Hi Cathy,
You can ask me questions until the cows come home.. Its unlimited coaching, per se.
Ahhh, do you mean like the type you see on TV? They are good sellers, but you have to find a low priced source and be careful with the marketing dollars..
FIRST, I will tell you some tips to selling such product..
I have noticed some of those sellers go overboard, putting it in the top Home Featured and I am under the impression, they are not making a ton of money..
The best place to put such a product is in the correct categories, category featured and to really "key word it". Basically, brainstorm a million keyword patterns that seem to have good searches on eBay.. Then, branch out into as many categories as possible. And last feature a couple auctions as "anchor auctions" and link all the rest to the anchor auctions (works well if you have a variety of weight loss and health products".
THEN, you need to know where to get such product.. Here are a couple leads..
These "appear" to either directly sell or indirectly health products.
You will likely have to sign up for their email lists or just plain call them to ask if they have any health, vitamins type salvage product..
Cathy Kwiatkowski <cakwiat@charter.net> wrote:
Hi Tony,
It's been several months since I purchased this online help from you and I did have several questions at first. Well, I have set everything up to sell on e-bay and have actually sold a couple of items. I now have more questions and would like to know if I can still ask for your help.
I'll ask my questions and if my time has expired and I don't hear from you that's ok.
I have given selling certain items a great deal of thought and found one item that I sold actually sold for more than I purchased it for. I've decide that weight loss products and/or programs sell very well. How do I go about finding sources?