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| Defender Add-On AL101-TX Motion Sensor for Wireless Driveway Alert System with 500-Feet Range Rank: Manufacturer:Defender

New: Used: Average:$39.99 Retail: Model:Item model number: AL101-TX ASIN:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Defender AL101-TX Add-On Motion Sensor for Wireless Driveway Alert System with 500-Feet Range: Camera & Photo. Always be aware when invited guests or unwanted trespassers visit your property or enter a restricted area. The system has the ability to expand and hold up to three motion detectors connected to one parent unit at once so you can easily protect more areas of your property. This ADD-ON motion sensor is compatible with the AL101 Driveway Alert System.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - ADD-ON For use with the AL101 Wireless Driveway Alert System
- Place the motion sensor in your driveway or restricted areas to be notified when people are present
- Sensor is weather resistant for year-round use
- Wireless signal allows the motion detector to be installed up to 500ft from the alarm unit
- 3 total sensors can be used with the main system
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