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| RCA Microcassette Voice-Activated Recorder Rank: Manufacturer:RCA

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Product Description
RCA Voice-Activated Microcassette Recorder: Electronics. VOICE RECORDERMICROCASSETTESleek contoured design with 1-button recordAutomatic Voice-Activated Record (AVR) moderecorder senses the sound and starts recording automatically4-button cassette functions with pauseCue/review functions allow quick review of recorded segments for easy editingErase protect interlock Clip-on microphone allows user to remain hands-free while recording3. 5mm stereo headphone jack for private listeningIncludes MC-60 microcassette, 2 AA batteries and clip-on microphone.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - VOICE RECORDERMICROCASSETTE,Sleek contoured design with 1-button record,
- Automatic Voice-Activated Record (AVR) moderecorder senses the sound and starts recording automatically.4-button cassette functions with pause
- Cue/review functions allow quick review of recorded segments for easy editing,Erase protect interlock
- Clip-on microphone allows user to remain hands-free while recording,3.5mm stereo headphone jack for private listening
- Includes MC-60 microcassette, 2 AA batteries and clip-on microphone.GE4599
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