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| Ectaco iTRAVL NTL-19WLD Black Talking 2-way Multilingual Language Communicator Dictionary Rank: Manufacturer:Ectaco

New: Used: Average:$789.95 Retail: 849.95 Model:Item model number: NTL-19WLD iTRAVL Black ASIN:
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Product Description
Ectaco NTL-19WLD iTRAVL Black Talking 2-way Multilingual Language Communicator Dictionary: Electronics. Loaded with a full range of the most useful communication tools. Helping you to enjoy sightseeing more, meet new friends and deal with emergencies, it is loaded with a full range of the most advanced language management tools ever combined and includes iHELP which lets you immediately access a list of emergency or most frequently used phrases instantly. Thanks to its remarkable Speech Recognition modules all you have to do is pronounce a voice tag and iTRAVL will speak the phrase immediately.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Unique multilingual handheld translates words and phrases from English to Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese (kana), Korean, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and back!
- The world's most sophisticated Speech Recognition System that understands and instantly translates any of the tens of thousands of pre-programmed words and phrases contained in the iTRAVL.
- Unsurpassed Travel Voice PhraseBook translates and speaks 133,000 phrases using native-speaker voice narration.
- iHELP for instant access to emergency and frequently used phrases which can be spoken immediately.
- Reliable and accurate 2-way Full-text Machine Translation between English and Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish!
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