Are you Interested in Generating Some Extra Cash?

How to make it in the Mail Order Wholesale Book Business.

The real profit in selling books by mail is by having dealers sell for you. Rather than mailing out thousands of your own mailing packets, at today's high postage cost, get hundreds of thousands mailed out through your own dealers. This can generate steady orders and profits and is one of the secrets to a successful mail order book business.

There are a number of prime source mail order firms offering good mail order distributorships. They offer high quality books, reports and folios that appeal to the public; the kind of publications that have generated consistently high profits in the mail order business. You should give wholesale book selling a try. Recognise the profit potential and determine if this method fits inwith your other programs.

Most of the better prime source firms offering distributorships have a simplified program which includes instructions, profit tested literature, sales letters, brochures, order forms and return envelopes that do the selling for you. The simple instructions can be followed even by the experienced person. The oldtimers in mail order can use the wholesale book selling programs to supplement their other projects, in many instances combining book selling with their other mailing activities with very little added expense.

Imprinted sales literature, to solicit dealers and for the dealers to use in selling to the consumer, is furnished at reasonable prices; or camera ready copy is usually available so that the printing can be done locally. The literature for dealers is priced a little higher than the cost to pay for processing the order.

The prime source will ship your customers' orders for literature, brochures, etc, under your shipping label. They will also drop-ship the books and publications direct to your dealers, using your name or label.

Your wholesale cost for publications will vary depending on whether you have the prime source drop-ship direct to your dealers, or in quantity to your place of business. The amount you charge your dealers will also vary depending on drop-swhip services or quantify purchases. You, as the wholesaler, should make every effort to purchase the publications for a minimum of four times below retail price.

In other words, you purchase 100 booklets for $2 each = $200; you sell to your dealers at $4 each = $400; your dealers must realise at least double his cost when selling to the consumer, or $8 each = $800.

You must ascertain that the prime source carries sufficient inventory with a number of different titles and that titles may be assorted in making up quantity when you purchase in volume. Determine if they are posted promptly and if the prime source pays postage and charges so that your cost is net. Even though your cost is net, you must pay for shipping to your dealers; they must absorb the cost of mailing to their customers.

The price you have to pay the prime source often is the determining factor in the success of your program. If the book retails at a price too low, considering the high postage and mailing costs, no profit can be realised by your dealer, nor by yourself, unless orders are limited to a minimum number of titles for each total purchase. Be certain that the program offered by the prime source allows sufficient margin to pay for all your costs, and your dealers, while generating a fair profit for you both.

To find the right programs for your operation write to a number of firms offering book selling wholesale programs. These can be found in any of the hundreds of mail order ad sheets, magazines and publications available today. (some call it junk mail, but if they only knew the money-making potential of the right program, Gold Mail would be more appropriate).

Get their literature, then order a minimum starter pack of the programs that interest you and fit in with your mail order schedule. Make tests to prove the value of each program. Drop those that do not prove out after a reasonable test. When you find one that is hitting, multiply it cautiously until you know it is a winner, then go full blast in every direction to make it pay off BIG. For more details of wholesale programs and publications on disk, contact the publisher of this title.