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| Sharp EL2139HB HO 12 Digit Solar and Battery powered Calculator With Puctuation Rank: Manufacturer:Sharp

New: Used: Average:$19.95 Retail: 24.99 Model:Item model number: EL2139HB ASIN:
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Product Description
Sharp HO EL2139HB 12 Digit Solar and Battery powered Calculator With Puctuation: Electronics. The Sharp EL-2139HB executive desktop calculator has an attractive metal top design. Key Features are large 12-digit (19. Whether you are on your way to a business meeting or sitting in the comfort of your own home, this executive calculator is the perfect fit.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - Large 12 digit LCD display with punctuation
- Cost Sell Margin Keys allow for convenient calculation of cost, selling price, and margins
- Twin Power Solar Operation automatically switches from solar to battery power in low light
- 4 Key Memory includes memory plus, memory minus, recall memory, and clear memory keys
- Additional Features include grand total, percent and sign change keys, answer check function, and kick-stand display
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