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| Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: Car Electronics Rank: Manufacturer:Fusion

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Product Description
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: Car Electronics. The Ultrasonic distance sensor consists of a ultrasonic transducer mounted on a small PCB, with mounting holes. to 254-in. 45-meters), and range objects 6-in. (6.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - The Ultrasonic distance sensor consists of a ultrasonic transducer mounted on a small PCB, with mounting holes. It can detect objects 0-in. to 254-in. (6.45-meters), and range objects 6-in. to 254-in. (6.45 meters). Ultrasonic sensors are more of a shotgun distance sensor, as opposed to the 'laser beam' IR distance sensor. Use the IR distance sensor for targeted distance measurement, and the ultrasonic distance sensor for wide-range applications. Car based applications include, backup sensors, p
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