Online Store:Your Own eBook/eBay Business Visit Our Online Store
1. I offer multiple approaches.. Generally speaking, if you go the website route, it would be your website. . However, you can sell it as a clickbank affiliate and theoretically, you can sell it without even having a website..
There is also a dropship program and product sources to sell on ebay.. So that would be outside of having your own website as well.
2. I am not in control of it.. However, the more turnkey-ish you want it, likely, it will be potentially selling my dropship products or putting up my premade ebook website.. Which, theoretically, means I am controlling more.. Though, you are doing the sales, I just control content the more turnkey ish you take it..
3. Hidden costs.. No.. You can avoid my membership ($5.95 a month) just by buying it straighout and just using the login I give you.. So, no hidden fees.
Anthony W.
--- On Mon, 8/25/08, <> wrote:
From: <> Subject: Q.. if I purchase my eBook bus. from you, To: Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 4:37 PM
Is it going to be in my own website? or a mirror or replicate of yours?
Are you going to be in control?
Is this turn key? or
I have to get a domain name, website creation, sign up for hosting, etc?
In other words, what arew the hidden costs?
Please answer ASAP