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I Was Broke. Now Im Not. (9781605301907): Joseph Sangl: Books. Joe Sangl is an absolute freak which is exactly why you should not just read, but devour this book. As a pastor I have seen hundreds of people walk around carrying regret with them. What kind of regret? Well, there s relational regret and then there s vocational regret but the one that usually isn t mentioned but is probably most common is FINANCIAL regret. I know way too many people who are in debt up to their eyeballs and are currently seeing no light at the end of the tunnel thus leaving them feeling hopeless. But there is hope! If you are in a financial hole you CAN get out of it...and...if you are just beginning your financial journey in life what you are about to read can save you from making dumb money decisions that could haunt you for years and prevent you from doing exactly what God has designed you to do. I personally believe that God has a unique plan and purpose for everyone on this big ball of dirt we call earth. However, I have seen people that, because of intense financial bondage, have to delay what they know He has called them to do because they can not afford to make that move. That is tragic! Let me be very clear about something what you will read in the pages that follow is NOT how to get rich in a month type of thing. AND by reading this you will not discover some obscure verse in the Bible that, upon claiming it you will have something to force God to bless you with. What Joe has written about here is how the average person who makes an average salary can live an above average life. I am sick and tired of people who say that if they just made more money then they could get out of the financial prison they are in that is BULL! You can begin your journey to freedom today, but remember, financial freedom takes work... Which is exactly why many people never achieve it! I have met WAY too many Christians who simply want God to pay off all their financial debt which is unfair because He s not the one who racked up the credit cards. God will help us get out of debt but we have to be the ones who apply the wisdom He provides us with. Let me be honest this is not a very comforting book when you first read it. In fact, I sort of had a sick feeling in my stomach because of some steps I discovered that I need to take. BUT I can promise that if you read and apply what has been written here then you will eliminate financial regret from your life. On a personal note I have watched Joe and his lovely bride walk through this journey. I have listened to him yell at the television when credit card commercials come on. I have seen him pay cash for just about everything he purchases...in other words he is smoking what he is selling. This book is not the words of some ghost writer or some guy that has an abstract theory but rather a guy who has been buried in financial regret, came out of it and wants to help others do the same. --Perry Noble - Pastor of NewSpring Church

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