Neiko Handheld Pocket AC/DC Digital Multimeter Tester with Stand, Extra Large LCD Screen Display

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Product Description
Neiko Handheld Pocket AC/DC Digital Multimeter Tester with Stand, Extra Large LCD Screen Display. When you require exact measuring, you reach for a caliper. This caliper takes an essential tool into the 21st century with an extra-large LCD digital readout for exact internal and outside measurements accurate to . Instantly converts from SAE or Metric, the display can be zeroed at any point on the slide. 001.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Easy-to-read extra-large LCD readout, ideal for lab or DIY garage
- Measure volts, amps, ohms, diode, transistor, and continuity easily
- Convenient large LED screen, polarity indication, over range indication and data hold
- Carrying case and instruction manual included, uses one 9V Battery (included)
- Package comes with 2 prongs as shown
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