  without  proof: yet nothing is adduced in proof of it, but the

fact  abovenoticed, which we see amounts to no such thing. What  is more, I  should not expect to find it

capable of proof. I do  not see, what it  is, that should render the law incapable of  "reducing the common rate

of interest below the lowest ordinary  market rate," but such a state  of things, such a combination of

circumstances, as should afford  obstacles equally powerful, or  nearly so, to the efficacy of the law  against all

higher rates.  For destroying the law's efficacy  altogether. I know of nothing  that could serve, but a resolution

on  the part of all persons any  way privy not to inform: but by such a  resolution any higher rate  is just as

effectually protected as any  lower one. Suppose the  resolution, strictly speaking, universal, and  the law must

in all  instances be equally inefficacious; all rates of  interest equally  free; and the state of men's dealings in

this way  just what it  would be, were there no law at all upon the subject. But  in this  case, the position, in as

far as it limits the inefficacy of  the  law to those rates which are below the "lowest ordinary market  rate," is

not true. For my part, I cannot conceive how any such  universal resolution could have been maintained, or

could ever be  maintained, without an open concert, and as open a rebellion  against  government; nothing of

which sort appears to have taken  place: and, as  to any particular confederacies, they are as  capable of

protecting any  higher rates against the prohibition,  as any lower ones. 

Thus much indeed must be admitted, that the low rate in  question.  viz. that which was the lowest ordinary

market rate  immediately before  the making of the law, is likely to come in  for the protection of the  public

against the law, more frequently  than any other rate. That must  be the case on two accounts:  first, because by

being of the number of  the ordinary rates, it  was, by the supposition, more frequent than any  extraordinary

ones: secondly, because the disrepute annexed to the  idea of  usury, a force which might have more or less

efficacy in  excluding, from the protection above spoken of, such  extraordinary  rates, cannot well be supposed

to apply itself, or  at least not in  equal degree, to this low and ordinary rate. A  lender has certainly  less to stop

him from taking a rate, which  may be taken without  disrepute, than from taking one, which a man  could not

take without  subjecting himself to that inconvenience:  nor is it likely, that men's  imaginations and sentiments

should  testify so sudden an obsequiousness  to the law, as to stamp  disrepute today, upon a rate of interest, to

which no such  accompaniment had stood annexed the day before. 

Were I to be asked how I imagined the case stood in the  particular  instance referred to by Dr Smith; judging

from his  account of it,  assisted by general probabilities, I should answer  thus:  The law, I  should suppose,

was not so penned as to be  altogether proof against  evasion. In many instances, of which it  is impossible any

account  should have been taken, it was indeed  conformed to: in some of those  instances, people who would

have  lent otherwise, abstained from  lending altogether; in others of  those instances, people lent their  money

at the reduced legal  rate. In other instances again, the law was  broken: the lenders  trusting, partly to

expedients recurred to for  evading it, partly  to the good faith and honour of those whom they had  to deal

with:  in this class of instances it was natural, for the two  reasons  above suggested, that those where the old

legal rate was  adhered  to, should have been the most numerous. From the circumstance,  not only of their

number, but of their more direct repugnancy to  the  particular recent law in question, they would naturally be

the most  taken notice of. And this, I should suppose, was the  foundation in  point of fact for the Doctor's

general position  abovementioned, that  "no law can reduce the common rate of  interest below the lowest

ordinary market rate, at the time when  that law was made." 

In England, as far as I can trust my judgment and imperfect  general recollection of the purport of the laws

relative to this  matter, I should not suppose that the above position would prove  true. That there is no such

thing as any palpable and  universallynotorious, as well as universallypracticable receipt  for  that purpose, is

manifest from the examples which, as I have  already  mentioned, every now and then occur, of convictions

upon  these  statutes. Two such receipts, indeed, I shall have occasion  to touch  upon presently: but they are

either not obvious enough  in their  nature, or too troublesome or not extensive enough in  their  application, to

have despoiled the law altogether of its  terrors or of  its preventive efficacy. 

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In the country in which I am writing, the whole system of  laws on  this subject is perfectly, and very happily,

inefficacious. The rate  fixed by law is 5 per cent: many people  lend money; and nobody at that  rate: the

lowest ordinary rate,  upon the very best real security, is 8  per cent: 9, and even 10,  upon such security, are

common. Six or seven  may have place, now  and then, between relations or other particular  friends: because,

now and then, a man may choose to make a present of  one or two  per cent to a person whom he means to

favour. The contract  is  renewed from year to year: for a thousand roubles, the borrower,  in his written

contract, obliges himself to pay at the end of the  year one thousand and fifty. Before witnesses, he receives

his  thousand roubles: and, without witnesses, he immediately pays  back  his 30 roubles, or his 40 roubles, or

whatever the sum may  be, that is  necessary to bring the real rate of interest to the  rate verbally  agreed on. 

This contrivance, I take it, would not do in England: but why  it  would not, is a question which it would be in

vain for me to  pretend,  at this distance from all authorities, to discuss. 

LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed.

Having proved, as I hope, by this time, the utter impropriety  of  the law's limiting the rate of interest, in every

case that  can be  conceived, it may be rather matter of curiosity, than any  thing else,  to enquire, how far the

law, on this head, is  consistent with itself,  and with any principles upon which it can  have built. 

1. Drawing and redrawing is a practice, which it will be  sufficient here to hint at. It is perfectly well known

to all  merchants, and may be so to all who are not merchants, by  consulting  Dr Smith. In this way, he has

shewn how money may be,  and has been,  taken up, at so high a rate, as 13 or 14 per cent   a rate nearly

three times as high as the utmost which the law  professes to allow.  The extra interest is in this case masked

under the names of  commission, and price of exchange. The  commission is but small upon  each loan, not

more, I think, than  1/2 per cent: custom having  stretched so far but no farther, it  might be thought dangerous,

perhaps, to venture upon any higher  allowance under that name. The  charge, being repeated a number of

times in the course of the year,  makes up in frequency what it  wants in weight. The transaction is by  this shift

rendered more  troublesome, indeed, but not less  practicable, to such parties as  are agreed about it. But if

usury is  good for merchants, I don't  very well see what should make it bad for  every body else. 

2. At this distance from all the mountains of legal  knowledge, I  will not pretend to say, whether the practice

of  selling accepted  bills at an under value, would hold good against  all attacks. It  strikes my recollection as a

pretty common one,  and I think it could  not be brought under any of the penal  statutes against usury. The

adequateness of the consideration  might, for aught I know, be attacked  with success, in a court of  equity; or,

perhaps, if there were  sufficient evidence (which the  agreement of the parties might easily  prevent) by an

action at  common law, for money had and received. If  the practice be really  proof against all attacks, it seems

to afford  an effectual, and  pretty commodious method of evading the restrictive  laws. The  only restraint is,

that it requires the assistance of a  third  person, a friend of the borrower's; as for instance: B, the real

borrower, wants £100 and finds U, a usurer, who is willing to  lend it  to him, at 10 per cent B. has F, a friend,

who has not  the money  himself to lend him, but is willing to stand security  for him, to that  amount. B.

therefore draws upon F, and F.  accepts, a bill of £100 at 5  per cent interest, payable at the  end of a

twelvemonth from the date.  F. draws a like bill upon B.:  each sells his bill to U. for fifty  pound; and it is

indorsed to  U. accordingly. The £50 that F. receives.  he delivers over  without any consideration to B. This

transaction, if  it be a  valid one, and if a man can find such a friend, is evidently  much  less troublesome than

the practice of drawing and redrawing. And  this, if it be practicable at all, may be practised by persons of

any  description, concerned or not in trade. Should the effect of  this page  be to suggest an expedient, and that

a safe and  commodious one, for  evading the laws against usury, to some, to  whom such an expedient  might

not otherwise have occurred, it will  not lie very heavy upon my  conscience. The prayers of usurers,  whatever

efficacy they may have in  lightening the burthen, I hope  I may lay some claim to. And I think  you will not

now wonder at  my saying, that in the efficacy of such  prayers I have not a whit  less confidence, than in that

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LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed. 13


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of the prayers  of any other class  of men. 

One apology I shall have to plead at any rate, that in  pointing  out these flaws, to the individual who may be

disposed  to creep out at  them, I point them out at the same time to the  legislator, in whose  power it is to stop

them up, if in his  opinion they require it. If,  notwithstanding such opinion, he  should omit to do so, the blame

will  lie, not on my industry, but  on his negligence. 

These, it may be said, should they even be secure and  effectual  evasions, are still but evasions, and, if

chargeable  upon the law at  all, are chargeable not as inconsistencies but as  oversights. Be it  so. Setting these

aside, then, as expedients  practised or practicable,  only behind its back, I will beg leave  to remind you of two

others,  practised from the day of its birth,  under its protection and before  its face. 

The first I shall mention is pawnbroking. In this case there  is  the less pretence for more than ordinary interest,

inasmuch as  the  security is, in this case, not only equal to, but better  than, what it  can be in any other: to wit,

the present possession  of a moveable  thing, of easy sale, on which the creditor has the  power, and  certainly

does not want the inclination, to set such  price as is most  for his advantage. If there be a case in which  the

allowing of such  extraordinary interest is attended with more  danger than another, it  must be this: which is so

particularly  adapted to the situation of the  lowest poor, that is, of those  who, on the score of indigence or

simplicity, or both, are most  open to imposition. This trade however  the law, by regulating,  avowedly

protects. What the rate of interest  is, which it allows  to be taken in this way, I can not take upon me to

remember: but  I am much deceived, if it amounts to less than 12 per  cent in the  year, and I believe it amounts

to a good deal more.  Whether it  were 12 per cent or 1200, I believe would make in practice  but  little

difference. What commission is in the business of drawing  and redrawing, warehouseroom is, in that of

pawnbroking.  Whatever  limits then are set to the profits of this trade, are  set, I take it,  not by the vigilancy of

the law, but, as in the  case of other trades,  by the competition amongst the traders. Of  the other regulations

contained in the acts relative to this  subject, I recollect no reason  to doubt the use. 

The other instance is that of bottomry and respondentia: for  the  two transactions, being so nearly related, may

be spoken of  together.  Bottomry is the usury of pawnbroking: respondentia is  usury at large,  but combined in

a manner with insurance, and  employed in the  assistance of a trade carried on by sea. If any  species of usury

is to  be condemned, I see not on what grounds  this particular species can be  screened from the condemnation.

"Oh but" (says Sir William Blackstone,  or any body else who takes  upon himself the task of finding a reason

for the law) "this is a  maritime country, and the trade, which it  carries on by sea, is  the great bulwark of its

defence." It is not  necessary I should  here enquire, whether that branch, which, as Dr  Smith has shewn,  is, in

every view but the mere one of defence, less  beneficial to  a nation, than two others out of the four branches

which  comprehend all trade, has any claim to be preferred to them in  this  or any other way. I admit, that the

liberty which this  branch of trade  enjoys, is no more than what it is perfectly  right it should enjoy.  What I

want to know is, what there is in  the class of men, embarked in  this trade, that should render  beneficial to

them, a liberty, which  would be ruinous to every  body else. Is it that sea adventures have  less hazard on them

than land adventures? or that the sea teaches  those, who have to  deal with it, a degree of forecast and

rejection  which has been  denied to land men? 

It were easy enough to give farther and farther extension to  this  charge of inconsistency, by bringing under it

the liberty  given to  insurance in all its branches, to the purchase and sale  of annuities,  and of postobits, in a

word to all cases where a  man is permitted to  take upon himself an unlimited degree of  risk, receiving for so

doing  an unlimited compensation. Indeed I  know not where the want of  instances would stop me: for in what

part of the magazine of events,  about which human transactions  are conversant, is certainty to be  found? But

to this head of  argument, this argument ad hominem, as it  may be called, the Use  of which is but subsidiary,

and which has more  of confutation in  it than of persuasion or instruction, I willingly  put an end. 

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LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed. 14


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LETTER IX Blackstone considered.

I hope you are, by this time, at least, pretty much of my  opinion,  that there is just the same sort of harm, and

no other,  in making the  best terms one can for one's self in a money loan,  as there is in any  other sort of

bargain. If you are not,  Blackstone however is, whose  opinion I hope you will allow to be  worth something.

In speaking of  the rate of interest,(3*) he  starts a parallel between a bargain for  the loan of money, and a

bargain about a horse, and pronounces,  without hesitation, that  the harm of making too good a bargain, is  just

as great in the  one case, as in the other. As moneylending, and  not  horsedealing. was, what you lawyers

call, the principal case, he  drops the horsebusiness, as soon as it has answered the purpose  of  illustration,

which it was brought to serve. But as, in my  conception,  as well the reasoning by which he supports the

decision, as that by  which any body else could have supported it,  is just as applicable to  the one sort of

bargain as to the other,  I will carry on the parallel  a little farther, and give the same  extent to the reasoning, as

to the  position which it is made use  of to support. This extension will not  be without its use; for if  the

position, when thus extended, should be  found just, a  practical inference will arise; which is, that the  benefits

of  these restraints ought to be extended from the moneytrade  to the  horsetrade. That my own opinion is not

favourable to such  restraints in either case, has been sufficiently declared; but if  more respectable opinions

than mine are still to prevail. they  will  not be the less respectable for being consistent. 

The sort of bargain which the learned commentator has  happened to  pitch upon for the illustration, is indeed,

in the  case illustrating,  as in the case illustrated. a loan: but as, to  my apprehension, loan  or sale makes, in

point of reasoning, no  sort of difference, and as  the utility of the conclusion will, in  the latter case, be more

extensive. I shall adapt the reasoning  to the more important business  of selling horses, instead of the  less

important one of lending them. 

A circumstance, that would render the extension of these  restraints. to the horsetrade more smooth and easy.

is, that in  the  one track, as well as in the other, the public has already  got the  length of calling names.

Jockeyship, a term of reproach  not less  frequently applied to the arts of those who sell horses  than to the  arts

of those who ride them, sounds, I take it, to  the ear of many a  worthy gentleman, nearly as bad as usury: and

it is well known to all  those who put their trust in proverbs,  and not less to those who put  their trust in party,

that when we  have got a dog to hang, who is  troublesome and keeps us at bay,  whoever can contrive to fasten

a bad  name to his tail, has gained  more than half the battle. I now proceed  with my application. The  words in

italics are my own: all the rest are  Sir William  Blackstone's: and I restore, at bottom, the words I was  obliged

to discard, in order to make room for mine. 

"To demand an exorbitant price is equally contrary to  conscience,  for the loan of a horse, or for the loan of a

sum of  money. but a  reasonable equivalent for the temporary  inconvenience, which the owner  may feel by the

want of it, and  for the hazard of his losing it  entirely, is not more immoral in  one case than in the other... 

"As to selling horses, a capital distinction must be made,  between  a moderate and an exorbitant profit: to the

former of  which we give  the name of horsedealing,(4*) to the latter the  truly odious  appellation of

jockeyship:(5*) the former is  necessary in every civil  state, if it were but to exclude the  latter. For, as the

whole of this  matter is well summed up by  Grotius, if the compensation allowed by  law does not exceed the

proportion of the inconvenience which it is to  the seller of the  horse to part with it,(6*) or the want which the

buyer has of  it,(7*) its allowance is neither repugnant to the  revealed law,  nor to the natural law: but if it

exceeds these bounds,  it is  then an oppressive jockeyship:(8*) and though the municipal  laws  may give it

impunity, they never can make it just. 

"We see, that the exorbitance or moderation of the price  given for  a horse(9*) depends upon two

circumstances: upon the  inconvenience of  parting with the horse one has,(10*) and the  hazard of not being

able  to meet with such another.(11*) The  inconvenience to individual  sellers of horses,(12*) can never be

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LETTER IX Blackstone considered. 15


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estimated by laws; the general  price for horses(13*) must depend  therefore upon the usual or general

inconvenience. This results  entirely from the quantity of horses(14*)  in the kingdom: for the  more

horses(15*) there are running about(16*)  in any nation, the  greater superfluity there will be beyond what is

necessary to  carry on the business of the mail coaches(17*) and the  common  concerns of life. In every nation

or public community there is  a  certain quantity of horses(18*) then necessary, which a person  well  skilled in

political arithmetic might perhaps calculate as  exactly as  a private horsedealer(19*) can the demand for

running  horses in his  own stables:(20*) all above this necessary quantity  may be spared, or  lent, or sold,

without much inconvenience to  the respective lenders or  sellers: and the greater the national  superfluity is, the

more  numerous will be the sellers,(21*) and  the lower ought the national  price of horseflesh (22*) to be: but

where there are not enough, or  barely enough spare horses(23*) to  answer the ordinary uses of the  pubic,

horseflesh(24*) will be  proportionably high: for sellers(25*)  will be but few, as few can  submit to the

inconvenience of  selling."(26*)  So far the  learned commentator. 

I hope by this time you are worked up to a proper pitch of  indignation, at the neglect and inconsistency

betrayed by the  law, in  not suppressing this species of jockeyship, which it  would be so easy  to do, only by

fixing the price of horses.  Nobody is less disposed  than I am to be uncharitable: but when  one thinks of the

£1500 taken  for Eclipse, and £2000 for  Rockingham, and so on, who can avoid being  shocked, to think how

little regard those who took such enormous  prices must have had  for "the law of revelation and the law of

nature?" Whoever it is  that is to move for the municipal law, not long  ago talked of,  for reducing the rate of

interest, whenever that motion  is made,  then would be the rime for one of the Yorkshire members to  get  up,

and move, by way of addition, for a clause for fixing and  reducing the price of horses. I need not expatiate on

the  usefulness  of that valuable species of cattle, which might have  been as cheap as  asses before now, if our

lawgivers had been as  mindful of their duty  in the suppression of jockeyship, as they  have been in the

suppression of usury. 

It may be said, against fixing the price of horseflesh, that  different horses may be of different values. I

answer  and I  think  I shall shew you as much, when I come to touch upon the  subject of  champerty  not

more different than the values which  the use of the  same sum of money may be of to different persons,  on

different  occasions. 

LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury.

It is one thing, to find reasons why it is fit a law should  have  been made: it is another to find the reasons why

it was  made: in other  words, it is one thing to justify a law: it is  another thing to  account for its existence. In

the present  instance, the former task,  if the observations I have been  troubling you with are just, is an

impossible one. The other,  though not necessary for conviction, may  contribute something  perhaps in the way

of satisfaction. To trace an  error to its  fountain head, says lord Coke, is to refute it; and many  men  there are

who, till they have received this satisfaction, be the  error what it may, cannot prevail upon themselves to part

with  it.  "If our ancestors have been all along under a mistake, how  came they  to have fallen into it?" is a

question that naturally  presents itself  upon all such occasions. The case is, that in  matters of law more

especially, such is the dominion of authority  over our minds, and such  the prejudice it creates in favour of

whatever institution it has  taken under its wing, that, after all  manner of reasons that can be  thought of, in

favour of the  institution, have been shewn to be  insufficient, we still cannot  forbear looking to some

unassignable and  latent reason for its  efficient cause. But if, instead of any such  reason, we can find  a cause

for it in some notion, of the  erroneousness of which we  are already satisfied, then at last we are  content to

give it up  without further struggle; and then, and not till  then, our  satisfaction is compleat. 

In the conceptions of the more considerable part of those  through  whom our religion has been handed down

to us, virtue, or  rather  godliness, which was an improved substitute for virtue,  consisted in  selfdenial: not in

selfdenial for the sake of  society, but of  selfdenial for its own sake. One pretty general  rule served for most

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LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. 16


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occasions: not to do what you had a mind to  do; or, in other words,  not to do what would be for your

advantage. By this of course was  meant temporal advantage: to  which spiritual advantage was understood  to

be in constant and  diametrical opposition. For, the proof of a  resolution, on the  part of a being of perfect

power and benevolence,  to make his few  favourites happy in a state in which they were to be,  was his

determined pleasure, that they should keep themselves as much  strangers to happiness as possible, in the state

in which they  were.  Now to get money is what most men have a mind to do:  because he who  has money gets,

as far as it goes, most other  things that he has a  mind for. Of course nobody was to get money:  indeed why

should he,  when he was not so much as to keep what he  had got already? To lend  money at interest, is to get

money, or  at least to try to get it: of  course it was a bad thing to lend  money upon such terms. The better  the

terms, the worse it was to  lend upon them: but it was bad to lend  upon any terms, by which  any thing could

be got. What made it much the  worse was, that it  was acting like a Jew: for though all Christians at  first were

Jews, and continued to do as Jews did, after they had  become  Christians, yet, in process of time, it came to be

discovered,  that the distance between the mother and the daughter church  could  not be too wide. 

By degrees, as old conceits gave place to new, nature so far  prevailed, that the objections to getting money in

general, were  pretty well overruled: but still this Jewish way of getting it,  was  too odious to be endured.

Christians were too intent upon  plaguing  Jews, to listen to the suggestion of doing as Jews did,  even though

money were to be got by it. Indeed the easier method,  and a method  pretty much in vogue, was, to let the

Jews get the  money any how they  could, and then squeeze it out of them as it  was wanted. 

In process of time, as questions of all sorts came under  discussion, and this, not the least interesting, among

the rest,  the  antiJewish side of it found no unopportune support in a  passage of  Aristotle: that celebrated

heathen, who, in all  matters wherein  heathenism did not destroy his competence, had  established a despotic

empire over the Christian world. As fate  would have it, that great  philosopher, with all his industry, and  all

his penetration,  notwithstanding the great number of pieces  of money that had passed  through his hands

(more perhaps than  ever passed through the hands of  philosopher before or since),  and notwithstanding the

uncommon pains  he had bestowed on the  subject of generation, had never been able to  discover, in any  one

piece of money, any organs for generating any  other such  piece. Emboldened by so strong a body of negative

proof, he  ventured at last to usher into the world the result of his  observations, in the form of an universal

proposition, that all  money  is in its nature barren. You, my friend, to whose cast of  mind sound  reason is

much more congenial than ancient philosophy,  you have, I  dare to say, gone before me in remarking, that the

practical inference  from this shrewd observation, if it afforded  any, should have been,  that it would be to no

purpose for a man  to try to get five per cent  out of money  not, that if he could  contrive to get so much,

there  would be any harm in it. But the  sages of those days did not view the  matter in that light. 

A consideration that did not happen to present itself to that  great philosopher, but which had it happened to

present itself,  might  not have been altogether unworthy of his notice, is, that  though a  daric would not beget

another daric, any more than it  would a ram, or  an ewe, yet for a daric which a man borrowed, he  might get a

ram and a  couple of ewes, and that the ewes, were the  ram left with them a  certain time, would probably not

be barren.  That then, at the end of  the year, he would find himself master  of his three sheep, together  with

two, if not three, lambs; and  that, if he sold his sheep again to  pay back his daric, and gave  one of his lambs

for the use of it in the  mean time, he would be  two lambs, or at least one lamb, richer than if  he had made no

such bargain. 

These theological and philosophical conceits, the offspring  of the  day, were not ill seconded by principles of

a more  permanent  complexion. 

The business of a moneylender, though only among Christians,  and  in Christian times, a proscribed

profession, has no where,  nor at any  time, been a popular one. Those who have the  resolution to sacrifice  the

present to future, are natural  objects of envy to those who have  sacrificed the future to the  present. The

children who have eat their  cake are the natural  enemies of the children who have theirs. While  the money is

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LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. 17


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hoped  for, and for a short time after it has been  received, he who  lends it is a friend and benefactor: by the

time the  money is  spent, and the evil hour of reckoning is come, the benefactor  is  found to have changed his

nature, and to have put on the tyrant  and the oppressor. It is an oppression for a man to reclaim his  own

money: it is none to keep it from him. Among the  inconsiderate, that  is among the great mass of mankind,

selfish  affections conspire with  the social in treasuring up all favour  for the man of dissipation, and  in

refusing justice to the man of  thrift who has supplied him. In some  shape or other that favour  attends the

chosen object of it, through  every stage of his  career. But, in no stage of his career, can the man  of thrift  come

in for any share of it. It is the general interest of  those  with whom a man lives, that his expence should be at

least as  great as his circumstances will bear. because there are few  expences  which a man can launch into, but

what the benefit of it  is shared, in  some proportion or other, by those with whom he  lives. In that circle

originates a standing law, forbidding every  man, on pain of infamy, to  confine his expences Within what is

adjudged to be the measure of his  means, saving always the power  of exceeding that limit, as much as he

thinks proper: and the  means assigned him by that law may be ever so  much beyond his  real means, but are

sure never to fall short of them.  So close is  the combination thus formed between the idea of merit and  the

idea of expenditure, that a disposition to spend finds favour in  the eyes even of those who know that a man's

circumstances do not  entitle him to the means: and an upstart, whose chief  recommendation  is this

disposition, shall find himself to have  purchased a permanent  fund of respect, to the prejudice of the  very

persons at whose expence  he has been gratifying his  appetites and his pride. The lustre, which  the display of

borrowed wealth has diffused over his character; awes  men, during  the season of his prosperity, into a

submission to his  insolence:  and when the hand of adversity has overtaken him at last,  the  recollection of the

height, from which he has fallen, throw the  veil of compassion over his injustice. 

The condition of the man of thrift is the reverse. His  lasting  opulence procures him a share, at least, of the

same  envy, that  attends the prodigal's transient display: but the use  he makes of it  procures him no part of the

favour which attends  the prodigal. In the  satisfactions he derives from that use, the  pleasure of possession,

and the idea of enjoying, at some distant  period, which may never  arrive, nobody comes in for any share. In

the midst of his opulence he  is regarded as a kind of insolvent,  who refuses to honour the bills,  which their

rapacity would draw  upon him, and who is by so much the  more criminal than other  insolvents, as not having

the plea of  inability for an excuse. 

Could there be any doubt of the disfavour which attends the  cause  of the moneylender, in his competition

with the borrower,  and of the  disposition of the public judgment to sacrifice the  interest of the  former to that

of the latter, the stage would  afford a compendious,  but a pretty conclusive proof of it. It is  the business of the

dramatist to study, and to conform to, the  humours and passions of  those, on the pleasing of whom he

depends  for his success: it is the  course which reflection must suggest  to every man, and which a man  would

naturally fall into, though  he were not to think about it. He  may, and very frequently does,  make magnificent

pretences, of giving  the law to them: but wo be  to him that attempts to give them any other  law than what

they  are disposed already to receive. If he would  attempt to lead them  one inch, it must be with great caution,

and not  without  suffering himself to be led by them at least a dozen. Now, I  question, whether, among all the

instances in which a borrower  and a  lender of money have been brought together upon the stage,  from the  the

days of Thespis to the present, there ever was one,  in which the  former was not recommended to favour in

some shape  or other, either to  admiration, or to love, or to pity, or to all  three; and the other,  the man of thrift,

consigned to infamy. 

Hence it is that, in reviewing and adjusting the interests of  these apparently rival parties, the advantage made

by the  borrower is  so apt to slip out of sight, and that made by the  lender to appear in  so exaggerated a point

of view. Hence it is,  that though prejudice is  so far softened as to acquiesce in the  lender's making some

advantage,  lest the borrower should lose  altogether the benefit of his  assistance, yet still the borrower  is to

have all the favour, and the  lender's advantage is for ever  to be clipped, and pared down, as low  as it will

bear. First it  was to be confined to ten per cent, then to  eight, then to six,  then to five, and now lately there

was a report of  its being to  be brought down to four. with constant liberty to sink as  much  lower as it would.

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LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. 18


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The burthen of these restraints, of course,  has been intended exclusively for the lender: in reality, as I  think

you have seen, it presses much more heavily upon the  borrower: I mean  him who either becomes or in vain

wishes to  become so. But the  presents directed by prejudice, Dr Smith will  tell us, are not always  delivered

according to their address. It  was thus that the millstone  designed for the necks of those  vermin, as they

have been called, the  dealers in corn, was found  to fall upon the heads of the consumers. It  is thus  but

further examples would lead me further from the  purpose. 

LETTER XI Compound Interest.

A word or two I must trouble you with, concerning compound  interest; for compound interest is

discountenanced by the law. I  suppose, as a sort of usury. That, without an express  stipulation,  the law never

gives it, I well remember: whether, in  case. of an  express stipulation, the law allows it to be taken, I  am not

absolutely certain. I should suppose it might: remembering  covenants  in mortgages that interest should

become principal. At  any rate, I  think the law cannot well punish it under the name of  usury. 

If the discountenance shewn to this arrangement be grounded  on the  horror of the sin of usury, the

impropriety of such  discountenance  follows of course, from the arguments which shew  the un "sinfulness  of

that sin." 

Other argument against it, I believe, was never attempted,  unless  it were the giving to such an arrangement

the epithet of a  hard one:  in doing which, something more like a reason is given,  than one gets  in ordinary

from the common law. 

If that consistency were to be found in the common law, which  has  never yet been found in man's conduct,

and which perhaps is  hardly in  man's nature, compound interest never could have been  denied. 

The views which suggested this denial, were, I dare to say,  very  good: the effects of it are, I am certain, very


If the borrower pays the interest at the day, if he performs  his  engagement, that very engagement to which the

aw pretends to  oblige  him to conform, the lender, who receives that interest,  makes compound  interest of

course, by lending it out again,  unless he chooses rather  to expend it: he expects to receive it  at the day, or

what meant the  engagement? if he fails of  receiving it, he is by so much a loser. The  borrower, by paying  it at

the day, is no loser: if he does not pay it  at the day, he  is by so much a gainer: a pain of disappointment takes

place in  the case of the one, while no such pain takes place in the  case  of the other. The cause of him whose

contention is to catch a  gain, is thus preferred to that of him whose contention is to  avoid a  loss: contrary to

the reasonable and useful maxim of that  branch of  the common law which has acquired the name of equity.

