| Eforcity Travel USB Charger Adapter for Palm (PalmOne) m500, i705, Tungsten T, W, C, Zire, Zire 71, Treo 600, 650, HP iPAQ 3100, h5555, Jornada 500

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Product Description
Eforcity USB Travel Charger Adapter for Palm (PalmOne) m500, i705, Tungsten T, W, C, Zire, Zire 71, Treo 600, 650, HP iPAQ 3100, h5555, Jornada 500: Computers & Accessories. Charge your phone, PDA, MP3 Player and many more USB enabled devices while traveling. Connect the USB cable into the USB port while the AC adapter is connected to a standard outlet..
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds