With dial out service you call the service center
and simply instruct the operator by giving the names
and phone numbers of all of the callers you would like
to have connected at a specific time. They can connect
up to 3,500 callers simultaneously with this service.
Now in the real world it is not going to be at all
practical to connect anywhere near that number, and
have all of those persons engaging in live interactive
discussions with the chairperson.
However, with the BNC system, any number of
participants can be placed on "live interactive," and
any number of them can be placed on "listen only." For
example, suppose you want to connect two or three top
officials of your company to announce a new product or
a new sales strategy or deal with some emergency and
discuss that situation with just a handful of the
participants in live interactive mode.
Any number of other participants can listen to
that discussion. In fact all of the callers can be put
on listen only mode and hear an announcement by the
chairperson. It's called "broadcast announcement" in
the telecommunications industry. So in short, any
combination of callers can be in live interactive or
listen only mode, up to 3,500 participants.
At your request, BNC can record the entire
conversation and send the audio DVD, charging only
$7.50 for the audio DVD and recording service. This
is far less than professional conference transcription
companies charge to record an in-person conference or
seminar, and provides the organization with a master
DVD for additional revenue from selling DVDs of
conference or seminar proceedings.
BNC has no set up fee for this program, no
cancellation fee, no reservation fee, no fee of any
kind except 35 cents per minute, per participant, line
charge. This is a bargain compared to AT&T and MCI's
pricing for the same program. For example, for this
service AT&T charges $3.50 per participant and 49 cents
per minute, per participant. MCI charges $6.00 per
participant and 35 cents per minute, per participant.