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The Disney Way, Revised Edition: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company (9780071478151): Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson: Books. Two years ago, consultant Tom Connellan used Disney as a model in his Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney's Success. Whereas Connellan focused on customer service, Capodagli and Jackson hold up Disney as a standard for its management methods and corporate culture. Like Connellan, these two authors are enchanted by the Disney magic. In neither case did the Walt Disney Company provide sponsorship or even cooperate with the authors. Capodagli and Jackson are consultants who use the Disney model in their work. They have distilled the essence of Disney into the exhortation Dream! Believe! Dare! Do! and they identify 10 beliefs that are at the heart of the Disney methodology. Interwoven throughout their book are examples of how they have successfully applied this credo in their work with other companies. Their primary, recurring illustration is that of their work with a successful restructuring at Whirlpool and the building of its Global No-Frost Team. David Rouse

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