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| Ham CB / Radio Coax 3ft Jumper Genuine LMR-400 Times Microwave Coaxial Cable Antenna Equipment Extension PL-259 Connector PL259 Rank: Manufacturer:Times Microwave LMR-400

New: Used: Average:$14.99 Retail: 19.99 Model:Item model number: LMR-400 Coaxial Cable ASIN:
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Product Description
Ham / CB Radio Coax 3ft Jumper Genuine LMR-400 Times Microwave Coaxial Cable Antenna Equipment Extension PL-259 Connector PL259: Electronics. This Genuine Times Microwave USA Made LMR-400 coaxial cable was developed to provide an extremely low loss alternative with the transmission characteristics of hardline coaxial cables and the flexibility required for WiFi, Ham and CB Radio installations. Times Microwave systems, designs and manufactures high.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - LMR400 LMR-400 is a Registered Trademark of Times Microwave Systems
- PL-259 UHF coax cable connectors - Connects Antennas, Receivers, Meters and Radio transmitters
- 3ft feet of coaxial cable USA Made LMR-400 jumper with Soldered Silver Plated Connectors Teflon Dielectrics
- Ultra low loss characteristics ensure the maximum performance of your installation
- Impedance 50 Ohms Frequency Range DC ~ 11 GHz - PL-259 Connectors are not recomended for use above 300Mhz (See N Male options)
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