The gain, which  the law in its tenderness thus bestows on the  defaulter, is an  encouragement, a reward, which

it holds out for  breach of faith, for  iniquity, for indolence, for negligence. 

The loss, which it thus throws upon the forbearing lender, is  a  punishment which it inflicts on him for his

forbearance: the  power  which it gives him of avoiding that loss, by prosecuting  the borrower  upon the instant

of failure, is thus converted into  a reward which it  holds out to him for his hardheartedness and  rigour. Man

is not quite  so good as it were to be wished he were;  but he would be bad indeed,  were he bad on all the

occasions  where the law, as far as depends on  her, has made it his interest  so to be. 

It may be impossible, say you, it often is impossible, for  the  borrower to pay the interest at the day: and you

say truly.  What is  the inference? That the creditor should not have it in  his power to  ruin the debtor for not

paying at the day, and that  he should receive  a compensation for the loss occasioned by such  failure.  He

has it  in his power to ruin him, and he has it not  in his power to obtain  such compensation. The judge, were it

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LETTER XI Compound Interest. 19


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possible for a arrested debtor  to find his way into a judge's  chamber instead of a spunginghouse,  might

award a proper  respite, suited to the circumstances of the  parties. It is not  possible: but a respite is purchased,

proper or not  proper,  perhaps at ten times, perhaps at a hundred times the expence  of  compound interest, by

putting in bail, and fighting the creditor  through all the windings of mischievous and unnecessary delay. Of

the  satisfaction due either for the original failure, or for the  subsequent vexation by which it has been

aggravated, no part is  ever  received by the injured creditor: but the instruments of the  law  receive, perhaps at

his expence, perhaps at the debtor's,  perhaps ten  times, perhaps a hundred times the amount of that

satisfaction. Such  is the result of this tenderness of the law. 

It is in consequence of such tenderness that on so many  occasions  a man, though ever so able, would find

himself a loser  by paying his  just debts: those very debts of which. the law has  recognized the  justice. The

man who obeys the dictates of common  honesty, the man who  does what the law pretends to bid him, is

wanting to himself. Hence  your regular and securely profitable  writs of error in the house of  lords: hence your

random and  vindictive costs of one hundred pounds,  and two hundred pounds,  now and then given in that

house. It is  natural, and it is  something, to find, in a company of lords, a zeal  for justice: it  is not natural, to

find, in such a company, a  disposition to bend  down to the toil of calculation. 

LETTER XII Maintenance and Champerty.

Having in the preceding letters had occasion to lay down,  and, as  I flatter myself, to make good, the general

principle,  that no man of  ripe years, and of sound mind, ought, out of  loving kindness to him,  to be hindered

from making such bargain,  in the way of obtaining  money, as, acting with his eyes open, he  deems conducive

to his  interest, I will take your leave for  pushing it a little farther, and  extending the application of it  to

another class of regulations still  less defensible. I mean the  antique laws against what are called  Maintenance

and Champerty. 

To the head of Maintenance, I think you refer, besides other  offences which are not to the present purpose,

that of  purchasing,  upon any terms, any claim, which it requires a suit  at law, or in  equity, to enforce. 

Champerty, which is but a particular modification of this sin  of  Maintenance, is, I think, the furnishing a man

who has such a  claim,  with regard to a real estate, such money as he may have  occasion for,  to carry on such

claim, upon the terms of receiving  a part of the  estate in case of success. 

What the penalties are for these offences I do not recollect,  nor  do I think it worth while hunting for them,

though I have  Blackstone  at my elbow. They are, at any rate, sufficiently  severe to answer the  purpose, the

rather as the bargain is made  void. 

To illustrate the mischievousness of the laws by which they  have  been created, give me leave to tell you a

story, which is  but too true  an one, and which happened to fall within my own  observation. 

A gentleman of my acquaintance had succeeded, during his  minority,  to an estate of about £3,000 a year; I

won't say where.  His guardian,  concealing from him the value of the estate, which  circumstances  rendered it

easy for him to do, got a conveyance of  it from him,  during his nonage, for a trifle. Immediately upon  the

ward's coming of  age, the guardian, keeping him still in  darkness, found means to get  the conveyance

confirmed. Some years  afterwards, the ward discovered  the value of the inheritance he  had been throwing

away. Private  representations proving, as it  may be imagined, ineffectual, he  applied to a court of equity.  The

suit was in some forwardness: the  opinion of the ablest  counsel highly encouraging: but money there

remained none. We all  know but too well, that, in spite of the  unimpeachable integrity  of the bench, that

branch of justice, which is  particularly  dignified with the name of equity, is only for those who  can  afford to

throw away one fortune for the chance of recovering  another. Two persons, however, were found, who,

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between them,  were  content to defray the expence of the ticket for this  lottery, on  condition of receiving half

the prize. The prospect  now became  encouraging: when unfortunately one of the  adventurers, in exploring  the

recesses of the bottomless pit,  happened to dig up one of the old  statutes against Champerty.  This blew up the

whole project: however  the defendant,  understanding that, some how or other, his antagonist  had found

support, had thought fit in the mean time to propose terms,  which  the plaintiff, after his support had thus

dropped from under  him,  was very glad to close with. He received, I think it was, £3,000:  and for that he gave

up the estate, which was worth about as much  yearly, together with the arrears, which were worth about as

much  as  the estate. 

Whether, in the barbarous age which gave birth to these  barbarous  precautions, whether, even under the

zenith of feudal  anarchy, such  fettering regulations could have had reason on  their side, is a  question of

curiosity rather than use. My notion  is, that there never  was a time, that there never could have  been, or can

be a time, when  the pushing of suitors away from  court with one hand, while they are  beckoned into. it with

another, would not be a policy equally  faithless, inconsistent,  and absurd. But, what every body must

acknowledge, is, that, to  the times which called forth these laws, and  in which alone they  could have started

up, the present are as opposite  as light to  darkness. A mischief, in those times, it seems, but too  common,

though a mischief not to be cured by such laws, was, that a  man  would buy a weak claim, in hopes that

power. might convert it  into a strong one, and that the sword of a baron, stalking into  court  with a rabble of

retainers at his heels, might strike  terror into the  eyes of a judge upon the bench. At present, what  cares an

English  judge for the swords of an hundred  barons?  Neither fearing nor  hoping, hating nor loving, the

judge  of our days is ready with equal  phlegm to administer, upon all  occasions, that system, whatever it be,  of

justice, or injustice,  which the law has put into his hands. A  disposition so consonant  to duty could not have

then been hoped for  one more consonant is  hardly to be wished. Wealth has indeed the  monopoly of justice

against poverty: and such monopoly it is the  direct tendency and  necessary effect of regulations like these to

strengthen and  confirm. But with this monopoly no judge that lives now  is at all  chargeable. The law created

this monopoly: the law, whenever  it  pleases, may dissolve it. 

I will not however so far wander from my subject as to  enquire  what measure might have been necessary to

afford a full  relief to the  case of that unfortunate gentleman, any more than  to the cases of so  many other

gentlemen who might be found, as  unfortunate as he. I will  not insist upon so strange and so  inconceivable an

arrangement, as  that of the judge's seeing both  parties face to face in the first  instance, observing what the

facts are in dispute, and declaring, that  as the facts should  turn out this way or that way, such or such would

be his decree.  At present, I confine myself to the removal of such  part of the  mischief, as may arise from the

general conceit of keeping  men  out of difficulties, by cutting them off from such means of  relief as each

man's situation may afford. A spunge in this, as  in so  many other cases, is the only needful, and only availing

remedy: one  stroke of it for the musty laws against maintenance  and champerty:  another for the more recent

ones against usury.  Consider, for example,  what would have respectively been the  effect of two such strokes,

in  the case of the unfortunate  gentleman I have been speaking of. By the  first, if what is  called equity has any

claim to confidence, he would  have got,  even after paying off his champertyusurers, £1500 a year in  land,

and about as much in money: instead of getting, and that  only  by an accident, £3000 once told. By the other,

there is no  saving to  what a degree he might have been benefited. May I be  allowed to  stretch so far in favour

of the law as to suppose,  that so small a sum  as £500 would have carried him through his  suit, in the course of

about three years? I am sensible, that may  be thought but a short sum,  and this but a short term, for a suit  in

equity: but, for the purpose  of illustration, it may serve as  well as a longer. Suppose he had  sought this

necessary sum in the  way of borrowing; and had been so  fortunate, or, as the laws  against the sin of usury

would stile it, so  unfortunate, as to  get it at 200 per cent. He would then have  purchased his £6000 a  year at

the price of half as much once paid,  viz, £3000; instead  of selling it at that price. Whether, if no such  laws

against  usury had been in being, he could have got the money,  even at  that rate, I will not pretend to say:

perhaps he might not  have  got it under ten times that rate, perhaps he might have got it at  the tenth part of that

rate. Thus far, I think, we may say, that  he  might, and probably would, have been the better for the repeal  of

those laws: but thus far we must say, that it is impossible he  should  have been the worse. The terms, upon

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which he met with  adventurers  willing to relieve him, though they come not within  that scanty field,  which

the law, in the narrowness of its views,  calls usury, do, in the  present case, at twenty years purchase of  the

£3000 a year he was  content to have sacrificed for such  assistance, amount, in effect, to  4000 per cent.

Whether it was  likely that any man, who was disposed to  venture his money, at  all, upon such a chance,

would have thought of  insisting upon  such a rate of interest, I will leave you to imagine:  but thus  much may

be said with confidence, because the fact  demonstrates  it, that, at a rate not exceeding this, the sum would

actually  have been supplied. Whatever becomes then of the laws against  maintenance and champerty, the

example in question, when applied  to  the laws against usury, ought, I think, to be sufficient to  convince  us,

that so long as the expence of seeking relief at law  stands on its  present footing, the purpose of seeking that

relief  will, of itself,  independently of every other, afford a  sufficient ground for allowing  any man, or every

man, to borrow  money on any terms on which he can  obtain it.  Crichoff,  in White Russia,  March 1 787. 

LETTER XIII To Dr. Smith, on Projects in Arts, etc.


I forget what son of controversy it was, among the Greeks,  who  having put himself to school to a professor of

eminence, to  learn  what, in those days, went by the name of wisdom, chose an  attack upon  his master for the

first public specimen of his  proficiency. This  specimen, whatever entertainment it might have  afforded to the

audience, afforded, it may be supposed, no great  satisfaction to the  master: for the thesis was, that the pupil

owed him nothing for his  pains. For my part, being about to shew  myself in one respect as  ungrateful as the

Greek, it may be a  matter of prudence for me to look  out for something like candour  by way of covering to

my ingratitude:  instead therefore of  pretending to owe you nothing, I shall begin with  acknowledging,  that, as

far as your track coincides with mine, I  should come  much nearer the truth, were I to say I owed you every

thing.  Should it be my fortune to gain any advantage over you, it must  be with weapons which you have

taught me to wield, and with which  you  yourself have furnished me: for, as all the great standards  of truth,

which can be appealed to in this line, owe, as far as I  can  understand, their establishment to you, I can see

scarce any  other way  of convicting you of any error or oversight, than by  judging you out  of your own mouth. 

In the series of letters to which this will form a sequel, I  had  travelled nearly thus far in my researches into

the policy of  the laws  fixing the rate of interest, combating such arguments as  fancy rather  than observation

had suggested to my view, when, on  a sudden,  recollection presented me with your formidable image,

bestriding the  ground over which I was travelling pretty much at  my ease, and  opposing the shield of your

authority to any  arguments I could  produce. 

It was a reflection mentioned by Cicero as affording him some  com.  fort, that the employment his talents till

that time had met  with, had  been chiefly on the defending side. How little soever  blest, on any  occasion, with

any portion of his eloquence, I may,  on the present  occasion, however, indulge myself with a portion  of what

constituted  his comfort: for, if I presume to contend  with you, it is only in  defence of what I look upon as, not

only  an innocent, but a most  meritorious race of men, who are so  unfortunate as to have fallen  under the rod

of your displeasure.  I mean projectors: under which  inviduous name I understand you to  comprehend, in

particular, all such  persons as, in the pursuit of  wealth, strike out into any new channel,  and more especially

into  any channel of invention. 

It is with the professed view of checking, or rather of  crushing,  these adventurous spirits, whom you rank

with  "prodigals", that you  approve of the laws which limit the rate of  interest, grounding  yourself on the

tendency, they appear to you  to have, to keep the  capital of the country out of two such  different sets of


The passage, I am speaking of, is in the fourth chapter of  your  second book, volume the second of the 8vo

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edition of 1784.  "The legal  rate" (you say) "it is to be observed, though it ought  to be somewhat  above, ought

not to be much above, the lowest  market rate. If the  legal rate of interest in Great Britain, for  example, was

fixed so  high as eight or ten per cent. the greater  part of the money which was  to be lent, would be lent to

prodigals and projectors, who alone would  be willing to give this  high interest. Sober people, who will give

for  the use of money  no more than a part of what they are likely to make  by the use of  it, would not venture

into the competition. A great part  of the  capital of the country would thus be kept out of the hands  which

were most likely to make a profitable and advantageous use of  it,  and thrown into those which were most

likely to waste and destroy  it. Where the legal interest, on the contrary, is fixed but a  very  little above the

lowest market rate, sober people are  universally  preferred as borrowers, to prodigals and projectors.  The

person who  lends money, gets nearly as much interest from the  former, as he dares  to take from the latter, and

his money is  much safer in the hands of  the one set of people than in those of  the other. A great part of the

capital of the country is thus  thrown into the hands in which it is  most likely to be employed  with advantage." 

It happens fortunately for the side you appear to have taken,  and  as unfortunately for mine, that the

appellative, which the  custom of  the language has authorized you, and which the poverty  and perversity  of

the language has in a manner forced you, to  make use of, is one,  which, along with the idea of the sort of

persons in question, conveys  the idea of reprobation, as  indiscriminately and deservedly applied to  them.

With what  justice or consistency, or by the influence of what  causes, this  stamp of indiscriminate reprobation

has been thus  affixed, it is  not immediately necessary to enquire. But, that it does  stand  thus affixed, you and

every body else, I imagine, will be ready  enough to allow. This being the case, the question stands already

decided, in the first instance at least, if not irrevocably, in  the  judgments of all those, who, unable or

unwilling to be at the  pains of  analysing their ideas, suffer their minds to be led  captive by the  tyranny of

sounds; that is, I doubt, of by far the  greater proportion  of those whom we are likely to have to judge  us. In

the conceptions of  all such persons, to ask whether it be  fit to restrain projects and  projectors, will be as much

as to  ask, whether it be fit to restrain  rashness, and folly, and  absurdity, and knavery, and waste. 

Of prodigals I shall say no more at present. I have already  stated  my reasons for thinking, that it is not among

them that we  are to look  for the natural customers for money at high rates of  interest. As far  as those reasons

are conclusive, it will follow,  that, of the two  sorts of men you mention as proper objects of  the burthen of

these  restraints, prodigals and projectors, that  burthen falls exclusively  on the latter. As to these, what your

definition is of projectors, and  what descriptions of persons you  meant to include under the censure  conveyed

by that name, might  be material for the purpose of judging of  the propriety of that  censure, but makes no

difference in judging of  the propriety of  the law, which that censure is employed to justify.  Whether you

yourself, were the several classes of persons made to pass  before  you in review, would be disposed to pick

out this or that  class,  or this and that individual, in order to exempt them from such  censure, is what for that

purpose we have no need to enquire. The  law, it is certain, makes no such distinctions: it falls with  equal

weight, and with all its weight, upon all those persons,  without  distinction to whom the term Projectors, in the

most  unpartial and  extensive signification of which it is capable, can  be applied. It  falls at any rate (to repeat

some of the words of  my former  definition), upon all such persons, as, in the pursuit  of wealth, or  even of any

other object, endeavour, by the  assistance of wealth, to  strike into any channel of invention. It  falls upon all

such persons,  as, in the cultivation of any of  those arts which have been by way of  eminence termed useful,

direct their endeavours to any of those  departments in which  their utility shines most conspicuous and

indubitable; upon all  such persons as, in the line of any of their  pursuits, aim at any  thing that can be called

improvement; whether it  consist in the  production of any new article adapted to man's use, or  in the

meliorating the quality, or diminishing the expence, of any of  those which are already known to us. It falls, in

short, upon  every  application of the human powers, in which ingenuity stands  in need of  wealth for its


High and extraordinary rates of interest, how little soever  adapted to the situation of the prodigal, are

certainly, as you  very  justly observe, particularly adapted to the situation of the  projector: not however to that

of the imprudent projector only,  nor  even to his case more than another's, but to that of the  prudent and

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wellgrounded projector, if the existence of such a  being were to be  supposed. Whatever be the prudence or

other  qualities of the project,  in whatever circumstance the novelty of  it may lie, it has this  circumstance

against it, viz. that it is  new. But the rates of  interest, the highest rates allowed, are,  as you expressly say they

are, and as you would have them to be,  adjusted to the situation which  the sort of trader is in, whose  trade

runs in the old channels, and to  the best security which  such channels can afford. But in the nature of  things,

no new  trade, no trade carried on in any new channel, can  afford a  security equal to that which may be

afforded by a trade  carried  on in any of the old ones: in whatever light the matter might  appear to perfect

intelligence, in the eye of every prudent  person,  exerting the best powers of judging which the fallible

condition of  the human faculties affords, the novelty of any  commercial adventure  will oppose a chance of ill

success,  superadded to every one which  could attend the same, or any  other, adventure, already tried, and

proved to be profitable by  experience. 

The limitation of the profit that is to be made, by lending  money  to persons embarked in trade, will render the

monied man  more anxious,  you may say, about the goodness of his security,  and accordingly more  anxious to

satisfy himself respecting the  prudence of a project in the  carrying on of which the money is to  be employed,

than he would be  otherwise: and in this way it may  be thought that these laws have a  tendency to pick out the

good  projects from the bad, and favour the  former at the expence of  the latter. The first of these positions I

admit: but I can never  admit the consequence to follow. A prudent man,  (I mean nothing  more than a man of

ordinary prudence) a prudent man  acting under  the sole governance of prudential motives, I still say  will not,

in these circumstances, pick out the good projects from the  bad,  for he will not meddle with projects at all. He

will pick out  oldestablished trades from all sorts of projects, good and bad;  for  with a new project, be it ever

so promisiug, he never will  have any  thing to do. By every man that has money, five per cent.  or whatever  be

the highest legal rate, is at all times, and  always will be, to be  had upon the very best security, that the  best

and most prosperous  oldestablished trade can afford.  Traders in general, I believe, it is  commonly

understood, are  well enough inclined to enlarge their  capital, as far as all the  money they can borrow at the

highest legal  rate, while that rate  is so low as 5 per cent., will enlarge it. How  it is possible  therefore for a

project, be it ever so promising, to  afford, to a  lender at any such rate of interest, terms equally  advantageous,

upon the whole, with those he might be sure of obtaining  from an  oldestablished business, is more than I

can conceive. loans  of  money may certainly chance, now and then, to find their way into  the pockets of

projectors as well as of other men: but when this  happens it must be through incautiousness, or friendship, or

the  expectation of some collateral benefit, and not through any idea  of  the advantageousness of the

transaction, in the light of a  pecuniary  bargain. 

I should not expect to see it alledged. that there is any  thing,  that should render the number of wellgrounded

projects,  in comparison  of the illgrounded, less in time future, than it  has been in time  past. I am sure at least

that I know of no  reasons why it should be  so, though I know of some reasons, which  I shall beg leave to

submit  to you by and by, which appear to me  pretty good ones, why the  advantage should be on the side of

futurity. But, unless the stock of  wellgrounded projects is  already spent, and the whole stock of

illgrounded projects that  ever were possible, are to be looked for  exclusively in the time  to come, the

censure you have passed on  projectors, measuring  still the extent of it by that of the operation  of the laws in

the defence of which it is employed, looks as far  backward as  forward: it condemns as rash and illgrounded,

all those  projects: by which our species have been successively advanced  from  that state in which acorns

were their food, and raw hides  their  cloathing, to the state in which it stands at present: for  think, Sir,  let me

beg of you, whether whatever is now the  routine of trade was  not, at its commencement, project? whether

whatever is now  establishment, was not, at one time, innovation? 

How it is that the tribe of wellgrounded projects, and of  prudent  projectors (if by this time I may have your

leave for  applying this  epithet to some at least among the projectors of  time past), have  managed to struggle

through the obstacles which  the laws in question  have been holding in their way, it is  neither easy to know,

nor  necessary to enquire. Manifest enough,  I think, it must be by this  time, that difficulties, and those  not

inconsiderable ones, those laws  must have been holding up, in  the way of projects of all sorts, of

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improvement (if I may say  so) in every line, so long as they have had  existence: reasonable  therefore it must

be to conclude, that, had it  not been for these  discouragements, projects of all sorts,  wellgrounded and

successful ones, as well as others, would have been  more numerous  than they have been: and that

accordingly, on the other  hand, as  soon, if ever, as these discouragements shall be removed,  projects of all

sorts, and among the rest, wellgrounded and  successful ones, will be more numerous than they would

otherwise  have  been: in short, that, as, without these discouragements, the  progress  of mankind in the career

of prosperity, would have been  greater than  it has been under them in time past, so, were they  to be removed,

it  would be at least proportionably greater in  time future. 

That I have done you no injustice, in assigning to your idea  of  projectors so great a latitude, and that the

unfavourable  opinion you  have professed to entertain of them is not confined  to the above  passage, might be

made, I think, pretty apparent, if  it be material,  by another passage in the tenth chapter of your  first

book.(27*) "The  establishment of any new manufacture, of  any new branch of commerce,  or of any new

practice in  agriculture," all these you comprehend by  name under the list of  "projects": of every one of them

you observe,  that "it is a  speculation from which the projector promises himself  extraordinary profits. These

profits (you add) are sometimes very  great, and sometimes, more frequently perhaps, they are quite

otherwise. but in general they bear no regular proportion to  those of  other old trades in the neighbourhood. If

the project  succeeds, they  are commonly at first very high. When the trade or  practice becomes  thoroughly

established and well known, the  competition reduces them to  the level of other trades." But on  this head I

forbear to insist: nor  should I have taken this  liberty of giving you back your own words,  but in the hope of

seeing some alteration made in them in your next  edition, should  I be fortunate enough to find my sentiments

confirmed  by your's.  In other respects, what is essential to the publick, is,  what the  error is in the sentiments

entertained, not who it is that  entertains them. 

I know not whether the observations which I have been  troubling  you with, will be thought to need, or

whether they will  be thought to  receive, any additional support from those  comfortable positions, of  which

you have made such good and such  frequent use, concerning the  constant tendency of mankind to get  forward

in the career of  prosperity, the prevalence of prudence  over imprudence, in the sum of  private conduct at

least, and the  superior fitness of individuals for  managing their own pecuniary  concerns, of which they know

the  particulars and the  circumstances, in comparison of the legislator,  who can have no  such knowledge. I

will make the experiment: for, so  long as I  have the mortification to see you on the opposite side, I  can  never

think the ground I have taken strong enough, while any  thing remains that appears capable of rendering it still


"With regard to misconduct, the number of prudent and  successful  undertakings" (you observe(28*)) "is

every where much  greater than  that of injudicious and unsuccessful ones. After all  our complaints of  the

frequency of bankruptcies, the unhappy men  who fall into this  misfortune make but a very small part of the

whole number engaged in  trade, and all other sorts of business;  not much more perhaps than one  in a


'Tis in support of this position that you appeal to history  for  the constant and uninterrupted progress of

mankind, in our  island at  least, in the career of prosperity: calling upon any  one who should  entertain a doubt

of the fact, to divide the  history into any number  of periods, from the time of Caesar's  visit down to the

present:  proposing for instance the respective  aeras of the Restoration, the  Accession of Elizabeth, that of

Henry VII, the Norman Conquest, and  the Heptarchy, and putting it  to the sceptic to find out, if he can,

among all these periods,  any one at which the condition of the country  was not more  prosperous than at the

period immediately preceding it;  spite of  so many wars, and fires, and plagues, and all other public

calamities, with which it has been at different times afflicted,  whether by the hand of God, or by the

misconduct of the  sovereign. No  very easy task, I believe: the fact is too manifest  for the most  jaundiced eye

to escape seeing it:  But what and  whom are we to  thank for it, but projects, and projectors? 

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"No," I think I hear you saying, "I will not thank projectors  for  it, I will rather thank the laws, which by fixing

the rates  of  interest have been exercising their vigilance in repressing  the  temerity of projectors, and

preventing their imprudence from  making  those defalcations from the sum of national prosperity  which it

would  not have failed to make, had it been left free.  If, during all these  periods, that adventurous race of men

had  been left at liberty by the  laws to give full scope to their rash  enterprizes, the increase of  national

prosperity during these  periods might have afforded some  ground for regarding them in a  more favourable

point of view. But the  fact is, that their  activity has had these laws to check it; without  which checks you

must give me leave to suppose, that the current of  prosperity, if  not totally stopt, or turned the other way,

would at  any rate  have been more or less retarded. Here then" (you conclude)  "lies  the difference between us:

what you look upon as the cause of  the  increase about which we are both agreed, I look upon as an  obstacle to

it: and what you look upon as the obstacle, I look  upon  as the cause." instead of starting this as a sort of plea

that might  be urged by you, I ought, perhaps, rather to have  mentioned it as what  might be urged by some

people in your place:  for as I do not imagine  your penetration would suffer you to rest  satisfied with it, still

less can I suppose that, if you were  not, your candour would allow you  to make use of it as if you  were. 

To prevent your resting satisfied with it, the following  considerations would I think be sufficient. 

In the first place, of the seven periods which you have  pitched  upon, as so many stages for the eye to rest at in

viewing  the progress  of prosperity, it is only during the three last,  that the country has  had the benefit, if such

we are to call it,  of these laws: for it is  to the reign of Henry VIII that we owe  the first of them. 

Here a multitude of questions might be started: Whether the  curbing of projectors formed any part of the

design of that first  statute, or whether the views of it were not wholly confined to  the  reducing the gains of

that obnoxious and envied class of men,  the  moneylenders? Whether projectors have been most abundant

before that  statute, or since that statute? And whether the  nation has suffered,  as you might saybenefited, as

I should say,  most by them, upon the  whole, during the former period or the  latter? All these discussions,  and

many more that might be  started, I decline engaging in, as more  likely to retard, than to  forward, our coming

to any agreement  conceiling the main  question. 

In the next place, I must here take the liberty of referring.  you  to the proof, which I think I have already

given, of the  proposition,  that the restraints in question could never have had  the effect, in  any degree, of

lessening the proportion of bad  projects to good ones,  but only of diminishing, as far as their  influence may

have extended,  the total number of projects, good  and bad together. Whatever  therefore was the general

tendency of  the projecting spirit previously  to the first of these laws, such  it must have remained ever since,

for  any effect which they could  have had in purifying and correcting it. 

But what may appear more satisfactory perhaps than both the  above  considerations, and may afford us the

best help towards  extricating  ourselves from the perplexity, which the plea I have  been combating  (and which

I thought it necessary to bring to  view, as the best that  could be urged) seems much better  calculated to

plunge us into, than  bring us out of, is, the  consideration of the small effect which the  greatest waste that  can

be conceived to have been made within any  compass of time, by  injudicious projects, can have had on the

sum of  prosperity, even  in the estimation of those whose opinion is most  unfavourable to  projectors, in

comparison of the effect which within  the same  compass of time must have been produced by prodigality. 

Of the two causes, and only two causes, which you mention, as  contributing to retard the accumulation of

national wealth, as  far as  the conduct of individuals is concerned, projecting, as I  observed  before, is the one,

and prodigality is the other: but  the detriment,  which society can receive even from the concurrent  efficacy of

both  these causes, you represent, on several  occasions, as inconsiderable;  and, if I do not misapprehend you,

too inconsiderable, either to need,  or to warrant, the  interposition of government to oppose it. Be this  as it

may with  regard to projecting and prodigality taken together,  with regard  to prodigality at least, I am certain I

do not  misapprehend you.  On this subject you ride triumphant, and chastise  the  "impertinence and

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presumption of kings and ministers," with a  tone of authority, which it required a courage like your's to

venture  upon, and a genius like your's to warrant a man to  assume.(29*) After  drawing the parallel between

private thrift  and public profusion, "It  is" (you conclude) "the highest  impertinence and presumption therefore

in kings and ministers to  pretend to watch over the economy of private  people, and to  restrain their expence,

either by sumptuary laws, or by  prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries. They are  themselves  always,

and without exception, the greatest  spendthrifts in the  society. let them look well after their own  expence, and

they may  safely trust private people with theirs. If  their own extravagance  does not ruin the state, that of their

subjects never will." 

That the employing the expedients you mention for restraining  prodigality, is indeed generally, perhaps even

without exception,  improper, and in many cases even ridiculous, I agree with you;  nor  will I here step aside

from my subject to defend from that  imputation  another mode suggested in a former part of these  papers. But

however  presumptuous and impertinent it may be for  the sovereign to attempt in  any way to check by legal

restraints  the prodigality of individuals,  to attempt to check their bad  management by such restraints seems

abundantly more so. To err in  the way of prodigality is the lot,  though, as you well observe,  not of many men,

in comparison of the  whole mass of mankind, yet  at least of any man: the stuff fit to make  a prodigal of is to

be  found in every alehouse, and under every hedge.  But even to err  in the way of projecting is the lot only of

the  privileged few.  Prodigality, though not so common as to make any very  material  drain from the general

mass of wealth, is however too common  to  be regarded as a mark of distinction or as a singularity. But the

stepping aside from any of the beaten paths of traffic, is  regarded  as a singularity, as serving to distinguish a

man from  other men. Even  where it requires no genius, no peculiarity of  talent, as where it  consists in nothing

more than the finding out  a new market to buy or  sell in, it requires however at least a  degree of courage,

which is  not to be found in the common herd of  men. What shall we say of it,  where, in addition to the vulgar

quality of courage, it requires the  rare endowment of genius, as  in the instance of all those successive

enterprizes by which arts  and manufactures have been brought from  their original nothing to  their present

splendor? Think how small a  part of the community  these must make, in comparison of the race of  prodigals;

of that  very race, which, were it only on account of the  smallness of its  number, would appear too

inconsiderable to you to  deserve  attention. Yet prodigality is essentially and necessarily  hurtful, as far as it

goes, to the opulence of the state:  projecting,  only by accident. Every prodigal, without exception,  impairs, by

the  very supposition impairs, if he does not  annihilate, his fortune. But  it certainly is not every projector  that

impairs his: it is not every  projector that would have done  so, had there been none of those wise  laws to

hinder him: for the  fabric of national opulence, that fabric  of which you proclaim,  with so generous an

exultation, the continual  increase, that  fabric, in every apartment of which, innumerable as  they are, it

required the reprobated hand of a projector to lay the  first  stone, has required some hands at least to be

employed, and  successfully employed. When in comparison of the number of  prodigals,  which is too

inconsiderable to deserve notice, the  number of  projectors of all kinds is so much more  inconsiderableand

when from  this inconsiderable number, must be  deducted, the not inconsiderable  proportion of successful

projectors  and from this remainder again,  all those who can  carry on their projects without need of

borrowing   think  whether it be possible, that this last remainder could afford a  multitude, the reducing of

which would be an object, deserving  the  interposition of government by its magnitude, even taking for

granted  that it were an object proper in its nature? 

If it be still a question, whether it be worth while for  government, by its reason, to attempt to controul the

conduct of  men  visibly and undeniably under the dominion of passion, and  acting,  under that dominion,

contrary to the dictates of their  own reason; in  short, to effect what is acknowledged to be their  better

judgment,  against what every body, even themselves, would  acknowledge to be  their worse; is it endurable

that the  legislator should by violence  substitute his own pretended  reason, the result of a momentary and

scornful glance, the  offspring of wantonness and arrogance, much  rather than of social  anxiety and study, in

the place of the humble  reason of  individuals, binding itself down with all its force to that  very  object which

he pretends to have in view?  Nor let it be  forgotten, that, on the side of the individual in this strange

competition, there is the most perfect and minute knowledge and  information, which interest, the whole

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interest of a man's  reputation  and fortune, can ensure: on the side of the  legislator, the most  perfect ignorance.

All that he knows, all  that he can know, is, that  the enterprize is a project, which,  merely because it is

susceptible  of that obnoxious name, he looks  upon as a sort of cock, for him, in  childish wantonness, to shie

at.  Shall the blind lead the blind? is  a question that has  been put of old to indicate the height of folly:  but

what then  shall we say of him who, being necessarily blind,  insists on  leading, in paths he never trod in, those

who can see? 

It must be by some distinction too fine for my conception, if  you  clear yourself from the having taken, on

another occasion,  but on the  very point in question, the side, on which it would be  my ambition to  see you


"What is the species of domestic industry which his capital  can  employ, and of which the produce is likely to

be of the  greatest  value, every individual" (you say(30*)), "it is evident,  can, in his  local situation, judge

much better than any statesman  or lawgiver can  do for him. The statesman, who should attempt to  direct

private people  in what manner they ought to employ their  capitals, would not only  load himself with a most

unnecessary  attention, but assume an  authority which could safely be trusted,  not only to no single person,

but to no council or senate  whatsoever, and which would no where be so  dangerous as in the  hands of a man

who had folly and presumption  enough to fancy  himself fit to exercise it. 

"To give the monopoly of the home market to the produce of  domestic industry, in any particular art or

manufacture, is in  some  measure to direct private people in what manner they ought  to employ  their capitals,

and must in almost all cases be either  a useless or a  hurtful regulation."  Thus far you: and I add,  to limit

the legal  interest to a rate at which the carriers on of  the oldest and best  established and least hazardous trades

are  always glad to borrow, is  to give the monopoly of the  moneymarket to those traders, as against  the

projectors of  newimagined trades, not one of which but, were it  only from the  circumstance of its novelty,

must, as I have already  observed,  appear more hazardous than the old. 

These, in comparison, are but inconclusive topics. I touched  upon  them merely as affording, what appeared to

me the only  shadow of a  plea, that could be brought, in defence of the policy  I am contending  against. I come

back therefore to my first  ground, and beg you once  more to consider, whether, of all that  host of

manufactures, which we  both exult in as the causes and  ingredients of national prosperity,  there be a single

one, that  could have existed at first but in the  shape of a project. But,  if a regulation, the tendency and effect

of  which is merely to  check projects, in as far as they are projects,  without any sort  of tendency, as I have

shewn, to weed out the bad  ones, is  defensible in its present state of imperfect efficacy, it  should  not only

have been defensible, but much more worthy of our  approbation, could the efficacy of it have been so far

strengthened  and compleated as to have opposed, from the  beginning, an  unsurmountable bar to all sorts of

projects  whatsoever: that is to  say, if, stretching forth its hand over  the first rudiments of  society, it had

confined us, from the  beginning. to mud for our  habitations, to skins for our  cloathing, and to acorns for our


I hope you may by this time be disposed to allow me, that we  have  not been ill served by the projects of time

past. I have  already  intimated, that I could not see any reason why we should  apprehend our  being worse

served by the projects of time future.  I will now venture  to add, that I think I do see reason, why we  should

expect to be still  better and better served by these  projects, than by those. I mean  better upon the whole, in

virtue  of the reduction which experience, if  experience be worth any  thing, should make in the proportion of

the  number of the  illgrounded and unsuccessful, to that of the  wellgrounded and  successful ones. 

The career of art, the great road which receives the  footsteps of  projectors, may be considered as a vast, and

perhaps  unbounded, plain,  bestrewed with gulphs, such as Curtius was  swallowed up in. Each  requires an

human victim to fall into it  ere it can close, but when it  once closes, it closes to open no  more, and so much of

the path is  safe to those who follow. If the  want of perfect information of former  miscarriages renders the

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reality of human life less happy than this  picture, still the  similitude must be acknowledged: and we see at

once  the only  plain and effectual method for bringing that similitude still  nearer and nearer to perfection; I

mean, the framing the history  of  the projects of time past, and (what may be executed in much  greater

perfection were but a finger held up by the hand of  government) the  making provision for recording, and

collecting  and publishing as they  are brought forth, the race of those with  which the womb of futurity  is still

pregnant. But to pursue this  idea, the execution of which is  not within my competence, would  lead me too far

from the purpose. 

Comfortable it is to reflect, that this state of  continuallyimproving security, is the natural state not only of

the  road to opulence, but of every other track of human life. In  the war  which industry and ingenuity maintain

with fortune, past  ages of  ignorance and barbarism form the forlorn hope, which has  been detached  in

advance, and made a sacrifice of for the sake of  future. The golden  age, it is but too true, is not the lot of the

generation in which we  live: but, if it is to be found in any  part of the track marked out  for human existence,

it will be  found, I trust, not in any part which  is past, but in some part  which is to come. 

But to return to the laws against usury, and their  restraining  influence on projectors. I have made it, I hope,

pretty apparent, that  these restraints have no power or tendency  to pick out bad projects  from the good. Is it

worth while to add,  which I think I may do with  some truth, that the tendency of them  is rather to pick the

good out  from the bad? Thus much at least  may be said, and it comes to the same  thing, that there is one  case

in which, be the project what it may,  they may have the  effect of checking it, and another in which they can

have no such  effect, and that the first has for its accompaniment, and  that a  necessary one, a circumstance

which has a strong tendency to  separate and discard every project of the injudicious stamp, but  which is

wanting in the other case. I mean, in a word, the  benefit of  discussion. 

It is evident enough, that upon all such projects, whatever  be  their nature, as find funds sufficient to carry

them on, in  the hands  of him whose invention gave them birth, these laws are  perfectly, and  if by this time

you will allow me to say so, very  happily, without  power. But for these there has not necessarily  been any

other judge,  prior to experience, than the inventor's  own partial affection. It is  not only not necessary that they

should have had, but it is natural  enough that they should not  have had, any such judge: since in most  cases

the advantage to be  expected from the project depends upon the  exclusive property in  it, and consequently

upon the concealment of the  principle.  Think, on the other hand, how different is the lot of that  enterprize

which depends upon the good opinion of another man,  that  other, a man possessed of the wealth which the

projector  wants, and  before whom necessity forces him to appear in the  character of a  suppliant at least:

happy if, in the imagination  of his judge, he adds  not to that degrading character, that of a  visionary

enthusiast or an  impostor! At any rate, there are, in  this case, two wits, set to sift  into the merits of the project,

for one, which was employed upon that  same task in the other  case: and of these two there is one, whose

prejudices are  certainly not most likely to be on the favourable side.  True it  is, that in the jumble of

occurrences, an oversanguine  projector  may stumble upon a patron as oversanguine as himself; and  the

wishes may bribe the judgment of the one, as they did of the  other. The opposite case, however, you will

allow, I think, to be  by  much the more natural. Whatever a man's wishes may be for the  success  of an

enterprize not yet his own, his fears are likely to  be still  stronger. That same pretty generally implanted

principle  of vanity and  selfconceit, which disposes most of us to  overvalue each of us his  own conceptions,

disposes us, in a  proportionable degree, to  undervalue those of other men. 

Is it worth adding, though it be undeniably true, that could  it  even be proved, by ever so uncontrovertible

evidence, that,  from the  beginning of time to the present day, there never was a  project that  did not terminate

in the ruin of its author, not  even from such a fact  as this could the legislator derive any  sufficient warrant, so

much as  for wishing to see the spirit of  projects in any degree repressed? The  discouraging motto, Sic vos

non vobis, may be matter of serious  consideration to the  individual, but what is it to the legislator?  What

general, let  him attack with ever so superior an army, but knows  that  hundreds, or perhaps thousands, must

perish at the first onset?  Shall he, for that consideration alone, lie inactive in his  lines?  "Every man for

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himself  but God," adds the proverb (and it  might  have added the general, and the legislator, and all other

public  servants), "for us all." Those sacrifices of individual to  general  welfare, which, on so many occasions,

are made by third  persons  against men's wills, shall the parties themselves be  restrained from  making, when

they do it of their own choice? To  tie men neck and  heels, and throw them into the gulphs I have  been

speaking of, is  altogether out of the question: but if at  every gulph a Curtius stands  mounted and caparisoned,

ready to  take the leap, is it for the  legislator, in a fit of oldwomanish  tenderness, to pull him away?  laying

even public interest out of  the question, and considering  nothing but the feelings of the  individuals

immediately concerned, a  legislator would scarcely do  so, who knew the value of hope, "the most  precious

gift of  heaven." 

Consider, Sir, that it is not with the inventionlottery  (that  great branch of the projectlottery, for the sake of

which  I am  defending the whole, and must continue so to do until you or  somebody  else can shew me how to

defend it on better terms), it  is not I say  with the inventionlottery, as with the  minelottery, the

privateeringlottery, and so many other  lotteries, which you speak of,  and in no. instance, I think, very  much

to their advantage. In these  lines, success does not, as in  this, arise out of the embers of ill  success, and thence

propagate itself, by a happy contagion, perhaps to  all eternity.  let Titius have found a mine, it is not the more

easy,  but by so  much the less easy, for Sempronius to find one too: let  Titius  have made a capture, it is not the

more easy, but by so much  the  less easy, for Sempronius to do the like. But let Titius have  found out a new

dye, more brilliant or more durable than those in  use, let him have invented a new and more convenient

machine, or  a  new and more profitable mode of husbandry, a thousand dyers,  ten  thousand mechanics, a

hundred thousand husbandmen, may repeat  and  multiply his success: and then, what is it to the public,  though

the  fortune of Titius, or of his usurer. should have sunk  under the  experiment? 

Birmingham and Sheffield are pitched upon by you as examples,  the  one of a projecting town, the other of an

unprojecting  one.(31*) Can  you forgive my saying, I rather wonder that this  comparison of your  own

chosing, did not suggest some suspicions  of the justice of the  conceptions you had taken up, to the

disadvantage of projectors.  Sheffield is an old oak: Birmingham,  but a mushroom. What if we should  find the

mushroom still vaster  and more vigorous than the oak? Not but  the one as well as the  other, at what time

soever planted, must  equally have been  planted by projectors: for though Tubal Cain himself  were to be

brought post from Armenia to plant Sheffield, Tubal Cain  himself  was as arrant a projector in his day, as ever

Sir Thomas Lombe  was, or Bishop Blaise: but Birmingham, it seems, claims in common  parlance the title of

a projecting town, to the exclusion of the  other, because, being but of yesterday, the spirit of project  smells

fresher and stronger there than elsewhere. 

When the odious sound of the word projector no longer tingles  in  your ears, the race of men thus stigmatized

do not always find  you  their enemy. Projects, even under the name of "dangerous and  expensive

experiments," are represented as not unfit to be  encouraged, even  though monopoly be the means: and the

monopoly  is defended in that  instance, by its similarity to other  instances in which the like means  are

employed to the like  purpose. 

"When a company of merchants undertake at their own risk and  expence to establish a new trade, with some

remote and barbarous  nation, it may not be unreasonable" (you observe) "to incorporate  them into a

jointstock company, and to grant them, in case of  their  success, a monopoly of the trade for a certain

number of  years. It is  the easiest and most natural way, in which the state  can recompense  them, for

hazarding a dangerous and expensive  experiment, of which the  public is afterwards to reap the  benefit. A

temporary monopoly of this  kind may be vindicated,  upon the same principles, upon which a like  monopoly

of a new  machine is granted to its inventor, and that of a  new book to its  author." 

Private respect must not stop me from embracing this occasion  of  giving a warning, which is so much needed

by mankind. If so  original  and independent a spirit has not been always able to  save itself from  being drawn

aside by the fascination of sounds,  into the paths of  vulgar prejudice, how strict a watch ought not  men of

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common mould to  set over their judgments, to save  themselves from being led astray by  similar delusions? 

I have sometimes been tempted to think, that were it in the  power  of laws to put words under proscription, as

it is to put  men, the  cause of inventive industry might perhaps derive  scarcely less  assistance from a bill of

attainder against the  words project and  Projectors, than it has derived from the act  authorizing the grant of

patents. I should add, however, for a  time: for even then the envy,  and vanity, and wounded pride, of  the

uningenious herd, would sooner  or later infuse their venom  into some other word, and set it up as a  new

tyrant, to hover,  like its predecessor, over the birth of infant  genius, and crush  it in its cradle. 

Will not you accuse me of pushing malice beyond all bounds,  if I  bring down against you so numerous and

respectable a body of  men, as  the members of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts?  I do not,  must not,

care: for you command too much respect to  have any claim to  mercy. At least you will not accuse me of

spiriting up against you  barbarian enemies, and devoting you to  the vengeance of Cherokees and  Chicasaws. 

Of that popular institution, the very professed and capital  object  is the encouragement of projects, and the

propagating of  that  obnoxious breed, the crushing of which you commend as a fit  exercise  for the arm of

power. But if it be right to crush the  acting  malefactors, it would be downright inconsistency not to  crush, at

the  same time, or rather not to begin with crushing,  these their hirers  and abettors. Thank then their

inadvertence,  or their generosity, or  their prudence, if their beadle has not  yet received orders to burn in

ceremony, as a libel on the  society, a book that does honour to the  age. 

After having had the boldness to accuse so great a master of  having fallen unawares into an error, may I take

the still  farther  liberty, of setting conjecture to work to account for it?  Scarce any  man, perhaps no man, can

push the work of creation, in  any line, to  such a pitch of compleatness, as to have gone  through the task of

examining with his own eyes into the grounds  of every position,  without exception, which he has had

occasion  to employ. You heard the  public voice, strengthened by that of  law, proclaiming all round you,  that

usury was a sad thing, and  usurers a wicked and pernicious set of  men: you heard from one at  least of those

quarters, that projectors  were either a foolish  and contemptible race, or a knavish and  destructive one: hurried

away by the throng, and taking very naturally  for granted, that  what every body said must have some ground

for it,  you have  joined the cry, and added your suffrage to the rest. Possibly  too, among the crowd of

projectors which the lottery of  occurrences  happened to present to your observation, the  prejudicial sort may

have  borne such a proportion to the  beneficial, or shewn themselves in so  much stronger colours, as  to have

given the popular notion a firmer  hold in your judgment,  than it would have had, had the contrary  proportion

happened to  present itself to your notice. To allow no more  weight to  examples that fall close under our eyes,

than to those which  have  fallen at ever so great a distance  to suffer the judgment on  no occasion to

indulge itself in the licence of a too hasty and  extensive generalisation  not to give any proposition footing

there, rill after all such defalcations have been made, as are  necessary to reduce it within the limits of rigid

truth  these  are  laws, the compleat observance whereof forms the ultimate, and  hitherto, perhaps for ever,

ideal term of human wisdom. 

You have defended against unmerited obloquy two classes of  men,  the one innocent at least, the other highly

useful; the  spreaders of  English arts in foreign climes,(32*) and those whose  industry exerts  itself in

distributing that necessary commodity  which is called by the  way of eminence the staff of life. May I  flatter

myself with having  succeeded at last in my endeavours, to  recommend to the same powerful  protection, two

other highly  useful and equally persecuted sets of  men, usurers and  projectors.  Yes  I will, for the

moment at  least, indulge so  flattering an idea: and, in pursuance of it, leaving  usurers, for  whom I have said

enough already, I will consider myself  as joined  now with you in the same commission, and thinking with

you  of the  best means of relieving the projector from the load of  discouragement laid on him by these laws, in

so far as the  pressure  of them falls particularly upon him. In my own view of  the matter,  indeed, no

temperament, no middle course, is either  necessary or  proper: the only perfectly effectual, is the only

perfectly proper  remedy,  a spunge. But, as nothing is more  common with mankind, than  to give opposite

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receptions, to  conclusions flowing with equal  necessity from the same principle,  let us accommodate our

views to  that contingency. According to  this idea, the object, as far as  confined to the present case,  should be,

to provide, in favour of  projectors only, a  dispensation from the rigour of the antiusurious  laws: such, for

instance, as is enjoyed by persons engaged in the  carrying trade,  in virtue of the indulgence given to loans

made on the  footing of  respondentia or bottomry. As to abuse, I see not why the  danger  of it should be greater

in this case than in those. Whether a  sum  of money be embarked, or not embarked, in such or such a new

manufacture on land, should not, in its own nature, be a fact  much  more difficult to ascertain, than whether it

be embarked, or  not  embarked, in such or such a trading adventure by sea: and, in  the one  case as in the other,

the payment of the interest, as  well as the  repayment of the principal, might be made to depend  upon the

success  of the adventure. To confine the indulgence to  new undertakings, the  having obtained a patent for

some  invention, and the continuance of  the term of the patent, might  be made conditions of the allowance

given to the bargain: to this  might be added affidavits, expressive of  the intended  application, and bonds, with

sureties, conditioned for  the  performance of the intention so declared; to be registered in one  of the

patentoffices or elsewhere. After this, affidavits once a  year, or oftener, during the subsistence of the

contract,  declaring  what has been done in execution of it. 

If the leadingstring is not yet thought tight enough, boards  of  controul might be instituted to draw it tighter.

Then opens a  scene of  vexation and intrigue: waste of time consumed in  courting the favour  of the members

of the board: waste of time,  in opening their  understandings, clenched perhaps by ignorance,  at any rate by

disdain,  and selfsufficiency, and vanity, and  pride: the favour (for pride  will make it a favour) granted to

skill in the arts of  selfrecommendation and cabal, devoid of  inventive merit, and refused  to naked merit

unadorned by practice  in those arts: waste of time on  the part of the persons  themselves engaged in this

impertinent  inquiry: waste of  somebody's money in paying them for this waste of  time. All these  may be

necessary evils, where the money to be bestowed  is public  money: how idle where it is the party's own! I will

not  plague  you, nor myself, with enquiring of whom shall be composed this  board of nurses to grown

gentlemen: were it only to cut the  matter  short, one might name at once the committees of the  Society of Arts.

There you have a body of men ready trained in  the conduct of  enquiries, which resemble that in question, in

every circumstance, but  that which renders it ridiculous: the  members or representatives of  this democratic

body would be as  likely, I take it, to discharge such  a trust with fidelity and  skill, as any aristocracy that could

be  substituted in their  room.  Crichoff,  in White Russia,  March 1787.  To Dr Smith 

A little tract of mine, in the latter part of which I took  the  liberty of making use of your name, (the Defence of

Usury),  having  been some time out of print, I am about publishing a new  edition of  it. I am now therefore at a

period at which, if I have  done you or any  body any injustice, I shall have the opportunity,  and assuredly I do

not want the inclination, to repair it: or if  in any other respect I  have fallen into an error, I could give  myself

and the public the  benefit of its being set right. I have  been Battered with the  intelligence that, upon the

whole, your  sentiments with respect to the  points of difference are at  present the same as mine: but as the

intimation did not come  directly from you, nor has the communication  of it received the  sanction of your

authority, I shall not without  that action give  any hint, honourable as it would be to me, and great  as the

service is which it could not but render to my cause. 

I have been favoured with the communication from Dr Reid of  Glasgow of an inedited paper of his on the

same subject, written a  good many years ago. He declares himself now fully of my opinion  on  the question of

expediency, and had gone a considerable length  towards  it at that time. The only ground on which he differs

from  me, is that  of the origination of the prejudice, of which his  paper gives, as  might be expected, an

account more ecclesiastical  than mine. Anxious  to do my cause as much service as it is  capable of receiving, I

write  to him now, to endeavour to  persuade him to give his paper to the  world, or if he looks upon  so much of

it as concerns the question of  utility [as] superseded  by mine, that he will either communicate the  historical

part   that part which he prefers to mine  to some  general repository  for short publications, or allow me

the honour of  forwarding it  to the world in company with mine. The account that has  been  given by the

Marquis de Condorcet of the sentiments of Turgot on  the same subject, is already every body's without leave:

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I shall  accordingly annex, by way of appendix to my new edition, the  original  as well as a translation of that

short passage. I am the  more anxious  to collect all the force I can muster, in as far as  I find from the  printed

debates, as well as from private  intelligence, that the  project of reducing the rate of interest  in Ireland is not

yet given  up: though this perseverance is  hardly reconciliable with the account  I receive from the same

quarter, of the impression made in that  country by the Defence of  Usury. Yet the subjecting the rate of

interest to a further  reduction by a new law, is a much more  mischievous and less  defensible measure than the

continuing of the  restraint upon the  old footing: and adds to the mischief of the old  established  regimen others

of a new and much more serious nature. It  would be  a tax upon the owners of money, much heavier than ever

was  levied  upon the proprietors of land: with this circumstance to  distinguish it from all other taxes, that,

instead of being  brought  into the treasury for the public service, it is made a  present of to  the collectors, in

expectation of the good they are  to do the nation  by the spending of it. If this be good thrift,  in the name of

consistency and equality let them impose a land  Tax to the same  amount, and dispose of the produce in the

same  manner. What makes my  anxiety the greater, is the uncertainty  whether this project of  plunder without

profit may not be still  hovering over this island.  Last year it was roundly and  positively asserted in the Irish

House of  Commons, as if upon  personal knowledge, to he determined upon in the  Cabinet here:  and the

Administration being appealed to, though they of  course  would not acknowledge, would no contradict it. Its

suspension  hitherto may have resulted from nothing more than a doubt whether  the  nation were yet ripe,

according to the Irish phrase, for this  mode of  enrichment: as if there were a time at which a nation  were riper

for  plunder and waste than at another. I am truly  sorry I can not find  time to make one effort more for the

express  purpose of stemming the  torrent of delusion in that channel. The  straw I have planted has done

something: what might not be hoped  for, if your oakstick were linked  with it? 

As the world judges, one upon examination and nine hundred  and  ninetynine upon trust, the declaration of

your opinion upon  any point  of legislation would be worth, I won't pretend to say  how many votes:  but the

declaration of your opinion in favour of  a side to which  conviction and candour had brought you over from

the opposite one,  would be worth at least twice or thrice as  many: under such  circumstances, the authority of

the converter  would tell for little in  comparison of that of the proselyte,  especially such a proselyte. We

should have the Irish Chancellor  of the Exchequer abjuring his annual  motion in the face of the  House, and

Lord Hawkesbury who, it has been  said, is Mr Pitt's  tutor in this wise business, quietly and silently  putting his

papers and calculations into the fire. 

If, then, you agree with me in looking upon this as a most  pernicious measure, you would, like me, be glad to

see it put an  end  to, and for that purpose the acknowledgement of your opinion  on a  subject which you have

made so much and so honourably your  own, is an  expedient to the use of which, I should hope, you  would

not see any  objection: the less as you would hardly, I  suppose, let another  edition of your great work go

abroad with  opinions in it that were  yours no longer. If, then, you think  proper to honour me with your

allowance for that purpose, then  and not otherwise I will make it  known to the public, in such  words as you

give me, that you no longer  look upon the rate of  interest as fit subject for restraint: and then,  thanks to you

and Turgot and Dr Reid, the Defence of Usury may be  pronounced,  in its outworks at least, a stronghold.


When the first edition of these letters was published, I was  still  in the distant country from which they were

written. It is  about two  years, since that impression was exhausted: it is about  a year and a  half since this

reimpression was compleated, the  publication having  been retarded till now by causes not worth  mentioning.

The alterations  made in this second edition are few,  and those merely verbal and of no  importance. In this

interval,  had I heard of any objection, total or  partial, I would have  either admitted the force of it, or answered

it:  but I have not  been able to meet with any. I have scarce heard of a  reader who  has not acknowledged

himself convinced. The practical  conclusion  is the repealing of the laws against usury, together with  those

others that are here pointed out as depending on the same  principle. That matters are at all the nearer to such a

measure  since  the publication of this work than they were before, is more  than I can  pretend to have any

ground for supposing: for in great  political  questions, wide indeed is the distance between  conviction and

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practice. An intelligent Frenchman, of whom I have  not been able to  learn enough to distinguish him more

particularly, published a few  months since a translation he had  made for his own amusement, a  considerable

time before the  commencement of the Revolution, he says,  not long after the work  found its way to France.

He kept back the  translation, thinking  the country not ripe for it. The general  slaughter that has been  made of

all sorts of prejudices in that  country may now, he  thinks, have opened the way for it. But if its  turning to any

account in practice depends upon the overthrow of  prejudice, who  shall calculate the period, at which any

good can be  expected  from it here? 

It is to the attempt made in Ireland to effect a fresh forced  reduction of the legal rate of interest in that

country, that the  reimpression there published must naturally have been indebted  for a  circulation

proportionably more extensive than here.  Between that  measure and the laws condemned by this

investigation, the connection  is close and evident. Had the  reduction so proposed been naturally  productive of

the advantage  expected from it, and at the same time not  attended with any  additional hardship or other

inconvenience superior  to that  advantage, such a reduction would then have had no other  objections to

combat than the objections, decisive as they are  represented in this work, which apply to the original fixation.

According to my conception of the matter, however, that advantage  is  altogether illusory; the measure is

attended with hardships  much more  than sufficient to outweigh the advantage, were it  real, and of these,

several are distinct from, and superadded to,  those which result from  the impropriety of ever having fixed any

rate at all. Had I divined  the politicoeconomical advantage  proposed from this ulterior and  fresh reduction, I

should have  set it down among the reasons capable  of being alledged in  support of the original fixation: for

the  advantage, if it were  one, of the proposed future reduction, must  proportionably have  resulted from the

precedent ones. The fact is, I  must confess,  that in the situation I was then in, sequestered not  less from

political converse than from books, this supposed advantage  had  equally escaped my recollection and my

imagination as applicable  to the original fixation, though recollection had represented it  as  capable of having

been supposed to result from successive  reductions.  From newspapers I had learnt thus much, that in  England

a fresh  reduction had lately been proposed, as tending  some how or other to  the benefit of trade: but the sound

of the  word trade being all I was  able to collect, what that benefit  was, or how it was to be brought  about, was

more than I could  conceive. To apply it to the immediate  subject I was treating of,  it was necessary I should

have some  conception of the force of  it: and unfortunately I was unable to  perceive any force or  meaning in it

at all. It had equally escaped Dr  Smith: for his  reasons in support of the limitation of the rate of  interest are

confined to the discouragement of prodigals and  projectors: of  any supposed benefit to trade that was to

follow from  it in any  other way, he betrays not the smallest suspicion: and  blindness  may be confessed

without much shame, where eyes like Dr  Smith's  have failed to see. I little suspected, I must confess, that  so

many intelligent and ingenious men would so compleatly have  mistaken a consequence for a cause.

Instructed by the debates of  the  Irish Parliament. I now understand clearly what benefit was  expected  from it,

but how that benefit was to flow from it is as  much a mystery  to me as ever. I will however avail myself now

of  that intelligence.  By way of postscript, I have accordingly given  a very short, but what  appeared to me

compleat, answer to the  argument afforded by that  supposed benefit to my system: and  being thereby engaged

to touch upon  the measure of an ulterior  reduction by which this supposed advantage  was brought to view, I

have stated such other considerations a appear  to combat the  propriety of that ulterior reduction, though not

all of  them  applicable to the continuing of the rate at its present level. 

As little can I pretend to say, whether a project of the same  nature bas received any check from it in England.

Infallibility  is  among the appendages of power: and if it be a dream, it is one  of  those which do not own

themselves as such, and from which men  are  seldom thankful for being awaked. Several circumstances  render

probable that a project of this sort was not very long ago  entertained: a positive assertion to that effect made

in the  Irish  Parliament received no contradiction. Of late, nothing has  been heard  of it. The notion perhaps

may be, that the country is  not yet ripe for  it. My notion is that no country ever was, or  ever can be. 

I do not pretend here to exhaust the subject, or to urge all  that  can be urged against the measure: nor to trace

out to the  last link  the whole chain of its consequences. Such an  undertaking would require  more paper

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perhaps than it is worth, at  any rate more time than at  present I can spare. All I pretend to  is to give what shall

be  sufficient to demonstrate its impolicy  and injustice. 

The propositions here given as conclusions from the decisive  principle are, most of them, maintained by Dr

Smith. The  proposition  here given as a principle itself is also laid down in  the same  admirable work: but

without emphasis, and for any direct  use that has  been made of it, it might as well have not been  there. Wide

is the  difference between a full view of a principle  and a side glance. The  principle which forms the basis of

Locke's  Essay is to be found, in so  many words, in Aristotle: yet what  was the world the better for it  while it

was in the hands of  Aristotle, till Locke put it out to use?  This same principle is  also to be found, stated still

more pointedly,  in Lord  Sheffield's elaborate and useful work. Yet what came of it?  The  whole work is full of

advice as repugnant to that principle as it  is to the doctrines of Dr Smith's book: that very book which his

Lordship quotes in those terms of respect which is its due, for  the  sake of stating almost the only doctrine in

which the  authority is in  his favour, passing by the whole of what is  against him, that is  almost the whole

contents of the book, as if  they had not been there. 

Colonies. Dr. Smith observes that, by the expence they have  produced instead of revenue, they have been

always hitherto worth  so  much less than nothing, and by the expence of wars waged for  them, a  hundred and

so many millions less than nothing. What is  his practical  inference? that they should be given up? no: but  that

either they  should be given up, or made to yield a revenue,  which is impossible.  The idea of giving them up is

started  but  how? as the extremity of  misfortune, the horrors of which should  drive us into schemes for

making them yield a revenue, as the  only alternative common sense  admitts of. We are to give them up:  how?

with the same emotions of  regret, with which a man who found  a necessity of retrenching, would  lay down

his equipage. The  separation would be a misfortune not to us  only, but to them. Why  to them? because

nothing but our superior  wisdom and virtue could  prevent their falling together by the ears.  The event has not

been favourable to this prophecy. Among these  rebels, every thing  breathes content and unanimity. Ill will

there  never has been:  and the last spark of so much as a difference of  opinion,  patience has now finally

extinguished. In the principal of  our  still loyal colonies, whose petitions for these six years we have  not been

able to find time to listen to, the discontent is as  notorious as it is just. May it be effectual!  POSTSCRIPT



Since the writing of the preceding Letters, I have heard of  some  other advantages supposed to result from the

limitation of  the rate of  interest which, I must confess, had not then occurred  to me as  resulting from the

restraints thus laid on the liberty  of contracting.  These are 

1. Encreasing the sum of national wealth. 

2. Enabling the state to take and to keep money at interest  upon  more advantageous terms than it could

otherwise, and thus  diminishing  the sum of the public burthens which are the  deductions from national

wealth, encreasing therefore in this  negative way the clear sum of  national wealth upon the whole. 

Examine into these supposed advantages, you will find them  both  altogether illusory, and that, did they not

only exist, but  exist in  the utmost degree that was ever attributed to them, they  could not be  obtained but at

the expence of inconveniences much  more considerable. 

The first of them does not exist in point of fact: such a  limitation has scarce any perceptible tendency in any

way  whatever to  add to the mass of national wealth, and it tends in a  variety of ways  to diminish it. 

As to the second, neither does that exist in the shape of an  advantage. The public may or may not hold money

of individuals at  interest upon more advantageous terms, but from this circumstance  the  mass of national

wealth is not rendered a jot more  considerable than  it would be otherwise. 

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At no time, therefore, does the nation, collectively  considered,  derive any advantage from this limitation: and

as  often as any fresh  imitation is applied whereby the restraint is  drawn tighter, the  nation suffers the

inconvenience of an unequal  and very heavy tax.  without reaping the advantages that it does  from other taxes. 

First supposed advantage  Encreasing in a direct way the mass  of  national wealth in the hands of


This advantage, I say, will not be found to result in any  degree  from this measure. 

Every accession made to the national stock of wealth, is the  result of labour employed by the help of capital,

the result of  preceding labour. 

No accession to wealth in any hands, public or private, can  take  place but in one or other of two ways: 1. By

the  augmentation of the  mass of capital employed in giving motion to  industry: 2. By a more  advantageous

application of the existing  stock of capital, its  application in a more advantageous manner. 

That the measure in question can contribute in the latter of  these  two modes to the encrease of wealth, has

never been, nor  ever will be  supposed. 

On the other hand I have already shewn  that it has a contrary  effect. Every more advantageous mode than  was

before known of applying  a part of the quantity of capital in  hand is, previously to trial and  success, a Project:

and the  effect of this limitation in discouraging  projects has already  been displayed. 

2. It has no particular tendency to encrease the quantity of  capital. 

It has, it is true, a tendency to modify in a certain manner  the  distribution of wealth among the different

sharers: it is  only in  proportion as it has this tendency, that this or any  other regulation  relative to property

can have any effect at all. 

It must also be admitted that, if in any degree it tends to  augment the quantity of wealth employed in the

shape of capital,  with  reference to, and at the expence of, that part which is  employed in  the shape of

unproductive consumption and  expenditure, it must in  proportion operate in augmentation of the  mass of

capital employed as  capital in the production of wealth,  and thence of the growing stock  of national wealth. 

Whoever saves money, as the phrase is, adds proportionably to  the  general mass of capital. 

There is scarce any description of people that does not  include  some individuals that save money: but some

descriptions  are likely to  include more such frugal individuals than others.  If the tendency of  the measure in

question be to throw or to keep  money in the hands of  persons of particular descriptions in  preference to

others, and those  descriptions are more likely to  be of a frugal cast upon the whole  than the descriptions of

people at whose expence it is thus disposed  of, the measure  possesses in so far a tendency to produce the

intended  effect.  But no such particular tendency is discoverable in it. 

The persons on whom it operates, belong to one or other of  two  classes, borrowers and lenders: its property is

to favour the  former  at the expence of the latter. If of borrowers in general  it could be  said that they were

more frugal than lenders, a  favour shewn to  borrowers as such would be a help given to  frugality. 

But no such proposition thus taken in the lump can be  received as  true. Neither reason nor so much as

prejudice plead  in favour of it.  Ask prejudice, the answer will be that, in  comparison of borrowers,  lenders are

not only frugal, but frugal  to such a degree as to be.  avaricious. The supposition of their  proneness to avarice

is the very  thing that excites prejudice  against them, and disposes the bulk of  mankind to favour all

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regulations, the tendency of which is to lay  them under a  disadvantage. It is because they are hoarders that

they  are to be  discouraged  to what end?  in order to encourage  hoarding.  Such is the consistency of

blind and vulgar prejudice,  hitherto  in so many important points the arbiter of the destiny of  nations. 

Setting prejudice aside, and taking reason for our guide, it  is  impossible to say whether the cause of frugality

be  prejudiced or  served by the favour thus shewn to borrowers,  untill it be specified  for what purpose a man

means to borrow. 

When a man borrows, it is either to spend or to accumulate. 

So far as it favours the dissipating class of borrowers, the  measure directly counteracts this its proposed

object: it adds,  as  far as it operates, to the amount of what they are enabled to  employ  in dissipation. 

It is not incumbent on those who take the side I take, to go  about  to prove a negative, viz. that in the class of

borrowers  there is not  likely to be more frugality than in the class of  lenders. It is  incumbent on those who

take the side I combat, to  establish the  opposite affirmative proposition. Every restraint  on liberty is so far  an

evil: and it lies on him who proposes any  such restraint, to shew  the greater good by which this evil is

counterbalanced. This has never  been attempted: nor, howsoever it  may have been tacitly taken for  granted,

has it in any instance  been directly and explicitly affirmed.  Propositions diametrically  opposite are both

received with open arms,  to justify the  propensity to injure and oppress the class of lenders.  At one  time

lenders are to be pinched, because borrowers are more  likely  to be spendthrifts than hoarders: at another time,

because they  are more likely to be hoarders than spendthrifts. 

Persons concerned in bargains of this kind may be  distinguished  into three classes: possessors of capital who

risk  to lend it, i.e.  money lenders; dissipating borrowers; and  accumulating borrowers. The  restraint in

question favours the two  latter classes at the expence of  the former. That in as far as it  favours dissipating

borrowers, it  counteracts its avowed purpose,  is manifest at any rate: does it  promote that purpose in as far  as

it favours accumulating borrowers?  This can not so clearly be  averred. It does so only in as far as the

accumulating borrowers  are greater accumulators than the persons of  whom they borrow. 

Take an instance. The money that is borrowed by accumulators  engaged in trade, of whom is it borrowed

principally? of persons  who  spend all their income? No, but of other accumulators  of  other  persons as

great accumulators as themselves: of shopkeepers  or  wholesale dealers in the way of goods ordered on credit:

or of  bankers  or merchants in the way of discount. And thus far,  therefore, it is  evident that accumulation is

not more favoured  by the restraint in one  way, than it is checked in the other. 

In another way the restraint in question counteracts this  part of  its object in a more manifest and conspicuous

manner:  viz. by  lessening the quantity of borrowed capital employed in  accumulation. 

The world can augment its capital only in one way: viz. by  parsimony. A nation may augment its capital, as

an individual may  augment his capital, in either of two ways: by saving, or by  borrowing. By borrowing

capital for the purpose of accumulation,  is  it likely to add to the stock of national wealth? Yes: if the  value of

what is thereby produced is greater than the value of  what is paid for  interest: in that case the clear amount of

the  accumulation, the clear  gain to the nation, is to the amount of  the difference. But this it  may always be

reckoned, and that on  two different accounts which  concurr in encreasing the advantage:  1. In the first place,

the  general rate of mercantile profit is  greater every where than the rate  of interest: it is in general  at least

double: 2. In the next place,  in manufactures(33*) the  rate of profit encreases with the encrease of  capital by

the  advantages derivable from the division of labour, and  the making  the same quantity of machinery and

warehouse room and even  labour  in some cases serve for a larger quantity of work than would  have  been

necessary for a smaller. 

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It has already been shewn in the body of the work that the  quantity of good success in all branches of industry

taken  together  is much superior to the quantity of ill success: and  this it is not  less likely to be in the instances

where a man  aids his original by  borrowed capital than in others. If a man  engaged in industry did not  expect

to get more by the money he  borrows than he pays for it, he  would not borrow it: and it has  been shewn that

such expectations are  much more frequently  realised than frustrated. To seek to restrain  industrious men  from

borrowing money under the apprehension of its not  answering  to them would be an additional instance, but

an instance not  more  flagrant than those which are perpetually exhibited, of the  ignorance and folly, and

blindness, and vanity, and presumption,  and  despotism that hitherto have been endemial among legislators. 

Look into pamphlets and debates, you will find people  disposed to  quarrel with outlandish money, because it

is  outlandish, at least for  the purpose of the argument. The popular  notion that illgotten money  does not

thrive, howsoever hacknied  by superstition, has not only a  much better effect, but even a  more rational


Two ill effects are attributed to outlandish money: 

1st. That the interest paid for it is so much money sent out  of  the country. But were not the interest sent out of

the  country, the  profit would not come into it. And profit, we have  seen, ought to be  estimated at more than

double the value of the  interest. The force of  this argument depends upon the forgetting  altogether the chapter

of  profit: and supposing that the money  thus sent out of the country, is  sent out for nothing. It is an  argument

that applies against selling  any thing to foreigners: or  indeed to any body on any terms. 

What are the particular courses taken by such imported money,  whether for example it being laid out in the

public funds or lent  out  to individuals, makes no sort of difference. If the money  laid out by  the Dutch in the

English funds, that is, lent to the  English  government, had not been so disposed of, English money to  the

same  amount must have lain there: there would therefore have  been so much  less English money to be

applied in the support of  English industry,  in the encrease of the sum of the national  wealth of England.(34*) 

2dly. That money borrowed of foreigners will be perpetually  liable  to be recalled. 

To render this an objection, two circumstances must concur. 

1. The foreign money must be more liable to be recalled than  home  money. 

2. When recalled, the prejudice resulting from the recall  must be  likely to be greater than all the advantage

reaped before  the recall. 

Neither of these propositions has ever been attempted to be  proved: nor does either seem likely to be true. 

1. It may happen to any lender to recall his money: but this  is  not more likely to happen to a man of one

country than of  another. You  may put cases where an Englishman who has lend his  money in  Ireland(35*)

may be disposed to recall that money: but  it is just as  easy to put cases in which an Irishman who has lent  his

money in  Ireland may be disposed to do the same thing. An  Irishman who is upon  the spot is more likely to

look for, to spy  out, and to improve such  opportunities, than an Englishman who is  at a distance, and who, if

he  lends his money in such a way, is  more likely to have lent it with  views of permanence, and as a  means of

providing himself for life,  without farther sollicitude,  a settled income. 

2. If there were any reason to apprehend that the time when  the  foreign lender may call in his money would

be more  inconvenient to the  lender than the time when a home lender might  call in his, the danger  of recall

might sooner afford an  objection to the importation of  foreign capital. But no such  reason can be assigned.

The disposition  of the foreign lender to  call in his money will not be governed by the  consideration of  the

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inconvenience to the borrower, but by the  consideration of  his own convenience. But that convenience is not

the  more likely  to clash with the convenience of the borrower on account  of the  lender's being a foreigner: not

more likely to do so than that  of  a lender at home. We have seen that on one account it is less  likely: because

a foreign lender is less likely to be tempted by  opportunities of occasional profit to clasp and change his

security  than a native. It is also on another account: a lender  at home is more  in the way of being acquainted

with the  circumstances and exigencies  of his borrower.. more in the way of  having quarrels with him: of

watching opportunities of  distressing him in a time of need, either  for the sake of hurting  him, or for the sake

of making a profit of his  distress. 

Whatever may, by accident, be the disadvantage resulting to A  or B  in this way from a recall of a foreign

capital, a capital  thus  imported will, so long as it continues unrecalled, be  productive to  the nation that has

imported it, of a clear revenue  to the amount just  stated. If the use of a million for ten years  would have been

worth  £600,000, the use of the same million for  one year will have been  £60,000. Recall it when you will, it

will  have had its value from the  time of its importation to the time  of its recall. To furnish an  argument

against the import, the  inconvenience likely to result from  the recall must be not only  very considerable, but

superior to the  whole amount of the  benefit reaped previously to the recall.  DEVELOPMENT OF THE


1. No branch of productive industry can be carried on without  the  help of a certain quantity of capital

previously accumulated. 

2. The whole quantity of productive industry each individual  can  carry on, is limited by the quantity he has of

his own, or is  able to  borrow of other individuals. The whole quantity of  productive industry  a nation can

carry on, is limited by the  quantity of capital it has of  its own, or can borrow from other  nations. The whole

quantity of  productive industry the world can  carry on, is limited by the capital  it has of its own, till it  can

find another world to borrow of. 

3. Credit need not be taken separately into the account:  since  credit is but capital borrowed, and the quantity

that can  be borrowed  is limited by the quantity possessed. 

4. The quantity of capital limiting the quantity of  productive  industry, limits in the same proportion the

possible  quantity, and  amount in value, of the produce of that industry,  and thence of  whatever part of it is

capable of becoming the  subject of trade. The  quantity of capital sets the limit to the  quantity of wealth: it

likewise sets the limit to the quantity of  trade. 

5. Therefore no regulations nor any efforts whatsoever,  either on  the part of subjects or governors, can raise

the  quantity of wealth  produced during a given period to an amount  beyond what the productive  powers of

the quantity of capital in  hand at the commencement of that  period are capable of producing. 

6. A given quantity of capital may enable the employer to  produce  a greater quantity of wealth when

employed in one way  than when  employed in another. Let the number of possible ways of  employing  capital

be any number whatever, suppose a thousand: if  a minister  could make out that one certain mode would be

more  productive than any  one of the remaining 999, he would have  reason for wishing that a  certain portion

of the national capital  should be applied to that  branch, in preference to all  others.(36*) But he would have no

sufficient reason for so much  as wishing it, till he had made out that  superiority with respect  to all the

999.(37*) And though he had made  it out ever so clear,  he could have no warrantable ground for  employing

coercive  measures to induce any one to engage in this most  advantageous of  all branches. For the more

evident its superiority,  the more  certain it is that, as soon as that superiority was made  evident  to them, men

would betake themselves to that superior branch  of  their own accord, without being either hired or forced to

do so. 

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7. Vanity and weakness can alone give him a plea which would  be  sufficient to his own conscience, to

warrant his employing  force(38*)  to such a purpose. And whichever plea such a  persuasion might afford  to

his own conscience, it is a plea that  could never be valid in the  eyes of any other men. To every  bystander the

refusal of the persons  concerned to engage in the  business without being thus compelled or  hired, would be a

stronger reason for looking upon it as not being an  advantageous  one, than any it could ever be possible for



What is it that would be the loss, suppose it to amount to  any  thing, that a nation would sustain by the giving

up of any  colony? The  difference between the profit to be made by the  employing in that  trade so much

capital as would be employed in  it were the colony kept,  and the profit that would be made by the

employment of the same  capital in any other way, suppose in the  improvement of land. The loss  is nothing, if

the same capital  employed in the improvement of land  would be more productive: and  it would be more

productive by the  amount of so much as would go  to form the annual rent: for deducting  that rent, capital

employed in the improvement of land produces as  much as if  employed in any other way. If the loss were any

thing,  would it  then amount to the whole difference between the profit upon  that  trade, and the profit upon the

next most profitable one? no: but  only to the difference between so much of that difference as  would be

produced if the colony were retained in subjection, and  so much as  would be produced if the colony were

declared free. 

The value of a colony to the mother country, according to the  common mode of computation, is equal to the

sum total of imports  from  that colony and exports to it put together. 

From this statement, if the foregoing observation be just,  the  following deductions will come to be made. 

1. The whole value of the exports to the colony. 

2. So much of the imports as is balanced by the exports. 

3. Such a portion of the above remainder as answers to so  much of  the trade as would be equally carried on,

were the colony  independent. 

4. So much of that reduced profit as would be made, were the  same  capital employed in any other trade or

branch of industry  lost by the  independence of the colony. 

5. But the same capital, if employed in agriculture. would  have  produced a rent over and above the ordinary

profits of  capital: which  rent, according to a general and undisputed  computation, may be stated  at a sum

equal to the amount of those  profits. Thence arises a further  deduction, viz. the loss to the  nation caused by

employing the capital  in the trade to the  colony, in preference to the improvement of land,  and thence upon

the supposition that the continuance of the trade  depended upon  the keeping the colony in subjection. 

The other mischiefs resulting from the keeping of a colony in  subjection, are: 

1. The expence of its establishment, civil and military. 

2. The contingent expence of wars and other coercive measures  for  keeping it in subjection. 

3. The contingent expence of wars for the defence of it  against  foreign powers. 

4. The force, military and naval, constantly kept on foot  under  the apprehension of such wars. 

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5. The occasional danger to political liberty from the force  thus  kept up. 

6. The contingent expence of wars produced by alliances  contracted  for the purpose of supporting wars that

may be brought  on by the  defence of it. 

7. The corruptive effects of the influence resulting from the  patronage of the establishment, civil and military. 

8. The damage that must be done to the national stock of  intelligence by the false views of the national

interest, which  must  be kept up in order to prevent the nation from opening their  eyes and  insisting upon the

enfranchisement of the colony. 

9. The sacrifice that must be made of the real interest of  the  colony to this imaginary interest of the

mothercountry. It  is for the  purpose of governing it badly, and for no other, that  you wish to get  or keep a

colony. Govern it well, it is of no use  to you. 

To govern its inhabitants as well as they would govern  themselves,  you must choose to govern them those

only whom they  would themselves  choose, you must sacrifice none of their  interests to your own, you  must

bestow as much time and attention  to their interests as they  would themselves, in a word, you must  take those

very measures and no  others, which they themselves  would take. But would this be governing?  And what

would it be  worth to you, if it were? 

After all, it would be impossible for you to govern them so  well  as they would themselves, on account of the


10. The bad government resulting to the mothercountry from  the  complication, the indistinct views of

things, and the  consumption of  time occasioned by this load of distant  dependencies.  AGRICULTURE NOT


The most advantageous employment for the community that can  be  made of capital is agriculture, because

there the idle  landlord shares  in equal proportion with the labouring farmer. 

This can not be extended ad infinitum, to the exclusion of  other  employments of capital. It can be extended

no farther than  so far as  the farmer finds his profit equal to the profit of  stock in other  employments of

capital, which he would cease to do  if this business  were to be overstocked. 

What follows?  that as soon as this branch of business  became so  far stocked as to be less productive than

others,  capital would cease  to be applied to it; capital, instead of  being applied to this  business, would be

applied to some other,  i.e. manufactures. 

There would therefore be no occasion for employing artificial  means to draw it to manufactures: it would go

there of its own  accord. 

It is therefore not true to say that manufactures are  necessary to  agriculture, and that manufactures must first

be  encreased before  agriculture can be encreased. 

On the contrary, it is true to say that agriculture is  necessary  to manufactures, and that agriculture must first

be  encreased before  manufactures can be encreased. 

Men must exist, before they can begin to work: raw materials  of  manufacture must exist before they can be


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What makes the mistake is this. It is true that, when  manufactures  have encreased within the reach of an

intercourse  with cultivators,  agriculture can be carried on in various  respects to more advantage. 

Manufactures as well as agriculture afford by parsimony and  storing a capital: and when a capital is laid up

from  manufactures,  any part of it may as well be applied to  agriculture as to any thing  else. When applied to

agriculture,  the improvement of land enables a  given quantity of land and  labour to produce a greater quantity

of  produce. 

Each profits by the overflowings of the capital saved out of  the  other. But this does not make it necessary, but

unnecessary,  to take  capital by force from either, in order to bestow it upon  the other. 

Could capital be drawn from the clouds, like manna, by  praying,  there would be no use in bestowing it upon

one branch of  industry in  preference to another: for so much of this miraculous  capital as was  thrown into any

channel, so much natural would be  kept from flowing  into it. 

Agriculture without manufactures, contributes most to  population:  agriculture with manufactures to wealth.

Agriculture  without  manufactures makes men more numerous, and less wealthy:  agriculture  with

manufactures makes men more wealthy, and  consequently less  numerous. 

The relative quantity of capital will encrease, and  consequently  the rate of interest fall, where thesaurisation

goes  on faster than  population: and vice versa. 

When men have got more food than they want, they will be able  and  willing to give part of it for finer cloaths

and finer  furniture. 

But this does not make it necessary to set men to work to  make  finer cloaths and furniture, in order to induce

others to  produce  food. 

The consumption of some sorts of corn in particular ways is  limited, while the number of consumers is

limited. When a man has  as  much bread as he can eat, he will not give any thing for any  more. But  this is not

the case with other sorts of corn, or with  the same sort  of corn employed in another way. 

In England, the lowest wages of labour will always find a man  more  bread than he can eat: therefore

considerably more wheat  than is  produced at present, would, if not exported, not find  purchasers. But  the

lowest wages of labour, nor wages much above  the lowest, will not  find a man as much strong beer as he can

drink, nor even as he can  drink without hurting himself.  Therefore, even independently of  exportation. there

is no danger  of the nation's being overstocked with  such of the productions of  agriculture as are fit for making


Apply this to oats for horses, hay for horses and cows. 

There is no fear of there being at the same time more cream  produced than every body who has any thing to

give for it is able  to  eat, more fruit of all sorts, more poultry, more saddle  horses, more  coachhorses. 

With breadcorn it is possible that a market may be  overstocked:  but with such luxuries, and with all these

luxuries  put together, it  is impossible that the market should be  overstocked. And agriculture  is just as

capable of producing  these articles as breadcorn. 

Agriculture then will always find a sufficient market for  itself:  it is impossible it should ever fail to do so. 

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Therefore, for the purpose of a market, it can never stand in  need  of manufactures. And it has been shewn that

it can not stand  in need  of manufactures for the purpose of laying up capital.  Therefore it can  not stand in

need of manufactures for any  purpose. 

Quere: when capital is plenty, what is the correlative that  is  comparatively scarce? 

Hands adult and in actual readiness to work. 

When capital is plenty, interest will be low, and real price  of  labour high. 

When capital is scarce, interest will be high, and the price  (real) of labour low, unless kept up by an unnatural

occasional  demand such as that by war. 

What keeps down the quantity, and thence the value of capital  is  procreation, which multiplies little children

who occasion  expence  before they can produce profit. 

These children as they grow up, encrease the number of  labourers   thence they 1. keep down the price of

labour, and 2.  lessen the  ratio of capital to hands. 

The same causes that promote accumulation, promote  procreation. 

If accumulation goes on faster than procreation, capital will  proportionably encrease, and the rate of interest

proportionably  sink. 


1. See Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation,  4to. 1789. Ch. 14: On the proportion between

punishments and  offences. 

2. B. ii, c. 10, vol. ii, p. 45, edit. 8vo. 1784. 

3. B. ii, ch. 30. 

4. interest. 

5. usury. 

6. hazard run. 

7. felt by the loan. 

8. usury. 

9. interest for the money lent. 

10. it for the present. 

11. losing it entirely. 

12. lenders. 

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13. rate of general interest. 

14. money. 

15. specie. 

16. circulating. 

17. exchange. 

18. money. 

19. banker. 

20. cash in his own shop. 

21. lenders. 

22. the rate of the national interest. 

23. circulating cash. 

24. interest. 

25. lenders. 

26. lending. 

27. Edit. 1784, 8vo. p. 177. 

28. B. II, ch. iii, edit. 8vo, 1784, vol. ii. p. 20. 

29. B. II, ch. iii, vol. ii, p. 27, edit, 8vo, 1784. 

30. B. iv, ch. 2, vol. ii, p. 182, edit. 8vo. 

31. B. I, ch. 2, vol. i, p. 176. edit. 8vo, 1784. 

32. B. IV, ch. 8, vol. ii, p. 514, et alibi, edit. 8vo. 1784. 

33. I say in manufactures: for it is otherwise in buying and  selling. See Smith. 

34. The quantity of money belonging to the Dutch and other  foreigners in the English funds, has been

reckoned at thirty  millions: if this be just, the annual clear gain to Great Britain  from this importation of

foreign capital (reckoning interest in  the  funds at 4 per cent and profit upon stock at 8 per cent) is  £2,400,000. 

35. What Holland is to England in this respect, England is to  Ireland: except that the uneasiness with regard

to the supposed  profit to the lender and loss to the borrower, are still more  unreasonable. 

36. To wit more and more, the addition of capital not ceasing  till  the superiority of profit ceased. 

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37. Opportunity of collecting the particular information,  necessary time for reflecting on it, interest in

forming a right  judgment, in all these particulars he falls infinitely short of  the  persons themselves whom he

would wish to see thus employed. 

38. Bounties and prohibitions, it is to be observed, are equally  coercive. The only difference is, that the

coercion is applied in  the  one case to one set of people; in the other to another. No  bounty that  does not

necessitate a proportionable tax and to tax  is to coerce.  Monopolies and othe prohibitions are even the  milder

and least bad  expedient of the two if nobody in particular  suffers by them, as is  the case, for instance, where

the trade  prohibited is as yet untried. 

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1. Table of Contents, page = 3

2. Defence of Usury, page = 4

   3. by Jeremy Bentham, page = 4

   4. LETTER I.  Introduction, page = 4

   5. LETTER II Reasons for Restraint. -- Prevention of Usury., page = 5

   6. LETTER III. Reasons for Restraint. -- Prevention of Prodigality., page = 7

   7. LETTER IV Reasons for Restraint. -- Protection of Indigence., page = 9

   8. LETTER V Reasons for Restraint.-Protection of Simplicity., page = 10

   9. LETTER VI Mischiefs of the anti-usurious laws., page = 11

   10. LETTER VII Efficacy of anti-usurious laws., page = 14

   11. LETTER VIII Virtual Usury allowed., page = 16

   12. LETTER IX Blackstone considered., page = 18

   13. LETTER X Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury., page = 19

   14. LETTER XI Compound Interest., page = 22

   15.  LETTER XII Maintenance and Champerty., page = 23

   16.  LETTER XIII To Dr. Smith, on Projects in Arts, etc., page = 25