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Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application (9780470015001): James F. Manwell, Jon G. McGowan, Anthony L. Rogers: Books. “…well written and comprehensive …deserves a place in the library of every university and college where renewable energy is taught.” (The International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol.41, No.2 April 2004)…provides a wealth of information and is an excellent reference book for people interested in the subject of wind energy. (IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Nov/Dec 2003)...Extremely good value for is difficult to think of any topic that has been omitted...? (IEE Review, September 2002)...can be thoroughly recommended as a comprehensive introduction...?(Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 November 2002)...a very comprehensive and well-organized treatment of the current status of wind power...highly recommended for all serious students of this technology. (Choice, Vol. 40, No. 4, December 2002)
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds