Are you Interested in Generating Some Extra Cash?


It seems that all of us have the drive and ambition to obtain wealth. Why otherwise would so many of us literally work ourselves to death for large corporations while trying to make a living? If there is one great truth, it is that very few of us will ever get wealthy working for someone else. To get wealthy, you simply must have a business of your own. However, most people lack the foundation of a new enterprise: capital. With the necessary capital, almost anyone of average intelligence can become truly wealthy.

The one big secret of becoming wealthy in any enterprise is to use OPM. OPM is simply other people's money. Yes, you need other people's money to build a fortune. The most logical way to obtain other people's money is to borrow it. Borrowing money has been the key to all really great fortunes built in this country and around the world. The late Paul Getty would never have been able to amass more than a billion dollars without the power to borrow tremendous amounts of capital.

Borrowing OPM must, of course, be handled correctly. If it is handled poorly or inadvisedly the old adage "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" would be a better course to take. When used wisely, however, funds borrowed can be the gateway to a better lifestyle made possible by investments and their resulting earnings. Used properly, constructive borrowing can help give you a better home, a new car, fabulous holidays and a vast array of other luxuries. But remember, these advantages must come from the earnings made by your borrowed OPM, not from the loan money itself. And the earnings must also provide interest payments on your loans.