Are you Interested in Generating Some Extra Cash?


1 HE WILL GET THE COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE . . . exactly what is advertised. That is, he will get the expensive color brochures, the official application forms, audio cassettes, and video DVDs. The whole package. All the official literature and documentation. Everything that he needs to evaluate your MLM program and register immediately! After all, if he is sending his money for all this, you do want to send everything to him. Don't you?

But that's not what he would normally get from other people. By "other people" I mean people who are not promoting via the MO/MLM MACHINE METHOD. Let me explain. I have personally sent to five different MLM distributors in the same MLM program, and have received five entirely different sets of literature. None of them had the complete set of everything. When I evaluate a MLM program, I want to see and hear everything so I can make a good decision. Don't you? Well, so do the other people requesting this literature.

Why don't MLM'ers normally send out the entire package right away? Well it goes something like this. Somehow the MLM'er gets his hands on leads that need to be qualified. These could be enquiries or maybe his upline sponsor calls him and tells him he has a few names of people who could be good leads.

"Could be good leads?" What does that mean? And he's supposed to send out his expensive package? So he calls first. More expense. So be it. After many attempts, he gets through. Most likely, some are "somewhat interested". They would like more information. Now what would you do in this case? Here is a potential opportunity in that you might be able to sponsor someone that is only "somewhat interested" but he wants more information. Would you send to him an expensive œ10 to œ20 package? Maybe you can just copy some of this expensive color literature and send to him? Or maybe you try to "qualify" this "hot" lead and question him over the phone.

You try to explain, "Sir, I would be glad to send you some literature, and if you are really interested, call or write to me and I will send you the video." Maybe you attach strings like, -- "I'll send the video if you will promise to send the information back if you're not interested." And on and on. It gets messy! It's confusing. And it doesn't work! Where's the plan?

There is nothing quite as annoying as to be sent poorly copied material and then be asked to send money for the rest. What is that telling me? Is this how I am supposed to promote this program? It sounds like I have to spend a lot of my own money advertising and then send this material out with questionable results! Personally, I want to deal with someone professional that knows what he is doing and can help me. Someone who has a clear plan that works and will show me how to do it simply! And how to make money doing it! And that brings us to the second major reason why people will pay you for your promotional package.

2 HE CAN BE SPONSORED BY YOU! The person sending money to you for your literature will have the opportunity and PRIVILEGE of being sponsored by you! Wow! That sounds almost arrogant! But wait a minute. What does this person really stand to gain by being sponsored by you and how much does it really cost him to do so? Well, if the promotional package is only a œ1, that will more than cover your cost.

3 HE WILL GET HIGHLY QUALIFIED LEADS. For the moment, don't worry about how YOU are going to do this, since we will show you how you will earn money. Instead look at this from HIS point of view. He WILL get leads . . . almost instantly! Understand that we're not talking about hundreds or thousands of `Opportunity Seeker' type leads. You can lose a lot of money sending out literature to this type of `lead'. Instead, we are talking about just a few -- but highly qualified -- leads, coming from people that have already bought the MO/MLM MACHINE.

4 YOU WILL MAIL OUT THE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL FOR HIM. What a deal! Yes, it will cost him a dollar or so each, but that's peanuts! Isn't it? How many leads do you want me to generate and then send the literature for you ?

From YOUR point of view, don't be overly concerned that you will be sending out some literature packages for your newly recruited members. You will only have to do this in the beginning while you are building your first level. You will be doing this just for the ten or so people in your first level and only while you are helping them to get started. After that, you sit back, relax and let your downline do the work. Just like you DID (past tense)! In other words, you do this one time while you are building your initial first and second level. Not forever! If you like, however, you can keep promoting the MO/MLM MACHINE and help your SECOND level build YOUR third level.

5 HE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR RECRUITING METHOD. Remember, whatever you do, your downline must be able to duplicate. Now look what is happening so far. By promoting the MO/MLM MACHINE programs, and selling your leads, you are earning extra cash to help your downline! If he joins under you, he will be able to do the same thing!


Well, clearly your potential distributor can request literature from the `other' guys who will send out a partial package free. And then he can do as they do. Right? But what do they do? Let me explain. The `other guys' must first place an advertisement in various magazines. These ads are either placed by one distributor or through some kind of cooperative advertising method.

Did you ever see advertisements from companies who will "Build Your Downline?" That is one of the things that they do. Getting a `lead' is just part of the process. Somehow, they must be qualified! A lead could simply be a name in a large listing of MLM enthusiasts. You sure don't want to send an expensive œ10 mailing to a thousand of these people, do you? After the lead is qualified, you then normally have to call these people, and then send expensive promotional material to them.

While on the subject of placing advertisement for MLM programs, let me explain something else to you. Most MLM companies get a little nervous about you using their name in any kind of advertising that they have not previously approved. To get approval generally means that their lawyers must approve it. Since this is very expensive and takes many revisions and time, it is not normally attempted.

More than likely, the MLM companies don't have a good advertising piece that you can use for mail order purposes. If they do, you and the other thousands of distributors are using the same ad! If you look at the MLM & mail order type publications like I do, you will find that there are often SEVERAL ads that are absolutely identical! That's a lousy deal!

To over come this problem, a MLM distributor can make up his own ad, but normally, he will not mention the MLM company name since it needs to be approved. Boy does that take the sharp edge off your MLM ad! Here you are trying to recruit members, and your ad doesn't even say what company it is! Either way, if you try to advertise your MLM program, you wind up with a poor deal. It costs you plenty, and you end up competing with everyone under the sun. There's got to be a better way!