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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth: The 8 Secrets of How 5,000 Ordinary Americans Became Successful Investors--and How You Can Too (9780062736864): Ric Edelman: Books. Several years ago, after helpful nudges from Oprah and Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Stanley and William Danko found themselves sitting atop the best-seller charts with The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy (1996), in which they profiled the surprisingly frugal lifestyles and spending habits of America's hidden millionaires. Now Edelman hopes to garner the same attention with this survey of 5,000 of his clients who are predominately middle-class but successful investors. Edelman, a financial planner and popular talk-show host, is already the author of The New Rules of Money: 88 Strategies for Financial Success Today (1998) and The Truth about Money: Because Money Doesn't Come with Instructions (1996). He uncovers eight basic secrets that, in several cases, run counter to prevailing financial wisdom. Don't pay down your mortgage! Don't diversify your retirement plan contributions! After explaining each strategy, Edelman lets his survey respondents speak in their own words. David Rouse
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