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| Black Grey with Trim Harlan Series Nylon Hard Cube Carrying Case with Carrying Handles for Barnes & Noble Nook Color Wireless eBook Reader + Executive White Stylus Pen with Laser Pointer and LED Light + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband Rank: Manufacturer:SumacLife

New: Used: Average:$22.94 Retail: 39.99 Model: ASIN:
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Product Description
Black with Grey Trim Harlan Series Nylon Hard Cube Carrying Case with Carrying Handles for Barnes & Noble Nook Color Wireless eBook Reader + Executive White Stylus Pen with Laser Pointer and LED Light + SumacLife TM Wisdom Courage Wristband: MP3 Players & Accessories. The Harlan Series Carrying Case is like no other case out there in market today. The Velcro padding is a great feature that allows you to use the Velcro Tape Strips (Tape Strips INCLUDED with Case) to stick your tablet to the inside of the case to prevent it from falling out. The interior fishnet pocket allows cables, documents, cell phones or other accessories to be stored along with your device for convenience on the go. This carrying case provides your tablet the maximum protection against unnecessary scratches and scuffs.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Ultimate protective carrying case // External Dimension 7 x 9 1/2 x 2 3/4 in
- Provides your Device the maximum protection against scratches and scuffs
- Interior fishnet pocket for storage of small accessories // INCLUDES!!! SD Memory Card Slots
- Velcro Tape Strips to allow you to stick your Device inside case and prevent it from falling OUT
- INCLUDES!!! Executive White Stylus Pen with durable, compact and versatile design
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