All you need to start is a typewriter, a business
letterhead, and a telephone. A finder is nothing more
than a matchmaker who works for a fee. The
professional finder simply matches qualified buyers
with qualified sellers. A finder is not a preseller,
dealer, representative, or agent.
It is not uncommon for a professional finder to
earn over $100,000 a year. One finder earned $75,000
per month for five years. He saw a newsletter item
offering 10,000 barrels of crude oil per day for five
years. Putting that seller together with a buyer at a
small refinery, he earned a fee of only 25› per barrel,
but that was enough to bring him $75,000 every month
for five years.
How about trading less than $1 in postage and a
couple of hours of easy work for $100? That's not a
big fee, but it was so easy another finder couldn't
pass it up. Reading a collector's magazine, he came
across an ad seeking some college memorabilia from a
college near his home. He made some local telephone
calls, located the items wanted, wrote a letter, and
earned an easy $100.
Jim Straw, a nationally known publisher and
entrepreneur, who has been a professional finder for
over 30 years, has written the only course in being a
professional finder. To get more information on
Finder's Fees-The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make write
to Finder's Fees, Department 70197, P.O. Box 5385,
Cleveland, TN 37320 and ask them for information on the
finder's fee course.
If a product or service can be sold or bought,
there is a potential finder's fee just waiting for a
finder with the know-how to earn it. There are
finder's fees to be earned in every small town or big
city, in every state and country. All you need to do
is arrange matchings between buyers and sellers, put
them together, and then sit back and collect your fees.
And you can start your own finder's fee business for
less than it would cost you for a good meal at a fine
More than one finder makes staggering fees each
year by just finding "locations" for fast-food
franchises. Others earn smaller, but consistent fees,
finding locations for vending machines and coin
operated games. It takes some research, time, and an
eye for consumer buying habits, but some of the fees
would boggle your mind.
One finder had a seller offering a warehouse full
of closeout & surplus inventory. The other finder had
a buyer looking for closeout & surplus inventory. They
saw each other's listings in the same newsletter.
After a few telephone calls and letters, they earned
over $25,000 each.
Did you know there are firms in this country who
manage hotels, mobile home parks, apartment buildings,
etc., for the absentee owners?
Those firms often pay substantial finder's fees if
you can find properties for them to manage.
It doesn't matter whether you live in Podunk, or
Metropolitan New York City, you can earn constant (and
sizeable!) finder's fees all year, every year.
Another useful information source is the Finders
International Network Directory, or FIND, a new, unique
directory that lists professional international finders
from around the world. Are you seeking precious stones
from the Orient, desert land in Nevada, international
financing from foreign banks or financiers? Do you
need business contacts in Arabia, India, Canada, Ghana,
Europe, the ex-USSR, or anywhere in the United States?
Are you trying to sell an old airplane, old ship, or
closeout merchandise? Having trouble finding a rare or
unusual item, looking for a lost loved one, searching
for buyers, sellers, commodities, international
business opportunities? From Singapore to Norway, from
New Orleans to Ontario, the professional finders in
FIND can locate funding, capital, rare real estate,
collectibles, buyers, and sellers of all kinds, as well
as agency and licensing deals, import/export products,
and much, much, more! Listed are finder's names,
addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as a
description of what they specialize in locating.