Can understand your caution. I have been down the same road as you, but always believed there had to be some really good sources I was just missing, or why would there be certain sellers with so much success?
So, I kept my eyes opened and after about 3 years of selling on ebay, I found this source:
I just bought some of their product yesterday (no joke), which I will be paying for tomorrow.
I have bought about 3 semi loads of their product. And have consistantly made good money.
It falls into my rule of charging ATLEAST double what you paid.. If you are not charging atleast double what you are paying, you are "ditch digging" as you put it..
SO, I pay about 30% of the in store price and can sell it on ebay for about 65% of the in store price.
The bidding starts at 10% of the wholesale price in their auction section and generally bids up to about 30%..
I have it all shipped to my brother's house. He is my shipper.. He also goes through it and reports the condition. And, if something is missing or broke, he tries to fix it, or I try to get the missing item, or just sell without the missing item.
Generally 75% of it is in like new/new condition. 25% is anything from broke, missing parts, dented, used or just junk.
You can often even sell broken stuff on ebay.. Done it on many occassions.. Or, you can "part it out". For instance, if you get a hoover vaccum on a pallet and part out the components (which can sell for even as high as $40 each).
SO, in the end, you effectively make about 85% of the value..
Long story short, its NAME BRAND, popular, easy to sell (9 times out of 10), sells for 60% to 75% of the retail price, you end up making double what you paid or more even.
INFORMATIONAL PRODUCTS: We can cover that on the follow up email..
Also, if you would like to know how to sign up for Genco, just ask and I will tell you the steps..
There ARE also other companies like Genco. Probably about 30 good ones.. Check out my links above..
David Krueger <davidkrueger@wideopenwest.com> wrote:
Very interested in the e-books. More than able to do the work. I’ve been a powerseller for a few years. For the past year a half I’ve been doing consignment selling which the eBay equivalent of hard labor or ditch digging. I’m looking to build a real business that is more leveraged using the power of eBay – I’m a natural writer and have been fascinated with selling information online for some time now. Just kind of afraid and not sure how to get started.
As far as name brand merchandise – I’d say I’m cautiously curious. I ruined my credit a couple of years ago re-selling wholesale merchandise on eBay. That’s why I started consignment selling. How is it that you don’t ship your product and are NOT dropshipping?
Let me know.