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| Magellan 1200 RoadMate GPS, Magellan Maestro GPS 3200 3250 4250, TomTom One, OneXL, Go 720, Go 920T, Mio C230, C720T 12V DC Car Vehicle Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter Cable Charger Cord Rank: Manufacturer:Gilsson

New: Used: Average:$11.5 Retail: 39.95 Model:Item model number: GUSB-5V-1 ASIN:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Magellan RoadMate 1200 GPS, Magellan Maestro GPS 3200 3250 4250, TomTom One, OneXL, Go 720, Go 920T, Mio C230, C720T 12V DC Car Vehicle Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter Cable Charger Cord: GPS & Navigation. This Gilsson Cigarette Lighter Adapter is designed to POWER and CHARGE your Motorola Razr, Blackberry, Garmin 200 200W 250 260 265T 270 275T 350 360 660 670 680 750 760 770, Magellan Roadmate 1200, Magellan Maestro 3200 3250 4250, TomTom One 3rd Edition, Go 720, Go 920T and any other GPS or portable devices that power through miniUSB connector. This cable is guaranteed to work with above devices!.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds