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| Focus FS-H200 Enhancements Portable Compact Flash DTE Recorder with 2.5 Color TFT Display for Windows XP, Vista, MAC OS X Rank: Manufacturer:Focus Enhancements

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Product Description
Focus Enhancements FS-H200 Portable Compact Flash DTE Recorder with 2.5 Color TFT Display for Windows XP, Vista, MAC OS X: Electronics. The all new FS-H200 Portable Compact Flash DTE Recorder brings ultra-reliable solid state acquisition with Direct To Edit Technology to your DV or HDV camcorder. At only 2. wide, 5. 75 in.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Solid State Acquisition to Editing in One Step: The Focus FS-H200 introduces a new element to DTE Recording. For the first time, it is possible to record directly to a removable and inexpensive Compact Flash (CF) memory cards (sold separately).
- The Direct To Edit Advantage: With the FS-H200 Portable Compact Flash DTE Recorder, you will go from acquisition to editing with unparalleled speed, efficiency and reliability
- Industry Standard File Format Support: The Focus FS-H200 brings the most popular DTE file formats to solid state recording. When used with 25Mb/s HDV cameras.
- Removable Compact Flash Slot: The FS-H200 features a CF card slot on its side for insertion of standard Type 1, UDMA, 266x minimum Compact Flash Cards ( 16GB min.).
- Native QuickTime HDV Support: With the FS-H200, you can record 1080i 50/60 or 720p 30 clips as native QuickTime HDV. The FS-H200 extracts and decodes the audio from the incoming HDV stream, combines it with video stream and wraps is as a QuickTime HDV file.
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