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The Craftsman (9780300151190): Richard Sennett: Books. With this volume, author and sociologist Sennett (The Culture of the New Capitalism) launches a three-book examination of material culture, asking what the process of making concrete things reveals to us about ourselves. Taking in everything from Pandora and Hephaestus to Linux programmers, Sennett posits that the spirit of craftsmanship-an enduring, basic human impulse, the desire to do a job well for its own sake-is tragically lacking in many areas of the industrialized world. Craftsmanship, by combining skill, commitment and judgment, establishes a close relationship between head and hand, man and machine, that Sennett asserts is vital to physical, mental and societal well-being; the symptoms of craftsmanship-deficiency can be found in worker demoralization, inefficiency and waning loyalty from both employees and employers, as well as other (largely institutional) effects. Sennett looks at the evolution of craftsmanship and the historical forces which have stultified it, how it's learned in the areas it still thrives (among scientists, artists, cooks, computer programmers and others), and issues of quality and ability (skill, not talent, makes a craftsman). Sennett's learned but inclusive prose proves entirely readable, and the breadth of his curiosity-delving into the minds behind the Manhattan project, touring Soviet suburbs, examining the methods of Julia Childs-take him in a number of fascinating directions. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds