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| Z120 SPEAKERS3.5MM STEREO PLUG Rank: Manufacturer:Logitech

New: Used: Average:$29.54 Retail: Model: ASIN:
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Product Description
Z120 STEREO SPEAKERS3.5MM PLUG: Electronics. Z120 STEREO SPEAKERS3. 5 mm plug, like the headphone jack on your MP3 playerWorks with PC, Mac and iPod/MP3 players Please note: This supplier will be closed on 11/24 and 12/26 for the holidays. 5MM PLUGSpeakers get power from the USB port on your laptop or netbookno wall outlet requiredThese speakers sound great but dont take up a lot of room on your table or deskconnect any audio source that uses a standard 3.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Z120 STEREO SPEAKERS3.5MM PLUG .Speakers get power from the USB port on your laptop or netbookno wall outlet required
- These speakers sound great but dont take up a lot of room on your table or desk
- connect any audio source that uses a standard 3.5 mm plug, like the headphone jack on your MP3 player
- Works with PC, Mac and iPod/MP3 players
- GE5712
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