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| Super Bundle for the Barnes and Noble Nook eReader (1st Edition): Silicone Skin Gel Case (Black), eBook LED Bright Light, USB Data Sync Cable, USB Car Charger, USB Wall Home/Travel Charger, and Free Carabiner Key Chain: MP3 Players & Accessories Rank: Manufacturer:Gizmo Dorks

New: Used: Average:$14.45 Retail: 19.99 Model: ASIN:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Super Bundle for the Barnes and Noble Nook eReader (1st Edition): Silicone Skin Gel Case (Black), eBook LED Bright Light, USB Data Sync Cable, USB Car Charger, USB Wall Home/Travel Charger, and Free Carabiner Key Chain: MP3 Players & Accessories. The high grade silicone gel skin case is a perfect fit for your ebook reader. The Barnes and Nobles Nook will look stylish and have a nice comfortable grip..
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details - The high quality rubberized gel silicone skin case is extremely durable and provides a soft comfortable grip.
- The eBook light LED uses a handy clip-on for attachment and requires 3 AAA batteries that are not included.
- The USB 2.0 cable is great for charging or to transfer data.
- This purchase is for the Nook, NOT the Nook Color.
- This purchase includes a case, ebook light, USB Cable, car charger, wall charger, key chain
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