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| i-Blue Bluetooth 747Pro GPS Data Logger Receiver with Vibration Sensor Rank: Manufacturer:i-Blue

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Product Description
i-Blue 747Pro Bluetooth GPS Data Logger Receiver with Vibration Sensor: GPS & Navigation. # Features: Dual mode : Data record / Navigation# Push button for POI recording# Smart log of time, distance and speed# Log up to 250,000 waypoints# Embedded sensor for smart operation# Long operation time# Smart auto on/off# Audio alarm# Rechargeable battery# Bluetooth V1. 42 MHZ# C/A Code: 1. 023MHz chip rate# Channels: 66 CH for tracking# Antenna: Built-in patch with LNA# Datum: WGS-84Acquisition Rate# Cold Start: 35 sec, average# Warm Start: 34 sec, average# Hot Start: 1.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - This BT GPS logger features an all-in-one, cost-effective portable GPS logging solution with buzzer. It allows you to log your route by setting the interval of time/ distance/ speed. Point of interest can also be recorded by push of a button. Through user friendly utility, it shows your track on Google Earth.
- Main difference between i-Blue 747Pro and 747A+:
- 250,000 wapyoints vs 125,000 waypoints
- Vibration sensor
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