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The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It (9780195373387): Paul Collier: Books. An important book.--Fareed ZakariaInsightful and influential.--NewsweekAn acclaimed bestseller in 2007, and already a set text in development courses worldwide, Paul Collier's The Bottom Billion has far from exhausted its potential to change the way we think about, teach about, and legislate about global poverty...Its policy recommendations, many of which focus on empowering domestic actors, including through voluntary international standards to serve as rallying cries for reform movements, are not only pragmatic but also addressed squarely to the audience that matters most: the G8. It does not hurt its crossover appeal that The Bottom Billon is a model of good writing for the public understanding of social science.--Ethics & International Affairs (publication of the Carnegie Council)Excellent...his key recommendations are right on the mark, and his message should resonate in the development discourse for years to come...Highly recommended.--CHOICEThis is a path-breaking work providing penetrating insights into the largely unexplored borderland between economics and politics.--George SorosOne of the most important books on world poverty in a very long time.--Richard John Neuhaus, founder of First Things MagazineProvides a penetrating reassessment of why vast populations remain trapped in poverty, despite endless debate over foreign aid policy among wealthy countries and institutions.--Barbara McDougall, Jury Chair, The Lionel Gelber Prize, and Canada's Former Secretary of State for External AffairsWorkable development ideas are hard to find, but Professor Collier may have identified the next frontier for positive change.--Tyler Cowen, The New York Times
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