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| Ectaco Alpine iTRAVL NTL-2Cr English - Croatian Bidirectional Speech to Speech Translating Talking Dictionary & Ultimate Travel PhraseBook Rank: Manufacturer:Ectaco

New: Used: Average:$379.95 Retail: 529.95 Model: ASIN:
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Product Description
Ectaco iTRAVL Alpine NTL-2Cr English - Croatian Bidirectional Speech to Speech Translating Talking Dictionary & Ultimate Travel PhraseBook: Electronics. English Croatian electronic speech-to-speech translator, talking dictionary and Ultimate Travel Tool ECTACO iTRAVL Alpine-2Cr
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Electronic talking dictionaries (459,550 words) : English <-> Croatian; Croatian <-> English
- Indispensable travel resources that include Fodor Travel Guide CIA World Factbook Maps and Travel AudioBooks
- English and Croatian human native speaker voice for all 14,000 phrases in the Audio PhraseBook
- English and Croatian speech recognition for the phrasebook: simply speak a phrase in English language and the device pronounces the translation in Croatian and back!
- Equipped with the CIA World Factbook, detailed information for 180 countries around the world: Maps, Flags, Country Profiles, People, Geography, History, Economy, Essential Statistics, International Organizations.
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