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| Monster ILS100-2M Cable Interlink LightSpeed 100 High-Performance Digital Fiber-Optic Cable, Toslink-to-Toslink (2 Meters) Rank: Manufacturer:Monster

New: Used: Average:$12.99 Retail: 44.99 Model:Item model number: ILS100-2M ASIN:
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Product Description
Monster Cable ILS100-2M Interlink LightSpeed 100 High-Performance Digital Fiber-Optic Cable, Toslink-to-Toslink (2 Meters): Electronics. Ordinary Toslink Cables with Ordinary Construction Deliver Ordinary Sound While the variety of digital sources on the market continues to grow, the availability of high quality fiber optic cables has lagged far behind. In fact, most Toslink cables feature second - rate construction and cheap materials. Interlink¨ LightSpeed 100 Fiber Optic Cable: Precision Polishing and Rugged Design Make the Difference LightSpeed 100 offers high performance and value in a durable design. The result? Inferior data transfer--a landmine for the enthusiast in search of the better sound digital components are capable of delivering.
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
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Technical Details Length: 6.56 ft - Monster's precise fiber optic connection delivers higher sonic performance than standard cables.
- Tuned spectral attenuation for optimum signal admittance and low loss.
- High velocity of propagation for lower time smear.
- Available in standard fiber optic and mini fiber optic configurations.
- Low-loss connections for CD, Minidisc, and DAT players
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