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| Ultra High Compact Output Dual USB Car Charger - 2.1A Output Ideal for Charging iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPhone, HTC, Droid, Evo, Galaxy S2, Kindle Fire, GPS, and Other Tablets, Smart Phones and USB Powered Devices Rank: Manufacturer:XTG Technology

New: Used: Average:$9.99 Retail: 19.99 Model:Item model number: XTG-IPAD2USB ASIN:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Ultra Compact High Output Dual USB Car Charger - 2.1A Output Ideal for Charging iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPhone, HTC, Droid, Evo, Galaxy S2, Kindle Fire, GPS, and Other Tablets, Smart Phones and USB Powered Devices: Car Electronics. XTG Technology's Dual USB Port Car Charger allows you to Charge your iPad along with cell phones and other USB powered devices.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds