Hi Terri,
Yes, you are thinking correctly. I would say eBooks or software Cds are the small priced items and it is wise to do higher priced items also.
For instance, any physical item you can sell for around $50 to $500 on eBay is good.
I sell, often, electronics and hardware, but there are many other items that can be sold in higher price ranges.
For instance, I know where to buy name brand clothing and department store items (whatever you find say in JC Pennys, for instance).
Basically, they are return items or what we call salvage. They are returns/overstock items that they do not want to sell or can not sell anymore for whatever reason. With electronics, it could be a TV missing a remote control.
You pay about 30% of the wholesale price and you can turn around and sell it for double or even triple what you paid.. Of course, about 15% of it is bad, but most of it is good (85% after a little elbow grease on a bit of it).
Beyond coaching, I was offering something where I would go in on certain businesses and help more hands on. But, I am currently not doing this. Maybe in the future.. I would get paid a small percentage royalties if I did this..
If you would like to know how to buy salvage, write back and I will tell you some good places to buy from and how to locate them yourself..