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Hi Mike,
Great, as we learned a few things here..  But, you need to know how to read this data..  What I see and what you see in the same data is different.
OK, you raised it to $15 from $5 and you see almost double the traffic..
What does this prove?  It proves my point that the higher price is actually part of the marketing..
Now, you mentioned that the ebook didn't seem worth $15..  So, what do you do?
Do you decide not to sell it?  No..  Do you decide to lower the price?  No.  What do you do?
Put more real estate books in the package, of course..  Why not sell 4 ebooks on real estate.. ?
NOW, what else do we know?
So, you got 20 more people to view, but no takers..  What gets people to your ad in the first place?  your title, your price, your icon..  SO, all we did is get a good amount of people to your ad.. 
Congradulations on having a better title, icon, price.. 
What is missing?  A great ad!  An ad that makes them want to buy it now..
How do we improve?
We look at those who ARE selling real estate information at about this price range and are selling many..
your competitors that ARE making the money..

Then, we reverse engineer or deduce what it is about their ad that makes the customers buy and we TAKE those attributes and add it to our ad.

What if the attribute is not in your ebook?  Ad another ebook with the attribute!
Check out your competition here:
I see a couple already you should reverse engineer:
He has 40 ebooks on real estate.. You could just buy one of those 10,000 ebooks CDs and get 40 ebooks off it and you have matched him..
There is obviously more to reverse engineer.  Checkout ALL of your good competition..

Michael Coleman <> wrote:
My first action was 180024506523. I got 36 visitors. My second auction was 180028109688. I increased my visitors to 56. I still didn't sell the product. I was looking at the pdf file that is in the zipped file. It only contains 35 pages. How can this be worth the higher price tag. I want to rewrite my ad and maybe try a different category. What do you think? I got a lot of interest in my other auctions 180029406606, why is that?

Michael Coleman

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Anthony W. <>
To: Michael Coleman <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:31:54 PM
Subject: Re: Item number: 180028109688

The auction number you sent: 18002810968, does not yield an auction..  You missed a number somewhere..
I found it at this link: 
Well, I can tell you you are DEFINITELY going in the right direction now.. 
I like these two things already:
1. Higher price.
2. Icon change..
I am looking at the ad and I think I would change it a bit.. 
Some suggestions:
1. More pictures of people and houses..  Maybe people who have used similar programs who have done what you are saying your product will do..  It would be a form of testimonies..  As long as it is similar techniques as your ebook, or as long as you get several ebooks on the topic, you will be good..
2. So, I would drop the book icon, make it look more "exciting" and have pictures of houses, testimonies, real people, etc..  BUT, make sure not to over do it..  Just some pictures, a couple testimonies..
3. Stress the benefits..  The benefits are making money, freedom, time gained, time with family, etc..  The benefits sell the product, mainly..  The features are not as relevant..  I have seen some of the best sellers on ebay not mention even ONE feature and only benefits and sell to a TON of people..  The top seller does this..  You have NO CLUE what is in the ebook, but you know that it will give you money, time, freedom, etc... 
So, you are part way there..  You are getting the idea.. I like the price change.. It will raise some eyebrows and get some looks..  Now, when you have them looking, you got to bag the sales..
Just remember, once you start getting the sales, 30% or more sell through rate, you are at a point of being able to take it to the top of the page to make tons of sales..


Michael Coleman <> wrote:
My action ended and I got no takers. I put a new title on the action and changed the picture. I am still working on getting more ebooks and putting them together on a CD. Did any of my changes improve this action?  Item number: 18002810968
How do I put a CD together?
Michael Coleman

----- Original Message ----
From: Anthony W. <>
To: Michael Coleman <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:48:40 PM
Subject: Re: Item number: 180024506523

Hi Michael,
I am looking at the auction.. 
OK, right now, you are in "trial and error".  So, you are not looking for hundreds of hits, as you only put this up in a regular fashion, correct?   You did not border, category feature it, correct?
So, the idea is to just sell one at a time or maybe two per auction at trial stage..
You put it in dutch format, when you are start to back up the ad with bordering, bolding, category featured.
Basically, we are just testing..  This is the longest part and is trial and error.. 
BUT, I can make your job a bit easier by pointing out things I know from experience to make your auction that much closer to being ready for category featured..
1. First, I would do a search like this:
In the above search, you will notice that information on real estate is usually higher priced..  What this tells me is that if you put it at a low price, like $5, you are likely going to have troubles..  Just speaking from experience..
So, what I would do is drop the icon you are using..  I would make it look like this ebook is fresh..  Then, I might just put it on CD or print it, so I can be in more categories and also so I can get some profits in shipping costs..
2. I would put the price at probably a minimum of $15 bucks..  When a customer would purchase, I would send more than just this one ebook.  I would send several solid ebooks on the topic of real estate. 
3. So a price like $15 to $30.  Yes, I know, this sounds strange compared to all the "standard" strategies, but trust me, I know what I am doing here..
4. OK, so you will not be selling one ebook, but rather comprehensive information on "Real Estate" and putting it all on one CD.. 
5. The approach will not be to use the direct ad you currently have..  The approach also will not be like those amatuers who have silly ads like "14,000 ebooks on one CD for $5 bucks"..  This is a bad idea..  Its basically an orgy of product for too low of price, which tells the customer they must not be worth much, whether or not they are worth much..
6. The price is part of the marketing..  If the price is low, it will not sell well or it will sell but not much profit..  If the price is high, it will not sell or it will not sell much.. If the price is just right, maxed out, it will sell well and make you the most profit.. 
Do not assume the right price is some price you would want to pay..  Rather, consider what is the ideal price.  Look at this link again:
When I see the above link, I see the top priced ones are by "pros".  So, you don't want to be here, as these are famous people and that is why they sell that high..  Also they are printed professional packages..
So, scroll down, notice all the greens (sales) in the $25 to $15 range..  That means, this is a confortable level many are willing to pay for good information..  ALL you have to do is provide solid information after you get the sale..  So, right now, you are concerned more so about the sale, as it is pretty easy to find several ebooks on "real estate" and you can even buy books and write your own small ebook, if you think it is lacking (which probably will not be the case)..
You basically want to make a package of as much information on real estate as possible..  So, that will be your product goal.. 
On your sales goal, you want to follow my advice above..  I am thinking the $19.95 range is really good..  Also, I think the CD or DVD might just be a good way to send it..
Why CD or DVD? 
Because you can be in FOUR times as many categories.. 
NOW, why are we doing all of the above..  Why would we want to make this as good as possible..

The reason is because we put in the labor now.. The best we can and THEN we put the marketing bucks behind it..
So, we start with one auction..  Then, when it sells 30% of the time, we take it to the top of the page..  Then, you are getting like 4 or more sales at $19.95 at the top of the page..  You get to keep $50 bucks on this auction every time it ends.. 
You then branch out into other categories..  Computers/Software/   and    Books/Nonfiction   and so on..
You get up 5 auctions at the top of the page, all sell 4 per auction..  Sometimes, you might get a killer auction that sells more than this.. Maybe even 8 once in a while or even higher..
So, now you have 5 auctions making you around $50 per auction, per week..  Now, we are talking $250 profit per week from ONE INFO PRODUCT..
See how this works??
OK, what you need to do is check out your competitors..  These are some of your worthy competitors:
These two sell like 50% of their auctions at $15 to $20 bucks..  One of them does it on CDs.  One of them does it digital delivery.. 
If these guys knew what I know, they would be taking what they have and putting it at the top of the page and making 4 times what they are making know..
But the good news is few know these techniques, so you have an advantage..
You need to reverse engineer what their ad says..  Tell yourself your ad needs to have the good qualities that makes them bite that you see in their ads..

Do not worry about the product you are sending yet..  Just know you will be able to put it together..  
Ask yourself, "if I am making $250 a week off this, will I be able to find a way to get them all they want about real estate?"
Of course you will..  That will be your motivation.  That is why I dive into this stuff..  The money is good motivation to make a solid package to send them..
Write back..

Michael Coleman <> wrote:

I have listed this ebook. I have got 13 hits on the action, but haven't sold any yet. I got one message but it was spam. How can I increase my traffic and my sell. Item number: 180024506523

Michael Coleman

O'REILLY: All right, Lis ... I sell bibles in Tarzana, CA. Lenny comes in, & he's got a ... beard. He's wearing a dress ... I have to hire him?
LIS WIEHL: You can't not hire Lenny.
O'REILLY: Yes, but ... Don't you see my business point here? ... the state of Calif .. is forcing me to hire people that may be detrimental to my business.
LIS WIEHL: appearance shouldn't matter. When you're selling bibles.
O'REILLY: Ms. Rivers, you understand ... better than Lis because she went to Harvard Law School, and that disqualifies her from common sense.

O'REILLY: All right, Lis ... I sell bibles in Tarzana, CA. Lenny comes in, & he's got a ... beard. He's wearing a dress ... I have to hire him?
LIS WIEHL: You can't not hire Lenny.
O'REILLY: Yes, but ... Don't you see my business point here? ... the state of Calif .. is forcing me to hire people that may be detrimental to my business.
LIS WIEHL: appearance shouldn't matter. When you're selling bibles.
O'REILLY: Ms. Rivers, you understand ... better than Lis because she went to Harvard Law School, and that disqualifies her from common sense.

O'REILLY: All right, Lis ... I sell bibles in Tarzana, CA. Lenny comes in, & he's got a ... beard. He's wearing a dress ... I have to hire him?
LIS WIEHL: You can't not hire Lenny.
O'REILLY: Yes, but ... Don't you see my business point here? ... the state of Calif .. is forcing me to hire people that may be detrimental to my business.
LIS WIEHL: appearance shouldn't matter. When you're selling bibles.
O'REILLY: Ms. Rivers, you understand ... better than Lis because she went to Harvard Law School, and that disqualifies her from common sense.

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