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| Dalite Imager Multi-mask 65 INCHX116 Inch High Contrast Cinema Perf Projection Screen Rank: Manufacturer:Dalite

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Product Description
Dalite Multi-mask Imager 65 INCHX116 Inch High Contrast Cinema Perf Projection Screen: Electronics. Designed for the multiple aspect ratio world we live in the Multi-Masking Imager is the crown jewel of the Da-Lite's home theater line. This screen does it all: video, HDTV, Letterbox and Cinemascope formats all with the touch of a button. Let the Multi-Masking Imager effortlessly convert from game time to show time in no time.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Multi-Mask Imager with High Contrast Cinema Perf fabric and 110 volt motor.
- Optimum Viewing of Multiple Video Image Formats. Fixed frame screen that features both horizontal and vertical masking. Available with choice of eleven projection screen surfaces.
- With all masking retracted, the screen is HDTV (1.78:1) aspect ratio. With masking, you can achieve NTSC Video (1.33:1), Letterbox (1.85:1), and Cinemascope (2.35:1) formats. Standard with Pro-Trim finish, which is a fabric frame covering.
- High Contrast Cinema Perf has the same optical characteristics as High Contrast Cinema Vision, and is perforated to allow placement of a center channel speaker behind the screen surface while allowing the sound to transmit through the material. Ideal for use in environments with moderate control of ambient light. Gain 1.1 with a 45-degree viewing half angle.
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