Make $200,000 from your Voice - Mail system.
It is possible to rent a Voice-Mail system for $10 per month,
with a once only set-up cost of $30. For this price you will
receive a telephone number which accesses your Voice-Mail
system in the town where the service is based. You will be
able to record your own sales message, and with the help of
the touch-pad of their telephone, your caller can leave a
message in up to nine different message sections. By use of
a special code you will be able to access your Voice-Mail
system and check the messages on a regular basis. The
advantage is that your own telephone is not tied up, and there
are up to nine message sections depending on how many
offers you are running. Do take time to write out a script
promoting whatever it is you are selling. You do not
necessarily need to use the hard-sell approach, but you must
persuade the caller that what you are selling is going to be of
advantage to him/her - stress the advantages the caller will
gain from buying your product: make them wealthier, wiser,
save them from suffering a disadvantage etc.
Once you have put togeather a script, see how you could cut
down on what you want to say, so as to make your sales
message more crisp and to the point. Put down your script
and come back to it the next day and reassess and improve
what you have written. Make as many "takes" as you need
until you are happy with the message; make sure no
unwanted background sounds can be heard like a dog
barking or traffic passing by.
Your sales message should grab the attention of the caller,
describing the item that the caller wants and asking him/her to
listern closely to the rest of your message.
Give the caller a reason, an interest as to why they should
want your offer. People are selfish, therefore appeal to the
callers basic desire; this is why a lot of sales are impulsive.
Make your caller curious, list the benifits, create a need in
their mind for your product.
Tell the caller your price, and compare the price to something
they will be familar with - "less than a night out on the town".
Do ask them outright for the order, then tell them exactly how
to order; the easier it is for them the more sales you will
Once you have perfected the sales message, your Voice-Mail
system is now a new member of your business, ready to put
your sales message across and take details from interested
callers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The advantage of using your Voice-Mail system in your sales
stratergy is that you can advertise using small classified
adverts that entice, that "tease" your prospective customer
into calling your telephone number.
This method makes it easy for your customer to respond.
The majority of people advertising ask readers to write for
further details. By just picking up the telephone and dialing
your number, the reader can save the task of writing for
details - the method is easy and quick: writing would take a
few days to return your sales letter, but calling delivers that
same sales message almost instantly.
Telephone calls are not cheap, so only interested people are
going to call you. Having heard your message, some callers
will not then leave their name and address; don't worry, you
have just saved yourself time and money by not having to
service that caller who would prove to be a non-buyer
anyway. On the other hand, if someone has called and left
their details, you have a strong propect for your sale. The
Voice-Mail system has done the job for you.
People would rather call a pre-recorded message in this
instance, than face a pushy salesman on the telephone line.
Mention that your message is pre-recorded in your initial
We suggest four different sales techniques to consider when
using your answering machine to make sales. The C.O.D.
(Cash on Delivery) method is popular because you can
dispatch the goods once the caller has heard your sales
message and by leaving his/her details wishes to receive your
product. It makes ordering easy for your customer and
invites them to order on the spur of the moment whilst you
have their interest and your details are fresh on their mind.
Whilst this C.O.D. method is excellent for achieving a sale on
the spot, remember that you have not yet been paid. The
reality is that 40% plus of orders sent out will be returned
because the customer was not at home or refused to accept
the package. This may sound disappointing; we suggest you
add the current Post Office C.O.D. charge, doubled, to your
product. This doubling will cancel out the lost cost of sending
C.O.D. and having the parcel returned.
The three-step method is where your customer sees your
advert and is attracted; they then call your number and
receive more sales information. If interested they leave their
details for you to send them the third piece of sales
information after which they can order through the post,
enclosing their check, etc with order. The advert, Voice-Mail
message and sales letter are all working to achieve the sale.
The thirty-day trial period system is where you work the
system as in the C.O.D. set-up, but ask the customer to send
you a check in the post, which you will hold un-cashed for
30 days . If the customer is not pleased with the product he
can return it and receive his check back within the 30 day
period of his post-dated check. At the start of the message,
ask the customer to have a pen and paper ready to take
down your address details at the end of the message. You
could say to your prospective customers, using this method
"Do not buy it - borrow it for 30 days". This system
encourages trust in you from potential customers.
As ever, there are variations on these methods which you can
pick and choose to suit your own circumstances. With the 30
day method as outlined above, you may wish your customers
not to post-date their checks. The money will go directly to
you and is cashable right away - ideal if money is tight.
You could give another telephone number for your potential
customers to call after the Voice-Mail message is finished
should they need to talk with anyone about specialist details,
and assuming you have another telephone line available. Do
remember, too many decisions for the customer to make will
confuse them. Like life, try to keep it as simple as possible.