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| OSD AMP200 Audio 2-Channel Dual-Source 250-Watt High Definition Power Amplifier (Black) Rank: Manufacturer:OSD Audio

New: Used: Average:$277.14 Retail: Model:Item model number: AMP200 ASIN:
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Product Description
OSD Audio AMP200 2-Channel Dual-Source 250-Watt High Definition Power Amplifier (Black): Electronics. Rated at 80 Watts per channel at 8 ohms, the OSD-AMP200 is a popular models among professional installers and our DIY customers. This high current (2 Ohm stable) amplifier is overload stable so it’s ideal for use anywhere clean power is needed.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - 80W per channel into 8 ohms, 125W per channel into 4 ohms, 200W per channel into 2 ohms, 250W Bridged Mono into 8 ohms
- Frequency Response: (20Hz to 20kHz)+0.0dB, -0.5dB
- Signal to Noise ratio: -103dB ref. to rated power into 4 ohms
- Dual Voltage 110/220V
- Dimension: 16 1/2" W x 4 1/4" H x 14" D
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