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Winning with Accountability: The Secret Language of High-Performing Organizations (9780981924205): Henry J. Evans: Books. Without accountability, the greatest strategies in the world are not worth the paper they are written on. This book shows you how to make accountability a part of your culture and improve performance at the same time. Use the strategies outlined in this book and reap the rewards! --David Cottrell, author of Monday Morning LeadershipAccountability is such an important business concept, particularly as organizations get more globally focused and pursue multiple initiatives to drive performance. Here, the concept is presented in a very simple, easy-to-understand manner. In less than 90 minutes, I was able to take away some powerful tools that I m finding helpful in managing a complex business. --Scott Schulman, President of Dow Jones Financial Information ServicesAt adidas, we speak over 50 languages. The Language of Accountability in this book cuts through them all. By simply using these tools, I am setting clearer expectations ... and see them being met more often. --Steve Bonomo, Head of Group Recruiting, adidas Group
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