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| 13 Deluxe Color Navigation Plotter by APR: GPS & Navigation Rank: Manufacturer:Aero Products

New: Used: Average:$12.95 Retail: Model:Item model number: DNP-13 ASIN:
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Product Description
13 Deluxe Color Navigation Plotter by APR: GPS & Navigation. Exclusive Color Graphics! Only available from APR! The new 13 Deluxe Compass Rose Navigation Plotter features four protractor scales and fourteen sawtooth color-coded nautical, statute, and terminal area scales for Sectional, WAC, and Terminal Charts.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Accurately measure course lines, Plot intended flight course lines, Solve off-course problems
- Determine bearings to and from, Plot true & magnetic north lines, Establish flight plan check point
- A Sectional Chart side and a WAC Chart side, Superior for use in the cockpit at night
- Top/ bottom graduations for statute and nautical scales
- Opaque white backgrounds and creative graphics for easier reading of scales, 4 Protractor scales
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