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Living in the Village: Build Your Financial Future and Strengthen Your Community (9780312646363): Ryan C. Mack: Books. Mack, executive and financial commentator, provides a road map for improving the reader’s quality of life and offers many examples of individuals who get financial control of themselves and benefit their community with their fiscally responsible decisions. He points to widespread poor planning as Labor Department research indicates 93 percent of Americans at age 65 require help from family, friends, or Social Security for necessities. Topics covered include budgeting, adequate insurance, estate planning, credit scores, high-risk debt, retirement planning, establishing an emergency fund, individual retirement accounts, low-risk debt, diversified investment strategy, selecting a financial advisory team, and investing in the community. Appendix A quotes Proverbs 29:18: Where there is no vision, the people perish. It is Mack’s perceptive Four Steps to Success, which include discovering passion, determining vision, finding the resources to accomplish the vision, and following an action plan. This collection of important financial concepts will be helpful to many library patrons as they seek to plan properly in this challenging economic environment. --Mary Whaley
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