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| GPS Receiver Waterproof BU-353 SiRF Star III Enabled USB GPS Receiver w/LED indicator Rank: Manufacturer:GPS

New: Used: Average:$36.75 Retail: Model: ASIN:
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Product Description
GPS Waterproof Receiver BU-353 SiRF Star III Enabled USB GPS Receiver w/LED indicator: GPS & Navigation. Introducing the first SiRF Star III based Serial GPS receiver with WAAS/EGNOS* support for enchance position accuracy. It works very well even in reduced visibility environment or weak signal tracking such as traveling in mega city and surrounded by tall buildings. With non-slip on the bottom and the special compact design, the GlobalSat BU-353 Water-Proof USB Mouse GPS Receiver is completely self-contained and waterproof. It is very small and it`s waterproof! It also comes with a magnetic mounting so that you could mount it on the roof of your car! The GlobalSat BU-353 Water-Proof USB Mouse GPS Receiver can be utilized in a variety of applications that require a magnetic mounting with waterproof configuration.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - The BU-353 GPS Receiver can be utilized in a variety of applications that require a magnetic mounting with waterproof configuration
- SiRF Star III GPS chipset and an active patch antenna so you receive a high degree of GPS accuracy
- Combining both design and technology into an iF product design award 2006 winning GPS receiver
- Typical application can include marine environments, aviation, commercial use such as fire truck, police cars and utility vehicles and buses
- The extended 5 feet long cable allows for easy routing to your PC behind headliners and side panels and terminates to a custom USB connector
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