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| Garmin G3 Approach Waterproof Touchscreen Golf GPS Rank: Manufacturer:Garmin

New: Used: Average:$229 Retail: 349.99 Model:Item model number: 010-00781-20 ASIN:
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Product Description
Garmin Approach G3 Waterproof Touchscreen Golf GPS: Electronics. Amazon. These little electronic wonders have evolved a great deal since the USGA deemed them legal for tournament play in 2005. With a wide range of golf GPS device, feature, and subscription choices available on the market today, finding one that's right for you can be like finding the middle of the fairway when the winds are swirling. Most models these days can provide you with quick and accurate information regarding distance to the hole and other targets and hazards; length of prior shots (often storable for future reference); course layout; distance to the front, middle, and back of the green; and more.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details Edition: 2.6" Screen - The Box contains: Approach G3, Belt clip, USB cable, Owner's manual
- The detailed golf course maps will provide golfers with precise distance information about fairways, hazards and greens from any point on the course
- As you move about the course, the unit will continuously update your position and show you the distance to each target
- The Approach G3 steps away from our traditional recreational product line to bring something brand new to the golf market at lower price point
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