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Real Estate: The Sustainable Investment: Strategies for the Next Generation (9781460933381): Glen Sweeney, John Gordon: Books. GLEN R. SWEENEY is a real estate investor and Managing Partner for a number of real estate investment partnerships. He is the President of Investors Research Institute Inc. (IRI) and has established real estate investment and development LLCs with a wide variety of partners. He has also been a management consultant to major forest products companies on divestiture issues, marketing analysis and corporate reorganization. He has taught Finance and Operations Management at Oregon State University’s College of Business and been an adjunct professor of Finance and Investments at Linfield College. He has been an invited lecturer at Yale, Oxford, University of Munich and Portland State University. He began his higher education at New York University and holds an MBA from Oregon State University. He is also the author of a curriculum on capital budgeting. JOHN C. GORDON has invested in rental, forest and farm real estate for over 30 years. He is Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies Emeritus at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and was Dean at Yale Forestry from 1983 to 1992 and again in 1997/98. He holds a Ph.D. from Iowa State University and has been a Fulbright Scholar in Finland (University of Helsinki) and India (Bangalore). He has extensive consulting experience with public and private organizations, including leading natural resource and land holding firms. He has authored or coauthored over 100 publications, including books on investing and leadership. He is a managing partner in Candlewood Timber Group, LLC, and Maximum Yield Associates, LLC.
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