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| Rocketfish Widescreen 2.0MP HD 720p USB WebCam Photo Up To 8MP PC/Mac RF-HDWEB Rank: Manufacturer:Rocketfish

New: Used: Average:$24.99 Retail: Model:Item model number: RF-HDWEB ASIN:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Rocketfish 2.0MP Widescreen HD 720p USB WebCam Photo Up To 8MP PC/Mac RF-HDWEB: Computers & Accessories. Hang up the phone and hop on the Web with this webcam that puts you in contact with your friends and family face-to-face.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - True 2 MP Sensor with Wide-angle glass lens.
- HD resolution 720P (1280x720P) up to 30fps . Maximum 2MP video streaming resolution.8MP photo with interpolation
- Auto Focus technology provides clear, detailed images.Microphone with Noise Cancellation
- Works with most instant messenger services, including AIM, Yahoo! Messenger ,MSN Messenger and Skype
- Hi-Speed USB 2.0.PC and Mac compatible
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